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2020-12-13 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

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Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1


As a result it made it very difficult for one to try and catch Zeus without a similarly fast domain. One would think that teleporting and speed were hand in hand but in fact that wasn't actually true as space was all about stability and stagnation. This meant that when teleporting or manipulating space at all there is always a noticeable delay when it was used. During that delay a truly fast enemy like Zeus would spot and evade the teleportation which made the whole point of it moot unless you knew where they were heading.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to

not necessarily because each star has ita own affinity it just strengthened her crafting domain.

As a result it made it very difficult for one to try and catch Zeus without a similarly fast domain. One would think that teleporting and speed were hand in hand but in fact that wasn't actually true as space was all about stability and stagnation. This meant that when teleporting or manipulating space at all there is always a noticeable delay when it was used. During that delay a truly fast enemy like Zeus would spot and evade the teleportation which made the whole point of it moot unless you knew where they were heading.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


that spell would slap in warhammer total war.

A little surprised, with his latest darkness/void spell he decided to name it, [Pulse of Darkness] sweet, direct, and simple.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall



"Fear not, my fellow ninjas! Our noble lord has charged me with a mission of utmost importance! We must embark on a quest to uncover every morsel of sustenance and every droplet of water hidden within those vessels and defecate in them! Everything depends on our stealthy and diligent efforts!"

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903


I'm going to be honest I'd be very upset to see an evil master chief . bit that's because halo was my first game ever

Like wanna see Master Chief joined chaos united or just the Nurgle version of him? Or Halo Flood infested with Nurgle plague? Or Skywalker Family truly become a Chaos Champion?

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

War · Lee_Kah


o god that would be the worst thing to do to anything nurgle

Daemon roared in pain and terror as water filled his orifices and purged all microbiological life. 

Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

Video Games · saszeta


I think he could easily killa prymark

The one most pleased by this by far is Khorne gaining "true warriors" under their service, also he complemented Laharl on the gruesome, gorey kill they perform on Kruger Vaal, as Khorne banished the fresh, bleeding head to his throne in the Warp he had to ask, "Brother was this another finisher, from that knight you mentioned before?" Laharl denied it was from the same man, as Nurgle also asked who has done such a kill before, laughing a bit before responding, "That kill, and way more little brothers. All as gore filled or more than that one...he is a legendary warrior, that would be worthy of your service Khorne. From a warrior culture called Spartans, he is Kratos!!! Once we go to that world, I'll tell all you need to do to insure his absolute fealty, loyalty, and devotion to you."

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall


robot gorillaman

'I gotta kidnap them,' Baldur slumped in his desk, thinking that he needed to find which of his brothers was best at logistics and how he would pull them and their Legion under him so he would never have to do math like that again.

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Anime & Comics · ForestOfDarkness

Replied to Morg535

doubt ferrus is best are was. he lost his head in the first real battle of the civle war

Horus looked at the pair and wondered how he was going to report the situation to the Emperor while Ferrus wanted to join in but he knew that he couldn't match either of them. His Legion was too small compared to both of theirs and he had no military knowledge, meaning he had to learn how to properly lead armies. 

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Warhammer Lost Primarch: The 2nd Knight

Anime & Comics · ForestOfDarkness

Replied to VXZD_ZD

opaque objects are transparent but also clear

The assassin pulls out a special transparent kunai from his pocket as it glistens with sharpness.

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife

Replied to Overlord_Bloodfall

it has immortal empier mode in 3

Seems that the reason that the Dimensional Gate wasn't activate was because they didn't arrive and trigger it to activate, and just as their patron said the portal gate was only restricted for now, to one of the many alternative Fantasy Warhammer aka the Old World, in this version of the Old World follows a crossover between all lore of Old World, but every mayor legendary lord/character was still alive, hence its a crossover with the Total War series basically.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall

Replied to PrimalWhiteStar

probably the condensed elemental gems from the fire salts and such

"I also like not being erased so you have no arguments from me though I have a large stockpile of starmetal that might help if you require it." Nick offered since if it meant that abominations eventual destruction he was all for generously donating to the cause. "That will be most appreciated since the metal will make the work much easier." Dumbledore said with a smile. "With that settled I have a gift for you all since I won't be participating in the standard Christmas gift giving this year." Nick said as he took out several small vials with a small stone in each.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


maybe he can combine star metal with the light he can make

Hermione sent some of his favorite candy in the form of chocolate frogs of various flavors. Daphne sent him a chunk of star metal with a tag that explained how he had complained about his lack of stock in it. Tracy much like Hermione sent chocolate frogs though of the normal variety this time. Luna sent a copy of the tales of Beedle the bard that she bookmarked her favorite stories in. This made him chuckle as he had long memorized this book of stories to see if it was only the three brothers tale with some accuracy or if there were others as well.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro
