90.76% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 177: 173) End of year ceremony

章 177: 173) End of year ceremony

Well, here we are, at the last celebration of this school year. The hall was adorned with Slytherin colors, and everyone present was in a state of either absolute joy or sadness. Many kids were happy for the end of classes and being able to return to their families. Others, like the seventh-years, were in a state of sadness and depression, as this was the last moment they would set foot in Hogwarts as students, and perhaps in general.

I still wasn't at my best, but I was in an acceptable state. It seems this lamentable condition would improve much faster than what happened with the Invisibility Cloak. That's why I made it to the Great Hall without much trouble, although the girls helped me get here. I was already in an acceptable state, but the help always came in handy; otherwise, it would take much longer to arrive.

Once in the Great Hall, I had created my clones and distributed them on the four long tables so that each group of girls had their own Red. I received many looks at each table because of what happened, but I wasn't the main focus of attention for much longer, as shortly after me, the "hero of Hogwarts," Harry Potter, appeared.

I received glances, but Harry, upon entering the hall, made the murmuring noticeable throughout the place. The boy completely ignored this and went to sit at his table. I'm not entirely clear what happened, but the story that was told was something similar to "Harry defeating Quirrell with his friends."

Of course, no one besides Harry and me saw what really happened, even Ron and Hermione, who recounted what happened, only knew up to their respective parts where they arrived.

I already expected this, really. That's why I left that letter asking not to give me any credit to Dumbledore, and I know Hermione delivered it. We all know that Harry Potter's first year was a big chessboard created to give value and fame to the savior. If not, why were there such convenient trials to access the Philosopher's Stone?

Since I knew all this was arranged, I didn't want to stand out for it. Harry can take the credit for something like that. Besides, I already caused trouble for Dumbledore and would cause more later on, so I planned to do this as a concession to appease the old man and let him have fun with his plans without getting so much into mine.

Still, I couldn't remove my part of the credit. Hermione and Ron recounted what happened and couldn't remove me from the equation, but the ending part was altered. As I discovered from the accounts of some of the more perceptive girls, rumors of the final battle could have been transmitted through the castle portraits and ghosts. They didn't say it directly, but talking among themselves out loud, the unclear story of how Potter defeated the dark wizard Quirrell became known. And who has power over the portraits and ghosts of Hogwarts...?

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Although after the girls heard my version, some felt a bit outraged, but I stopped them from saying anything. I don't want many problems at this last moment. My mind is on other things. I have to think about what I'll do from now on, what are my plans for these holidays, the basilisk next year, the diary... meeting my parents again... Sigh... There wasn't much more time to think, though, as my thoughts and interaction with the girls were interrupted by the headmaster.

"Another year gone!" exclaimed Dumbledore with his characteristic cheer. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were… you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts…

Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding... "

Dumbledore began his speech, and we all knew how things would go, with a rigged outcome. That wouldn't change, I don't think the old man will let it, but something did change, of that I'm sure. The academic level of the Hogwarts girls had changed, resulting in a shift in the final house points for the year; they were higher than in their original version.

I created the Lair and the Nest, a special space where the girls could work, but in reality, this wasn't what influenced the most, it was me. My [teaching] ability helped many girls go further than they would alone with regular classes. The change wasn't very big, and I don't think the house order in points changed entirely, but the score is higher.

Dumbledore once again played his dirty games to allow his house to win the House Cup; even my addition that gained Slytherin 50 points didn't change this. And so, there was a change in the decorations along with the joys and sorrows of the different groups that won and lost, but I didn't care much and started eating.

The atmosphere was festive, and you could enjoy the food and conversation with friends, everyone talking about what they would do during these holidays. Most of the girls were excited, but there was a certain problem that became apparent now.

You see, I had several clones, but one of them in particular was in a very intimate position with one of the girls. Yes, the clone at the Gryffindor table was semi-hugged to Hermione, quite close to each other, at times holding hands. Luckily, after a while and after using my [Calm] with her the other night, the tension she had disappeared and returned to normal. Now she acted embarrassed at our minimal display of affection in public.

Our relationship wasn't a secret, something like this couldn't be hidden. Maybe at first it was, but after Hermione told the story when she recounted it, everyone knew, and rumors here at Hogwarts spread very quickly. In fact, there were many girls yesterday who wanted my confirmation about that, but none asked because I wasn't in good health and they didn't want to bother me. However, seeing me now, they confirmed it.

Some were surprised, others just watched the spectacle and mocked how blushing Hermione was. My brothers, Fred and George, gave me thumbs up and winked. Percy, on the other hand, had a complicated expression, I suppose envy that I got a girlfriend while he missed his chance with Penelope. Ron and Harry knew about this but didn't react much; they were more immersed in the celebration and the fact that their house won the House Cup.

The problem is that I could feel the piercing stares of other girls at the other tables. I must say that I could feel the emotions of many of the girls in my group. Most were still girls, and although they were aware of some things, they didn't give it much importance beyond the initial shock and acceptance, or at least hid it very well, but there were others...

At the Ravenclaw table, Penelope looked at my clone at the Gryffindor table with Hermione and then the clone at her table. She shook her head and I almost believed I could hear her calling herself foolish in her head, then she continued with her meal without much energy.

