29.23% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 57: Chapter 54: Another deal with Pansy

章 57: Chapter 54: Another deal with Pansy

I've decided. I had a hard time sleeping at night because of that... and my normal insomnia, but also because of that.

I want to rewrite it, so I can correct, add and modify... I even had the idea of giving Hermione a sister or something, but that would be a lot of work and I don't know if I could do it in a short time without leaving myself exhausted and with failures.

So I decided to continue writing this story and when I finish it, if I want to, do another one. Being that other, a new improved version of this or another completely new one.

The way things are going, this book may reach an uncountable number of chapters, so I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

I will continue with this story until I finish it, thanks for the support.


After leaving the Gryffindor common room, I headed to the Slytherin common room, where the mood was totally the opposite. When I entered, many they looked at me with hatred, perhaps because they heard my exclamation when they lost.

Gemma, who was among them, approached me with a look of hatred.

"Weasley!" She exclaimed, without separating her teeth from it.

"What's wrong my dear Gemma? Don't get upset, you don't always win"

"Don't play Weasley" yelled a 4th year Slytherin. With the match lost, he was in no mood to take my taunt.

"Do you want to fight?" I said looking at several who seemed to be holding their wands to start taking it out on me "I have no problem with that, we all know we've wanted to do it for a long time... but that will only show that you can't lose a simple bet and that I'm not the one it damages Slytherin's reputation. I thought the defenders of Slytherin house would have enough decency to accept that they lost" I scoffed even louder, as behind me I made my wand appear.

"Everyone stopped!" Gemma exclaimed "Don't give him the satisfaction of having reasons to humiliate us, here we keep our words" she said, although she really had no choice, the vow would kill her if she broke her promise "let's end this!" She clenched her teeth and said looking at me.

"I do not think so"

"What are you playing now?" She exclaims furiously, she thought I wanted to tease her more... and it was true.

"Well, the deal said that we would use a month to claim our reward, and I think I want to make you waiting. What better than leaving you with the uncertainty of when the day will be? The nerves will consume you, hahaha"

"Damn, despicable, don't you have the balls to do it already?" She screamed because she knew it was true. What I was going to do to her was very humiliating for her, and she wanted it to be over as quickly as possible.

"I'm sure you would do something similar to me, so shut the fuck up you sneaky bitch" I said as she patted her cheek.

She reacted brutally, but did nothing real offensive. She couldn't because maybe she was afraid that she would decide to collect the debt here in front of everyone and that would be worse.

"Wait a little longer" I told her as I tapped my lips twice with my finger and turned towards the exit of the common room "Maybe you get lucky, and I forget about it for a month and save you" and I kept walking.

The action of the fingers against my lips was a signal that we agreed with Pansy to tell her to find me. I was happy but hot in more ways than one, and I needed her.

It's not that I didn't want to collect my debt now, but I knew that Dumbledore might be paying attention and would find a way to interrupt me just to annoy me, I'd rather wait awhile, so I could be sure I could fully enjoy my revenge.

15 minutes later, I ran into Pansy walking out of the common room. I took her to Myrtle's bathroom, since after the last time the ghost has started to be more cooperative and using my message ability we arranged for her to inform me of anyone who might be watching us, including the headmaster if she can tell.

When we were already in the bathroom stall, which was lonely at this hour, Pansy, instead of starting on her own like other times or waiting for me to act, spoke to me.

"You won..."

"Yes, I won, what did you think?"

"I, I can't help but think that the same thing happened to me for being an idiot... Are you going to treat her the same as me?" The girl asked, it seemed that the idea of history repeating itself worried her.

"Are you worried about Gemma?" I asked surprised.

"It's just that I don't want anyone else to go through this, Gemma has helped me at the time of her and trying to take revenge for me... I won't let you fool her like me!" she exclaims. Unlike before, she is more confident and doesn't cry anymore, I guess because of the interactions I made her have lately.

"First you should worry about yourself instead of her, she did things worse than yours, so there will be no way for her to be saved... but tell me what would you be willing to sacrifice for her?" I asked intrigued.

"Whoever said she would sacrifice something, I can just tell her what you can do to yourself and your tricks won't work anymore" she argued with me with false bravado.

