1.02% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Childhood

章 2: Chapter 2: Childhood

When Ron and I were 4 years old, our mother began to teach us, as all families in the magical world do. Despite being one of the "Sacred 28" pureblood families, unlike other rich families who hired a tutor, we were taught by our own mother.

I was no opinion on my part on this, although poverty is not usually pretty, I couldn't complain. I had a roof, food and clothes (although inherited) so I didn't lack anything really important, for me, it was much better than it could have been.

There is not much to say about our house either, it looks like the union of several parts or different houses built upwards. Aesthetically, not much can be asked for, but it works well to fulfill its purpose. Outside we have a large garden in addition to the corral with the chickens and pigs, and also the gnomes that usually live in our patio.

But what I value most and what makes our situation, no matter how precarious, manage to make me feel at home, is that despite all the differences I had with my family, they still loved me, and I loved them too, even though I couldn't show it.

Our education was quiet, I showed the ability to learn quickly, although I held back so as not to attract unwanted attention. It was thanks to my previous life along with blood magic that helped me develop healthily and above children my age. In addition, my personality problem means that I don't have the need to be distracted by anything around me like the other children, which is another important factor.

Mom was amazed, but I couldn't feel proud, knowing the reasons why I was so 'smart'. I did enough to free me from the intensive study taught by my mother, unlike my brothers, but I still practice from time to time so as not to lose the habit.

I spend most of my time on was mainly reading. There was no internet or television, but there were magic books from my older brothers or our parents, they were old, but they still did their duty and I managed to learn some things. I wouldn't say I read amounts at the level of Hermione, but I defended myself.

This pleased my parents who, like my older siblings, expected me to have good academic skills. At least it was like that until they realized that I became less talkative and more disconnected from reality.

During this time, Ron began to drift away from me due to my ability. Like every child and brother he kept insisting on me to play with him, maybe seeing how Fred and George got along he would want something similar, but I knew I couldn't give it to him. I kept rejecting him and on several occasions my [Dominant Presence] was activated involuntarily releasing psychological pressure on him, and being just a child he was quite scared to the point of crying. I was scolded several times for it, but I couldn't control it, on the other hand, my brothers just laughed at him.

Now Ron doesn't come near me anymore, but we still sleep in the same room, except when I go to sleep in the kitchen to have a night of silence and tranquility, they have also complained about it, but they are already stopping.

With Bill, Charlie and Percy we had the minimum contact of a family. I kept asking Bill about what he learned at Hogwarts, but he got to a point where he started telling me things like quidditch, that out of our whole family I was the only one who wasn't interested in this sport, and from that moment I wasn't interested anymore in their stories and stop asking them about it.

There are also Fred and George who kept making jokes to us, mainly the ones that "you are actually the son of a vampire who lived here, and they forgot you, so we decided to raise you" that they copied from our older brothers. But because of my maturity it was difficult for them to deceive me as well that it would be even harder for them to get any answers out of me, so they focused mainly on Ron, I feel sorry for him.

They also tried it with Ginny, but they knew that they should have a certain limit, since as the youngest and the only girl, she had the absolute protection of our parents and if they crossed the line it would be very bad for them.

And it's with Ginny that I have the best relationship, so to speak. She's still interested in my hair, but she's leveled up, and now she's trying to comb it. She's already tangled it several times, but nothing magic can't fix. It was actually because of Ginny that I had my first magical outburst, or whatever it's called:


I'm doing the chore's mom leaves while Ron, Fred, and George play, even though they have it too, but they'll have to face the consequences, I was quiet doing my thing. Bill is at Hogwarts, Dad went out with Charlie to Diagon Alley for school supplies, Percy and Mom were outside taking care of the animals...

Wait a minute, "Where's Ginny?" I said alarmed.

Everyone in the room realized that Ginny was no longer in the kitchen with us, we had lost sight of her as we went about our own business. They weren't as concerned as I was, perhaps because as children they don't know that children are masters of the art of suicide, and it is very easy for them to find ways to hurt themselves.

