/ Book&Literature / Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard オリジナル

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Book&Literature 195 章 3.4M ビュー
作者: Emanuel_Alegre

3.19 (81 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


I clarify that this is written in English with the translator, because I wrote the original story in Spanish. If it has more errors than I already had, I apologize, I do it at the request of some readers, I hope you enjoy it.

After dying and getting the opportunity to reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter with some abilities, our protagonist is reborn as Ron's twin brother, being the most discordant Weasley within his entire family. With his particular way of being, he will live in this strange world

Warning: Harem, incest, +18

I only own the characters I have created, all others belong to their respective owners.

This is my first Fan-fic, I'm sorry if it's not a masterpiece and has several mistakes.
The MC's personality changed drastically from one moment to another due to some reasons, so at one point you're going to see him go from one extreme to another in personality. It doesn't make much sense, but at first I did this to try things without knowing if it would have a future, and only after a while did it take shape.

  1. Emanuel_Alegre
    Emanuel_Alegre 貢献した 440
  2. Jason_Sims_9120
    Jason_Sims_9120 貢献した 127
  3. Aqib_Mehmood
    Aqib_Mehmood 貢献した 120


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



this book is great, but there're a lot of grammatical errors. you would need to be a practioner of the dao of translation, obtained by reading lots and lots of tashy translated chinese manhuas and novels.

6 の返信を表示する
LV 14 Badge

The start was nice and interesting. The childhood, his relationship with his family, then the house he was sorted into, I liked them all. Though... I did not really understand his insistence to changing his name... he sounded like a bratty kid for soemone who reincarnated, but other than that his personality was interesting to read. But the thing that ruined it for me was the large harem especially specially since it is in a Harry Potter World..... it would have been better if the author limited to 2-5 fl and allowed each fl to have proper development and screentime.

4 の返信を表示する

Really hard to read Brain cells just cant keep up Grammer is really bad couldn't read pass chap 5 Mc's character is meh wants to change his name to Red💁🏻‍♂️

6 の返信を表示する

I only read up to the part where MC sits in Hermione's cabin on the train but thats as far as I needed. The MC has the emotional range of a brick if he isn't talking to what I'm going to assume are future harem members(Luna, Ginny, Hermione so far) After checking the Harem Quiz and saw a unicorn was a viable and voted for option I decided against further reading. You might be thinking "Red Weasley" is a kind of nickname or epitaph but it isn't. The MC threw a huge fit over his name "Nicholas Leopold Weasley" and wanted something edgy and unique and after a long process had his name legally and magically changed to Red. His three wishes were unique and interesting and I rather enjoyed the aura/essence and the mini skills as a pseudo-gamer ability without levels and stats but the blood magic apparently changed MC enough that he has hair the color of wet blood, and red eyes. Naturally such a character should have the name Red. If I could give less than 1 star for character design I absolutely would. Some good parts of the story, so you and others don't feel like there was nothing good, were the merchant. I liked the idea of it and how it was handled with getting stock to where the sold products were sent. Luna being Luna and being able to pry some emotions out of the brick was fitting and their interactions with her parents was nice. Author I get you had your own reasons for wanting his name to be Red but I feel like it could have been handled better in the story than just spazzing out over it like he did.

9 の返信を表示する
LV 13 Badge

The first ten were good...i enjoyed it alot...then when the Hogwarts arc start it went down the spirals...everything that was established in first 10 chapters was discarded and MC personality did a 180° turn...in first 10 chapters he was a quiet and expressionless kid and then at Hogwarts he became a outgoing, manipulative,playboy and someone who want to watch the world burn....like he got to chose which house he wanted and he chose Slytherin because he just want to spite people... it's a huge turn down for me(it's my personal opinion).

0 の返信を表示する

Just a warning. Eventually the adult mc blackmail's 11 year old Pansy and sexually assaults and r###s her regularly. Weird direction to go. It started well, interesting mc, quickly goes down hill.

3 の返信を表示する

Following your story I would understand and accept the death of some important characters such as Ron and Harry, since you decided to have a very bad start with Hermione. Now, you are not aware that each interaction with the main characters generates a change for the story in general. I know that the personality is not definitive and evolves to adapt, and I cannot accept in my mind the evolution so fierce in the last 10 chapters of your novel. Not to mention that he considers adding Harem into the story which is not personally suitable for Harry Potter.

2 の返信を表示する

Although hard to read because of the grammar, the story itself is very interesting, personally I like the MC. But author is there a Spanish version of the story cause I’d like to read it without that many, if not then that is totally fine. Anyways, I really like your story. Keep it up author 👍🏼.