"...Pansy ... not that I want to teach you how blackmail works, but what you said was very stupid... Never tell the person who is blackmailing you what you plan to do against them when they still have material against you. Now I could tell you that because of what you said the deal is over and post the pictures I have left" I explained while giving her a 'You're so silly' look.

"No! You can't do that" she quickly realized her mistake

"Why not? You were going to get in the way of my plans by protecting Gemma."

"No, it's not true, to hell with Gemma. I'm too close to ending all this to throw it all to hell for her." She clearly retracted her previous position.

"Um... How close are we to ending all of this?"

"Er... well... you only have a few photos left, it must be three or four, and then we'll put this aside" she said, but with clear nervousness, as if she didn't want to find out that she was wrong.

"Pansy... I'm sorry to break your illusion, but it's far from over" I told her the cruel reality.

"But it's been many days, how many photos do you have left?" She said worriedly.

"It's not about the old photos, but rather these" I said as they brought up some photos of us kissing, which were secretly taken by my clone and Myrtle.

"What? How do you have that?" She said very upset, tearing them from my hands and bringing them closer to her eyes as if she wanted to check if they were fake.

"I told you that I need you, without you, I have no way to control myself... I took them for when I ran out of the others"

"You are a treacherous, lying bastard!" She started beating my chest madly, she wasn't crying anymore, she just directly expressed her fury "You can't do this to me"

"Of course I can" I said holding her hands preventing her from hitting me "And these photos are worse than the previous one, Draco saw you hugging me that time, so the photos weren't a big blow to you, they were just a little humiliation ...but what do you think of these where you're clearly making an effort to swallow my tongue?" Put the photos in front of her eyes.

"Why... why... why...? This was finally supposed to end" She clutched her head tightly, but ended up letting go and without looking up she asked "How many?"

"How many what?"

"How many photos do you have this time?" she look furious.

"The ones I want to have, if you didn't notice I can do this as many times as I want, and you couldn't help it, you didn't even notice when I took any of the two photos"

"Do you plan to keep me like this forever? I'm not going to allow it anymore, I don't care, I'll tell everyone the damage you did to me, I'm not going to allow you to continue..." She started to threaten, and only now her eyes began to put glassy

"I love you!" I said, looking directly into her eyes with total seriousness.

Pansy seemed to freeze in an instant, she turned her face to be right in front of mine, but before she had time to react I hugged her tightly, and I kiss her with great ferocity. She tried to resist and let go, but I wouldn't let her. I used [Calm] and [Confusion] on her and over time, although she still wanted to separate, she didn't put in as much effort knowing it was useless, she wasn't stronger than me. Minutes passed and I finally released her.

"... what?" she asks, confused by what she hears and by my ability.

"Don't worry, what I said may not be real, it was all to calm you down" I approached her ear despite the fact that she tried to move away, and I began to whisper in the most neutral and peaceful tone I could "Can you imagine everything what would happen if you told everyone? Draco would never want to be near you because he would consider you a second-hand, used... stained... Your parents would disown you for thinking you fell in love with a Weasley... your friends wouldn't they would stop looking at you with pity, as if you had become less than them because of everything you went through... the others would only see a dirty whore who got into the arms of the child they hate, and therefore they would also start to hate you... "

She started crying at this point, and what I did was hug her and rub her back. I don't feel good about what I did, but it was the only thing I could do at the moment, or at least the only thing I could think of. When she finally stopped crying, I released her and stroked her hair.

"I know that what I do to you is not nice, but I have no choice, you are the only one who can help me and if I lose you I could lose many other things" I caressed her face "What do you think if we make a deal, I promise that I will not use again pictures to blackmail you if you promise to keep helping me for the rest of the school year." I looked at her with pity and kindness as I brushed her hair back from her face.

"Are you ever going to take pictures of me again?" She was sobbing a little, but she was already pulling herself together.

"No, sorry, I'll keep taking them, they're very cute... but I won't use them against you"

"Why can't you just let me go? Now you can have Gemma to help you, you can do to her the same thing you did to me... I'll even help you get it if that will you finally leave me alone" She seemed to be pleading.

"Although I would love for you to join me in my evil plans, but I'll have to say no, what if it fails with Gemma? I can't stay without you. Also, the quality doesn't compare, you're like nimbus 2000 compared to her that it's like a simple sweeping broom" I said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"..." She tried to say something, but I put my fingers on her lips, stopping her.

