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66.66% The Strongest Migrant / Chapter 8: The Past

Chapter 8: The Past

The night passed peacefully. Adam woke up with Liliana sleeping on top of his body. He lightly poked Liliana's cheeks, waking her up in the process, her drowsy face that looks cute mad Adam kissed her in the forehead. It took them a full five minutes before they completely wakes up. They then walked to the dining room to eat their breakfast. There, Nicholas, Angelica, along with Liliana's two siblings--Dean and Amelia--that are already sitting in their seat and enjoying their breakfast.

"Enjoyed your sleep together?" Asked Angelica when she noticed Liliana and Adam that just arrived at the dining room. But before Liliana could answer her mother questions, Nicholas asked another question to her.

"So, did you both did 'that'?"

At first, Liliana didn't understand what her father saying. But after sometime, she slowly started to blush and grudgingly stared at her father. Resulting Nicholas that laughed when he saw her daughter's face.

"What do you mean did 'that'!? We did nothing! We just talked for sometime before we went to sleep! Does Father expect me to do something with Adam?"

"To be honest, I did expect you and Adam to do something last night. You knew that your mother want to have a grandchildren."

Adam almost choked himself out when he heard what Nicholas said. But luckily, nothing bad happen, the reason he almost choked himself is because what Nicholas said. Adam and Liliana are not even married yet, why does Liliana's parents want them to have children so fast!?

"Anyway, are you both ready for the banquet later?"

Now, this is a serious problem for both Liliana and Adam. Though Adam and Liliana themselves has attended a lot of banquet before. But for Adam, he never attended a banquet in Nara Empire. So he's a little nervous, but not too much. With his experience, he believes he can handle the upcoming banquet later on.

"Yes, I'm ready, how about you Adam?"

"I'm always ready."

Beside, is there someone who can threaten his life in this world? Perhaps there's some people who can do that, but they're as rare as a phoenix's feather.

"So, because there's still time before the banquet start, you and Liliana should take a look around the city. We will prepare the banquet for later."

Adam nodded and pulled Liliana outside the mansion. Liliana gripped Adam's hand tightly, she looks embarassed because this is her first time holding another man hand beside her father and her younger brother.

"Well, where do you want to go? You're the Empress of Nara Empire. So you probably now the best place for sightseeing."

"Y-yes, I know where we should go, but do you want to take the carriage or should we just walk?"

Adam planned to take out a modern vehicle like a car or a motorcycle because he's to lazy to walk around the city. Using a carriage are troublesome too because it's slow. But he doesn't want to create another commotion by taking out a foreign vehicle. He will still do it, but it will be some time later.

After a while, Adam taken out a bicycle from his spatial storage. Because this is Liliana first time seeing a bicycle, she's confused about what just Adam taken out from his spatial storage. Adam explained a bit about what a bicycle is, and later on decided to demonstrate how it works.

The reason Adam chose a bicycle as their ride is because it felt romantic. He often saw it in romance movies or read it in novels in Earth before. That's why he's taken out a bike.

"Sit on the back and hold on tight. It might feel uncomfortable because it's your first time riding it, but after a while, you'll get used to it."

Adam sat on the driver seat while Liliana sat on the back and hugged his waist. Adam could only smile while seeing this. It was his first time doing something that feels romantic like this, he couldn't help himself to not feel nervous.

He started pedalling his bike out of the Imperial Castle. It was neither fast nor slow. Liliana enjoyed her first time riding a bike like this. People on the road who saw this are curious with what is Adam riding, they also looked at the woman that sat behind Adam. Liliana already covered her face with a veil and changed her clothes to something that's less attractive. She even changed her nine tails to only one. But that still doesn't hide her beautiful pair of eyes and her graceful figure. People can't help to stare at her while they pass by.

On their way on going to various places on the city. They talked about a lot of things. Such as Adam's homeland, Liliana childhood, and how they achieved their power now. Liliana laughed at every embarassing moment that Adam told her. Especially when Adam told her that he almost crashed into a tree while learning to ride a bike when he was five years old.