2 の返信を表示する

Read this if you want to be annoyed and hate the MC in 1st chapter. My remaining few brain cells can't handle the stupidity of the MC, heck he is more stupid than Ron.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 15 Badge

great story all that needs done is an English speaker go through and fix the Grammer errors like the pronouns because mtl's from Spanish to English don't work all that well

0 の返信を表示する

I couldn’t keep reading cause of this dude crying over his name, like he was actively destroying his relationship with his family….because he wanted to be edgy and be named after the color of blood? Like seriously? Also Nick isn’t even a bad name!

0 の返信を表示する

Read if you want to loose brain cells .

0 の返信を表示する

Extremely hateful mc. The story lines keep making me feel nothing but annoyance and hatred after reading this ff. I couldnt read anymore beyond chapter 29

0 の返信を表示する

The first ten were good. But it's immediately going downhill, It is different story after chapter 10. I've gone ahead and i do not recommend you to red the novel.

0 の返信を表示する

Plot Armor... Bad Novel... "Reverend Insanity"... "Reverend insanity"... "reverend Insanity"... "reverend insanity"... Att: Maxter-Romanee-Konti

0 の返信を表示する

The initial concept was interesting, but the character seems to unlock auras which while interesting at first become increasingly more annoying. He initial started emotionless but that lasted about 10 chapters to childish jokes. one of the few good things about this so far is the update stability

0 の返信を表示する

overall story felt very flat with with the extras they just didnt hook mr into reading it and eventually made it so that all character interactions outside of Luna felt dull and uninspired why have an HP story if you aren't going to flesh out any of the side characters?

2 の返信を表示する

Just contributing to the worst chapter 1 I have read.

0 の返信を表示する

Few grammatical that are not insurmontable, you can read the story extremely well. The real problem I have with the story is the MC. The first chapters are good up until he goes to Hogwarts. Due to his auras being always active people are convinced he's a monster (mind you only the B-tier characters, all the major characters are immune) and even though the MC is constantly lonely and feel ostracized he doesn't do anything about him even when teenagers he's never met call him (a 11 year old) a monster. He also is very critical of Ron for his boorish behaviour and him thinking the MC is some kind of monster but then the MC spends several chapters torturing Hermione, his best friend, making her think she's loosing her mind just to have fun. You can't be sad about people not giving you a chance and immediately assuming you're a psycopath because of something out of your control and then behave like a psycopath. I've got nothing against evil MCs, I kinda enjoy them but Red is not portrayed as an evil MC but a hero. He acts all high and mighty and is friend constantly defend him because 'stupid people judge him to quickly' but he's a real creep. You can't take the moral high ground against people for their behaviour and then be even worse. Ron is the real GOAT of this story for seeing his brother for what he truly is. Yes he's brash, doesn't always think things through and goes of the handle real quick but he's a kid.

1 の返信を表示する

Seemed like it had some potential. Enjoyed it as best I could until the MC went a full 180 from his character.

