
art of being

  • art of being

    Our Art

    by BlueQueen7
    (Not enough ratings)

    being the Gay artist that uses people in his art pieces. Will Shawn just so happen to be Ito's next piece and what art does Shawn create when nobody is around?

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  • art of being

    I'm tired of being reincarnated

    by Bebop
    (Not enough ratings)

    art, please talk to me and I'll take it back. **English is not my native language

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  • art of being

    Rise of Humanity

    by Zhai Zhu
    4.16 (311 ratings)

    being discovered by the Realm Monarch. On the other hand, the surprised Realm Monarch Bo Luo thought, I was merely telling him my origin and he mentioned that goddess? Hmmm, he must be trying to thre

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  • art of being

    Restless Dragon

    by Friendless
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    being a tougher fight then I thought at first, Fortunately...´ "URGHH!!" Followed by this grunt, Ryuu Sasaki's body began emanating a strong suppressive aura. This was the advanced Tactic, the O

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  • art of being

    Rise of House Cason

    by Dawson
    4.72 (198 ratings)

    being a Basilisk. 'Someone knew that the cry of a rooster could kill it so they killed them to protect it.' Frustrated, he wrote his letter to Newt, asking for advice on how to handle the Basi

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  • art of being

    Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

    by IntactReincarnator
    4.37 (26 ratings)

    being in hell, I felt I was in heaven all the time. Finally the she devil Lucy looked with a satisfied smile at me while cuddling next to me and said. Lucy: Well I think this is about it, I am tota

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  • art of being

    The Lord’s Empire

    by Shen Tianyi
    4.13 (702 ratings)

    being in the chatting room? That really scared me!" After a short period of silence, a person sent a message in surprise. Only higher beings could possess Supreme level accounts, and such people stoo

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  • art of being

    Chains of Heaven

    by kingCH
    4.19 (18 ratings)

    art. However, the most interesting is that an Emerald Swan flesh, blood, feathers, and anything else can create very high-grade medicines that can potentially save tens of thousands easily of even the

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  • art of being

    Rainbow of the Horizon—Illuminating Our Darkened Path | Our World

    by AkaGin
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    being taught alone, there will be other people of your age." "So it will be a pain because of them." "I thought you'd say that… But listen, Gin. You have grown a lot even after everything that happe

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  • art of being

    Invincible Kungfu Healer

    by Azuresky
    4.01 (334 ratings)

    art practitioners, leading a life of ease and comfort may not be a good thing. Only when one has experienced hardship and obstacles would he be able to become a true ancient martial art practitioner."

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