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75% The Strongest Migrant / Chapter 9: Panic! At The Banquet

Chapter 9: Panic! At The Banquet

Night time arrived, both Adam and Liliana already wore their best attire for the upcoming banquet. Adam wore the same piece of suit when he meet Liliana's parents for the first time. Meanwhile Liliana wore a white dress white an aquamarine snow pattern around the edge of her dress. She looked stunning when wearing that dress, Adam can't avert his gaze for a while when he saw what Liliana is wearing.

"You look beautiful, milady." Said Adam while smiling. He walked closer to Liliana and stretched his hand so Liliana can hold his hand.

"Thank you for the compliment, Adam. You look fine yourself."

Liliana takes Adam hands and returned Adam's smile. They then walked together to the gate of Imperial Castle. Where a heavily decorated carriage stood just right outside the gate. Beside the gate Nicholas and Angelica stood together with Dean and Amelia standing behind them.

"You both look perfect. People will surely be stunned by your looks, especially you Adam."

Adam can only smile wryly when he heard Angelica comment about him and Liliana. Liliana didn't say anything, but her Nine-tails that swaying left and right clearly showed that she's happy.

"Thank you, but the focus of the banquet will be Liliana, and not me. Beside, I'm a human and I'm a stranger. The nobles will perhaps ostracized me later."

If that really happen, then Adam did not really mind, but he's not alone. Liliana is here with him now. So he must not lose face for Liliana and her family. Whoever it is, Adam will not back down and let him be mocked by the nobles of Nara Empire. He will show them what is worse than death.

"Now now, I believe it's time for them to go. We don't want them to be late to the banquet right? So off you go. The carriage will take you straight to the banquet."

Adam nodded and lead Liliana to the carriage. He opened the carriage door and let Liliana enter the first before he entered. The carriage soon started to move where the banquet is being held. With the speed of the beast that is not clearly a horse, Liliana said it will take them around five minutes before they arrived.

"Adam, are you nervous?"

Liliana suddenly asked to Adam. When Adam looked at her, she looked really nervous. Adam is confused by this. As an Empress, hasn't she already attended a lot of party and banquet before? So why is she nervous now? But right before Adam can ask that, Liliana opened her mouth again.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm nervous like this is because this is the first time I ever go to the banquet with a male. You should know clearly that I never did this before."

That's a plausible explanation. Adam remembered that Liliana never have any couple before he met Adam. Her cold personality towards stranger made her seems unapproachable. But for some reason, when Liliana first met Adam, there's no trace of her cold personality. But Adam didn't ask why.

"Well, just relax, act like usual. Nothing bad will happen at the banquet. Hopefully."

Adam sighed. He just jinxed it. From what he read in those webnovel on Earth, problems tend to show up when the main character is at a banquet or a party. Though that is not for sure, but who knows? Perhaps a problem will really arise and Adam will meet his first enemy in this world at the banquet.

"If any of the nobles that you meet later dares to act presumptuously. Just tell me, I'll give them the punishment they deserve."

"No need," Adam smiled slightly. "I can handle myself."

Seeing Adam's smile, Liliana sighed in relief. But she is still a little bit worried with Adam. With Adam's power, if he lashed out at the nobles that acting cockily in front of him, how can the nobles survive? She already saw his power with her own eyes. He's simply too powerful, even she is not sure if she can handle Adam if he truly get mad.

Without them realising it, they arrived at the banquet. The banquet are held in a big mansion belonged to the Nara Empire. The big mansion stood proudly under the moonlight. Giving it a mysterious charm to the people.

Liliana told Adam that the one who will attend the banquet are mostly from the younger generations of the nobles families. This banquet are also held annually, so the younger generation can get to know each other and find peoples that they like. Making a connection between them so that they can grow strong together.

"Your Majesty, we've arrived." said the coachman outside. He then opened the door and let Liliana get out first before Adam.

"This place sure is big."