Then, at the Slytherin table, were the other two issues. One was Gemma, who seemed to show fear or concern, nervousness, and who knows what else. The other was Pansy, whom I could literally see biting her clothing with hatred when she saw me and Hermione. She didn't even talk to my clone at her table and even moved away, so the next reactions I got from them were just a murderous look directed at me.

There were others who also reacted, but it was so mild that it could be ignored for the moment; those were the most noteworthy. And although I wanted to do something about it, it wasn't the time or the place. I would have to take my time with each one; I couldn't just say in front of everyone that "I love them all"; that would be lighting the dynamite. The path I walk is difficult, and the goal I want is hard to achieve, but I won't give up, I'll get them all.

[Music Ability: Playing ("Gotta Catch 'Em All!")]

Yes... this ability is great, background music is always good. I even think I can get it. I know it's just lust talking for me, but I know there's love inside me too, and... I just know I'll try.

I had to snap out of my thoughts when dinner was almost over, as Dumbledore stood up from his seat and drew everyone's attention once more. One would think he would end the dinner, but he was actually about to announce something else.

"Oh, almost forgot!" He feigned remembering and waited until there was enough silence in the hall to continue speaking. "We have another relevant event to announce, well, a relevant future event to announce. I suppose some of you may know about some interactions that take place between magic schools around the world. Well, I have to announce that as a special situation, Hogwarts will conduct a certain twinning activity with another one of the most important magic schools in the world..."

There was a loud murmur in the hall after those simple words. Maybe the younger years didn't know about it, but older years did and were intrigued. Saying something like that at this moment meant it was important, especially considering it was another school as renowned as Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts will conduct a small exchange with one of our sister schools in the Americas, Castelobruxo" he continued, gaining the complete attention of many people. "As I said, this will be a special situation, as it will not be like in previous exchanges. Usually, it's the older years who have contact with other schools like the exchanges that were made before, but this time it will be the younger years who will be involved..."

There was silence on one side and murmurs on the other. No one expected something like this. I didn't know what kind of exchange would take place with a school from across the ocean, although magic facilitates many things, it doesn't mean there are no problems with distance.

"A group of Hogwarts students will have the opportunity to spend their school year at the Amazon jungle magic school. Of course, due to certain differences in the school calendar, some minor adjustments will have to be made, and they will be given the option to participate for a full year or half a year, which will start after the Christmas holidays. The selected students will have to make certain adjustments to their school calendar to integrate properly with the calendars of both schools. Likewise, Hogwarts will receive a group of students from there at the beginning of the school year."

Now there was a great commotion among the students and some teachers. The opportunity for students to participate for a full year at another school is not common; usually, it is only for a semester or some other time less than a year to avoid problems like these with different start dates. And that wasn't the most shocking part; it reinforced the main fact, which was that those who would participate would be younger years. Usually, this wouldn't be done because these are the years where the foundations are laid, and making a change like that could be detrimental, particularly if it's for a full year because it would open up many things to adapt for the result to be, at least, satisfactory and not lose much of that year.

"Due to these arrangements, the selected students will not need to attend Hogwarts classes on September first like the others, but during that period, some of our teachers will give them private tutoring to prepare them for this great opportunity and challenge. Let's thank Professor Pomona Sprout and Professor Silvanus Kettleburn in advance for adding more workload to their complicated schedules to prepare our fellows."

Dumbledore gestured towards one side of the teachers' table. Both professors stood up and smiled; they were among the few teachers who knew about this situation. They were professors of Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures respectively, specialties of Castelobruxo, so they would be the main support for the students making the trip. The place filled with applause; they were still confused by the news, but they still congratulated their teachers.

"Now, I will announce the students who have won this incredible opportunity. Those I mention, I will wait for them early tomorrow morning in my office," he announced.

Everyone fell silent; this situation was strange, without the slightest previous warning. No one had any idea how it came about, but now everyone was intrigued. Who would go to another magic school? Under what criteria? What would change because of that? Would it be something good or something bad? Everyone was tense.

"Congratulations to Red Weasley from Slytherin, Neville Longbottom from Gryffindor, and Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff!" He announced loudly and applauded.

The hall was rocked again, and there were cheers and shouts. Perhaps the scene wasn't so dramatic, but everyone was already excited about the previous situations and didn't lose their enthusiasm to celebrate this. Both Neville and Hannah had expressions of disbelief; they didn't expect it at all, nobody really did, but they were the ones named the most.

"Give your best wishes to these students who will represent Hogwarts with honor and glory in Brazilian lands," he gave one last breath. "And with that, I conclude this dinner," Dumbledore said before leaving with a certain smile on his face; he had certain expectations regarding this, although perhaps different from those of his troublesome student.

The hall was filled with excitement even though it was time to leave, and the questioning of the three selected students did not stop because of this fact. I found myself surrounded by the girls, my brothers, and all those who were curious about it, all throwing questions. Hannah and Neville were just like me, but to a lesser extent, and Neville in particular seemed like he might faint; he had already received enough excitement from winning the House Cup thanks to him.

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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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