/ Romance / My kudere husband

My kudere husband Original

My kudere husband

Romance 64 Chapters 121.9K Views
Author: Jeliane143

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Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot.

She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family.

But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature.

And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her.

Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened.

Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

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  1. 1
    The news 5 years ago
  2. 2
    He saved me 5 years ago
  3. 3
    New house, new life 5 years ago
  4. 4
    New home 5 years ago
  5. 5
    The mission 5 years ago
  6. 6
    Drunk Liana and a turned on Jun 5 years ago
  7. 7
    On the same plane with Veronica 5 years ago
  8. 8
    Little bowl accident 5 years ago
  9. 9
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    Everland Everland~~~ 4 years ago
  11. 11
    Expected famous destroyer 4 years ago
  12. 12
    Mean fiancé and a flirty hoe 4 years ago
  13. 13
    When they lied 4 years ago
  14. 14
    Friendly interview 4 years ago
  15. 15
    Interschool competition 4 years ago
  16. 16
    Childhood days 4 years ago
  17. 17
    Déjà vu 4 years ago
  18. 18
    The interschool competition 4 years ago
  19. 19
    Champion 4 years ago
  20. 20
    Silent Dinner 4 years ago
  21. 21
    Engagement dinner 4 years ago
  22. 22
    Oscar Award, really? 4 years ago
  23. 23
    Tension Questions 4 years ago
  24. 24
    Justin the Great 4 years ago
  25. 25
    Dylan's sudden tease 4 years ago
  26. 26
    100th detention 4 years ago
  27. 27
    Alone with Jun 4 years ago
  28. 28
    Grocery boy 4 years ago
  29. 29
    Stranger Danger 4 years ago
  30. 30
    Detective Louise 4 years ago
  31. 31
    Greatest wish 4 years ago
  32. 32
    Blush craze 4 years ago
  33. 33
    Signals 4 years ago
  34. 34
    Julius Kim 4 years ago
  35. 35
    Liana was Bored 4 years ago
  36. 36
    Kitchen chaos 4 years ago
  37. 37
    Mystery #1 4 years ago
  38. 38
    Her wedding dream 4 years ago
  39. 39
    Niko's help 4 years ago
  40. 40
    Her scary past 4 years ago
  41. 41
    14 Years Ago 4 years ago
  42. 42
    Untold past 4 years ago
  43. 43
    For what it seemed to be the reason 4 years ago
  44. 44
    The vicious Jun and the missing culprit 4 years ago
  45. 45
    That mafia vibe (1) 4 years ago
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    That mafia vibe (2) 4 years ago
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    Instagram star (1) 4 years ago
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  58. 58
    Alora: the Loyal Assistant (1) 4 years ago
  59. 59
    Alora:the Loyal Assistant (2) 4 years ago
  60. 60
    Alora: the Loyal Assistant (3) 4 years ago
  61. 61
    Alora: the Loyal Assistant (4) 4 years ago
  62. 62
    Just Not Today(1) 4 years ago
  63. 63
    Just Not Today (2) 4 years ago
  64. 64
    Just Not Today (3) 4 years ago

Author Jeliane143