Adam whistled at how big the mansion are. It's probably the most luxurious mansion in the Empire. Just it's sheer size already make it look amazing. No need to mention the decoration and the arrangement of the flower in the garden. Adam wanted to pluck one of the flower and give it to Liliana.

"Of course, after all, this mansion is mainly used to held banquet like this or a place to stay when a leader from another kingdom or empire visit us. So of course it's big."

Adam nodded and looked at the mansion with amazement. He never saw a mansion this big before in Earth. It's comparable to an ancient castle in Europe. What will the people on Earth react if they saw a mansion this big?

"We should get inside, everyone is waiting for us."

"You mean they're waiting for you, Your Majesty?"

Hearing Adam's reply, Liliana pinched Adam's waist and turned away and puffed her cheeks. She then held Adam's hands and lead him inside.

"When we're alone, don't call me with 'Your Majesty'."

"I know, just teasing you."

Adam stepped his foot inside the mansion. He can see a lot of people already arrived. Of course, it's mainly Demi-Humans that attended the party. There's some human, but it's not much if compared to the Demi-Humans.

He also can see a lot of luxurious decorations around the mansion. It really deserves the title of 'most luxurious mansion on Nara Empire'. But that's not really important, what's more important is that almost everyone in the mansion is staring at Adam.

Why? The first reason is because the strange clothes that people here never saw. Second, it's because Adam is walking together with Liliana. Almost every man here stared at Adam with jealousy and hate. Why can he—a stanger in Nara Empire—can walk beside Liliana while they can't? They even always given short reply when talking to her or even doesn't bother them at all. But now, they saw Liliana talking and even smiling to Adam.

Though Liliana is wearing a veil to cover her face. They can still see that she is happy just by hearing her laughter. It made a lot of males in the room gnash their teeth at stared at Adam with hate in their eyes. It's mostly those that are rejected or ignored by Liliana before.

Suddenly, a group of people approached Adam and Liliana. There are five people in this group, two men and three females. Liliana smiled to the woman that are greeting her. Meanwhile, Adam just stood behind Liliana while being stared by the two men.

"Your Majesty, would you care to introduce this handsome man to us?"

Even with his face disguised, Adam's face can still be counted as a handsome one, coupled with his modern suit, it just added the charm to the women around Adam. Adam can only wryly smile when he saw the flirtatious gaze sent at him by the women around him.

"He's Adam Hartfelt. I met him when I'm on the journey back to Nara Empire. He saved me from the Blacktooth Bandit, if I didn't meet him right then, I would probably already die."

"With your power, how can a group of small bandit threaten our Empress? With just a swipe of your hand, Your Majesty can already kill them all."

What the woman said is true. With Liliana's power, it's an easy thing to defend herself and destroy the bandit groups. But Adam appearance didn't let her to use her power. So, she let Adam destroy the bandit group and also to observe him.

"Anyway, Adam, I have to meet with some important people for a while. You can stay here and talk to the people around you. Perhaps, you can find a girl that you like."

After saying that, Liliana walked away leaving Adam alone. After Liliana is gone, the two men finally made their move. They approached Adam with hostility clearly showed in their face.

"Gentlemen, is there something that you need from me?"

"Cut the crap, you're just a stranger in the Nara Empire. You don't have the right to be here and stand near the Empress. Only those with prestige and wealth can attend this banquet and talk to her. So, I suggest you get out of here before I kick you out myself."

Now, everyone is watching the conflict that started to arise. Adam can only shook his head when he saw this. He already predicted this to happen a long time ago. But what should he do? Just slap the guy and be done with it?

Adam sighed, he looked at the man in front of him. Adam guessed that the man in front of him is only 22 years old. He have a handsome face and also a tall and muscular body. There's also fur around his face, similar to that of a lion. So, a Demi-Human with a lion characteristic, eh?

"So? Do you think I care? Stop bothering me and go away. You're just blocking the beautiful views of pretty woman from me."

He clearly don't give a single damn about the man threat. As a man who already defeated the Gods, why should he be afraid with puny Demi-Human like him? If it's the usual Adam, he probably will already kill this man out of annoyance. But he didn't do it, he want this banquet to be something that he and Liliana enjoy, so Adam didn't want to attract any troubles.

