8.71% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Potions lesson

章 17: Chapter 15: Potions lesson

It's Friday. Yes, the week is finally over, and although it was relatively quiet, I'm still waiting for the weekend to... well, to do whatever comes to my mind. I just have to finish this day.

I'm still eating breakfast at the Slytherin table, the glares continue, but it's safe for now. Our first class is potions with Snape, I'm not too worried, I've been making potions for quite some time so I have enough practice, it may have been simple potions, but that added to the new skills I have makes me sure that I could even get through the second year with no problem.

I was happy as I walked towards the dungeons to the potion's classroom. This week was productive, my reading in the library was very good and I was able to cover several books that I haven't seen before, also I think I have an idea about the skill [clone] that could be very beneficial in the future.

When I entered the potion's classroom, I noticed that there were already several people inside, even Harry and Ron were already in class. It's not like I'm late, it's still about two or three minutes, but it's still one of the few times I arrive on time.

When I looked at the available seats I noticed that Hermione was sitting next to a Gryffindor boy, when I saw him I approached them. The boy next to her was Dean Thomas, no big impression on my head, but he was next to Hermione, so something would have to be done.

"Hello Hermione"

"Hello Red, sorry, you weren't here yet and it was getting close to time, I thought you wouldn't come, that's why Thomas is here now" She said a little embarrassed.

"No problem, everything can be fixed"

I stared at Dean Thomas, he was uncomfortable with my presence, rather everyone here, most of Gryffindor and Slytherin was looking at me unhappy for one reason or another. Harry and Ron were looking at me with vigilance as if they expected me to do something to jump to defend their friend, Thomas was also nervous while looking at me, he was a kind person but even so with the bad reputation of Slytherin in Gryffindor, it causes him not to be happy with me.

With everyone paying attention to my actions, I rested my hand on the boy's shoulder as I activated all of my [Blood Control] skills to a certain extent, Calm, Fury, Hunger, and Sleep… with all the emotions generated at different potency and constantly changing...

"Hey, Thomas. It's good that you know that I know that we know that how you know that I know that we know that I know just like you that you were knowing that I was knowing that I know that we know that you know what a good person you are because you make me make you do like a good person that you know that I know that it is good it is good how good you are that is why it is good that you are good as a good person you could give me as a good person that you are that you know that I know that you know that you are could you leave me this place...?"

"What... No... yes... yes... hee... if you can... I think... yes..." Dean Thomas replied slowly and quickly, loud and low, continuous and cut.

He seemed like he was rocking in place of him with his gaze going from lost to lucid and back again, with every second… he didn't seem like the sanest person. While he was in a disoriented state, I gently push him to the side away from the spot where he was, causing his weight to drive him away.

"Thank you, Mr. Dean, you are a kind and considerate person to let me take your place so that I can be with my friend" I patted his shoulder with a slight smile.

"What...?" he said, very confused.

"Are you okay? You're a nice person for leaving me your place, if you want I can accompany you to the infirmary if you feel bad, you look a little disoriented" I showed concern.

"No…no, I'm fine" he said as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers.

"Okay, but don't force yourself"

With that, the boy went to look for another partner, it seemed that he did not understand very well what happened, only that he had given the place to a Slytherin boy. I looked at him with a small friendly smile, but to myself, it was a mocking smile.

I've realized... maybe I have a manipulative personality. I haven't noticed it before, but since I entered Hogwarts and I've been in contact with many people, I've seen that I tend to manipulate the people around me to get what I want.

With Hermione, I have taken advantage of her lack of social skills. It's not like I don't want to be friends with her, it's actually something that pleases me a lot, but I pay more attention to her than I should, I show her more confidence than I had and I have tricked her into feeling that I could do anything for her. All this makes her become more aware of me, that she gives me more importance in her life and that she is more dependent on me. I don't know why I did it in the first place, it was almost involuntary.

There is also Draco. I have used him to divide the opinions of the Slytherin girls, if there is chaos it is easier to move and take advantage. "Divide and conquer".

