72.01% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 157: March to the Warp..

บท 157: March to the Warp..

After Several Burnings and destruction of Dark mechanicum and Daemon worlds later.

Many called Alexander crazy or downright insane as he took a single ship to dive past enemy lines and into the Eye of Terror.

He has faith, a belief in the Imperium that would get better, with the policies he accomplished on a mountain of Nobility corpses that hinder him. Roboute was flocked with the more fence sitters and flatters that didn't obeyed the high lord, followed the primarch willingly, in fear that Alexander would start another purge in the bloat that still remains in the bureaucracy with those that are faithful to alexander kept a open eye towards them... Many wished him dead, and become a literal traitor so that they could absorb the League and his legacy forgotten technology...

But many more knew that he and the Primarchs in the Imperium is the only thing that kept the Imperium from truly falling apart, Factories was built, Agri worlds producing food double their input.... Soldiers tithes are being raised in the more "safer" parts of the Warfront while those that is near a threat is told to hold down... And the continuous supply of ships and weapons from the league have at least stabilized the front... but they needed competent commanders and admirals to command the ships from a forgotten age...

And the Xenos Allies have lessened the logistical problems that Roboute could quell in a single stroke of a pen..

And for once he was thankful that Alexander kept a more stable system of governance. And began to smoothly transition the eternal wartime economy to a more balance one. Belisarius Cawl have spoken of a new breed of astartes called Primaris and they would be the Legions while the Chapters would not be forced with the implementation as the Raptor Strain is still proven capable in the field. And only the Lord Regent and the 13th High lord have the capacity to designate the Primaris chapters... 

As the Necrons have abided the Non-aggression pact and the Eldar in the craftworlds are being gathered by Yvraine have lessen the hostility... but the Necron dynasty that followed Szarekh will be exempt, as the Dynasties that defy him is open season for both the Imperium and the League to absorb the technology in the Tomb worlds but their tomb worlds was only for translation while the Necrons Phaerons observe the war between the Rebel Necrons and Humanity and after they either killed or Incapacitated the Necron Lords, the Population of the Necron in the tombworld was given to their Necron Allies as they are transferred to Szarekh controlled domains... and the Mechanicus have fully obeyed the High Lord as the Technology that was lost in time now given to Mars by courtesy of the League, their weapons and heritage of humaniy have started implementation and they are slowly innovating compare to the snail pace it is worth it as they are still conservative about their traditions...

Alexander dive into the warp was uneventful...

A hundred million souls of Soldiers and Crew of the Olympia waited for the battle ahead...

Many joked at the bars what could a Hundred million poor souls, when a Hundred thousand of the Emperor Angels could not accomplish? The answer was simple... almost all the entourage of the ship is fully blank not strong enough to fully banish the demons but more than enough not to listen the whispers and corrupted by the warp. And the Machines are fully sanctified by the techpriest of mars as their lingering scents and purity seals was placed whatever they could placed upon... The Men of Iron that wander the hallways to patrolled was baffled of the spiritualism and the chanting of the red robed people of mars... but after seeing demons often invaded the hallways they were more grateful...

Alexander stare at a checklist on a dataslate at his office... And sighed the Impossible task.

. Get Perturabo

. Kill or At least Maim Slaanesh to keep that demon out of the Great Game

. Get the Clone Fulgrim to fight against his corrupted version as he looks for the Eldar Cronesword and hopefully confirmed if the Painting that held the true fulgrim soul would be authentic...

. Go to Lorgar and convince in the event if they could kill slaanesh, Gods can be killed and bleed... And get Corvus Corax and his shard that was with him...

. Find Leman Russ

. Visit Magnus

. Get lost craftworld Altansar and convince the Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra to follow the league

. Gather enough forces to march in Nurgle realm and get Mortarion and Isha...

. Bonus: Seek out Caldor Draigo for his services.

. Breach into Comoragh and kill everything that is Dark eldar and have Vect Skull mounted on his trophy room and see if Jaghatai is rumored in the Warrior pits in that place and Konrad Kurze Soulstone is in that place.

. And request Isha to heal the Emperor...

He sighed at the Impossible task as the Warp is similar to the Materium and it is vast. The Celestial Orrery is unable to map it out as the plane of existence never existed and rules of reality and psychics are not bound in this place... And he hopes to find the sane brother in the Traitors to be his guide...