"I can't leave you, I do this despite my guilt, I can only offer you to help me this year, and I'll leave you alone forever... I might even try to get someone else to help me, and I'll free you sooner. I could even try it with Gemma for you... but for now I can't lose you" I said to finally release her lips

"You promise?" She gave up, she felt that this was the only way to see the light at the end of the tunnel, every time she got closer to the end she seemed to move away again, but now at last she seemed to be different.

"Of course"

"you would take an unbreakable vow to prove it"


"What? Why not? You were willing to do it because of the bet with Gemma, what's different about this? I knew you were lying, you're just going to cheat on me again" she clenched her fists to the point of screaming with rage, it seemed that once again the light of the tunnel would go away.

"It's not that I don't want to, but... if we do it we need a third party and that third party ends up finding out about us, I don't think you want that" I mentioned making her seem to realize that point, but before she got to think of a countermeasure I continued "the only person who could help us is the headmaster who already knows, but I don't think it's a good idea. He's a vile manipulator, I'm already repairing the quidditch field and I don't know how much longer it will take me to finish it, I don't know what else he could ask for if we do... I'm not going to let you get close to him and do something to you or force you to comply with his plans like I did, I won't risk putting you in danger by letting you get close to him... But I can promise you in the name of the Weasley family and for my dignity as a wizard and as a man"

"...really" She was insecure, it seemed that all this was so real, but at the same time so illusory.

"To prove my sincerity I'll do this" I said taking a bunch of photos "I'll give you all the photos I have with me of you and me" I showed her the group of photos causing her to widen her eyes.

"But then how do you...? Do you have more saved?" She asked in disbelief, it seemed that she couldn't quite process what was happening.

"No... I plan to give them all to you. I know that, unlike me, you have the 'honor' to fulfill our deal. I trust you will not break your word even without an unbreakable vow" I told her to which she looked at me very disoriented

"This is all of them?" she asked me.

"All that I have"

"And you won't get more?"

"I will not use them against you"

At that time she collected all the photos from my hands and with her wand she burned them, she seemed to show a true expression of victory and liberation.

"Finally free!" She exclaims, almost moaning.

"Not yet, remember you still have to help me this year"

"You don't have photos anymore" Pansy mentioned with a smile on her face, but it was just to annoy, a small part of her thought to honor the deal.

"But I'm still alive, and I can tell everyone. The headmaster knows and if I stop working on the Quidditch pitch he might tell the others and even if it was false everyone would believe him..." I said, but without any hesitation or derision.

"Hum... this never ends, that's fine, just for the rest of the year and after that we won't have to do anything with each other, we won't even talk to each other. And no kisses on the neck, or lying down, nor any of your weird stuff... and the kisses will last less... 7 minutes...no, 5 minutes... and try to finish that damn stadium fast, it's not that difficult, do your job well Weasley" she was annoyed to forget the things I mentioned that clearly still held her back, but nothing like the pressure the photos gave her anymore. She decided to put more conditions, maybe just for her emotional satisfaction.

"Okay" I said to which she stared at me.


"Are you surprised that I agree?"

"For the cheater you are, yes, you must be planning something, you're just like that damn director," Pansy complained, since she was actually expecting more of a fight, so she could remind me that she didn't have the photos and make fun of me.

"It's true that I feel a little guilty. If you're willing to keep your end of the bargain, then if you're a decent person and a good girl... this all started because you treated me badly for no reason, otherwise I'd never want to revenge against you. I don't like to hurt good people... hate only generates more hate and I don't want us to be bad between us" I said as I turned to leave.

"If it was like that, then you would have stopped a long time ago" she complained, but it seemed like the environment wasn't right for her to get angry, so she had complicated emotions inside her.

"... Despite everything, I still wish that when all this is over we can at least be friends" I told her already near the door.

"After everything you did to me, it will be impossible for us to just be friends" she said, somewhat annoyed as she remembered all these days.

"Maybe" was the last thing I said before I left.

Pansy was left alone in the girls' bathroom, she wanted to go out, but she didn't feel well. It was too many emotions in such a short time, so she leaned in for a while longer and only after she realized that Myrtle was looking at her from one of the bathroom stalls, and to consider the idea that she was always there and saw everything, from the argument to the kiss, he almost ran out of embarrassment... she wasn't in the mood to argue with the stalking ghost.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C57
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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