57.37% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 205: Ochain Shield of Chaos & the Gate of the Gods

บท 205: Ochain Shield of Chaos & the Gate of the Gods

(General POV)

Location the Warp-Edge of the Realms

After all three Chaos Gods, made all their arrangements and decided on a goal they left their respected realm and heading underground.

Each of them went to edge of their domain, were there was nothing but a swirling mass of infinite colors, representing the Warp and each of them walked off the edge, falling into depth of the Immaterium.

After falling for a while they finally saw the bottom of each infinite expanding continent of earth, that were the Nethervoid, the Blood Lands, and the Plague Garden.

Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle used their dominion over the Warp to move and "swim" through the matterless dimension, going under the realm of Chaos eventually meeting down below in this empty space.

Nurgle greeted his brothers, as he asked the Dark One, "So...Laharl...we're now...underneath, our...realms...what...now?"

Location the Warp-Underneath the Realm of Chaos

Looking at the cloisters of earth, Laharl began taking charge, and telling his brothers what to do in order to start, creating this barrier.

He told them to tear chunks of their realms, as he will do to his Nethervoid, using all that material to build the first step in this project.

Nodding to him, since he is the God of Creation, Nurgle floated underneath his domain the Garden while Khorne did the same under his Blood Lands.

Once the Dark One was in position as well, all three Chaos Gods rised their arms pointing at the earth above, after they focused their power and dominion onto their realm the cloisters started to shake a bit, as dust and rubble started to give way and fall.

In a swift motion of the Dark Gods, chunks and pieces, were torn and ripped from their realm floating above them, countless pieces of the lands of Chaos of various sizes and overflowing with ruinous power, of each of the current forces of Chaos.

Before either the Blood or Plague Gods could ask their older brother, the Dark One why he needed some much earth and rock?

He answered their non-spoken question, "Before we create this barrier, which I've already named "Ochain Shield" with need...well a temple, to serve as its storage and connection directly to the realms of Chaos. By doing so we can add more material, and Chaos power to the temple and barrier, which in turn not it make it constantly grow in power but benefit our individual domains and legions."

With Khorne heard the name Ochain he was pleased as the God of War, he has direct connection to all warriors that have existed whether they serve him or not, the Ochain Shield was a mythological weapon wielder by Conchobar mac Nessa, he was pleased with the name, and Nurgle was most curious of the benefits and effects that Laharl promise this barrier will provide.

They heard their brother, Laharl calling them over, as while they were imagining the temple/altar their brother was about to build, the Dark One flew over to the large piece of earth and was standing on it.

He wave and called them over, so the two other Chaos Gods flew towards him, Khorne landing brutishly, while Nurgle released a wet splash as he splatted some muck and scum upon landing, Khorne looked a bit disgusted by his younger brother's mess, while Laharl didn't care...

He told them he was going to use his [Carnage, Void, & Creator] divinities to create this temple, while true the Dark One has never used his Creation Divinity, at its fullest relying mostly on partial contribution of his divinity, along with his FAC to create everything in his possession.

But not today he plans to use his divinity at full capacity, along with the added aid of Khorne and Nurgle's divinities, and eventually the other Chaos Gods that will join their ranks, as Laharl cracks his neck and rotate his massive left arm...he begins...

Focusing on his ruinous dark powers and his divinity over creation, along with own major prime divinity of Carnage with also using Darkness causing all the floating debris and boulders started to shake.

From Laharl's body was starting to glow white then turn a mixture of purples, burgundies, and maroons as warp-lightning colored mauve surged out of Laharl, these sparks of chaotic lighting blasted outward striking at the rocks and debris around them creating a current of daemonic energy.

All the shadows in the area, including the shadows of Khorne and Nurgle were changing shape and resemble black silhouettes of daemons, reached out their long claws towards their God, the Dark One.

Laharl without turning to his brothers addressed them, telling them, "Now Khorne, Nurgle focused your powers where I'm about to assemble all this materials. Your Divinities will mold this temple alongside mine, and once it's done we can begin with the barrier altar." the Plague and Blood Gods heard and did as their brother said.

Khorne was the first to step forward, stopping next to Laharl, as his brother continued to gather power and channel it all, so did the Lord of Skulls.

Flowing throughout Khorne's body was a great pressure and power, as his dark brass armor started to be coated in hellfire and magma, the hellish smoke emenating from on top of the Blood God as he still gather his ruinous power over War, Wrath, Violence, and more the last thing that started to gather around the Blood God's form was thick, scarlet blood pooling and rising around Khorne's body.