0 の返信を表示する
Chapter 195: 191) Reconciliation with Pansy 7 days ago

卷 1

  1. 1
    Chapter 1: Dead and Reborn 2 years ago
  2. 2
    Chapter 2: Childhood 2 years ago
  3. 3
    Chapter 3: Childhood 2 2 years ago
  4. 4
    Chapter 4: Childhood 3 (Final Stage) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 5: Preparations 2 years ago
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    Chapter 6: Hogwarts Express 2 years ago
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    Chapter 7: Hogwarts Express Part 2 2 years ago
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    Chapter 8: Selection Ceremony 2 years ago
  9. 9
    Quiz: Harem 2 years ago
  10. 10
    Quiz: Harem (Part Two) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 9: First Day 2 years ago
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    Chapter 10: First Day (Afternoon) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 11: Another day 2 years ago
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    Chapter 12: Homework and Malfoy 2 years ago
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    Chapter 13: POVs 2 years ago
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    Chapter 14: No particular title 2 years ago
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    Chapter 15: Potions lesson 2 years ago
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    Chapter 16: Flying Class 2 years ago
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    Chapter 17: Midnight Duel 2 years ago
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    Chapter 18: Thief or Prostitute 2 years ago
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    Chapter 19: Bubblegum Pink 2 years ago
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    Chapter 20: Hufflepuff Table 2 years ago
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    Chapter 21: Hermione's Nightmare 2 years ago
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    Chapter 22: Hogwarts Hurricanes 2 years ago
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    Chapter 23: Accusations, Defenses and Sentence 2 years ago
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    Chapter 24: Negotiations 2 years ago
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    Chapter 25: Hufflepuff Table Part 2 "The Return" 2 years ago
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    Chapter 26: Halloween (From here to 45 is not corrected. Read at your own risk, I'm working in it) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 27: Guilty and Chicken Sandwich 2 years ago
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    Chapter 28: Troll! Troll! Troll! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 29: Nursing (Post-Troll) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 30: I'm... 2 years ago
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    Chapter 31: Friendship of two lionesses and the harvest of a snake 2 years ago
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    Chapter 32: First day on the job 2 years ago
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    Chapter 33: Interactions with Hogwarts Girls 2 years ago
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    Chapter 34: Pansy 2 years ago
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    Chapter 35: Blackmail 2 years ago
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    Chapter 36: Drinking Night 2 years ago
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    Chapter 37: The unpleasant side of work 2 years ago
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    Chapter 38: The Scary Red 2 years ago
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    Chapter 39: Late Night Dinner with Tonks 2 years ago
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    Chapter 40: Judgment 2 years ago
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    Chapter 41: Sentencing 2 years ago
  44. 44
    Chapter 42: Red's quiet singing and his hot flash with Pansy 2 years ago
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    Chapter 43: Nymphadora's Parents 2 years ago
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    Chapter 44: Order of Merlin and the House of Tonks 2 years ago
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    Chapter 45: Impossible Mission 2 years ago
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    Chapter 46: The hunt began 2 years ago
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    Chapter 47: The Hunt 2 "Die Hard" 2 years ago
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    Chapter 48: The Next Step in the "Tenebrius" Plan 2 years ago
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    Chapter 49: I couldn't think of a title, comment which one you think is better. 2 years ago
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    Chapter 50: Penelope (Part 1) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 51: In a threesome with Penelope and Gemma 2 years ago
  54. 54
    Important question 2 years ago
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    Chapter 52: Gambling Again 2 years ago
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    Chapter 53: Quidditch Match: Lions vs. Serpents 2 years ago
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    Chapter 54: Another deal with Pansy 2 years ago
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    Chapter 55: Flying with Cho 2 years ago
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    Chapter 56: G for Vengeance 2 years ago
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    Chapter 57: A New Job 2 years ago
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    Chapter 58: The Holidays Are Coming 2 years ago
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    Chapter 59: Train back home 2 years ago
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    Chapter 60: At Home 2 years ago
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    Chapter 61: Christmas 1 (Christmas Eve with Tenebrius) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 62: Christmas 2 (Lovegood House and Hogwarts) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 63: Christmas 3 (Red Claus) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 64: Christmas 4 (Red Claus 2) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 65: Christmas 5 (Susan) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 66: Christmas 6 (The next day) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 67: Christmas 7 (Susan and Amelia) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 68: Christmas 8 (Amelia and Susan 2) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 69: The rest of the holidays 2 years ago
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    Chapter 70: Back to Hogwarts (Christmas-First Year) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 71: Attempted Murder / Expected Unexpected 2 years ago
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    Chapter 72: Tonks and Red 2 years ago
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    Chapter 73: Post-Attempted Homicide Visit 2 years ago
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    Chapter 74: Archmage 2 years ago
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    Chapter 75: Deathly Hallows (Cloak) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 76: Consequences? 2 years ago
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    Chapter 77: 'The Lair' and 'The Nest' 2 years ago
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    Chapter 78: A pact with Tonks 2 years ago
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    Chapter 79: Something +18 with Gemma 2 years ago
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    Chapter 80: Mr Madman 2 years ago
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    Chapter 81: What Happened Next 2 years ago
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    Chapter 82: Conclusions and a Funeral 2 years ago
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    Chapter 83: 2 years ago
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    Chapter 84: Valentine's Day 1 (Come clean with Tonks) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 85: Valentine 2 (Penelope's 'secret') 2 years ago
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    Chapter 86: Valentine 3 (Hogwarts Girls) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 87: Valentine 4 (Tenebrius and Andromeda) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 88: Final Valentine 2 years ago
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    Chapter 89: Things That Happened Later 2 years ago
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    Chapter 90: Nicholas Flamel 2 years ago
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    Chapter 91: Complicated Relationships 2 years ago
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    Chapter 92: Pansy's Fall 2 years ago
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    Chapter 93: A few days... 2 years ago
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    Chapter 94: Leaving Azkaban 2 years ago
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    Chapter 95: Hagrid, Dragon Egg and Training 2 years ago
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    Chapter 96: Birth of the Dragon and 'Sneak Attack' 2 years ago