And now there's Thomas. I could easily find another partner just for today, I was the one who was late, but instead, I had to give the kid an artificial lapse... maybe causing brain damage, I mean, it could be possible, never use my skills at such powers at the same time.

Maybe I'm not a good person inside? Maybe now that I'm just out in touch with the world, the real me can show itself? Before entering Hogwarts I was always focused on myself and my study, and the people I have lived with are people close to me who I never thought of using for my benefit, well, not like now. Maybe I've finished my trial period and things are not like before with my emotional barriers, maybe I'm showing the personality I had in my past life...

I also realize that to lie or act my facial expressions are more flexible than when I don't, when I try to express my true emotions it is quite difficult for me to show it in my face or body language, worse when they are false my body replicates them more easily, I don't know if it's a skill but...

I wanted to continue debating my morality, but I was stopped by a couple of things, the first was the warning of [Blood Magic: Skill "Blood Control(Confusion)" Obtained] and the second was...

"What did you do to him?" Hermione asked, looking at me seriously.

"Nothing. Why? Did something happen?" I looked at her curiously, a question mark could almost appear in my head.

"Don't pretend. It wouldn't be normal for Thomas to agree to leave the place so easily, he himself asked me to work with him today to help him with potions class. Besides, all that talk of yours couldn't confuse him in such a way unless he had a problem with his brain "

"Maybe if he has it" I told her, settling in place and taking things out of my bag.

Hermione was about to scold me again but was stopped by the sound of the door being swung open, startling her and snapping to attention as if a soldier had seen a general... though maybe for her, it was.

From the open door came Professor Snape who, with a quick step, stepped in front of his desk, taking a scroll and giving us all a quick glance. His look made a lot of people nervous, Hermione among them, everyone was waiting to see what this disheveled looking man was doing.

Professor Snape looked directly at me before speaking.

"Mr. Weasley, I see that you get along quite well with the other houses."

"Which Weasley?" I asked, knowing that he was talking to me.

"The only one who seems to despise his own colleagues, but I suppose you haven't even realized you're in Slytherin yet, I don't think I can expect more from you" he said dismissively.

The mockery provoked the laughter of several Slytherin, although not all of them, mainly Draco and his entourage, as well as Pansy, who took the opportunity to retaliate by laughing quite loudly. I was also laughed at by some Gryffindor who disagreed with me, mainly my brother Ron and Harry, though to a lesser extent, I guess he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. I wanted to tell him something to refute, but I didn't have the strength or the desire to argue with the professor and I knew he wouldn't gain anything, so I let it go for now.

"Silence" The professor yelled to stop everyone's laughter.

Checking the parchment, he took it from his desk, and began to take the list until he stopped when he said the name 'Harry Potter'.

"Ah yes… Harry Potter. Our new…celebrity," he said, drawing laughter from Draco and the others.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses… I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death... if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach" Professor Snape said, leaving everyone to concentrate on his words.

I could see Hermione impatiently, she seemed to want to start the class to prove that she was not a dunderhead girl and that she had the ability to live up to her expectations. I touched her waist with my hand and I used my power to calm her down, but just a little, she turned to face me and I motioned for her to calm down.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Snape turned quickly to where Potter was standing. 'Here we start with the tragic story of Potter's potions class' I thought.

"Potter!" Snape said. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an

infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know, sir," Harry replied after looking at Ron, who showed the face of not having the palest idea.

"Tut, tut... fame clearly isn't everything" Snape said with a clear mocking gesture.

I could see how Hermione raised her hand, trying to get attention and show that she knew the answer. Without removing my gaze from the teacher, I put my hand on hers and I forced it down, she looked at me badly when I did it, but I didn't let her put it back up.

"Let's try again, Potter. Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Hermione tried to raise her hand in the air, but now with much more force, again I stopped her and she was getting mad, but I just shook my head. She, although angry, lowered her hand and just listened with a frown, while giving me looks from time to time of annoyance. She appreciates me as her friend, but not letting her do what she likes most seems to be a difficult point to accept, I guess I'll have to explain later.

"I don't know, sir," He answered Harry again.

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter?... What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?

"I don't know," Harry replied once more.