The droplets and gallons of blood, started to levitate and circle around him as Khorne awaited for the Dark One to proceed.

Next was Nurgle, stomping his way forward, stopping on the left side of his brother, the Dark One, and like him and Khorne before him the Lord of Decay started to gather, channel and manifest his powers.

Permeating and coming from Nurgle's body, was a thick green miasma of toxin along with an ever growing cloud/swarm of flies buzzing through the Plague God's, toxic fumes unharmed, with a wicket smile and a wet coughing laughter the Plague God was still gathering his ruinous power over Plague, Decay, Toxicity, and more.

The next thing that started to manifest around the Rot Lord was a bubbling pool of thick, warm, and foul puss all conjuring below the feet of the Plague God, causing vile vapors of faded green and yellow to rise and mix with the miasma around Nurgle's body.

With this putrid and disgusting glory made manifest, Nurgle waits like Khorne, for the Dark One to proceed.

The Dark One has built up, enough power as he began having full psychic control over the floating materials, as warp-lightning still danced and surged all around them.

The Dark One now ready, he began rising his left arm, with a lazy claw hanging unmoving he channel all the collected dark divine, power into his left arm, and finally through his Claw of Hades, causing the daemonic clawed-power gauntlet to surge with white, black, mauve, violet, and burgundy energy and lighting.

Counting his entire God Weapon and clawed-hand, with a deep breath and focusing his black and red eyes straight at the center of the cloister, were all realms converge and in the future when the Great Horn Rat, Ultnarth [Special Thanks to NIGHTMARE_SATANIC, for the name suggestion.] becomes apart of their pantheon, and ascend to the truth position of a Chaos God not lesser ranked daemonic deity, Laharl was excited to face Ultnarth in battle, and making him submit but they needed finish...or better said started creating the Temple of Divine Malafex...

With a quick opening of his claw-equipped hand releasing a pulse of great force all over the underground are, causing all the rocks, ores, earth, and other debris extracted before to move to where Laharl had chosen to erect the temple.

The floating materials they gathered and converged into the same spot smashing into each other and against the main earth cloister above, once all were in the same spot, with a wicket grin adorning his face, the Dark One said, "By my will, and dark divine authority, as the Chaos God of Carnage. Obey my divine decree, and transform, mold, and build thyself as I will it..." Laharl felt his being wanting to say that, as all the power accumulated and enhanced inside of his Claw of Hades, was ready to be unleashed.

On the open palm of the Claw of Hades, a wave of white, purple, grey, and burgundy fired out Laharl's claw, soaring directly at the materials.

As a flash of white, purples, burgundies, and greys was illuminating the entire area, as Khorne unleashed his power a molten wave of hellfire and smoke, swirled with scarlet blood all flowing straight at the white flash, coated in his brother's colors.

Upon impacting the white flash gained hellfire sparking and burning everywhere with blood also flowing into the mass of light, changing the main color of the mass from white to a darker pink with hints of red and violet.

Now it was Nurgle's turn pointing his arms at the center of the cloister and unleashed his dark powers as well...

Flowing out the bloated arms of the Plague God, all the puss and toxic miasma he manifested flowed through his arm, as a think stream of utter, disgusting filth.

All the while, Nurgle was letting out a boisterous, joyful laugh as the flies also started to swarm and swirl around the stream heading straight to where Khorne and Laharl were blasting as well.

Upon hitting the target along with the Blood God and Dark One's streams it started to glow brighter combining into one structure and emenate a blinding glow.

Laharl was smiling with joy, for this is exactly what he was waiting for as he felt his divinities working in tandem with his brothers' own divinities, as it was reaching the climax, a massive expanding flash of energy and light covered the entire underground...

In a couple of moments, the light faded and all three Chaos Gods, have already stopped using their power as they look up at the...upside-down temple that now stood above them.

As Khorne and Nurgle marveled at the upside-down temple that was directly connected to the earth, like it was growing out the earth cloister itself.

The temple resembled in appearance like many dark, gothic style structures with columns of red brass, with various sized sharp, black bladed spikes curved upwards littering these eight columns on the outside, the structure is mainly compose of black marble and red brass with countless Nurgle vines and tentacles scattered and coiled around the temple.

