70.64% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 154: Visiting the League of Votann, Silent king

บท 154: Visiting the League of Votann, Silent king

re Alexander done whatever necessary to keep the bureaucracy running and he took a few notes from Konrad Curze.

If Abaddon started his 13th Black crusade and the Tyrannid Tendrils is getting ever more closer to Terra that made the Nobility scared, He was the fear that is close to them and his blade is constantly near their necks which made his policies go more smoothly, the Master of Assassins ensuring his will is etched on the minds of the fence sitters and opportunists, after assessing the jobs that is redundant like counting books and he allowed the book keeping and Microsoft Excellus to be implemented to the Departmento Munitorum and the Adeptus Administratum, many complain about his changes especially those that want their tradition kept alive and those that want to keep their redundant jobs...

But he cares more about the efficiency and with those policies the bureaucracy is artificially fixed at the moment but this is the band aid solution until Roboute returns and surely clean the more "finer" parts of the Imperium...

Alexander knows that he can only do so much before he have the entirety of Terra Nobilite against him...

But the people in Terra especially the Mid to lower level Officials were grateful of his changes, as it paved those that were more qualified for the jobs to take their place, and when he repaired the Gate that was destroyed in 30k, the necessity of Food and Supplies is no longer a concern as Cargo Haulers appeared from the rebuilt gate and food, supplies flowed in Terra in large volumes relieving the pressure from the frontier planets to supply their tithes...

There are many of the spies of the nobles tried to enter the gate...

They were killed and swept under the rug, when they reached the other side. They were met by series of Multi-Lasers and Autocannons still propped up in the event of the traitors in the Horus Heresy actually invaded their defensive lines... And those that tried to hide within the Cargo Haulers was gassed and their corpses exhumed.

As he proceeded to carry the last policies that would put in place before he left terra on his way to the office, he passed by balcony that overseeing the Golden Palace training grounds he saw his adopted daughter is training with a aged military officer. He smiled as she done her weapon maintenance officer smiled at his student results, He couldn't support her directly... But she will learn to defend herself both in court and in the battlefield. That is his kindness and he knew somehow in his journey... He knows that the actual parents want her to be strong enough.

A Officer approach the High lord with the child results.

"What the child assessment? Is she ready?"

"Milord, where did you get that child?"

"She is a War orphan from Mina why?"

"That would explain the irregularities around her..." The officer sighed as he heard about the Ghost of Mina... That when they died, their souls will materialize, and they will complete their last orders...Perhaps that might be the reason he is afraid of the child demise on the battlefield.

And he handed the reports to Alexander...

It was with passing grades and in military command is where she shined the brightest...

"When she is done with her training, what rank would she be?"

"At the bare minimum she her ability would be at the rank at the corporal...If you planning to give her a unit to command that would be difficult as implanting her to any active units will cause discord."

"I know just the unit for her to shine. Mina 69th Dust Hounds. Are they on duty?"

"Ah your unit that you lead, let's see..." The officer checked his dataslate and scan the chosen unit.

"At the moment they are stationed at Mina, undergoing retrofits and R&R?"

"Time to put them lazy bums to work, when she is done with her training and the Custodes have deemed her acceptable by their standards, she will immediately transfer to my old unit to lead."

"Understood milord." The officer saluted and left...

Alexander looked at the innocent smile of his daughter...

He knows that it is pure insanity sending a child to fight in the battlefield...

But now the Imperium is lacking qualified officers and plenty of rotten ones and the League is truly overstretched to help even if his subverse the production of androids and ships is not enough...

Sure, his policies of stocking up war materials for the duration of ten thousand years is put into action...

But the attrition rates is abysmally high, higher than the estimation of the present that he predicted... And he is slowly running out of local soldiers and ships to support. The majority of his ships from his territory is now combating the Tyrannids beyond the galaxy borders and despite that line of defense, there are several tendrils that still made their way into the milky way...

And now, his ground forces serve as garrisons in the Imperium Nihilus... one could say he was in a bind. Sure, he could use the Droids and automated ships he kept in his subverse, but they are more on destruction instead of stewardship. As they are soldiers to the core, not peacekeepers. And the Charter houses demanding more fleets to defend the trade lanes and anti-piracy missions, ever since the destruction of Cadia the great rift have made the supply routes and trade to almost come to a halt, but it took time till the Imperium managed to get the bearings and charter the new warp routes... And their purchase of other methods of not using the warp has skyrocket as now they only fear is the pirates and not the demons that wreck their ships..

The Navis Nobilite have clamoring that their job is over and there been a few sabotage, they did that to the Webway project in the past and now their egos are the one that deter the progress and security of the Imperium... They were assured that their duties are important and they only use it sparingly while those that roused the Navis Nobilite to bear its fangs towards Alexander was executed and their corpses was cremated and tossed into the sun.