Liliana also realised that everyone on Earth before doesn't have any supernatural powers. There might be some people who can use inner energy called Qi or Chi. But it's number are so small that it's almost negligible. But those people are known to already passed the normal human limits.

Adam told Liliana that he's only a normal human until he was ten years old. That's when what people of Earth called as 'The Calamity' happened. Strange dimensional portal appeared in major city around the Earth. From there various unknown creature popped out and attacked the people nearby. Normal weaponry are useless againts this creature. It only took three days before most of the nation goverment crippled and chaos ensued the world.

And that's where the first 'Transcendent' appeared after three years of futile wars. These people have superpowers that can't be measured with science. The amount of Qi or Chi that are small before somehow started to generate until it became a lot again. What people call as a 'Cultivator' in ancient China started to appear. People finally started to fought back with their newfound power. The tides of war started to tilt in their favor.

The war took place for almost ten years. In that time, Adam rise in power and become 'The Emperor of Mankind' when he was eighteen years old. He united the people that are scattered around the world and build the Empire. The wars are finally over and humanity came out as the victor. But Adam didn't plan to stop there.

He devised a plan to investigate where this portal came from. After a long time investigating, he found out that the Gods from Earth are the one who made the portal. Furious, he gathered all the armed force he could muster. By now, technology has advanced far more than the one before. People still used guns, but it no longer used gunpowder like before, they used plasma energy in exchange for bullets. Some even used Mana as bullets.

People on Earth remembered this time as 'War of The Worlds'. Two world—Mortal and Gods—collided and fought each other. Both side suffered tremendous casualties. Adam also lose his past lover in this war. She was a brave commander, leading her men through thousands of battle and won each time.

But their enemy this time are Gods. Yes, Adam are considered as an apex existence among the human being. But in front of Gods? He was nothing. The Gods found out about relationship with his lover. So they sent an army consisted of millions of soldier and a hundred Low-Tier Gods, just to kill Adam's lover.

The battle lasted for almost three months. Because the overwhelming number that the Gods Army have. Her lover soldiers started to fall one by one. When Adam realised this, it was already too late. All of her men already perished, she also died when an assassin attacked her while she was battling againts a Gods. Adam screamed, that scream are so loud that people from thousand of miles away can hear it.

His rage took over him. He charged alone to the Gods Domain. Fighting alone for a year straight without resting. That's when finally until his army arrived to help after struggling to find out where Adam is.

Adam remembered that it's the biggest war that he ever participated. Laser flew everywhere. Mech are being destroyed left and right. Men and Gods died every second. The War of The Worlds lasted for five years, shorter than five years from the war againts the unknown beast. But the casualties are far more greater. Many great heroes died in this war.

Finally, the war ended. The King of Gods are killed by Adam. It took great effort for the humanity to win. Many lives were lost. People lost their friends, family, and loved ones. For a moment, Adam thought, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it to wage a war that caused many deaths?". He lamented the death of his past lover. How powerless he is to protect her from the danger from the Gods.

"Adam.. Are you okay?"

A voice snapped Adam back to reality. He looked at Liliana and found that she were staring at him worriedly. Adam smiled wryly, he just realised that he's been telling his past for a long time. Right now, they were on a second floor in some restaurant. Taking a break after going around the city for a while.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry to make you worry like this."

"You don't need to say sorry, Adam. It's my duty as your future wife to care about future husband. Beside, do you need a hug?"

Adam smiled and nodded. He need a hug to soothe himself. But because they're in a restaurant, they can't do that right now, they will probably do it later when they're back home or when they're alone.

"We still have some places we haven't visited yet, right? Why don't we go right now before dusk arrived?"

Liliana laughed a little. She found it surprising with how Adam can change his emotion so easily like that. She's worried that their day will be ruined because of she wanted to know about Adam's past. But it seems she was wrong. She was relieved at that.

"Alright, whatever you want, Adam."

And so, they continued their journey again. Enjoying the scenery and food that the city offered.

BossCatto BossCatto

A little info dump, i guess.

Also, i want to know how you guys think about this novel so far.

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