/ Fantasy / The Strongest Migrant

The Strongest Migrant Original

The Strongest Migrant

Fantasy 12 Chapters 128.2K Views
Author: BossCatto

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Adam Hartfelt is a man who stood above all. With a flick of his finger, the Heavens shall split apart. His presence enough to make even the Gods kneel before him. His handsome face can even make the goddesses forget about themselves.

But, after an unfortunate events, he's teleported to an unknown place. Where everything is different from his home.

Will Adam finds out why he's in this world and conquer this world just like the world where he came from?

This is just a novel for me to write about op mc.

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there isnt many OP from the start novels, and this is one of that but dont know why author vanished, were still waiting for more chapters and story is rushed early

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Uh sorry this is such a long review. But I hope I can sincerely help a little with your writing with this review. With the romance aspect, well I think the romance was forced. The first thing that the mc will experience in the world is this? I think that Liliana should have kept her veil on. I mean she stopped at a popular site for a caravan stop, why didn't she. And her group shouldn't have been enticed with food no matter how good it was because their response just showed a lack of discipline (and majorly so). Plus she is the empress and she doesn't seem to have discipline or caution that a queen should have. She should have have kept her veil on and then had a slow interaction with the mc (like have several chapters of their interactions). And stop blushing queen! You are an *****, she lead her kingdom without a king, so she should have a better check on her emotions and have some kind of poker face all the time for others to not read her emotions easily. Since the author seems like a really good guy/girl from the top review than can I make some suggestions? This can be used in your later novels or something. But please don't get offended or anything, these are purely just suggestions. ............................................................................................. For example, since she is a queen, she could have been on the front line of a war or battlefield (something hard so that she was forced to leave her protective castle) and then you could have shown her good qualities (her strategies, power, beauty when she fights, charisma, etc). After the mc explored for a while, he could have just been passing by and just stopped by the battlefield to see how advanced the wars are compared to the wars on Earth are with the opponents he faced off against (for example against the gods he faced). I mean he isn't some super hero or anything, so he isn't obligated to save anyone or stop a war that he knows nothing about (the cause). The mc could have then been interested in the queen then. He then comes upon her after the war and tried to interact with her to discuss strategies or something intellectual. This can also make an excuse of the mc not helping his queen during the human vs demi human war. Of course with somehow having the mc convince her that he is harmless and is smart, etc etc without being a turn off for the queen. And try to avoid just having the queen accept it easily. For another example, they could of started to fight when he sneaked into her castle and then she acknowledged his strength or just give up when he swears to not do anything to her people after he pins her or something but still be weary of him (I think the latter is a better option). With their relationship becoming closer, he could have then found out how hardworking she is and how much love, loyalty, and dedication she has for her for kingdom (another trait he might fall for since it seems like he didn't need to do much stuff back on Earth). And she could have appreciated him more for enlightening her for a power boost. This is a good time for character development. She could have been at the bottleneck of an already strong enough level, but with the mc there, she could pass what she didn't even know she could pass (power level wise). How would the mc learn that she is a hardworking queen? And idk how the mc knew that Krishna was a good kitty. I think their should have been several interactions to develop feelings for each other and for them to both lower their defenses. Also make the mc go away for a while, but then come back to the queen a few times because he misses her or misses their intellectual talks so that their feelings could develop even more or just for advice. Maybe also have meetings with other beauties so that he can compare and make sure of his feelings? But of course the queen got to have the best looks and traits of them all put together compared to these other nobodies. And if there's no harem, then make the other females not follow mc or make mc mercilessly reject them so that their not a bother either (thats what I would personally want). With how it's described that the mc is so used to women falling for him with no effort, I think he should have been the one pursuing because in here, we don't even know what his feelings are for the empress besides the fact that she is beautiful. Plus it will counteract the impression that the queen is a seductive (loose) kind of fox (since foxes are sometimes depicted to bewitch and also seem sl*tty). Having the queen appear so fast and against nobody bandits just makes me think how unimportant she is to me and you will later just maker her a housewife to stay at home. Kind of like a used sock. Plus his short flashback after his interaction with her makes me feel that you just put it in there so that he can just readily accept her. But even with the flashback, since he still had his looks I'd assume he would still have a hell of a lot of pursuers and so that woman that was in