"You! You're just a lowly human that deserves to be enslaved! How dare you to talk back to me!"

"Well I just don't give a single f***, so scram before you regret it."

Seeing that Adam will not move no matter what. The man started to growl. Slowly, a claw started to appear on both of the man hands. Everyone around them are eager to watch the fight happen. They're curious with what Adam will do towards the hostility of the lion Demi-Humans. Will he fight back, or will he run away?

As an Emperor, how can Adam ran away?

"Since it already come to this, don't blame me for th--!"


Without waiting for the man to finish talking. Adam already attacked. On his right hand, a black M1991 with golden engraving appeared, smoke rise from the muzzle of the gun. The looks on Adam face made everyone tremble in fear. But it also added to the charm to the young woman watching.

"You talk to much."

The gun dissapeared, Adam then walked away to the balcony, leaving the lying unconcious man on the floor. Luckily, Adam shot the man with a rubber bullet. Even though it's a rubber bullet, it was still infused with adam's Internal Energy, so it's going to feel being hit by a truck. Adam hoped he didn't kill the poor man.

Seeing Adam just walk away and dissapeared, many people started to talk about him. They mostly talked about the strange weapon that Adam held. It resembled the weapons that the Dwarves and Human made. But, it looks more beautiful and complex than the firearms that the Dwarves made. Perhaps surpassing the weapon made by the Dwarves! Some people started to send their men to investigate Adam's background and where his weapon come from. If it's proven that Adam doesn't have anyone that supporting him from the background, they will try their best to steal that foreign weapon from him.

Meanwhile, Adam stood on the balcony alone. His long hair that are usually tied now are being let loose, he also closed his eyes. The winds blowing on his hair made Adam very relaxed. So much that he didn't realise the sounds of footstep closing in on him. Only after he opened his eyes again that he realised that someone is standing behind him.

Turning around, he saw Liliana stood before him, she then approached Adam and hugged him. This made Adam confused, did something happen? Or perhaps Lilianna hugging him is because the little fight from earlier?

"You fool," Said Liliana, still hugging Adam tightly.

"You shouldn't fight him."

"And let myself be humiliated? No way in hell that's going to happen."

"But at least you won't attract problem, and beside, why didn't you call me when he started to pick a fight with you?"

"It's because my pride won't let me do it. It's fine for a man to rely on women sometimes. But they can't always do that all the time. They are the one that are supposed to be the pillar that women relies on, not the opposite. So when that man humiliated me, how can I stand still? A bad cat needs to be punished, that's all."

Liliana laughed seeing Adam's response. She always wondered why he's never afraid of trouble. Is he always like this? Liliana didn't care, as long Adam is fine, she will not pursue the matter.

"Anyway, what is that foreign weapon of yours? I saw it and it reminded me the weapons that the Dwarves and Human made. Comparing your weapon to them, it's complexity can be compared to the one that the Dwarves made."

"It's called a firearms—a handgun to be more specific. The model of firearms that I used is the customised M1991 Colt. I actually designed it from some certain character in a game, though."

"But still it's much smaller than the firearms that the Dwarves made. It also look beautiful with the engraving on it."

"Haha, to be honest, there's a lot of more powerful guns than the one I used before. I even have a gun that can dispel energy to evaporate and also incinerate the target, it can also cause damage to those around it."

"There's a weapon like that!? I can't even think how dangerous that weapon is."

Adam laughed when he saw Liliana's reaction. It looks really cute. So she hugged her and rubbed her head, sometimes even rubbed her ears.

"No~ not my ears~"

Liliana's reaction almost sound like a moaning. Adam hastily retracted his hand when she heards Liliana moans. Liliana realised what just happen and covered her face with her hands. Feeling embarassed with what just happened. So for her revenge, she slapped Adam with her nine-tails.

Adam's ears then picked something. Something dangerous is approaching and targeting Liliana. He then grabbed Liliana by the waist, surprising Liliana that started to struggle, but with Adam's strength, how can she free herself?