The front of the temple has a set of stair leading to the entrance a giant set of black onyx doors with a massive eight-point star of Chaos inscribed at the center of these doors.

As some black chains with several spiked cages hanged from the triangle style, tiled roof of the temple inside these cages are the essences of each Dark God that had connection to the temple...

One has a bleeding flame, a literal fire that was floating in the center of the cage as it wasn't sparks flying off the flame but blood...droplets of blood that pour out the cage, another cage had a constant rotten mass, covered in maggots, flies, tentacles, boil, and so much disgusting matter that only one thing can compare a diseased tumor.

Lastly at the center cage, was a black and violet shadow in the shape of sensual she-daemon with chaotic energy surging through her as she danced.

[I know that Laharl's energy resembles something like Slaanesh but it was the only thing I could think of to represent Carnage, Darkness, and Lust energy for him.]

The two younger Chaos Gods were mesmerized by the temple as Laharl spread his arms wide, and introduced them to the Temple of Divine Malafex.

As the Dark One speak, "As you can see this temple is directly connected to our domain both physically and in concept. This will hide the Ochain Shield, and only be detectable or access by Gods of our pantheon that have given parts of their essence willingly. Which means my brothers, that only will this temple grow in power, and size alongside us but also benefit our realms acting like...a water faucet, constantly flowing corruption through our domains making it stronger and restoring any damage done by our unruliest daemons or lesser invaders. Cause once the Ochain Shield is established no higher level beings will be able to invade our realm ever again." Laharl smiled with pride as he told Nurgle and Khorne the benefits of creating the Malafex Temple first than the barrier.

Both Khorne and Nurgle were emencely pleased, also had a bit of pride of the contributions they made in the creation of this secret dark temple, they even told their brother so.

Laharl lowered his arms as he grinned a bit, he walked a bit forward, rising his right claw out causing the lowest stair to open and release a surge of multi-colored, constantly swirling and mixing energy (Red, Green, Violet, and Black) forming a wide, straight extending all the way to the floating massive boulder that all of them were standing on.

The bridge directly to the temple, the Dark One lowered his right arm, turned his head slightly to his brothers and asked, "So shall we go inside, and finish this little project?" Khorne nodded, while Nurgle responded with a "let's" as Laharl waited for them to get a bit closer, before he began leading them towards the temple.

Location the Insides of the Malafex Temple/The Core Chamber of the Temple

The trio of Dark Gods, the colossal temple was filled with Chaotic symbolism of all three of them, and also unaligned as well.

Chambers and floors with all three of their branch of corruption and arquitecture all over, and the deeper they went the stronger the sensation of Chaos was felt by them, welcoming and revering to the three brothers.

Eventually they made it to the final floor or since the temple is upside-down, the attic Laharl said it was the core chamber, where the Ochain Shield will be made and connected directly into their realm.

Since this is the main reason he built and design the Malafex Temple, upside-down so it bottom/top floor would directly be in connection to the earth of their domain to make a constant flow of energy and power for the barrier to the temple and to them as well...a constant cycle design.

Said chamber was dark, dome shaped with a mural of all Chaos Gods present and connected to the temple on the roof in, the mural was detailed in showing their likenesses. (Picture your favorite, Chaos God art in the mural, with what you imagine Laharl's Arch-Daemon form in the middle.)

At the center, nine giant round stairs leading up to where the altar and the Ochain Shield will be placed, Laharl stepped forward, taking a few steps up the stairs before stopping and turning around to his brothers the Blood God and the Rot Lord asking them, "Are you two coming or what?".

The Dark One kept climbing the stair, soon joined by his brothers the Blood God and Rot Lord.

Once all three of them were on the top, ninth step the Dark One took the farthest edge of the step, turning to his brothers he told them to each take their own corner as they were about to create the barrier, he went on explaining that this time he'll use a Warp Tesseract/Free Absolute Creation, along with his [Creator] divinity with their own divinities to help design, and create the Ochain Shield.

This made both Khorne and Nurgle smile, as the Blood God commented, "As must admit, brother your truly the God of Creation...even, if you take our limitless time to make thing." Laharl shuke his head, and responded to his brother's compliment/backhanded jab, "Yeah, yeah f-you too brother." this made all three brother laugh...still it might surprise any knowledgeable person, seeing the Chaos Gods actually behave like siblings...

