63% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 226: The First Slaughter Final Part: Rise of the Infection Prince

บท 226: The First Slaughter Final Part: Rise of the Infection Prince

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/Monolith of Kjarl Deathaxe Battlefield Dark Legion of the Damned vs. The Blood-Drinker Norscan Tribe/Khornate Norscans

The Dark Legion of the Damned, were slaughtering the worshipers of OW-Khorne.

Fighting against the dwindling forces of Kruger Vaal, further enraging the berserker, so he charge straight at Ixion Daemonhart his axes swinging wildly cutting down all in his way, as he rush straight at his opponent and target the Chaos Lord!

Ixion cut down what is known as Slaughterpriest, a the helmed/horned nearly armorless tribesman drop dead his hackblade discarded, that's when the Plague God sense animosity and weak intent directed solely on his avatar, and by Nurgle's command turned his sight at the charging chieftain coming at him.

Nurgle found the mortal's brave attempt against him amusing, Khorne admired Kruger Vaal's bravery but despises his weakness, while Laharl just said, "Well, enjoy yourself brother." as him and Khorne watched the upcoming duel between Nurgle and Kruger Vaal Deathaxe.

And like both his brothers mentioned, Kruger Vaal made it to him and struck by trying to hit them with a leaping cross slash from the axes of the khornate chieftain.

Only for Ixion under Nurgle's command, block the incoming blow with ease with his Pandemic Star Shield.

As a loud clank sound, emenated from the blow delivered by Kruger Vaal as Ixion pushed him off, and the two Chaos Lords had a stare down...

Not needing any words the Chaos Khornate Lord, rushed in with his axes by his side roaring a battle cry as Ixion Daemonhart, rised his shield and held his daemonic greatsword ready for the fight about to start.

As greatsword and shield, clashed with dual axes, Kruger Vaal being the obvious fastest and more nimble of the two lords, delivered a relentless onslaught of slashes and chops at Ixion, only to be completely ineffective against the Chosen of the Gods.

Meanwhile, Ixion was the more powerful of the two sometime completely forsaking blocking and defense, just to strike at Kruger only for said Norscan, to block, evade or counter Ixion's attacks.

The two leaders were admist of their clash between Ixion/Nurgle and Kruger Vaal Deathaxe, as their respected armies fought all around them.

But regardless of the blows that Kruger Vaal Deathaxe managed to land on Nurgle/Ixion was completely useless as his strength and power were meager nuisance against Nurgle's avatar EDU stats.

Nurgle instructed Ixion to shield bash his opponent, striking him hard in the face, stunning the Blood-Drinker, as Ixion slashed at Kruger Vaal's left arm, leaving a shallow cut but it was enought but Kruger Vaal reacting fast, as he knows of the infections and poisons that coat his enemy blade cut off his own arm to save his life.

Ixion/Nurgle commended Kruger Vaal's tenacity and quick thinking as he spoke through Ixion, "Impressive... But futile. Nothing...escapes, the...rot."

Immediately after Ixion said that Kruger Vaal, he felt weak, weaker than normal bloodloss as he crumble down to his knees, feeling warm, sweaty, and began spewing vomit aggressively and constantly along with a terrible cough as well...

The Warp Gods watched the weakling crumble further to the khornate ground, as he was being ravished by "Nurgle's Gifts" as Nurgle watched silently, but in the end Nurgle allowed his brother to claim Kruger Vaal Deathaxe's skull without any sort of infection, so staring down at the beaten and puking soul at their feet, they all took command of Ixion, reverting it to its Undivided State, and they finished off the khornate norscan and ended this small war.

Laharl had an idea on how to kill the weak fool and gain both the respect and loyalty of the Blood-Drinkers in one swoop, he psychically shared with his brothers this idea, taking some inspiration from the GOAT of brutal kills, Kratos himself...

They began beating the down Kruger Vaal, not allowing him to escape them the sounds of the blows, and bloody crushes alerted everyone around the two lords, stopping the battle as they witness what will be the last moments of Kruger Vaal Deathaxe.