Especially when there are reports that Abaddon managed to replicate the technologies, that he left behind in 30k such as Mobile suits and the Space Hulks that contains his derelict ships... He shudders if he actually send a Gundam to aid the siege of terra and got it destroyed and captured by the traitors... Instead of Zaku's... They managed to bypass their restrictions by stuffing the Mech with Deamons making it a Daemonic Engines.

The Orks are Infesting faster than predicted and now there were some warbands even attempted to invade the League Space making some of his forces diverted into several fronts...

The Frontline is stalling. His forces is taking time to fix the Imperium planets that is now under his control and by conservative estimation...

Around 10-20 years... Before they could be self-sufficient to become a supply and logistical support...provided that the locals were not so brash and sabotaging in his efforts to uplifting them And the Soldiers garrisoned and trained by Solar auxilia standards located there will be added to the armies. Mostly as Conscripts.

That was the estimation of the years needed for the planets to be at least profitable before the Great Rift opened and shredded the Imperium into two.

He would need to visit the League of Votann... Not as a invader but as a Ambassador, The League of Ten Thousand and Mars Forges and their Constituents will not be able to retrofit every single planet armies on the frontlines and now the galaxy is in flames... Ships and vehicles can be made as Mars have the technology and blueprints that they made during the great crusade, but what they currently lack is the manpower that have the frakking brains to use it.

However, a third party would be needed.

The contacts with the League and the Votann needed, as these beings made contact with them as old at the start of the Age of Strife...

They made first contacts via Votann pioneers known as Hernkyn and through them, the League have Gather more information about the elusive Votann compared to the Imperium and the Votann saw that there is a free will Men of Iron living in the League of Ten Thousand and they are more alike similar to the Ironkin of the Votann, unlike of the Imperium and their crude aspects of A.I, they met their Cousins the Squat that is living peacefully in the League and they could have positions of power if they worked hard for it, have made them a good impression on Alexander way of govern that they made a trade treaty and a peace treaty on all the Votann including the war mongers among them, they even have a embassy that represented their voice in the League... And in return the League will assist them as much as possible.

They trade planets worth of resources. And the Leader of the Hernkyn fleet promised that is worth in gold.

"If the Legue of Ten Thousand that is in trouble, we the League of Votann will never let a ally of the Kin down." The Votann smiled as he found in a galaxy of madness there was a empire that is reasonable...

The only contacts later on during the Grand Crusade were the Greater Thurian League that was the contact with the league and was the only few of the Kin Leagues that was the more reasonable trading partners and Ymyr Conglomerate that vouched for allowing Alexander to enter the Galactic Center in exchange for protecting their mining fleets for free... but only one ship from the league is allowed. As they need to ascertain the capacity of their kindred beyond the Galactic Center.

The only source of gratefulness in the year of 41st millennium was that the League of Ten Thousand kept their ancient pact and allowed the Votann Refugees to have a place in the League, when their Kin worlds in the north of the galactic center was engulfed by the Great Rifts, forcing refugee ships to amassed to the farspace that they called outside the Galactic center, and the refugees fleets is encroaching into Imperium Space making the conflict with them possible, until a group of delegates of League of ten thousand escorted them to the League, it prevented the more overzealous and paranoid Imperium Governors from trying something more overbearing approach.

And it provided another race that is good in manufacturing and ship designers to the array of Xenos that dwell in the League. And they were treated well, and their expertise valued. Though some of them wanted to assist the League to crush especially the orks they were forbidden until the Votann was contacted as a whole...

It has been a Ten Thousand Years since that meeting with the Hernkyn but now, Alexander decided to go there in hopes that they too will honor their vows, he could repair their ancestors' cores in exchange for their military alliance.

He felt guilty of leaving this family of his behind... but now...

He remembers that saving the Primarchs in the warp will make him spend more time with his family...

As he passed by the small church for the staff, he saw Ephritta praying silently to the emperor... 

"Don't worry Alexander... I will take care things here..." A voice was spoken behind him...

As Alexander turned around, he saw a apparition of the Emperor... Shiny in gold, though the Golden throne was fixed, the Emperor body was healed but his mind and soul... they were shattered as one Psyker looked at it and observe as it was like staring at a black hole... and he need to ascertain if the Star child or at least the Isha that dwell in Nurgle paradise of rot and decay would save him... He could not close the Imperial Webway as it is a double bladed sword, closing it would help heal the Emperor faster or leaving it alone would allow the Emperor tap the Warp and assist the battlefield, Summoning Saints from the dead and the Manifestation of the Legion of the dead...

"See you soon friend..." Leaving the Church behind.

He was grateful that the Emperor gave his wife a revelation that his duty is above his family... That much was the sole comfort to him...