But they quickly got back to business, as Khorne told them, "Despite the...brotherly...banter. We all have things to do, worlds to soak in blood, and another dimension we must prepare to go. So I'd prefer, we finish this now...((so Valkia can be safe))" while Nurgle only nodded in agreement to what he heard at the beginning, the Dark One heard everything including the whisper of Khorne's concerns about his wife...Laharl was shocked that Khorne, the Blood God was actually the voice of reason amongst them...but he agreed fully, especially the end of his statement.

Now their ready, like before they started gathering their individual ruinous powers and divinities, as they did so Laharl mentally contacted Aillia to use one of his five remaining FAC, and make sure it manifested between their blasts.

She quickly responded, (Right away, my Lord. The Free Absolute Creation, I delayed its activation so it can absorb not just your but Khorne and Nurgle's desires as well. (;,))

once again, Aillia has proven to be the best assistant/advisor a Chaos God could ever want.

As the Dark One was finished preparing with his brothers, their respected malignant power and auras coating each of their bodies, as the Dark One, he told his brothers, "I'm about to bring out, one of my Warp Tesseracts. Before that I need you two, to unleash your powers at the exact moment that the ball of light manifest in front of us. Understood?" Khorne and Nurgle nodding in confirmation at him, they can finally begin creating the Ochain Shield.

Unlike other times that the Laharl used the FACs did not immediately rush into him when he used it, instead it floated to the exact center of the altar and in-between the three Chaos Gods, and the moment Khorne and Nurgle saw the sphere of light, shining in front of them they unleashed their powers in a stream, along with Laharl as well.

The three steams of different Chaos energies struck at the FAC making the orb of light grow and expand in power and size, now it was illuminating the entire, dark chamber, as this glitch in the world that is a FAC not only has all three Gods' powers, and divinities...but their desires to create this barrier to protect the infinite changing and expanding eldritch realm of Chaos.

In a quick bright flash of white, red, violet, and green that illuminated the whole temple and temporary blinding the brothers as the Free Absolute Creation, as read all their thoughts and desires, resulting in the object that they wished to create.

As the light dimmed down, revealing the complete Ochain Shield.

Resting exactly on the center of the ninth step, was a cylindrical object with several holes and only three were filled by a dark red ruby, a yellow-green emerald, and a dark purple sugilite each three of these huge precious stones were pulsing with daemonic energies of rage and blood, disease and decay, as well as lust and darkness, every few seconds they'll pulse with energy flowing through light-streams in the cylinder and through several large tubs connecting to a humongous crystal sphere, floating over the cylinder base.

The sphere has several tubes on both it bottom and top, as the energy cycles feeding everything within the crystal sphere a swirling storm of colors and Chaos, with various sized eight-point stars spinning and rotating around the sphere, the upper tubes went through the roof the chamber and directly onto the realms of Chaos, but without damaging or disturbing the mural.

It was finished as Laharl walked over to Nurgle and Khorne, showing them the finished Ochain Shield, once he was between the two younger Chaos Gods he place a arm on each of their respected shoulder and said, "Behold, the eternal barrier of Chaos, the Ochain Shield." the Dark One glimpsed at his brothers faces, observing for any sign of expressions in their faces, Nurgle's was easier to tell he was happy, joyous, amused and excited as he let out his usual boisterous but cough ridden laugh.

While Khorne standing proud and menacing with his arms crossed over his chest, his helmet made it next to impossible to catch and expression on him, but from what the Dark One could catch in his eyes, they burned with pride, sastifion, and eagerness probably cause he and also Laharl and Nurgle were also eager to activate the barrier.

Sighing a bit Laharl told his over-eager brothers, "Well let's turn this barrier on, shall we?" Laharl he instructed them how to activate the barrier which needed all the "united" Chaos Gods, that place their essences inside to activate.

Each one of them, walked towards the cylinder base, placing their right hand on their respected stone, channeling their power through it causing the Ochain Shield to finally activate...

The dark chamber once again was lit with the powerful, bright lights of red, violet, and green as the entire relic was litting up with more energy and lights, as the Shield pulsated with power, those pulses were growing in size and length before in one great pulse, a humongous ever expanding invisible wave washed over them all.

That wave continued to expand, and escape from the Malafex Temple soon enough not only did it start to overtake the chaotic realms, all the wandering daemons of each of the realms felt the wave pass through them all surprising and shocking all of them as the wave kept on expanding.

Eventually taking the form of giant invisible dome that covered everything in the realms, the barrier, Ochain Shield was activate and strong.