I run out to look for Ginny in all the rooms and my brothers also followed me to look for her, although they didn't have as many worries as I did and more like a game of hide and seek.

I managed to find her in Mom and Dad's room, standing in the window frame, where she was trying to reach our owl.

I know my emotions should be asleep, but at this moment I felt a great deal of fear and worry. When I saw her slipping off of it, as if in slow motion, I yelled as I ran towards her with all my might "GINNY!!!" I was able to reach her and grab her, but I couldn't hold her, and the momentum and our weight make us fall together from the second floor.

I decide to hug and get under her in the air as we fall, hoping that I can protect her from the damage to the fall and that my [Will Essence] will reduce the pain that would come from the impact. Then I managed to feel that my magic is out of control, I'm not talking about my blood magic, but about the magic that all wizard have.

The curtain from the window we fell through is blown towards us and covers us in a sphere, with which we hit the patio floor. Tt seems to have reduced the force of our fall and got us a softer landing than it should have been, but even so I felt like my back suffered a strong blow.

We're lying on the floor with Ginny on top of me, crying her eyes out as I hug her over the rest of the curtain. I saw our mother and Percy come running towards us due to our scream, while our brothers looked at us in amazement from the window.

Even with my harsh personality I also had some tears from pain and fear, my strength left me once I saw that we were fine, but with all the post-adrenaline tiredness I tried to calm Ginny who was still terrified.

"Ginny, don't cry anymore, we're fine" I say trying to appease her.

"Bhuaaa..." she yelled, filling my clothes with tears and snot.

I manage to sit up and hug her tightly while I tell her "Calm down... we're fine... we're fine..." with all my effort trying to calm her down and then two windows appear in front of me.

[Auras and Essences: "Aura of Tranquility(Passive)" obtained]

-You emanate an aura that calmness or serenity around you that others can perceive, can relax or give a feeling of peace both to you and to nearby friendly or neutral figures-

I could feel as if everything around us slowed down a bit and serenity invaded us. But then I felt like some kind of current of energy left my body and entered Ginny's.

[Blood Magic: "Blood Control(Calm)" obtained]

-You can use your blood magic to physically or mentally manipulate different beings. The manipulation of 'Calm' allows inducing the target to a state of Relaxation.-

-Due to the current insufficient power to perform the Blood Control in its entirety, you must have contact with the target for it to take effect-

This is quite convenient, I can see how Ginny stopped crying in an instant, well she was still letting out her tears and breathing heavily, but she wasn't screaming anymore and just looked at me with glassy eyes.

"What's going on?" our mother yelled when she saw us crying on the curtain.

"We fell through the window" I say weakly as I slowly stroke my sister's back.

Everything else was the typical scene of mom hugging us crying with us in concern, then yelling at Ginny for what she did, and at me for putting myself in danger just like her, even though I knew she was so glad we were okay.

Also, our brothers got their share of scolding for neglecting Ginny allowing this to happen, but I think it was a bit of an uncontrollable situation, and it would be hard to avoid.

Fred and George were also grounded in their room as they thought it was funny and tried to try it later. They are some of my favorite Weasleys for their wit and grace, but sometimes they are a bit of a jerk.

In the afternoon, Papa arrived with Charlie and this situation was repeated with praise and scolding. But at this point, I started looking at a fixed point on the wall while they did it, my emotions hardened again shortly after falling, so my indifferent state returned, which my parents confused with not giving importance to what happened, and they had an endless speech that I pretended to listen to.

-End Flashback-

-Time after-

I am already 5 years old.

Now Ginny has her own room, it is small but cozy. What I would give to have a room for myself, but the family conditions do not allow it.

There are cases where she gets up because she has nightmares, but instead of going to our parents like the first times, she started looking for me and, since I usually go to sleep in the kitchen, she got up with her pillow and came to wake me up, so I could put her to sleep.

My [Tranquility Aura] helps her calm down after her nightmares and go back to sleep, though when I'm exhausted and want to speed things up to get back to dreamland I use a bit of [Blood Control] to speed things up.