As He stood on the Landing zones he took one last look at the golden palace, With the Alpha Legion that was awaken in the depth of the golden palace now task to sabotage the Traitors and recruiting the shattered Alpha legions with the same code that made them loyal, having his memories with the Primarchs and this strange family... he better make this imperium survive... A golden Stormbird landed and loaded him up and went to the stars and to a enormous ship that waited for his arrival...

[Galactic Center, Segmentum Location: Redacted]

A void ship appeared at the boundaries of the Galactic Core...

Many of the Ship Crew and Machine spirits was wary of the new journey...

But the Captain of the ship Olympia, order the crews to manned their stations and brace for impact.

The ship hull shudder from the gravity of the center of the universe as the ship slip into the center of the universe... How its halls creaked and moaned from the pressure from outside as it plunged into its destination... But the crews presevere as their destination is just beyond the Gravity pressure...

That bright light that engulf the galactic center now dimmed and the pressure that nearly crush the hull now was but a mere whisper, and before them is a regular space that Infront of them. Under orders a Hyperdrive buoy was launched. As it will provide the League to enter the galactic core without the dangers of entering the center of the universe.

"Auger sweeps now confirmed there are no presence surrounding our ships and the Chronometer is showing that we are 12 minutes early than the schedule given by the Votann." The Captain smiled as their journey is over.

But after waiting for the allotted time there was not even a single Votann ship greeted them not a message, many was confused while other was upset that the Votann hung up on them?

"Carry on Captain. We will move onwards, Perhaps they are further deeper than anticipated ." A voice from the command module have alerted them and given them new orders.

They knew it was the High lord Alexander have given them orders... And the ship further move deeper in the Galactic Center...

Augers sweeps scanned the surroundings as the ship move onwards. Ready to unleash the weapons from the golden age... The Operators meticulously scanned the surroundings that not even a sound of a pin is heard in the room they stationed in...

"Captain, Battle ahead!" One of the crew shouted as he heard the sound of battles in space...


"Starboard side, 99170km and our scanners it is orks fleet and a unidentified fleet!" The crew shouted.

"Assist the unidentified fleet captain, perhaps the locals may know what happens to our greeters?" Alexander pointed out, they were walking blind and currently they need information and the Celestial Orrery in Olympia have already mapped general location the area but they need a local that precise mapping as they were needed to know if the events that are up to date..

"Understood, Launching mech teams and Fighters to assist them, weapons crew man your station this is not a drill! and we are now in combat alert!" The captain ordered his crew and the command bridge lowered deeper to protect itself and now it is ready to unleash what mankind dread from the distant past.

[Unidentified ship]

"This is the third ship this week." a Small statured figure sighed on his command room as another of their own was destroyed. Knowing that their kin will unable to return to the ancestors. They fought with ferocity that emboldened the orks to somehow head towards their location...

The Orks from the Empire of Scraps was a difficult foe as it swarm even the most stalwart ships by the sheer number of ferocity of shells that fed into their ships, they were masters of the void but they could not comprehend the sheer lunacy of the Orks tenacity of war and the indifference to life, even their own they still have rules to abide to.

He was a Captain of a Fleet that started out hundred fourty ship strong just ventured from his hold planet to greet and escort the Ambassador from the League.

And now he was left with just seven...

The Pirate Orks have swarmed their fleet en masse. And they managed to repel them every single time but with losses. But in doing so, have made more Orks swarm to them as they provided a good fight.

And ever since the great rift opening, the attack from outside have intensified and lately the attacks on the mining fleets is severe and they lost thousands of kin every day, cast alone in the void unable to reconnect to their ancestors core..

And the book of grudges is filled everyday that several pages was added every hour and the most of the guilty were the Orks and Dark Eldars whome they called "Pointey Eared Freaks" for stealing their kind and kidnapped them to a place beyond their grasp and the Ancestors core wisdom could not verify their existence...

The captain watch his ship battered by a Ork barrage of shells that lobbed endlessly.

"Kinsmen! We will not go down without a fight! The Ancestors are watching us!" He roared as another rumble of explosion occur on his hardy ship.

But somehow he knew that the trip was a folly.

He smirked as his ancient blood within him strived for adversity.

And his auger crews received something approach them in the distance and more humanoid like figures and a series of void craft after them.

And upon reaching the battlefield they swarmed upon the Orks and the Votann was confused. But they thanked their gods for a untimely aid...

But when they scanned the direction where the support came from, they saw only one ship that approached them. And there was a short flash of light and the attackers evaded as a series of Lancers and Missiles rammed into the Ork Fleet engulfing them into black holes and the surroundings was momentarily dragged into the artificial black holes.

The captain looked in awe that what was once a formidable threat was destroyed in a few seconds.

"Voidmaster they are hailing us." His helmsman spoke out. He silently nodded to open a channel, since he knows they could be eliminated in time at least they are more reasonable to talk.