When he read the report of the Iron Cage, Many condemned him as the traitor.

He looked it another way... The Iron Warriors was perfect. And if they joined forces with the Imperial fist during the siege of terra. Perhaps none of the sadness would have happened to all of them? Even if he did send a part of him to prevent him from fully a traitor... he have doubts since it has been a millennia since they first met.

There was little of what they could do thinking while they are walking in blind.

"Commander there is something that requires your assistance." the communication console rang out next to his desk.

He sighed as he left the office and went to the Command deck... The crew was rattle as they see a ship on the screen waiting for his intentions...

On the Hallways leading up to the Command deck, Squads of Men of Iron and clone Blanks march in tandem to patrol the ships. He passed a open hall that have. Balcony overlooked a training ground, He noticed the Eldar that willingly followed him to hell and respected them as they have more courage than their brethren that talked behind their backs, He watched Dimh-Yriel practiced in the training court and she noticed his gaze from the balcony. And she smiled for a bit as she saw the High lord figure disappear from the balcony. When she and Farseer Caerys heard the plan of Freeing the Goddess Isha, she was more intuitive to assist Alexander to free Isha... But as of now, she understands that if Slaanesh was still around while they free her, she would be devoured and making the expedition useless...

She began her preparation to handle herself in the realm of Nurgle. And that is more than enough to for Alexander to accept them...

"Commander, Gloriana Flagship Iron Blood from the Iron Warriors is hailing us with our old League Codes and requested that you should enter in their ship to meet Perturabo. What are your orders?"

The crew was aware of the History of the Primarch and the Commander and with the Propaganda that he willingly fed to his people for a Millennia that the traitors was possessed and corrupted and they could be redeemed... they calmly waited for his orders.

"Have the weapons aimed at the ship, I will head there shortly... I will go there with no escorts. If there i something wrong, you can fire on the ship." He calmly spoken.

Many spoke out in protest that at least a entourage of his elites would needed to accompany him.

"My meeting is with my brother alone... And you are my People..."

"But never brothers?" A duo of giant men approached him...

"Ferrus are you seriously want to follow me to Perturabo?"

Ferrus smiled. While Clonegrim was by his side fully armoured.

"I died once, and I take measures to not fall... not at least if I get that snake that used his name!" He gnashed his teeth. 

"I do not know what my counterpart have done to him, but at least I could do to amend his mistakes...particularly with Perturabo."

When he Met the Clone of Fulgrim... Somehow the Primarch found his memories of Ferrus... And was informed that it was the Emperor gift of redemption and his task is to fight the Corrupted Fulgirm... Not informing that it was Fabius Bile that created such a perfect image of his father... He agreed to follow Alexander to the Warp and help the Clone Task as much as possible that he often took the ship workshop to remake his brother Armor and weapons...

Alexander wanted to protest but they forced upon him and they took a void craft and ventured to Perturabo ship.

The journey was uneventful and they landed in the Ship hangers, Countless Iron warriors stood ready as they watch the trio stepped down from the ship, Some of them that participated in the Horus Heresy recognized the High Lord and his Contributions to them, while some of the younger ones looked at Fulgrim with hostilities and their hands on the bolter but they held down as they realized it was not the Snake fulgrim that nearly killed them a few centuries ago...

They were guided to where Perturabo workshop that is constructed in the depth of the ship...

Alexander noticed several dolls that is similar to Perturabo sister and his Image of his soul shard...

"I never thought Perturabo have been busy with making dolls..." Ferrus remarked as he saw the dolls.

"Shush, Brother... I sense there is great sadness that dwell in them..." Fulgrim watch his brother creations with sadness as if it was created with a broken intention... A Family that he could never have...

In the deeper part of the workshop is a Work desk was a Brother they never met for so long... Perturabo was calmly making a doll as if he is making a art, a silent artisan that is meticulously crafting his work... They waited until Perturabo was done with his work. Only then he turned his full attention toward them... His eyes widen slightly as he noticed Ferrus Manus in the flesh.. while staying silent as he watched warily toward fulgrim as his wounds was yet to be healed... From assault when Fulgrim almost ripped his soul for his ascension...

"Perturabo, I have heard your request and I have arrived."