But something happened when the barrier was activated all the daemons of carnage, blood, and plague felt much stronger and connected to their respected Gods and their realms, but that was not all...

Upon the wave surging fort and first passing through the Chaos Gods and unexpected but welcomed surprise occurred to them.

They've all felt much more powerful than before, clearly Khorne and Nurgle were forcibly ascended in God-Rank again, Khorne aside from the power he emenated now was three times stronger but Nurgle he gained some new additions to his godly form aside from power...

Nurgle's grew in size and girth, his antlers growing in size and spreading out, the bone spikes sprouting from his arm grew in size, along with new spikes sprouting from his arms, thighs, and back, his fingers and toes busted with black blood and puss as larger, slime oozing/coated bone claws.

He strain and his mouth ooze puss, slime, blood, and vile as new razor blade teeth were sprouting within both his mouths, with the mouth in his belly now having tube worm like tentacles along with his fat boil and wart ridden tongue, these tentacle-worms have infectious sores and boils allover them with maws completed with jagged, sharp, rotten teeth.

While not a drastic change, it was clear Nurgle has ascended and joined them in the Mid God-Rank.

Despite possibly having a few thousand souls and some decades, since time is all but linear in the Warp, but being more attuned and connected to their divinities and realm must have drastically boosted their own individual states enough to bypass the lack of Souls, and Laharl must admit Nurgle look cool...and horrendous.

All of them have gotten stronger, as they agreed Laharl will have complete control and watch over the temple, which will keep the Ochain Shield secret and protected, before they left Laharl reminded them, "Remember we still have to prepare for the upcoming world-jump, to get our newest Sibling, the Great Horned Rat or as he is really named Ultnarth, and I even have something special for all of us to use and enjoy on weaker worlds." Khorne and Nurgle were curious about this surprise, especially with Laharl having a wide smile on his face.

Laharl walked passed them, and started walking down the steps as he spoke out loud not stopping, "Also brothers congratulations, on the ascending. We can celebrate with Ambrossia later, but first we need to find the Gate, that our patron left for us." Khorne seemed excited and agreed with his brother as he too started to leave the chamber...but Nurgle.

Nurgle at first was excited until he heard his oldest brother mention something called Ambrossia...scratching a infected scave on his head, he ask out loud, "Ummm...what's...Ambrossia?" Khorne just making it to the entrance of the chamber, turned to him and responded, "You'll see brother. You'll soon see." leaving the chamber, and still left a confused Nurgle as he sighed and also left the room.

Location the Entrance, outside of the Malafex Temple/Underneath the Realm of Chaos

All three were at the entrance, now outside looking at the vast void underneath their domains, they walked out back onto the giant chunk of earth to prepare to fly back, as Laharl sprouted his six wings, he turned around at his wingless brothers and decided to tease them a bit, "So need big brother, to carry you two back home? Hehehe." Khorne scoffed, walking pass Laharl, igniting himself in complete hellfire and blasting off into the Warp, like a burning meteor.

Laharl smiled and shuke his head, knowing this is usual Khorne behavior, he turned back to Nurgle and this time he asked sincerely and with no teasing, "How about you, Nurgle? How are going to fly to the Gate, let alone out of here?" Nurgle laughed for a while...

Nurgle slowly walked towards the edge, and focusing his vile powers to summon a colossal tidalwave composed of flies, nats, and even...locust to him, as they served as Nurgle's flying transport.

Laharl watched as the bloated Decaying God was carried away, all Laharl had to say, "Damn. Regardless of what lore said about him. One has to give respect, Nurgle got style." spreading his wings, the Dark One took flight and left as well.

Location the Grand Cloister of Destiny/The Canyon Wastes

After sometime, the three brothers flew back up to the surface, and then together took off in search for this Gate that their patron has gifted them.

Again it took them sometime to find the Gate, cause it didn't emenate Chaos...from what Laharl could guess with it being inactive it was emenating any sort of energy making it cloaked...Laharl comments that it was a perfect method so the still unruly and uncooperative Dark Gods won't thinker and break the Gate...but that meant they'll have more trouble finding the damn thing!!!

Khorne was especially getting frustrated and angrier the more time they wastes searching...until just at the outer edge of Nurgle's Garden, he spotted a massive floating cloister.

Upon seeing this moving cloister, Khorne told his brothers and they flew straight towards it.