"This is Voidmaster Thuȗrk of the Greater Thurian League. Whom may I am speaking to?"

"This is Captain Peterson of the ship Olympia, and We are from the League of Ten Thousand. To fulfill our paths from a Millennia ago. And our Leader Alexander wishes to meet the League of Votann now serves as Ambassador to your League of Votann. The Ancestors are watching over us."

Thuȗrk was amused as there was someone that is not kin that was respectful to their culture. But when he heard that it was the ship that they ventured out to escort them and it carried the leader of the Empire beyond the veil of the homes space that they heard tales a about the place where they lived in peace, they were happy at least that the leader himself ventured out as a Ambassador.

They escorted the ship to their hold world.

And along the way they saw the ships

The League managed to dragged the destroyed Votann ship into the holding bays, though Thuȗrk question why they did such a thing...

"Because the Votann fought bravely at least may their remains returned to the Ancestors instead of rotting in space, The orders was given by Alexander." The answer was given.

"Tell Alexander that he is welcome to the Greater Thurian League..." Thuȗrk said his thanks silently.

As he trust the League to keep the remains as the dead is better sent back to Votann space instead of being stripped apart and desecrated by the opportunists and carrion feeder that is shown up in this place.

The travel was uneventful...

And they arrived in the planet that held the Greater Thurian League hold planet and deposited the derelict ship remains and they landed upon the planet.

The Planet is filled with activities, and it was more on practicality and less waste on resources, there are several grav vehicle came and dropped vats of ores into a what seems to be a enormous factory and Machines walked alongside with the Votann... 

The delegates were equipped with gravity belts and bracelets that allowed them to handle the immense pressure from the gravity.

As the lander craft landed Alexander watch as the Votann gave a salute and a Military march to show their might to show Alexander that they were not to be intimidated, instead Alexander was sastisfied instead of the Imperium Confetti and parade he favors the simplicity of the Votanns. In the planet there were many that looked at the newcomer warily and showed their wares as the delegation waited for the meeting...

One of the Votann was busy fixing a Ironkin as the joints was rusted and several wiring was shown in the exposed cover...

Alexander approached them...

"Can I help?" He smiled as he watch the two...

Both were wary but they allowed him... As he touched the robot... The casing slowy repaired and returned to a rustless, the wiring slowly floated as it was fixing itself and the Ironkin stood up and immediately ran to the government structure....

And Ironkin arrived with a Heavily armed escort...

They escorted him with heavy escort to a structure where Ancestor Cores that held the decision making for the League of Votann. After the Ancestor Core bade them to leave them...

They waited several days and nights for the Ancestor Core judgement until Alexander came out the ancestor Core within boomed with clarity

"We shall ally with the League of Ten thousand. But never at the lives spent carelessly."

and many of the Votann barge in to the building and saw the ancestor Core was repaired and running more smoothly, for once the Ancestor Core was fixed. And they asked question and the core spoke with faster responses and they have been upgraded and after checking that the Ancestor Core is not tampered with.

The Greater Thurian League was overjoyed that their Ancestors Core now fixed. And they spread the word around...

Soon, The rest of the League of Votann came about and now requesting their Ancestors core was to be fixed and only then they would consider a Military agreement with the League of Ten Thousand to supply the Frontline with their Weapons and their forges now glowed with the activities as Weapons and ships are crafted and Oathbands joined Alexander to kill more Orks as they heard there were more beyond the Galactic core.

"Show us the Orks and we consider it done." The leader of the Oathbands of Orksbane spoke as they demanded that thing that spread misery to the Votann.

Alexander shrugged as he tossed them to the Ork Frontlines... While he may have gotten part of his objective completed, it was enough for allowing a third party jumped into the grinder.

He informed the Imperium that the League of Votann would be the joining them. And to those that had no interaction with them it is a good thing, but to those that met them including the Imperial governor's that was on the boarders in Votann space, there was dread.

In return, The League of the ten thousand send A.I fleets to protect the Mining fleets and the destroy the piracy and Xenos that plague in the galactic core. His job was done here... For now... Silent king awaits... Even though it took several months to settle the affairs in the Votann... with several Oaths before the Ancestors cores that they could not backstabbed him. And to them he was the only one that could repair the Ancestor core and even give them a Soul...

He turned to look at the last Ally that he believes is more reliable than Eldrad words...

[??? Pov]

The Silent King sat on his throne.

Surrounded with his Advisors and Nobles that watched the Necron ever spanning Empire now turned to shambles, he exiled himself beyond the Galaxy as he left the management to his Triachs and removed the ultimate control to allow them free will, he reflected a lot of things...

His decision of following the advice of the Deceiver to make the Necrontyr to be the beings they see today...