With another kick to the head around chin area, knocking Kruger Vaal onto his back as Ixion rushed immediately over him, grabbing the helmed head of Kruger Vaal and start beating it in various ways, with punches aimed at the head or neck areas, or smashing Kruger Vaal's face hard against the ground.

They continued to do this for a while utterly shattering parts of Kruger Vaal's brass helmet, badly beating, bruising, and cutting up his face, and every blow rocked the Blood-Drinker's head.

Fading away into unconsciousness, as Laharl told his brothers it was time to start claiming their prize...

They started to pull the head of Kruger Vaal Deathaxe, causing the khornate chieftain to regain immediate consciousness cause of the pain surging through his body.

He tried to fight back with his only arm, but the disease, poison, and fever that circulated through his veins, has made all the strength he gained from the Hound utterly useless, as he could only try to scratch and claw at the grip around his neck and head.

Seeing this Ixion smashed Kruger Vaal's head once again on the ground, causing him to scream as the daemons and Blood-Drinkers watched with great expectations on what comes next...

Kruger Vaal, coughed blood and vomit once again as he tried to escape only to feel a heavy boot strike and break his right foot, as Ixion/Warp Gods stomp said foot.

The khornate chieftain, scream in pain again but that scream was cut short by a punch to the side of his head.

They grabbed Kruger's remaining arm and with combine strength they didn't just broke his arm, but expose the bones bathing themselves and the ground in blood, causing the Blood-Drinker to flail and scream non-stop, as they grabbed onto Kruger Vaal's head again and started to pull and twist again...

The sounds of screams, tearing flesh and muscles, as blood gushed out the tearing neck of the Blood-Drinker.

Pieces of his throat, and veins were starting to be exposed the more that Ixion, pulled as he stopped thrashed, as one of the twist was strong enough to snap his neck ending his life and suffering...but it didn't stop them, as they continued to twist, tear, and pull the head of the now limp and dead Kruger Vaal Deathaxe.

In one final twist to the right all the muscles and tissues finally tore and gave way, as Ixion/Warp Gods completely tore off the head of Kruger Vaal, letting the body fall along with the torn head.

[Inspired by God of War III, Apollo's head ripping scene]

Quickly granting Khorne control over their avatar he transformed into his avatar state, he picked up the pulled/torn head of Kruger Vaal Deathaxe presenting it to all, offering to the Blood God/himself.

The daemons all cheered alongside both the shi'lanorai and the Norscans (Undivided & Nurgle) but when the Blood-Drinkers saw this a Nurgle Champion, transform twice from an Undivided to a Khornate Champion they knew who this warrior was immediately...

Referred to as the Chosen of the Gods, the Blood-kin in One, the rising herald of all the Gods of Chaos.

A true champion, as the Blood-Drinkers kneeled before Ixion Daemonhart swearing fealty to a stronger more worthier champion to the Hound and master of the Blood-Drinker Tribe.

Both OW-Khorne and Nurgle were absolutely please with the slaughter done by Ixion/Nurgle, OW-Khorne especially after the vicious and brutal kill that they displayed at the Blood-Drinkers with Ixion with Khorne operating it presented the skull of Kruger Vaal Deathaxe to all to see.

In fact OW-Nurgle was soo please that he bestowed his mark of the Fly, on Ixion's armor which counts as the avatar's body...

The Plagued Norscans, seeing this their lord receiving the favor and reward of their God as they began calling their Nurgle state the "Infection Prince" which Nurgle liked a lot.

Before they could plan their next move they've heard Aillia calling them being really excited which was kinda off-putting for the Blood God while Nurgle and Laharl found it charming.

Aillia said to them, (Congratulations!!!! My Lord!!!! You'll have won, and by receiving more than one title, plus a mark you're status screen has received a small update!!)

Both Laharl and Nurgle were curious, while Khorne could care less...but he was curious about his brother growth after the intense slaughter he has wrought, so they brought up the Nurgle avatar state stats, and quickly appearing before the Warp Gods was said transparent blue screen with all the information they wanted.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle

Chaos Marks: Nurgle.

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword, Khorne Heavy Axe.

Weapon Name: Hellbane, The Axe of Rage, Bloodreaver [Khorne Exclusive].