After flying for a while they've landed on a earth colored cloister, resembling a canyon like landscape, and since this piece of earth that flew through Nurgle's lands without being affected an ounce, it was clear sing they've mostly found what they been searching for, now somewhere in this place was the Gate, and begrudgingly they needed to find it.

Location the Grand Cloister of Destiny/The Dimensional Gate of the Gods, Resting Place

They walked through the canyon, heading deeper, and deeper into the cloister, until eventually they found the largest rock formation in the entire cloister.

It was even taller than their current height, that's when Nurgle spotted a cave and pointed his ooze covered, bone clawed, index right finger at it noticing their brother's gesture, they looked where he was pointing and also saw the cave.

The trio of Dark God headed towards the cave, and upon entering the tunnel it was filled with Chaos syconagraphy.

The forces of Chaos were so intense, even the most zealot soul would break completely becoming either slaves to Chaos, or utter destroy their psyche and souls, the Dark Gods were pleased as they proceed into the tunnel, and the deeper they went the stronger the force of Chaos was emenating.

Eventually they reached the end of the tunnel, leading to a secret plateau made of crimson canyon rock that block all view of the gate in front of the three Dark Gods.

While Khorne and Nurgle who approuch the structure to inspected the stone made structure that lead to a humongous ring made of stone, metal, and other materials, while Laharl who stayed back, mentally comment that the ring which is obviously the Gate, resembles the Stargates, of that scyfy show named the same.

Seeing that it was inactive and he was done admiring Absolute Chaos taste in Scyfy culture, the Dark One started to proceed and once he took a step on the stone floor of the area, the entire structure and the Gate were activate everything the floor, the columns, the Gate-ring, and the other structures were covered in red, violet, and green daemonic runes.

Before any of the brothers could properly react or talk, their minds were flooded with all the knowledge involving the Gate and how to operate it...

After a while, all three of them, the Dark One, Laharl, the Blood God, Khorne and the Rot Lord, Nurgle were forced to their knees, panting and gasping for air as they process all the new information that is now in their heads.

Seems that the reason that the Dimensional Gate wasn't activate was because they didn't arrive and trigger it to activate, and just as their patron said the portal gate was only restricted for now, to one of the many alternative Fantasy Warhammer aka the Old World, in this version of the Old World follows a crossover between all lore of Old World, but every mayor legendary lord/character was still alive, hence its a crossover with the Total War series basically.

So Grom the Paunch is alive, all Chaos Characters are wondering around under or against Archeon's banner, Kathey is cannon now, and more, as they stood back up Laharl was smiling and laughing as he told his brothers this provides a valuable opportunity for them to grow into much more power, and more...

Before the Dark One could elaborate further, the Gate was now fully activate and ready to be used by them, within the Gate a swirling rift of transparent, semi-viscus material with many constant shifting colors manifested in the center of the Gate, this was the rift to the multiverse, ready whenever they want.

Laharl turned towards Khorne and Nurgle telling them that they're not ready yet, to use the Gate and start their conquest of another world, and start hunting for Ultnarth, the Great Horned Rat, he still had one last thing to create for them and they must prepare a small army to fight and conquer the Old World in their name.

Both Khorne and Nurgle agreed with their older brother, and began to leave the plauteu to start preparing for the next move of Chaos.

Truth be told, both younger Chaos Gods were still curious of this surprise that their older brother is going to make.

But they still had some preparing to do, one of those things involving adjusting and spawning their new daemons (Goristros/Khorne & Infectors/Nurgle), while they did that Laharl has already done some adjusted spawning of his new mortfinis instead of being human corpses trapt in those iron gibbets, their humanoid, thin grey skinned daemons trapt inside the gibbets, with skeletal like heads with sharp-teeth and elongated sharp fangs, lastly they have three sets of amethyst glowing eyes and a pair of slightly curved, sharp horns making them daemonic than human corpses in appearance.

With all said and done now they prepare for a brand new invasion in another world, needless to say the three Chaos God of 40k were both excited and eager to reign hell and bloodshed upon this new world, but none more excited than the reincarnated Dark Harbinger, until their world births their Tzeentch and humanity enter the Age of Technology/Dark Age of Technology, everything was going to be stale and repetitive until this opportunity to go into other worlds was granted to them.

Author: Consider this an early Christmas gift I'm still going on short break until 26th, but I had this chapter, my longest to date ready thought to post it and let all enjoy, coming up next is the Fantasy Saga, look forward to it and merry Christmas/Sanguinella.

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