He looked downcast from all the attention he received, and unlike the original story, this time I didn't try to divert attention from him to Hermione, as I didn't allow her to show 'so much interest in answering'.

"It seems that fame has gone to your head and you have forgotten the importance of books and hard work" Snape reproached him in front of the whole class "I want them to remember that fame is not everything, take Potter as an example, 1 point less for Gryffindor"

'Even with my intervention, Snape finds ways to deduct points' I was thinking when I saw the professor's gaze turn to me, 'Shit'.

"Red Weasley, you could answer the same questions I asked Mr. Potter" he addressed me.

What does he have with me? It bothers him so much that I am sitting with a Gryffindor who also wants to take it out on me? I guess he wouldn't make me lose points, but he would try to humiliate me, or maybe he knows about my visits to the library and thinks I'm capable of answering them and uses me to further humiliate Potter. He wins anyway, you fucking cheater.

"Monkshood and Wolfsbane are actually the same plant also known as aconite, so there is no difference. The bezoar would look for it inside the stomach of a goat and it is used to neutralize poisons" I answered the questions but...

I stopped when the last one was missing and put on a thoughtful expression with my hand on my chin.

"I don't remember what the answer to the last question is, but I think Hermione knows..."

When I said that I rubbed my finger up and down Hermione's leg using my [rage] ability but very lightly and slowly growing, and talk to her very low for only her to hear, I said "Or is it that you don't know?"

"Of course, I know. The combination of powdered asphodel root with an infusion of wormwood will create a sleeping potion so powerful that it is called Draft of Living Death" She exclaimed loudly as she looked at me angrily because of my power.

"Yes, that was it, is that enough teacher?"

The professor was not happy, he did not meet either of the two possible expectations, but still, he found a way to take advantage of the situation.

"You see Potter, it not only showed that there are young people who read before class properly. Granger is from your house and yet she was able to answer at least one of my questions, it seems that your lack of ability is not a Gryffindor house problem" When he said this the mockery of the others was even stronger, Harry even blushed at being exposed as the worst within his own house "2 points for Slytherin, Why aren't you all copying that down?"

The professor only sought to humiliate Harry, even though he doesn't like me at all because I teamed up with Hermione and gave me points to add to his own house, it shows how biased he is. The teacher was about to start the class but I stopped him.

"Professor, you still haven't given Hermione any points for her answer." I put on the best innocent face I could.

Hermione had looked sad at not being recognized, although she still felt strange because of the emotions she felt, since by herself she would not have responded in that way and she knew that I had something to do with it. But when she heard what I said she became expectant for the possible recognition, as if the teacher had forgotten and now he would finally receive what he deserves, too bad it isn't.

"It wasn't her I asked Weasley, I see no reason why I should reward her for something she had no right to reply to, and I advise you not to interrupt my class any longer or you'll have to stay later to clean the cauldrons."

When Hermione heard that, she got depressed, and I watched as she clenched her fist tightly. I also kept my gaze on Snape 'Since you didn't want to take it easy, we'll have to use plan B'.

"Yes, I suppose you're right... But this is also my fault, right? Is it because I'm a Slytherin and she's a Gryffindor? If she had been with her people at least she could be recognized and not overshadowed by me, maybe she never should have joined me" While I said it my eyes were on the ground without looking at anyone, and every time I spoke my tone of voice lowered, but it was still audible to everyone "It was never going to be possible, we are from different houses, I am a Slytherin and she's a muggle-born girl, we're not meant to be together. Maybe it would be better if she went with someone like Potter, it seems he's not a bad looking one, so she wouldn't have to be around a bad looking boy like me ... Go, Hermione, you'll be happy being with him, I can't do anything to help you get what you want, go and stay away from me, I'm not good enough for you... with him, you'll be better, go with Potter" I said as I grabbed the clothes from Hermione's shoulder as I feigned I pushed her towards Potter's table, my voice sounded depressed and full of resignation.