Perturabo smiled and greeted his brothers as if they were family before the traitors...

"I would love to invite you to Medrengard but knowing there was a ship that bears your League... I known it was you... Alexander." Perturabo raised his hands outward showing the doll collection.

"I see that you been busy as of late..."

"Well, when you stayed in the warp for so long you bound to get a Hobby to pass the time...what brings you to the Empyrean eye brother?"

"Revelation wants you to come home..."

That single sentence have made Perturabo silent.

"Father, it been so long since I heard his name. You know what the imperial would do if I returned back immediately to the Materium space?"

"My league would provide you and your sons amnesty until your name is forgotten by the Imperium at large and free yourself from the dark god eyes. After all that is the true purpose of my League, if so the Emperor would never let such a strong empire standing second to his... Because...he wanted to used me redeemed you..."

"Then he would have ventured out himself to meet me to bring me home..."

"Then you shall have it..."

He paused as he noticed Alexander was different persona... And his eyes glowed gold.


"Son... It has been a while." a voice that was not Alexander spoke out...

"Father..." Perturabo spoke calmly.

"I see that you accomplish as much as you have in the warp as well as in the Materium realm..."

"It would seemed that you gotten more decayed on your blasted throne while I stayed in the warp..."

"I am what I am... But now... Time to come you to come home..."

Home... Perturabo wondered... The time of Olympia is long gone... He have become something more than a warp creature that dwell in the warp... And sacrifices of the fanatics of the Chaos cults have allowed him to summoned time to time in the Materium realm, seen what his... No...their work been ruined by man...

"Is that a order or a demand?"

"A wish for a son to come home..." 

Alexander Body glowed and engulfed the ship, many of the Iron warriors screamed in agony as the light that emanated from the being before their genefather slowly cleanse them from the shackles... 

If one Emperor of Mankind could only asked his son Mortarion in the plague wars to reconsider him to come home, what happens when a Emperor Shard holder that held a Multiversal part of him could do? He could free the primachs from their shackles and give them a new body...

Perturabo noticed his body was slowly being freed from the shackles of Chaos.

And he could somehow sense he gain a body with a beating heart...


"Call it a homecoming gift, Son... But first task... for you and your legion... assist Alexander whatever deemed necessary to free the rest of your brothers trapped in the warp..." The lights faded from alexander... and the Iron Warriors now cleansed from the taint and given a new life have a new path to follow.

Perturabo reluctantly agreed as he showed the path of the Slaanesh realm, His Legion escorted the Olympia which he was touched that there was someone that remembered his planet... but he have a bullet or two to deal with possessed Fulgrim... perhaps killing him would make him be complete?

At the edge of Slaanesh realm they were surrounded by Legions of Slaanesh demons wanting to defend the Debaucherous god, only met by salvos of sanctified macro shells and soul destroying laser...

The Emperor Children that was guarding the entrance to the realm was unfortunate to be in the way of the ship...

Olympia stood at the entrance as a Regiment of Blanks, Perturabo, Clonegrim, Ferrus Manus, Trazyn and Alexander and his Honor Guards marched towards the realm of Slaanesh.

In the Six Circle of Seduction... Slaanesh sent many temptation toward them.

They didn't care about the material wealth that was shown in their eyes in the Circle of Avarice. Alexander have the Requisition points that is more valuable than any wealth this demons could temp them.

They didn't care about the Circle of gluttony despite all the food of the galaxy had to offer to them. Their task is more important than a mere morsel of poisoned food. Many of the Denizens tried to stuff the food in their faces was blasted despite this they almost flooded and overwhelmed until Alexander forced to burn the circle cleansing it from life...

They didn't care about the pleasure of flesh and the Daemonettes that tried to tempt them was killed permanently. And their Skulls was kept as a warning.

Circle of Paramountcy didn't deter them for they are rulers of their own might, and no amount of praises and worship of the denizens of this circle reached their ears and they were killed as soon as they approached the expedition.

The endless green labyrinth of the Circle of Vainglory where unseen whispers speaking of the forgotten glories reached their minds. Alexander burn this hellish garden and what came out is a long agonizing scream of the occupants in this realm as they cursed alexander for doing such a sacrilege art to slaanesh, Which Alexander simply smiled.