The choices he made during the war in heaven. But there was a enemy beyond the void of the Galaxy that warrants the Necrons to take up arms, and he returned to a Galaxy of Strife and Chaos. And the Galaxy itself was split in half... And the the Empire that he ruled is split by petty noble struggles and old grudges.

He met Chapter Master Dante the son of Sanguinius and he was amused of the Space Marines expression and his attempt to kill him if the meeting went sour. Especially when he saw through the Astartes imbedded explosives into his chest...

He did consider Sanguinius as a Candidate for the Necrons to foster cordial relationship with the Imperium as he was more open minded, but he was killed in their civil war, he had also consider another candidate. He did a little white lie that he did met Sanguinius but he did heard about the winged Primarch through his proxies.

Alexander Hyde was another candidate of a alliance, he went missing after the civil war of the Imperium ended and now voices on the borders of the Imperium have spoken openly of his return...

And amused of the attempts of him fixing a decayed Empire.

He have heard tales from the Triachs that is spoke positive of his League much less the person that founded it. As the League of the past help them and lessen their burden as they fixed the Necrons.

While he thinks the Imperium would be the Fodder for the Tyrannids, the League was different they consider them as sentient species to look up as equals...

As they could innovate and they have weapons that is based on Necrons weaponry. Such flattery is unneeded as despite the limited technology they inhabit they almost reached the grasp of the universe answer...

While the Necrons perception of time is skewed. He was impressed that the other chosen candidate held the remnants of the golden age of humanity and improved everything they touched, but he did wonder why he was allied to the xenophobic and genocidal Imperium.

What better way was to meet the person in question?

As the chosen time approaches for the meeting. A lone stranger appeared before the court, he was not escorted with the soldiers of flesh and metal or delegates of ambassador. It was Human but he was wearing a Necron styled Clothing and a Death Mask.... He was armed with a Necron Blade by his waist and a Blackstone staff that is glowing gold.

And a Necrodermis cloak envelop around him.

"Tell me stranger why are you alone in this court?" The Silent king spoke.

"Is it not of the Silent King courteously for a Leader of a empire to greet his friend with courtesy and I have come for the intent of visiting with offer of peace and not with a show of force..." The Silent king was Surprised as he spoke in fluent Necron.

"I see that you must be the human from the League of Ten Thousand? Why are you dressed in Necron clothes?" The Silent king spoke as the court was staring silently at the intruder. Some tried to speak out including Orikan but somehow a force shut them up preventing from interfering with their conversation.

"I am honoring your way of life and with respect just as you have done for a niece of mine. Just as you bore the mask of Sanguinius of the Blood Angels, I too bear the Death mask of the Necron." The stranger removed his mask... Showing a figure that have a weary face... His hair was now ashen red and with streaks of gold melded into his hair... And he was old... But somehow it is wise...

"I, Alexander Hyde of the League of Ten Thousand have heed your call. Silent king Szarekh and now I have come with tidings."

As he was led to a room that was elegant and with a pieces of carved art that depicted the Necrons at the height of their power.

Szarekh look at the figure with curiosity as the figure before him look at the art with appreciation.

"What do you think about the art?"

"In a way... Your race and mine are not so different...had the sun in your Homeworld is not cursed, we could be the same..."

"Did Trazyn taught you about our history?"

"I did so by my own violation... Don't bring judgement to a old friend of mine. To know ones past is needed to understand the pain."

"Pain... How will such a fledging race that barely stepped out into the galaxy understand pain?"

"I know, we may have limited amount of time in this galaxy. But we lived our lives to the fullest. We strive and struggle to survive against the horrors of the Galaxy with our feeble flesh and our expectations from our ancestors, desperate hopes to grasp whatever straws we could hold. We lose someone important any given time. And lost our homes, surely you... Szarekh... You did the same thing that we would have done during the War in Heaven?" Alexander spoke...

Szarekh looked at the human and memories flooded back to him... His duties to a ever spanning empire and his reason to expand to escape the Cancerous homeworld and find a cure to the disease that slowly ate them. How he watched his people dying from cancer and in his last ego, made the deal with the Deceiver to doom his race just to clung to whatever form of control to his empire. Now devolve into infighting in the race he see today...

But after he done... He wonders why he done it?

When he decided wage the war against the C'tan and watched many died despite they have immortal bodies never to be awaken... He did it out of guilt and wanted to amend his mistakes. Many despise him for turning them into these abominations... And many more lives by his own hands are never coming back...

"Tell me... Alexander, What do you think about this situation?"

"It is dire, Postponed the plan to revert yourself back to the age of yore..."


"You have seen the Empyrean ones corrupt the flesh, the Tyrannids that is swarming into the Galaxy and they would assimilate you the moment you return to the flesh? I propose a deal. A military alliance with the League of Ten Thousand and a Non-aggression pact with both the Imperium and mine. And when the Empyrean gods is gone and we should do a joint cooporation with the league to find a way to revert the Transference without using human to replace the bodies you lost. A fair deal? Or is it the Necron way to retract their words like those arrogant Eldars that stab us in our back in every turn?" the figure before him spoke of one of his species hated enemies. As if to goad him.