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot.

Laharl: None.

Khorne: None.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield.

Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territory-Chaos Wastes 2.45%

Army Size-Total: 1638

1.Frost Eldars-400=Ice Warriors 200, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 49, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 50.




5.Flesh Hounds-50.


7.The Blood-Drinkers-412=Khornate Norscans 89, Khornate Khights 101, Bloodreavers 110, Blood Warriors 109, Slaughterpriests 3.

8.Infectors-93=Hostless Maggots 31, Marauder Hosts 36, Warhound Hosts 26.


9.Plague Norscan-32=Berserker Marauders 10, Great-Axe Marauders 12, Axe-throwers 10.

10.Norscan Raiders-200=Berserker Marauders 85, Spearmen 15, Great-Axe Marauders 25, Fimir 25, Axe-throwers 50, Norscan Ice Wolves 50.

Avatar Stats-Nurgle

TITLE: The Infection Prince.

WEAPON: Hellbane Pestilence.

GEAR: The Pandemic Star Shield.



EDU-199 + 100







Magic Lore-Lore of Nurgle Lv-3

Spell List-Writhing Cloak, Children of Nurgle, Lance of Foulness, Stench of Nurgle


1.Chaos Corruption Spreader Lv-10

Undivided Corruption 30%

Carnage Corruption 15%

Blood Corruption 15%

Plague Corruption 15%

2.Physical Empowerment Lv-10

Power + 10%

Endurance + 10%

Agility + 2%

3.Chaos Strike Lv-3

4.Daemon Cleave Lv-3

Chaos Damage Boost +2%

5.Lesser Toxicity Lv-20 [Nurgle Boost]

Ability List

Undivided Abilities

1.Operator Switch.

2.Chosen of the God 3/7

3.Unholy Presence.

4.Soul Collector.

Khorne Abilities

1.Blood Rage.

2.Magic Resistance.

Nurgle Abilities

1.Vile Miasma.

2.Sickness Immunity.

3.Nauseous Aura.

4.Mark of Nurgle+.

Nurgle was happy, while his brothers congratulated him on his growth, also seems that his weaker counterpart has indeed rewarded their younger brother.

OW-Nurgle's bestowing his mark on their avatar which inturn was drastically empowered by Warp Nurgle has unlocked much for them.

And both Khorne and Laharl, praised their younger brother on the great battle, the 412 Blood-Drinkers that remain alive have sworn fealty to the "Chosen of the Gods", the "Daemonhart Brothers" and the "Infection Prince".

This pleased them, as they now claim the Monolith of Kjarl Deathaxe as part of their domain, they first reverted back to their undivided state, and addressed the Blood-Drinkers as they are now faithful followers as they shouted, "GLORY TO THE GODS!!!!"

With this victory was their, and they enhanced the number and power of their Dark Legion by a large margin.

Immediately they commanded the Blood-Drinkers to gather all their supplies and start carrying them inside of Enzium.

Pointing Hellbane at the colossal, fortress Chaos Daemon that upon being called by it's master started coming towards them.

Ixion/Warp Gods told their new khornate warriors all that awaits...endless slaughter...bloodstained battlefield...grandiose victories...and glory of being the favored of the Gods, as they conquer and corrupt this world in their names, this made the Blood-Drinkers cheer and praise his and the Blood God names with the known praise and prayer, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!"

The one most pleased by this by far is Khorne gaining "true warriors" under their service, also he complemented Laharl on the gruesome, gorey kill they perform on Kruger Vaal, as Khorne banished the fresh, bleeding head to his throne in the Warp he had to ask, "Brother was this another finisher, from that knight you mentioned before?" Laharl denied it was from the same man, as Nurgle also asked who has done such a kill before, laughing a bit before responding, "That kill, and way more little brothers. All as gore filled or more than that one...he is a legendary warrior, that would be worthy of your service Khorne. From a warrior culture called Spartans, he is Kratos!!! Once we go to that world, I'll tell all you need to do to insure his absolute fealty, loyalty, and devotion to you."

This greatly caught the Blood God insterest when they sensed something or someone was approaching them...

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