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    Chapter 97: Fanservice (The internet was bad for me and I could only do this instead of continuing the story) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 98: Goodbye Norbert 2 years ago
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    Chapter 99: Stuff Happened 2 years ago
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    Chapter 100: The Perverted Forest... *Cough* *Cough* I say forbidden... 2 years ago
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    Chapter 101: Unicorn Blood 2 years ago
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    Chapter 102: The Unicorn 2 years ago
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    Chapter 103: Post-Forbidden Forest 2 years ago
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    Chapter 104: The Unicorn 2 2 years ago
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    Chapter 105: Elections and Penelope 2 years ago
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    Chapter 106: Release of 3 days of pent up lust 2 years ago
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    Chapter 107: Tonks... 2 years ago
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    Chapter 108: Campaigns 2 years ago
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    Chapter 109: Returning to Centaur Camp 2 years ago
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    Chapter 110: Affairs 2 years ago
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    Chapter 111: Ravenclaw Crown 2 years ago
  115. 115
    Chapter 112: In Search of the Lost Unicorn (Only in cinemas) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 113: Hardships of a possible bad decision (Only in the shadows) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 114: Survival in the open...or locked up 1 years ago
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    Chapter 115: Freedom 1 years ago
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    Chapter 116: Resuming the Journey 1 years ago
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    Chapter 117: A New Home 1 years ago
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    Chapter 118: Elise x Red 1 years ago
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    Chapter 119: New Things (I can't think of anything better) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 120: Evans, First Contact 1 years ago
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    Chapter 121: Evans, second meeting 1 years ago
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    Chapter 122: A Little Time Skip 1 years ago
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    Chapter 123: Visitors 1 years ago
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    Chapter 124: The New Camp 1 years ago
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    Chapter 125: Porpertina 1 years ago
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    Chapter 126: Explanations 1 years ago
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    Chapter 127: The Talk 1 years ago
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    Chapter 128: Diagon Alley with the Aconites 1 years ago
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    Chapter 129: Goodbye Snape Kid 1 years ago
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    Chapter 130: Miss Andra 1 years ago
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    Chapter 131: Miss Andra (Part 2) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 132: Miss Andra (Part 3) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 133: Returning from a night of whores 1 years ago
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    Extra Chapter: Only for those who selected (A) for Elise 1 years ago
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    Chapter 134: The Next Day 1 years ago
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    Chapter 135: Farewell 1 years ago
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    Chapter 136: Night Visit 1 years ago
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    Chapter 137: Night of Petunias 1 years ago
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    Chapter 138: The next morning 1 years ago
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    Chapter 139: Plans with Andra 1 years ago
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    Chapter 140: Future objectives 1 years ago
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    Chapter 141: The Holidays Arrive (Short Chapter) 1 years ago
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    Chapter 142: The return 1 years ago
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    Chapter 143: Reunion at the Evans House 1 years ago
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    Chapter 144: It's Almost Christmas 1 years ago
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    Chapter 145: Christmas 1 years ago
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    Chapter 146: December 25 1 years ago
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    Chapter 147: Post-Christmas 1 years ago
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    Chapter 148: New Job 1 years ago
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    Chapter 149: Family 1 years ago
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    150) Lily's V(Part 1) 1 years ago
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    151) Lily's V(Part 2) 1 years ago
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    152) Time passes 1 years ago
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    153) Securing Andra 1 years ago
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    154) Cheating on Eileen 1 years ago
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    155) End times (part 1) 1 years ago
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    156) End times (part 2) 1 years ago
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    157)End times (End part) 1 years ago
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    158)Back and Rewards 1 years ago
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    159) Return And Gemma's Fall 10 months ago
  164. 164
    160)Tonks's Fuck 9 months ago
  165. 165
    161) Sex and O.W.L.s 9 months ago
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    162)Studying with Penelope 8 months ago
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    163) Studying Penelope 8 months ago
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    164)Exams are coming 8 months ago
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    165) Exams and Business 8 months ago
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    166)Philosopher's Stone (Part 1) 7 months ago
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    167)Philosopher's Stone (Part 2) 7 months ago
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    168)Philosopher's Stone (Part 3) 7 months ago
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    169)Philosopher's Stone (Part 4) 6 months ago
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    170)Philosopher's Stone (Final Part) 6 months ago
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    171) Nights in the infirmary 5 months ago
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    172)¿Philosophical abilities? 5 months ago
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    173) End of year ceremony 5 months ago
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    174)In the headmaster's office for the last time in the first year 5 months ago
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    175)Family reunion 4 months ago
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    176) End "Chap 1: The Philosopher's Stone" and Rewards 4 months ago
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    177) Red has a girlfriend?! 4 months ago
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    178)The new Lineage ****** 3 months ago
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    179) Preliminary experiments / T and T 3 months ago
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    180)Meeting with Penelope 3 months ago
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    181) Revelation to Penelope (Part 1) 3 months ago
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    182) Revelation to Penelope (Part 2) 2 months ago
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    183) Penelope's V 2 months ago
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    184) Awkward moments with parents 1 months ago
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    185)Petite surprise 1 months ago
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    186) Émeutes dans le Cacheé 1 months ago
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    187) Red is leaving? 1 months ago
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    188) Chatting with Delacour 27 days ago
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    189) Meeting with the Delacours 20 days ago
  194. 194
    190)Friendship with Delacour 14 days ago
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    191) Reconciliation with Pansy 7 days ago