Adam leaped and crashed back inside the mansion, just right after a strange object landed on the balcony and exploded on impact, blowing Adam and Liliana towards the mansion.

Fortunately, Adam reacted fast enough and already brought Liliana closer to him, so the brunt of the explosion mostly landed on him. Although it didn't hurt too much, it still made Liliana worried.

"Adam! Are you alright!?" Liliana then freed herself from Adam and started checking on him. After seeing that he's alright and doesn't have any serious injuries, she sighed in relief.

"Who dares attack the Nara Empire!?"

Her shout sounded throughout the city. Waking the citizen that already fallen asleep and startling those that are still awakes. Many guards and banquet guest then rushed to the place where Adam and Liliana were right now. Seeing the furious face of the Empress, everyone can't help but not to feel fear.

"Someone dared to attack the Empress! Find the one who did this! Now!"

The commander of the guards ordered. But before the guards could carry the order. Countless black clothed people appeared and surrounded them from all places. Sealing their way out.

"Damn these cowards! How dare they attack the Empress! Kill them for me!"

Battle then ensued between the guards and the assassins. The guest that followed the guards to see what happen now regretted their decision. They can only hide in the corner behind Liliana. Although they have power, when comparing to the assassins in front of them, their power is really lacking.

Adam rose up and saw the guards fighting againts the black clothed people. With just one glance, everyone can see that the guards are losing. These assassins can't be taken lightly. With every one assassin that died, there will always be two guards that's killed. Slowly, the guards are being killed one by one until they too need to retreat to Liliana side.

"We're sorry, Your Majesty. We're useless and can't protect you."

"No need to blame yourself, now just stand back and protect the nobles. I will handle this."

Liliana then stepped foward. An aura with blue, aqua blue, and purple mixed together started to emanate from her body. She's clearly furious with these black clothed people in front of her. As to why, it's mainly because they're interrupting her intimate moment with Adam.

"You all can leave your lives here, now."

She waved her hands. A ball of energy with the same color of her aura shot forward. The assassins avoided her attack. But one of them are too late to react and got hit by her attack and crashed to the wall, instantly died.

Adam naturally can't stand this. He's also angry with them interrupting his intimate moment with Liliana. So he summoned his weapon, this time not the spear when she met Liliana in the first time. But a black and white Colt M1991 in his right and left hand.

"Well, my lines already said by Her Majesty, Liliana. Can't really say anything."

Without warning, Adam shot both of his guns. His hand are so fast that people can only see blur when Adam moved his hands. Sounds of guns being shot also heard repeatedly in the room. Every time they heard the guns being shot, they saw one of the black clothed people dying.

The black clothed people then realised that Adam and his weapon are much more dangerous than Liliana. So they switched their target from Liliana to Adam. Swords and daggers are being slashed at Adam. But he didn't panic, he instead evaded all of them with ease and counter-attacked. Sometimes, Adam would kick his enemies to the air and shot them right in the head while they still in the air. Then kicked them again at the approaching enemies.

The way Adam fought are never seen by the people of this world. But Liliana already saw it. When? It's when Adam showed a movie called Ma**** to her yesterday. She remembered it's called Gun-Kata. Combining both the usage of firearms and martial arts.

Some of those that are a bit stronger than the other can see that the bullets that Adam shot ricochet from the wall or from other bullets. Hitting their enemies in their blindspot where they least expected it.

Firearms exist in this world, but the firearms resembles flintlock except they pack much more firepower. They also used formation when using firearms so to increase the chance to hit the targets. But the firearms that Adam using is completely strange to them.

Not only can it fire continuously, it also has higher accuracy. Making it much deadlier than the firearms in this world. Even the way he used it looked strange to them

Liliana watched from the side. Adam keep giving her surprise everytime. Everything that came from Adam is mysterious, no matter what it is. She wondered what surprise Adam will give in the future.