"NO!" Snape's scream was heard, and this took all by surprise. It was so abrupt that he himself was surprised, although he did not show it much. It was something inside him that he had not been able to control, but he quickly pulled himself together and explained "Everyone has seen the Potter's poor qualities, it seems that what he has in face and fame makes up for what he lacks in the brain" This causes the laughter of several Slytherin "In addition, Mr. Weasley has shown us that together with some Slytherin even a Gryffindor I can answer a question well even if it's just luck"

When he said this, he earned more laughter, but a lot of hate from the lions. Hermione was also enraged at being underestimated and considered her effort only 'Luck' but before she said anything I squeezed her hand to indicate that it was not the time.

"It would be irresponsible of me if I let a young witch ruin her future just by hanging out with the wrong people... I'd rather Miss Granger stay by Weasley's side, at least that way she would avoid infecting the stupidity of others" then he turned to the blackboard and in a low and resentful tone said "1 point to Gryffindor"

Harry was very angry that he was insulted in front of everyone again, both Snape and me, maybe he thought he was in cahoots with the professor, or maybe he just doesn't know how to handle his anger, so I got his attention too.

After those words, the teacher don't speak and began to write formulas and descriptions of potions on the blackboard, so that only after a while he would begin to resume the class. It seems that he has hurt a bit to relive the memories, that happen to you for not giving the right points for one. I didn't know if it would work, but it turned out that it did, although I think I won't be able to repeat it without looking suspicious.

Hermione wasn't happy with the way she was recognized, but I calmed her down and told her that we'd talk later, that she just concentrate on the class. She was still bitter, but she let it go.

Together we worked on the potion to cure boils and everything went very smoothly, every once in a while I would see her check my notebook to see what I had written about the potions. It's funny that I have to remind her that I'm by her side and I can explain everything to her personally, she maybe she's too oriented to follow the books that she didn't notice the details. I guided her through most of the process and we accomplished each step almost perfectly.

While for us things were easy, for the other Gryffindor it was quite complicated. Not only for the inexperienced who for the first time prepared a potion, Snape's patrol criticizing almost everyone, including some Slytherin, made them very nervous causing mistakes.

Between them, Neville had made some mistake and caused his and his partner Seamus's cauldron to boil and his contents to shoot out overflowing and scattering across the floor.

When I noticed the strange sound of a cauldron, my body reacted instinctively. It would not be the first time I heard something like this, I have suffered from such a failure, I practiced a lot with simple potions, but I still had accidents that made me learn. I grabbed Hermione around her waist and sat her down on the table before standing on my stool facing the direction of the cauldron.

The other kids were looking at me like crazy, even Hermione didn't understand why I did what I did, but then they all understood when their shoes started to dissolve from the spilled potion on the floor and they started to stand up in their seats like me.

Keep paying attention to my cauldron to avoid any mistakes, I didn't want something similar to happen to me by inadvertently distracting myself with Neville's accident.

"Idiot boy," Professor Snape said before waving his wand and making all the spilled potion disappear, "I guess you added the hedgehog quills before taking the cauldron off the fire..."

Neville was crying with his body covered in red pustules marred by the potion that was poured on him.

"Take him to the hospital wing," Snape told Seamus. He then approached Harry and Ron, who had been working near Neville, "You, Potter. Why didn't you tell him not to put the spikes on? You thought if he were wrong it would make you look good, didn't you? This is another point you lose for Gryffindor"

When the others heard that, they all understood that it didn't matter if they didn't make any mistakes, if Snape wanted to, he would find some way to cause them trouble.

Class ended and we were gathering our things to leave, at which point Snape turned to me.

"Weasley, I want you to stay after class."

Hermione was suspicious of what she wanted, the teacher already left a very bad first impression on her, but I told her to wait for me outside and not to worry about me. When all the students left and I was left alone with the teacher.

"I wanted to talk to you..." the teacher told me

"If it's because of the outburst at the beginning of the class, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me, it was something sudden, I don't know why I said it, it just came out of me. I didn't want to bother you and interrupt your class" I said as if I was very sorry and sorry before he could say anything to me.

"Hmm, just get out of here kid" The teacher kicked me out of the classroom.

Maybe he wanted to tell me something, but he regretted it at some point, even though it was all planned. I wasn't going to admit that what I said was true, it was all on purpose.