After a short time Szarekh spoke.

"Why only a Non-aggression pact with the Imperium?"

"Well, at least it is a better way to pave a path of the diplomacy of the current Imperium, while they could be reason with at the moment... They do have radicals that want to keep the status quo and after several centuries of war between them and Necron that is easier to digest, but I represent Humanity and the desire to free ourselves from the situation we are in. After all you did see them as Cannon fodder. And I aware of the Phariah Nexus that you been planning. If you go ahead with that, forget about getting bodies to return, you will have a mindless biomass to pick from."

"What make you so sure that you are right?"

After several minutes passed by... Alexander sigh as the subtle movements of the Szarekh means he is not convinced.

"Then we would see whose beliefs is right...By the Laws of the Necron Empire, I request a Duel of Equals. And the Ancestors from the beyond may oversee our truth...And the people in the living around us be the witness to the truth..."

"A duel is in order then...Seeing that you are well verse in Necron Laws."

"You understood my culture well..." Szarekh monotone voice there was a tint of excitement.

A dueling ring was formed and now the Necron Nobility watched the two fight.

For once this was a duel of negotiations at the height of the Necron power . A ancient rite to see who is right and only the winner words are truth. As Necrons wanted a strong ally, not a weakling in the past before the bio transference. 

One side was Szarekh held a dueling blade instead of his famed scepter of glory. He had memories of the blade he wielded being taught by his instructors now gone from the distant past.

Alexander was given a Dueling blade that fit for his stature. Many mocked him as that size was made for children that undertook the rites of nobility.

Both of them wanted the interest of their races.

Szarekh wants to find a way to redeem himself and a solution to free their souls. And even if he must use the humans to reverse the Transference.

Alexander wants to keep the Necrons as a friend and keep them from intruding into Imperium space and make the war efforts to be less hassle. And added bonus if they persuade the Necrons to attack chaos and seems like they know things that even Farseers of the Eldar doesn't know...

Both of them are stubborn and they want to win.

Szarekh overshadowed Alexander with his height and now he took the first stance and attempted to strike the small figure before him. Both of their blades clashed and green sparks was emitted from their blades...

He was surprised that the human before him able to take his blows. And now they clash once more and now, the noble that watched their duel that they saw a human is keeping up with the Silent king...

While on Alexander side... He was sweating internally as each blows of Szarekh is capable to rip the continents apart and now he is using the Emperor shard that dwell in him to keep up with the Necron King...

The Necrons that surrounded them went silent as they watch the duel in silence... Both of the contestants blades was chipped and slowly repaired to their former state.

One watch silently and the other with bated shallow breath as he clung to the Necron blade.

But now the figure gathered his breath and now gathered his strength...

The Necron King waited for his opponent. As Alexander stood up and rushed towards Szarekh.

He grabbed the handle tightly and slash the Necron Lord and clash one more and it ended up in a tie as both blades was swept with such force that they left their respective handle ...

And duel ended without climax as they devolve into a slugging match between Necron and man...

Many wonder how the Silent king devolved in such melee as they bash each other.

They found something strange about their lord...

He was laughing?

For once they never saw him laugh, much less amused given the current situation.

And all they saw was a dust storm immediately encased the dueling circle which sparks and clashing was heard and they heard clashing of metal and flesh and many attempted to stop them but only to repel them out...

And they heard a rumbling latter and a figure came out and it was not the human... But Szarekh.

As the referee that oversee the duel dutifully observe the ring...

In the ring Alexander was worse for wear his face bloodied by the blows of the silent king, His clothing was slowly repaired thanks to the Necrodermis slowly returning to its original form... He lost a arm as usual... but he simply attached it as poured crimson liquids to the wound making it new...

Szarekh undamaged by Alexander blows looked at the figure before him... there was something in his eyes that saw defiance...wanting to live, something in his mind that was locked away and forgotten in his cortex matrix... 

"It would seem that your belief is right...I will agree with the Alliance..." Szarekh spoke for all the Necrons around him...

Their green fires in their ocular orbs widen as they found out that for the first time in the millennia since their awakening, a lesser species have won the duel and now they were allies?

But a duel is a duel and they couldn't go back on their traditions and hold back their work as scarabs held messages to all the Necron dynasty that aligned to the Silent King of the alliance with the League...