"A sore loser that is stuck to the past should be burned and be the ash bed of the people of the present that deserves it."

The Expedition left leaving the lamenting fools in the flames.

There was one last circle left and it was the last trial to defeat the demon slaanesh.

Circle of Indolency... a beach that is filled with scented oil leading to a vast ocean that is filled with wine and small islands, heavenly choir was constantly heard...

To one with a untrained eye it was like paradise a perfect to spend their last days, but to those that known about it the sands are human bones that is pounded and crushed by the sands of time.. the the Choir is simply demons that gave the person taking this circle a false sense of security.

Several Angels approached them singing a lullaby...

The primarchs was slightly affected by the songs but as soon they were within the radius of Alexander they could see for what they are truly are. Demons in disguise and the attempt to lull them with a false sense of security, it was only until Perturabo fired his mounted Bolters that the disguised Daemonettes realized that their cover was blown and they converge towards them like a swarm, from the wine ocean itself the demons flooded out and wanting to kill the intruders...

Alexander did what he had to do. He set the Wine Ocean on fire using the Emperor Flames setting the corrupted Alcohol as a fuel and draining it till the corpses that lain below that watery depths was consumed by the flames of a god... Even the island trembled and roared as they were sleeping rock giants that were awakened from the flames slowly eating them alive...

It opened up a path for the entire Expedition on the ocean floor, Alexander didn't care about the feelings of his merciless attempt of not freeing the dammed souls that are trapped in this realm, he was on a time schedule and now time is of the essence to be done with this hellhole, He didn't care about the amount of Requisition points flooded into his system on the amount he killed in the warp. He have a obligation to Cegorach to kill Slaanesh and he always fulfill the contract. 

They reached Slaanesh Palace.

It was deathly silent, considering that Alexander set a Ocean on fire... Many daemons fled and only those that are loyal to Slaanesh stayed..

"Well, isn't that a Glamorous show brother! I never thought you done with such brutality I would never have thought that such a mere mortal would accomplish such a thing." A Voice Cackled in the darkness of the palace.

"You better Come out Fulgrim!" Alexander yelled.

"Oh, You never would have appreciated the wonders of Chaos .... Ferrus...Is that you?" The Voice wavered in the end... for only a tiny moment...

"I have no brother of mine that is a Warpspawn from hell!" Ferrus Roared out in the shadows...

"Then you shall see me in my full glory, MY Former Brother!" 

A Blade lashed out from the darkness and Clonegrim stepped forward and parried the blade...

"Hmm... A Son of mine? Who is he?" Fulgrim didn't recognize the figure before him as the Clone was fully enclosed in his helmet...

Alexander clenched his teeth as the Chaos Fulgrim appeared from the shadows almost over towering on all of them... His blades now swept on the primarchs...

 "So much for Plan A!"

"Go and find what you are looking for Alex, We will hold him down here!" Ferrus yelled as he charged forward and ready his blade.

The Fulgrim Clone Silently agree with Ferrus as he join with his brother...

Alexander rushed in the hallways of slaanesh... and he found the missing cronesword... but the last one that he needed was barred by a apparition of slaanesh...

"Get out of My way!" As Alexander attempted to slay the figure.

The Apparition smiled as it dragged alexander to a realm he recognize...

A blinding light engulf him... and the next moment he found himself in Night City from Cyberpunk...

He found himself in his room... 

Every things he touched was seemingly real and the police siren of the NCPD was heard in the distance.

"Alex...It is enough..." A voice was spoken behind him...


A woman that he remembers long ago... His first Hacker instructor turned lover stood infront of him...

"You done more than enough..." She spoke.

"Sasha, Remember the time we shared?"

"Yes, I remember that day."

"Do you know why I came to this place?"

"Of course... it is... To spread the word of the Emperor?" her eyes was confused.

A flaming sword was embedded into her stomach and it revealed the Apparition of Slaanesh was wearing Sasha Clothes. Screaming loudly as the world around alexander collapsed around him.

"How did you know I was the Fake?"

"She would never make that statement and the moment you use that memory of mine... you deserve death! My duties lies with my family from being destroyed to oblivion!" 

 "Nonsense You are in my realm and you are surrounded! Even If you killed me, I am only a Part~"

"That means I can kill you as much time as possible ya?"