When I left the classroom I found Hermione out there waiting for me, she seemed to care about me. I approached her and explained that nothing happened and that we should move to the great hall for lunch. So we started walking slowly so we could talk on the way

"I can't believe such a person works as a teacher" Hermione complained.

"Yes, he lacks a bit of the pedagogical part, but in potions, he is an expert"

"Also you saw how he treated Harry, he may not be the brightest spot, but he doesn't reach that level, maybe he has a grudge against him"

"Maybe Harry's father challenged his girlfriend in the past or something"

"And he exposed me to everyone that I am only able to know something because I am with you, I know that you are better than me, but they cannot degrade me so much without giving me the opportunity to demonstrate my ability.

She kept ranting and I commented on what she said, but if I stayed silent we would get the same result. She was just releasing her frustrations, not having a conversation, she wasn't even listening to what I was saying.

"That point she gave me doesn't feel right. It would be better if he hadn't given it to me if it didn't mean I was considered just a girl lucky enough to be sitting with a Slytherin so I could learn from you, no offense."

"I think you should enjoy it, I don't think you win any other points"

"Why do you say that?" It was the first time that she responded to what I said during our talk.

"Well, as a brother of those who already had classes with him and a Slytherin, I know several things. That point is a miracle, Snape doesn't give points to other houses easily and never to Gryffindor, if it wasn't for my performance you wouldn't get it"

"It can't be that way, right? Besides, what was that about me not deserving you? It was all an act to give me the point? If that's the case, you wouldn't have bothered, I'd rather not have gotten it"

"Ohh my girl, you have no idea. Stay with the point, you will soon be a legend, I bet when the older students find out you will be a celebrity in all of Hogwarts, you should enjoy it"

"We'll see if it's like that... on the other hand, I want to ask you" She changed her tone from you to a serious and intrigued one "What is that you do when you touch me and don't say anything perverted, I know you do something, like what happened with Thomas or me in the class, I also remember that I have felt it several times in the past and it always happens when you touch me"

"Don't do this to me, you make me sad if you don't let me joke with you, you said about 'touching you' and 'feeling something weird', you practically left it to me... but it will be for the next time" I sighed losing the opportunity to tease off her" You're right, you're very insightful, although it wasn't that difficult, yes, it's like my personal magic"

"Did you use it on Snape to get me the point?"

"Of course not, he is a very vigilant and very skillful person, he would realize that he is being influenced. I would not risk it, I do not know what he could do to me if he finds out"

"So what about Dean?"

"I just confused him a bit"

"And with me, you've used it several times..." I ask, but I affirm at the same time, and hearing it inside me, a smile formed as I had an idea.

"Well, it's too late to hide it. Just a few times, it's that since I saw you seemed so cute and I couldn't resist. You would never agree with those things, I didn't want you to be angry with me or leave you with some trauma, so I made you not remember it, I wanted you to grow up a little more to tell you about it and to agree to it happening in a conscious way, but it doesn't matter anymore, does it...?" I said with a very guilty tone as if she had done something unspeakable.

"Don't play anymore, you're kidding, right?" She said angrily, understanding what she was trying to say.

I just extended my hand, placed it on her waist, and brought her closer to me. Now I was holding her hip, resting on my chest, and seeing how a smile was formed and a not very pure look on my face. She was silent for a moment before grabbing my clothes with both of her hands and pulling them tight, she didn't even think about being embarrassed by our position, my silence was the worst response for her at the moment.

"Don't play... You're kidding! RIGHT?!" She yelled in my face, clearly angry, but you could see there was real panic in her eyes.

I wanted to continue playing with her, but she looked like she was on the verge of her collapse and I didn't want to bother her to such an extent, at least not now, it would be bad if she started holding a grudge for this.

"What kind of person do you think I am... better not answer. I don't have the ability you think, I can only relax you, and today was the first time I did something different and made you jump to answer the teacher's question. By your own account, you would have hesitated and you would have been slow to respond, and the teacher would have had time to tell you something and prevent you from doing it, so for you to have the recognition that you expected so much I had to do it. I do not have as much power as you think to do that kind of thing to you" I told her as I released her.