Many was amused that such a miserable race managed to best the Silent king and some sought the power, he wielded only to find out that he was in his primed and in the duel he found out those that was still loyal to him and those that was opportunist... Those that opposed him denounce him as weak to allow such a rite be ennacted by a Human found themselves under attack by the Men of Iron and their Necron allies that swarmed on their tombs worlds and their Phaerons and their Nobility was apprehended and was sent to judged by Szarekh.. while the Necron population that was left in the ownerless tomb world was fixed and have their personalities matrix fixed granting them some form of sentience... After Szarekh personally watch his people gained some semblance of their former selves he decided that making the alliance would proved fruitful...

The Imperium had a lot of things on their plate, The Knowledge of the 13th Black Crusade, the Tyrannid fleets en masse, Alexander returned that cleanse the bloat of bureaucracy and the return of the League of Ten Thousand... And the repair of the Golden throne now glowed brighter that made their journey more safer...

They were numbed with news heading on their way...

As they would read reports that a Necron fleet is often silently sided with League fleets as they now tackled the Chaos and the Orkish threat...

and the Inquisition was devolved into chaos as Puritans and Radicals are having a debate if they were to go after the Alexander that allowed such a alliance and there were just as many red tapes to go after Alexander as he was protected by his honor guard and a Squad of Deathmarks that The Silent King allowed to accompany him. And the Assassinorum fully under Alexander control making the assassination nigh impossible and after they saw the joint forces against chaos... They decided to close a blind eye as he was one of the founder of the Imperium and now they are aware their autonomy is slowly lessen if they pissed him off as they could not order the League Forces and their assets.

And Necron now slowly building more intrinsic pylons compared to the League efforts, making a safer corridors and preventing a outbreak of Psykers and Warpstorm that erupted in the Ultima Segmentum and Segmentum Tempestus... And as per agreement Alexander spoken on behalf by the Silent king that the Necron Territories are not to be invaded just as they would not invade theirs... Which proved a uproar even in the Mechanicus as they loved raiding the tomb worlds. But in a act to appease the robed men of Mars...

They were granted access the technology and libraries of the League which is much more easier to digest and more aligned to human tech which made most agree with his calling, they could copy the STCs library in Nirvana but they were not to claim that it belongs to them as they have a agreement before that it belongs to humanity, and there were backdoor dealings with the Mechanicus sect that relies on Xenos tech to have a fully translated Necron tech in exchange they would not cause another schism...

Checks and balances were made... After he was done, He went to visit his niece...and returning a brother home... And a Promise...


For ten thousand years the planet have seen better days as it provide a home for the Salamanders and the Dragonis sororitas...

A Single Eldar sat silently and prayed a statue to Vulkan that is next to the Emperor...

Little flame or she so remembered her name long ago... Now grown into a fine woman...

Her looks now aged to her twenties and her eyes spoke with wisdom.

Many chapters masters that she could have called her brothers came and went long ago... Many died in battle saving the weak and many more died in the shadows... Though she remains on the planet she often travel to the planet that Vulkan found her as she lived in both worlds... Her path as a Eldar and her family... She was thankful that the Salamanders have protected her as much as possible...

Especially the Ordo Xenos that want to bring harm to her, despite she have obtained a status as part of the Imperial Family... They come to Nocturn every centuries to find ways to kill her despite she never even harmed the Imperium.

Her foster grandfather N'bel left her many centuries ago... But he left her with a message...

"Be strong... My granddaughter... I know my son's will come back...I lived my years believing that Vulkan would return... But I know that I may no longer be able to see him return from the walls..." A aged man lying on his bed.

"Why would you leave me?" Her eyes teared as she lost her uncle... Her foster father, now her foster grandpa. She was unable to understand why they die so easily...

"My child... I may not have the lifespan that is long as you have... But can you wait for his return? That is all I could ask..." He smiled weakly.

"I will... Grandpa." Her eyes teared up... As his life faded from his eyes...

She requested that his grave would be simple and was placed at the front door of her newly founded Sororitas... Year after year she kept that hope ever since Vulkan died... That he would returned... But as the Imperium decayed she sought to defend herself from the Inquisition by founding a Sororitas chapter that worship the flames... She never did believe in the God Emperor that spoken by the Echlesiarchy... But she believe that her foster father will come back...

And after her prayers ended, she often clean the grave and that was her duties until a stranger enter the covenant...

Many of her sisters inform her of his arrival and she waited Infront of the Covenant... She found herself meeting someone that she lost for so long...

A man that was her uncle that she believe that was killed in the Horus Heresy is now standing before her...

"Little flame...I am back..." The man smiled as he stood in front of her in the flesh...

Her slow withered beliefs of him returning to life...

He was surprised that she hugged him...

Oftentimes when he met her... He often cloaked himself to prevent her and the rest of the Primarchs to know his face... But this is the time that he show his real face...

"Uncle... I thought you were dead..."

"I told you Little one... I am unkillable...I kept my promise... It just that, it takes time. Time to bring my brother home." He smiled as he approached the Salamander chapter monastery..

