
new adult paranormal romance

  • new adult paranormal romance

    Into The Unknown࿐ྂ

    by isharislynkia
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    "I taught him how to let go. He taught me how to live." A book with a bunch of mixed stories. Genres such as: paranormal, fantasy, romance and many more.

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  • new adult paranormal romance


    by ComplexENV
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    new battle for humanity will begin. Following the events of the Full Red Moon that took the world by storm, college freshman Lam Sans experiences headaches that torment him day after day. When his n

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

    by Norah_Koch
    4.8 (137 ratings)

    new novel - Half Ghost Evil Wife. Some of you might have read a novel with a similar name before. I have deleted it and rewrote the novel. The genre is Paranormal/Mystery/Thriller with a touch o

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    My Boyfriend is a Grim Reaper

    by AnjGee
    4.87 (159 ratings)

    romance, fantasy, and action Tagalog fiction. She was well known in her epic fantasy romance novel, "My Boyfriend is a Grim Reaper." She excessively loves to drink coffee, like how she enjoys reading

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    The Record of Unusual Creatures

    by Yuan Tong
    4.61 (267 ratings)

    paranormal events in the castle had attracted real demon hunters, she had to remain on high alert and she used the power of the moonlight to camouflage. Hanging under Vivian’s body, Hao Ren was agi

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    Too late for love?

    by Totoro12345
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    adult male, I would have to say that I am considered handsome in this society and because I'm 'handsome' people (mostly women) approach me in public for things like modelling or having 'a good time'.

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    Angel Smile

    by ihateyounot
    4.54 (17 ratings)

    new but consistent routine; she would spend the day either attending acting classes or working, then by evening she would be home preparing dinner. Aside from staying at home and going to work, Ye

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    The Werewolf and the Demon Wolf

    by Animaprincess1
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    paranormal wolf nearby. Following the scent, he soon came across the most beautiful she wolf he'd ever seen. Though dirty and matted, he could tell that her fur and long hair were sandy and tawny in c

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  • new adult paranormal romance


    by assignmentdina
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    new place, after settling down our work place, i was just starting to ask around among the new colleague about house sharing, when we were inform that as new employee, we were given a room to stay at

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  • new adult paranormal romance

    Save an Isekaid Crook

    by JaehaJack
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    adult. Is she in high school? If not, is she an orphan? A doctor? An archeologist? A skilled soldier? A star? An assassin? Fortunately not, the woman was 23 years old, a dictator to a small terr

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