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91.66% The Strongest Migrant / Chapter 11: One Spear to Rule Them All

Chapter 11: One Spear to Rule Them All

Somewhere inside a jungle, two shadow could be seen passing by trees fast. The speed in which they're moving is so fast that they appeared as a blurred shadow. Many beast that are unfortunate enough to be on their path quickly found out that a hole has pierced through their bodies. By the time they realised it, it was already too late, whatever it is that attacked them has aimed for the heart. Killing them instantly.

Of course, this was Adam and Krisna passing through the forest.

Since they already found out the hideout of the Darkblood Assassin, they decided to go straight to their hideout. On their way, they killed several patrol and watcher of the Darkblood Assassins. With how fast they moved, those patrol and watcher doesn't even realize what just happened.

"How far are we to their hideout?" Asked Adam, while he occasionally waved the spear in his right hand in random direction. But the truth is, it's not completely random. After every wave of his spear, he would at least kill a hidden watcher that's hiding in the trees or in the bushes. Eliminating every possible threat possible.

"Not too far, we're almost there." Answered Krisna, scanning around the area as they moved through the forest.

"When we're there, let me handle everything, you stay behind and watch our back."

Krisna clearly knew why Adam said that. He wanted to take revenge for yesterday. Adam will not stop until he's satisfied or the Darkblood Assassins are gone from this world.

It didn't take long before they arrived at their destination. The Darkblood Assassins are as Krisna described before—inside a cave under the foot of a mountain—the place are also near the center of the forest. The place where stronger beast lived, so none of the ordinary people or people with low level of cultivation dared to enter.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes, Young Master, this is the place. Though it may not look like it, there's a lot of people guarding the place. They have around 6000 people inside the cave."

"That many? Isn't this just a branch?"

"At first, I also didn't believe it at first. But after I 'ask' some of the Darkblood Assassins member, I found out that the number of member in each branch is exactly 6000 people, no more and no less."

That was a bit unexpected. But Adam didn't really care, it doesn't matter even if they have a million people in each branch, Adam will still slaughter them all.

"Remember my instructions earlier, Krisna. I'm going in now."

The God of War has descended to give punishment to the evildoer.


Inside the Darkblood Assassins hideout.

A man cloaked in black cloak is seen standing in the middle of a spacious room. In front of him, three men are kneeling while sweating like there's no tomorrow. Clearly, the three men are afraid of the man in black in front of them.

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on!?"

"W-we don't know either, sir! Suddenly a man appeared an attacked all of our men!"

"Have you send our men to deal with him?" Asked the man, still staring at the three people kneeling ij front of him.

"We already did, sir! But the man killed everyone that we send! We already used everything we've got!"

"Bunch of useless bastards! How can you be part of the Darkblood Assassins if you can't even one man!"

The man in black fumed in anger. He can't believe with what he's hearing right now. A lone man dared to attack the Darkblood Assassins. Even though they're only a branch, and not part of the main base, they're still a force to be reckoned with. Just who is this man!?

"Fine! I'll handle him myself!"

The black cloaked man walked past the three men. Behind him, two people suddenly appeared out of nowhere. As if they're invisible this whole time and only just appeared right now.

"You two, prepare the Earth Rendering Formation. Use anything we've got to stop this man no matter what! Even if it cost both of your lives!"

"It will be done!" Replied the two men together. They then dissapeared again, nowhere to be seen.

"Whoever it is, I will make sure you wish that you're dead!"


Not one people has survived his attack so far. His spear is too fast to follow with their eyes. The only time they can see his spear is when they're the next target that Adam is aiming to kill. No matter where, Adam will always attack them even if they're in a weird angle from Adam perspective.

As if Adam have another pair of eyes to see around him.

Adam stabbed with his spear again. Four people that are charging at him are immediately impaled with his spear. Looking like a meat skewer, but instead of cow or pig meat—it was human.

"Is this the skill of an organization that dared to attack the Nara Empire? Pathetic! You all deserved to die!"

Adam waved his spear and send the bodies impaled to his spear to other people charging at him. Breaking their momentum and letting Adam charge forward. He then used his spear to slash at two people in front of him. Cutting their bodies into two before Adam kicked their upper half of their body into enemies at the distance.


None of these people can follow Adam's movement. So how can they react fast enough when Adam attacked? All they could do is pray that Adam didn't target them.

Though the Darkblood Assassins is known with their fearlessness of death. When faced with Adam, they can't help to feel the emotions that they thought are long lost within them.

It was fear—the fear of death.

"We can't hold him any longer! Where is our leader!?"

"I don't know! Just do whatever you can to stall him! We'll wait for reinforcement"

Adam sneered. May God help this men. In front of Adam attack, nobody can stop him. All of the elites in this branch are already sent to deal with Adam. But most of them are killed easily by him. Now leaving only twenty percent of the elite forces remaining.

"Give way! Let me handle him myself!"

The shout startled everyone inside the cave except for Adam. Instead, he still held the disdain in his face. He's not afraid with whoever just came. He could take them down easily like everyone else before him. He alresdy fought againts the Gods and win, so why should he be afraid againts mortal?

"From the looks of it, it seems you're the leader. Took you long enough."

"Shut up! A person who will die doesn't have any right to talk! Whoever you're, I will make sure that you regretted your decision in coming here!"

"Ah, then show me what you got. Don't dissapoint me."

The two aura collided. A golden aura and a black aura collided in the air. Making sparks flies in the air. Many people around them started to fall down because of the intense pressure. Some even started to bleed from their seven orifices.

Adam sneered, again, he knew that the mysterious black cloaked man in front him is using all of his power from the get-go. Planning to get rid Adam in one strike.

But, how could Adam let him do it?

The two charged at the same time. Their weapons and aura collided againts each other. The sound of weapon making contact with eact other continuously ringed in everybody's ears. The man and their leader are fast—exceptionally fast—nobody can follow their movement.

But little did they knew, Adam is just getting started.

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