I also used my skills to help my parents when they were stressed or tired from work, to which they considered that I infected them with my calm when I was around, which is not too far from the truth.

I continued studying and put aside the games with my brothers who are now focused on Quidditch, even Ginny seems to be very interested, but she is very small and only watches from afar. I, on the other hand, am not the least bit interested, but my family has mostly gotten used to the fact that I don't usually go with the flow, and they don't usually question it anymore.

This is how I spend most of my life in the Burrow. The good thing about this time is that I got 2 new skills, including my first auxiliary skill.

The first was a blood magic called [Lineage Connection] that allowed me to feel a connection with my parents and siblings, letting me know if they were alive or in which direction they were, and it was stronger the closer we were. The connection turned out to be stronger with my siblings than with my parents, I guess it's because of the genetic resemblance.

But one thing I did notice is that, albeit slightly, over time the connection seemed to weaken, and that's something I'll have to pay attention to and investigate in the future.

The second skill was [Sleep]. And no, it's not a skill to put the enemy to sleep, it's a skill to put myself to sleep. It allows me to select a duration between 0 to 24 hours and by using it I will instantly fall asleep during that amount of time, although I can still be woken up only it will be more difficult if there are no hostile intentions in the method used to do so.

Some will say that it is not very useful, but for people with insomnia or light sleepers this is a sacred gift. I can control the time of sleep allowing me to be much more productive and manage my day better.

But now let's focus on my current situation. You see, we live in the outskirts of Ottery St. Catchpole, a town in the county of Devon, in addition to us, in this place there are also the Diggory and Lovegood families, among others.

We get along well with both families, and Ginny has gone to play with the Lovegood family girl a couple of times. And that's why I'm emphasizing this situation, my mom is taking me and my sister to the Lovegood house.

Mom was about to take Ginny, but I asked her if she could take me too, mainly because she wanted to meet the mysterious Luna. I was very curious about this little being, who was introduced to us in my previous life as a strange and eccentric girl.

She, like me, had a peculiar personality, but in a different way. I hoped to find some compatibility between us and have someone to interact with, since despite liking loneliness a little, I also end up suffering from it.

My mother was puzzled with me wanting to leave the house because I always tried to avoid it... and wanting to meet other people voluntarily was like finding a unicorn, well maybe that's not so rare in this world.

It's not like I hasn't seen more people besides my family. They visited us with some frequency and by order of my family I greeted them when they arrived, but I did not give them much opportunity to talk, and I ended up escaping to my room or the patio to get away from them. Normally they didn't take me seriously as I was just a kid.

Many were surprised by my appearance and more when they noticed my personality, in addition to the fact that I gave a sensation both dominant and calm due to my abilities that ended up disconcerting them when they realized that these sensations came from a child.

Back to the topic. We're reaching our destination and even though my body can't show it I'm terribly nervous, I haven't really interacted with anyone other than my own family and in turn there's the fact that we're going to meet the Lovegoods, the real ones, not fictional characters. I have easily gotten used to my family, but now I realize how difficult it is for me to accept that what was once fantasy is now my reality.

We arrived in front of the door of their house. The house gave the impression of a wizard's tower, that was more in line with what I had in my mind for a magic house, I liked It's aesthetic much more than our house was, it seemed a bit funny, actually.

We approached the building, the door opened and a slim and beautiful woman with blonde hair and light grayish eyes came out, wearing a light blue wizard's robe that had several attached pockets from which some feathers and parchments among other things protruded.

"Luna come, Ginny is waiting outside" she gave us a warm smile and calls towards the house.

My mother stepped forward to greet the woman in front of us as a little blonde girl who seemed to be overjoyed ran out of the house and went straight to her mother's side clutching her robe.

"Pandora, it's good to see you again" said my Mother happily.

"You too Molly, but I see that besides Little Ginny someone else is with us this afternoon" she answers and gives my mother a hug and then looks at me, showing me a smile. "Who is this little cutie?" She crouched down a little to get a better look at me, although I continue with my indifferent gaze.