Adam fired again. A bullet shot straight to one of the enemy head, killing him instantly without him knowing what just happened. He then switched his weapon to a claymore. It was time to finish this.

"You just need to come when I'm here, what bad luck."

The silver claymore sword with skull as decoration at the hilt makes people tremble when looking at it. The aura that the sword emitted even contain the aura of death. Making everyone trembling in their place.

"Accept your death!"

Adam roared and charged forward. The assassins managed to calm themselves and prepared themselves to receive Adam's attack. But how could his attack be taken lightly?

With a slash of his sword, the bodies of two assassins sliced in half. But Adam is not done, he's still attacking the assassins like a madman. The assassins did try to fight back, but their effort are proven futile when they realise that Adam are too powerful. But they're already too late to escape, they can only fight in desperate attempt to kill Adam.

One of the assassins attacked Adam from behind. His dagger shining in red light as he slashed his dagger, sending a red crescent shaped energy towards Adam's back. The assassin never hoped that Adam would get killed by that attack, but he hoped that it will stall him at least for a while.

Adam grinned, how foolish it is trying to attack someone that's called as 'The God of War' in the back. Not only it will not hurt him in the slightest. It will not even hit him.

He turned his body suddenly, sending an attack at the same time. His sword shot out a silver crescent shaped energy to the enemy behind him. The attack that's still moving towards him are destroyed instantly by his energy, and it did not stop until it hit the assassin that sent the attack.


The assassin howled in pain that lasted for a brief second. Before his body that had been split in two fell on the floor.

The whole room fell in silence. Everybody looked at Adam as if he's a Demon, except Liliana. Adam, being the center of attention, didn't even bat an eye at the people staring him in horror. Instead, he slowly averted his gaze slowly to the remaining asassins. His black eyes shining under the moonlight.

"Had enough?"

His voice made the remaining assassins shudder in fears. Though they still looked in battle-ready stance, they didn't dare to charge recklessly. Who is he!? Who is this foreign man that appears so suddenly!?

The assassins looked at each other and then back at Adam. The possibility of them escaping are almost none, because they knew very well that Adam wouldn't let them escape that easily. But they still tried, they all dashed out of the window and separated into different direction, while hoping that they're not being chased by Adam.

But Adam didn't even bother chasing them. He stored his sword back and walked towards Liliana, who was still staring at him.

"What? I know that I'm handsome but no need to look at me like that."

Liliana's only response is pinching Adam in the waist. Making him howl in pain.

"You should've let me handle it. Otherwise your existence will be known to other people."

"Who cares, if they want to find me then let them come. I dare them to try. I'll be waiting for them all the time."

Liliana sighed, she then looked at the bunch of nobles still hurdling themselves upon the walls. They're clearly have been scared by the sudden attack of the assassins. She could only send them home so she could clean up this mess.

"I'm sorry for the mess that happened today everyone. It is my negligence that this attack happened."

Liliana bowed to the crowd of nobles who could only try to nod their head awkwardly.

Adam can guess what's in Liliana mind, so after all the nobles are gone, he hughed her and patted her in the back to soothe her. This banquet are ruined by the appearance of the assassins. He swore to himself to find the assassins organization and destroy it, if they had one.

"Don't be sad, alright? At least everyone is safe, so there's no need to worry."

"It's not the safety of the nobles that I'm worrying. But the defenses of this Empire, how could they sneaked past the guards outside? As you should've already known, as Demi-Humans, our senses are much more sharper than the normal human."

"That means they're not the normal assassins, they should be a part of organization, I should investigate more about this. In the meantime, you should go home and take a rest, I'll handle everything."

"As a leader of an Empire, how could I just stand by and do nothing while you're trying hard to solve the assassins background? No matter what, I will help as much as I can."

"I myself are enough. You're already so tired, so you you should go home. This is an order from your future husband, so be obedience, okay?"

Hearing the words 'future husband', Liliana blushed and separated herself from Adam. She stared at Adam for a while and nodded her head before she walked out from the room. Leaving Adam standing alone.

"Whoever you are, you will pay for this!"

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