"You're a fool" when she said that she punched me very hard in my chest loaded with all her anger and fear.

After hitting me, she almost ran from where she was going to the big dining room, it was funny how she was walking so fast with her head down.

I also continued on my way to the great hall, but at a normal pace, if I wanted to catch up with her, I would have to run.

When I arrive, I find Hermione at the Gryffindor table, with Parvati on one side and Lavender on the other. When I approached her, she didn't even look at me, she seemed like she was still angry.

I put my hand on Lavender's shoulder and asked if she could give me her seat, Hermione looked into her eyes and she was doubting her, but she gave me the seat anyway.

"Lavender!" Hermione complained.

"Sorry, he's very scary" whispered the girl who had moved further away from that place.

"It seems someone doesn't want to see me, did you tell your friends to sit next to you so I couldn't?"

"I do not want to talk to you"

"For what reason?" I asked, even knowing that she had been scared long before.

"You don't know how to treat a lady as she should" she complained without taking her eyes off her plate of food.

"You're wrong, I know very well how I should treat a lady" when I said that she looked at me seriously, "but I just don't want to do it" when I finished she went back to eating her food with even more anger. Poor salad stabbed repeatedly.

"Red, What did you do to piss her off like that?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, it's not like you to pick on girls," George continued.

"I just scared her a little" I replied.

"It wasn't a bit, you crossed the line" Hermione complained.

"Well, maybe a little, but I've made it up to you, I made you famous, as much or more than Potter"

"More than Potter?" (x2) my brothers asked

"She won a point for Gryffindor with Snape"

When I said that, all the students from second to seventh who managed to hear it stopped instantly.

"You are kidding, right?" Wonder Katie Bell

"Ask Others"

"Ron, what he said is true?" (fred)

"Yes, Ron, it can't be true" (George)

"Yes, she could have won a point, but that idiot Snape took two from Harry just because yes, it's not fair at all" Ron complained, although he was annoyed by my presence at the moment he was more furious with Snape just like harry.

But no matter what he said about Harry's stitches when the others heard that it was true, they all looked at Hermione like she was a rare event in a thousand years.

"I told you so" I whispered in the ear of the girl next to me as she got nervous about being the center of attention.

After that everything went more or less as I said, Fred and George told the other tables that in their first year there was a person who got a point from Snape not being a Slytherin. Hermione was very stressed with all the attention she received, she only just understood the importance of that point.

During lunch, many Gryffindor tried to ask her how it went and she had to give an explanation of the class with commentaries from the others, except me, as I just enjoyed eating while watching Hermione being a star for a moment. Even after lunch, many students from the other two houses approached her to ask how she did, for a time, if she became more famous than Potter.

That caused her to be happy, in part when he understood the value of what I had achieved for her, and she forgave me. She got very angry at that moment, but now she knew that I was risking doing something that no one had been able to do. I also explained that now he could become one of the few people to get points in all subjects throughout Hogwarts in a long time, and that excited her and made it another goal.

Additionally, I wonder more about the ability I use, and this time I told him directly to avoid problems. I did not explain well what the origin of my power was, only that it is the ability to generate particular emotions through touch, she wanted to try it, but she was a little scared remembering what I told her this morning. Knowing about my magic, she made me promise that I wouldn't use it on her without telling her, and I promised her, that if necessary I would do it anyway, but for her good.

She also wanted me to promise her that she would never joke in the same way as I did before, but in this, she didn't get any promise from me, even with her threats I didn't give in and she just resigned angrily.


I've come back with a new mouse and two less teeth in the future... Yes, it was a horrible deal, but I'm a bad businessman.

I want to tell you that I don't plan to abandon this Fanfic, if I were to I would possibly put something like "And they all died... THE END" but I wouldn't leave it hanging, I don't like to leave things halfway if I put something like the above.

If I get to disappear for more than two weeks it is because I died or I am in a coma... or something that physically prevents me from continuing it.

Thanks for your attention.

By the way, since I'm going to have two teeth pulled, there may be another time when I'm late in publishing, but I'll try to pick up the pace.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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