"Nick wanted to come join us today, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to get him out of the house" she says with a whiny and dejected tone while I wince a little at the name she used to introduce me.

"Don't worry, we already know the reputation of the serious and mysterious Weasley boy" She says trying to make me smile "Do you remember Aunt Pandora, I visited you many times when you were younger, but you were always sleeping and there was no way to wake you up. The Old Aunt Pandora wasn't good enough for you to want to see her" with fake tears she covers her face with hands.

"Red Weasley" is the only thing I reply, giving a slight bow in greeting.

"Red, be more respectful" my mother complained.

"I introduced myself" was the only thing I had said, and I don't think it was wrong.

"Okay Molly. If he was different, his reputation wouldn't be well deserved, no problem" she drops her crying act and extends her hand to me "Hi Red I'm Pandora Lovegood it's nice that we got to know each other"

I extended my hand as well, and I return her greeting with a nod from my expressionless face. Actually, I like her better than I expected, she doesn't push me too much like any adult in front of a child. Behind her peeks out the little Luna head, that is watching me with wide eyes examining every part of me, ignoring Ginny who was next to her talking to her.

Before Pandora can continue speaking, we all hear a childish voice coming from behind her.

"Your hair and eyes are weird" said the little Luna without the slightest malice.

I just looked at her for a second and before Pandora could say anything about her, I responded with a slight smile, trying to show my best will.

"Your eyes are beautiful too"

The girl only smiled at my answer, but now it was my mother who was looking at me with wide eyes. Luna's Mom began to ignore the children's talk, but when she looked at my Mom, she noticed her expression, and she thought it was a little funny.

"What's wrong Molly, it seems like it's the first time you've heard your son speak" she laughed at my mother's state.

"It's not the first time I've heard him speak, but it's the second time in my life that I've seen him smile, it's certainly a very rare situation" I reply, coming out of her stupor.

"Oh when you were telling me about your son's peculiarity I didn't think it would reach such a level" she said, a little amazed by what her friend was saying.

Pandora did not imagine that when her friend told her about her son's inexpressiveness it would go to this point. She only thought that he was a serious boy, but with what she heard today, she seemed to change her mind and became a little more interested in the strange child.

"Let's play" Luna told Ginny as she dragged her into the house.

Pandora, Mom and I entered, they went to the kitchen to prepare tea, meanwhile I stayed there to looking at the house.

I heard a slight repetitive sound in a room I entered. There I found a man with long white hair sitting in front of an old typewriter, very focused on his work. I sat in a chair that was next to the table where he was working, he just looked at me for a second without stopping writing for a moment.

After a while of listening to the tapping of the keys of the typewriter without either of us making a sound. He took out the paper he had been writing on and read it.

"The British Ministry of Magic, in its objective of maintaining the predominance of wizards throughout the magical world over other magical creatures, clandestinely organizes attack groups to loot and destroy establishments of beings such as trolls, giants, werewolves and vampires in a plan to reduce their numbers and ability to deal with the dominance of the mages." The man commented as he read the top of the scroll before giving me a questioning look.

"Possible" was the only thing he got from me.

He nodded slightly thoughtfully when Pandora arrived carrying a tray with a cup of tea and sandwiches.

"I see you met my Xenophilus" Pandora smiled at me and then addressed her husband, "And what do you think of our peculiar guest?"

"Fascinating" replied Xenophilus Lovegood "I still think you should have let me do my post about vampire clans trying to infiltrate the power of the wizarding world by secretly having children with the women of prominent wizarding families in England" he said as looked at me.

It was at that moment that his wife gave him a hard pat on the head with furrowed eyebrows.

"If I had allowed you to post that, Molly probably..." She looked at me for a moment before continuing "I would have left you without the possibility of giving Luna a little brother" she said, giving her a look expressing that he knew very well what she wanted to say. She then looked back at me, "Why don't you go outside and play with Ginny and Luna."

I just nodded and went out to meet my sister and her friend.

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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