Tu'shan current chapter master of the Salamander received the revelation from the Emperor tarot's that what he and the Salamander seeks is simply to wait...

Their lifelong dream of their Genefather returning is close at hand... He found a Stranger that is escorted by his Elder sister as all the Chapter master call her that...

He was curious but he knew somehow the man before him has the key to bring back the Primarch...

"Tell me stranger why have you come to this abode?"

"I have what you seek... And I wish for my Family returned as much as you and the chapter desires the most..."

Those words clicked into Tu'shan mind as he knows there is two baseline humans called Vulkan a Family, N'bel who was Vulkan foster father and a brother that is presumably killed in Istvaan Massacre and the other baseline was the High Lord of Terra called him that but he is busy putting out the fires in the Imperium.

"Show me that you have the Relics that Vulkan Have left behind." Tu'shan spoke as he was unsure what this stranger have to make their Primarch back.

"Sure... But we better need to get out if we want the monastery to collapse?" The stranger smiled.

As they exited the Chapter monastery, Several Artifact appeared around him. And Tu'shan recognize these were the missing artifacts that Vulkan scattered in the Galaxy... The stranger slit his wrist and his blood dropping into the soil...

Something happened that shocked Nocturne.

Mount Deathfire Erupted, lava and brimstone was flowing....

And the population was scared as never in their lives they saw such a violent eruption...

From the cavern that once lead to the underworld... A giant figure appeared and many was stunned...

Tu'shan watch in stunned silence as the towering figure approach the stranger...

He approached the stranger with such speed and hugged with such force that the giant grinned.

"I am back my brotha! Do you think I was in a Dreadclaw or Hiding in a dark corner in my own Legion Armory?"

"Nice to see you again Brother, Could you please not crush me? Your hugs are getting more painful since the last time we met!"

"Nonsense you deserve a big family hug and a extra one, ya Gitz for lying bout ya origin brotha!"

"Frak you know that?!"

"Well, when I travel between the life and death I seen the truth, I miss you and Father... And is Little flame here?" Vulkan laughed a bit...

The adopted daughter of Vulkan, watch her father laughing with her uncle... Relieving a memory when she was just a child that was raised by them...

"Father?" She spoke and the giant turn towards her... And his jolly nature slowly turn soft.

"My daughter... You have grown.." he smiled as his enormous hand patted her head just the same way he did several thousand years ago...

Tu'shan was stunned until he shouted along with the Salamanders that witness the Primarch return..

"Vulkan Lives!" As they bash their Weapons and stomped that tremble the land...

Later Vulkan and his daughter was praying Infront of N'bel grave...

"Father... Thank you for raising me and my daughter as much as you could... You are always my father that raises me in Nocturn." Vulkan said softly as he thanked the foster father that guided His daughter when he disappeared in the annal of history.

After the meeting with Alexander he read the chapter libraries of the current events became aware of the decay if the Imperium, he felt despair at the start as the Dream the emperor shown him have fallen to this level... But he firmly held to his beliefs that it could still be saved... As he saw the news of his brother Guilliman return and now ventured to Terra to met Father, the eddicts and orders from Alexander that stabilized the Imperium before his search for new allies... He hope he would able to help rebuilt the Imperium...In whatever capacity.

As they was done, they left the covenant and was escorted by their respective forces.

Tu'shan decided to accompany his Primarch with a company of veterans Salamanders and the Dragonis Sororitas accompany his daughter... They met Alexander smiled wryly as they met...

Vulkan calmly explain to his daughter that the High Lord and His brother was one and the same, she was conflicted about his little lie but... She was happy that her uncle is alive nonetheless.

They venture toward Terra as they waited for Guilleman to arrive...


A/N: sorry I am late been working overtime and I barely have enough time to write my novel this days... When you are working 5-12 pm you bound not able to wake up these days...

Some of my first followers noticed the book named changed from

"Surviving the Starship troopers with a Warhammer system" to "Surviving the multiverse with Warhammer system." Which was probably my next book... But decided that nah it would merge into one.

Well I noticed it was kinda more on Warhammer which has more lore that I entered the rabbit hole of Warhammer. And Starship troopers is a tiny bit as I could not find enough lore or mission to make the Starship trooper universe lengthy as possible.

Alexander would immediately returned to Starship troopers. After this Warhammer timeline.

And after that is actually the End Times... As the Numbers will sent everything into the Starship troopers universe.

After the end is a beginning.

Like wanna see Master Chief joined chaos united or just the Nurgle version of him? Or Halo Flood infested with Nurgle plague? Or Skywalker Family truly become a Chaos Champion?

Then that would be my end of the first Arc...

Then we will go on more from there... Try to reverse invade where they are hiding next...

Funny really, we invade to liberate...

I will write... If I could have time to sleep...

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