his flashback might have just been with him because of his looks. He also said that he got bored of women pursing him and so he rejected them all, this seems a little like a jerk because the queen is a beauty, but he just accepts her? (He accepted her before he found out that she is similar to his past lover). We don't know his interactions with the past woman and him and plus he may have not had any special feeling for her, but she still could have been an important comrade or just a feeling above acquiescence like a sister. What was different with that woman compared to the other women that were around him before? Your going for an already OP mc, but I think he should have some things that he could still learn in the new world, for example how the queen ran her country or something? I'd prefer he learned something from the queen so that she can show her worth and be different from the rest of the girls that were with him. Of course more shortages are needed so that he can learn from his adventure. But to me now, she is pretty much no different from the other girls before with how quick she fell for him. You also said "past lover," when you described in the flashback that he didn't even realize her feelings, so how could they be in a relationship? Maybe you could have had the queen look like the past woman and have her be her reincarnation or something, so that he can have some kind of regret and be more willing to accept his feelings. Of course don't make him see her face and then just "BAM" feelings because he still needs development in the relationship. -Cough- It seems like you already kind of cleared that up in a chapter it seems. And if she is similar looking, don't make her take off her veil till waaaaay later with their interactions. Just as he is hiding his face, she should hide hers. Then their first interaction can be purely of feelings instead of their faces. Plus there was a nobody that says that the Nara Kingdom(? the demi beast kingdom) doesn't allow humans, so you could also have the queen's internal struggle to accept him or not and also have the mc prove to the demi beast race to be accepted. And how are they able to sleep in the same room when it wasn't even a whole day since they met? Making the mc OP is fine, but he has to have some kind of shortages so that he has room to improve. I mean why else would the god author have him have the option to go to another realm? This new world has to subside his boredom somehow or something. Mc seems uh... superbly narcissistic it seems too. Why are you taking selfies in a place that has no wifi? I understand it's just to piss someone off, but to take selfies...seems very millennial. How did the races come to be? Was there a god that made the demi-humans or was there demonic beasts that mated with a human? Krisna would have been useful to have some incite for the new world. Giving Krisna a power boost is fine, but I think it would have been better if it were just at a certain extent because how could a wisp of mc's energy be that cheat? Making Krisna become stronger through the journey with mc would have been more character development. Please also describe the characters more. You kind of passed the queen's family. And also I can't really get an image of the queen and Kishna except for their hair and eyes? For example, how are their normal expressions (first impression expressions)? Does any of her family members have a heroic chiseled face or do they all have a kind of unintentional bewitching kind of face? How is the queen's smile different from her business smile and her heartfelt smile (since the guards never saw her actual smile it seems)? Compare looks to get better imagery? Maybe Kishna has a fierce expression the same as a tiger or has a elegant and noble face that comes from a feline species (of course more detail is needed, but these are just outlines). And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you only described the mc's eyes in detail by comparing them to a stone or something. Comparing other main character's eyes to gems and stuff would be good too. It might be a little cringy, but it gets the job done, I think so anyways. Do they have any western or asian traits on their faces? Finding an image that is based off their appearance would be nice too. The queen is also somehow smart and perceptive? You need to convince the readers that she is from her character. At first she is just a love struck teenage girl that's puddy and then she is now a perceptive person? And her family is ok with a human son in law even with the human and demi human's history? The mc has to have some kind of goal and struggle.

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Im not going to rate it because I only read a chapter and a half, but could you please find a better editor. I would read if it wasnt butchered. For now I will give 1 star. If updated with better english I will raise the stars approapriatly.

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Vraiment un bon livre. Cela nous permet de nous détendre entre deux livres fortement portés sur le combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bonne chance pour la suite.

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Muito bom a novel recomendo à todos a acompanhar não vão se arrepender. ..........................................................................😎😍😍

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Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample charpters or links will be appriciated when reaching out.

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I like how OP the MC is and I like how he had already conquered his world and he was bored so when the vortax showed up he was like ok let's see where this goes. Don't really like how you forced the romance thought author. All and all,really amazing story and I hope you pick it back up!

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Author BossCatto