"Seem this mortal have a ego as the corpse emperor!" Slaanesh snarled as countless copies of the god appeared from every crevice and cranny of the palace almost surrounded him... Each bearing a weapon that would made any Dark Eldar blush if they were given as a gift...

Alexander smiled as he looked at them not with fear... But the amount of death he will inflict upon them will be satisfactory.

While Alexander find the objectives, the Primarchs had Several difficulties handling the corrupted Primarch... Perturabo smiled as he tossed a Vortex grenade and damage the Snake Fulgrim and provided fire support...

While Ferrus and Clonegrim joined a concert of coordination of parry and counter to slowly damaged Fulgrim...

Many of the Emperor Children is slowly converging towards the direction of their fight and the Blanks Soldier went to delay them.

"What are you!" Fulgrim hissed as he looked at the figure that wore his sons armor...

The Figure silently stab into the the snake body of Fulgrim...

The blanks was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the demons and the Thousand sons arrive and it emboldened Fulgrim and began to torture the trio...

"I have you surrounded and now we would see this fool!" Fulgrim snarled as he attacked the Clone with much ferocity until one of his blades stabbed the helmet and it brought silence...

From the figure shone with a silver like hair, his eyes spoke with wisdom... A Image of Fulgrim before his downfall... A perfection of a being in a realm of imperfection...

"Father...." One of the Noise Marines slowly wept...

But Fulgrim was denying it...

"No, no impossible, You are a Fake a Copy sent by That Corpse Emperor. You deserve to die!"

He was in full denial as that figure that fought alongside Ferrus was akin to him during the great crusade...

"I should be the one that I fought alongside him, I should be the one that beside him!" He roared with Anger and Envy...

The Clone looked at the pitiful figure before him...

He ready his blade, and Ferrus held his shoulder, giving him a smile of encouragement.

"You can do it brother."

That sentence was the one thing that broke Fulgrim mind.

He roared in rage and his attacks are becoming more predictable as Ferrus felt worry to the figure before him have render his judgement with rage... Clonegrim managed to parry and dealt severe wounds...

Trazyn watched this duel with meticulous gaze...

"The Phoenix vs the Snake... Is that what you meant Alexander?" The Necron wonder why he so adamantly wanted the clone at all cost... Even providing a fake to replace the one in his collection.

"My sons come to me and deal with the Fake!" Fulgrim yelled.

None stood forward.

He ignored them as he fought the clone.

Soon he bested the clone... And in a moment of weakness, a Dreadnought claws held that would have ended the rise of the Phoenix...

"You...." Fulgrim words hissed with coldness as the dreadnought tossed the blade away from it's predicted path...

A Golden Image of Rylanor stood between Clone and Fulgrim and a Golden army of the Emperor Sons that died on Istvaan stood proudly against the Corrupted Primarch.

"I told you, Fulgrim you fake that draped in my father skin, You will fall by my hands!" He boomed...

The clone stood up and thanked his sons...

"Thank you my children..." There was tears in his eyes... He known what happened to them but they still save him, a sinner?

Many of the Traitors recognize the Clone as their own Genefather... And attacked Snake Fulgrim.

The Corrupted Primarch scream that would broken the ears in every mortal...

"Traitors, I am Surrounded By Traitors!" He scream as his mind is fully gone... And attacked the Clone before him, despite the Traitor And Loyalist alike putting their attacks to the corrupted Primarch. Believing as soon as he killed the Fake before him, he was the perfect one, that it was he that is beloved by the gods should not be affected by the fake...

But the clone before him knew humility and bought enough time for his brother to ennact on his plan.

Perturabo launched a Modified Nuke into Snake Fulgrim screaming mouth and it exploded into his stomach...

And the poison have erupted into the body of the corrupted...

"Why.. why..." Fulgrim slowly wept... He was slowly dying...

He was blessed by the dark gods... But he was killed by a perfect image of himself... For the first time in his life... He wondered would he be the figure before him if he hadn't listen to Horus, or he taken that Laer Blade?

The Clone looked at the figure him as he gave the killing blow and ended the decayed version of himself...

From the decay corpse of Fulgrim, a Glimmer of what remains of the real Fulgrim freed from the shackles of chaos slowly floated up and entered his Clonegrim... Solidifying his claim as the Emperor beloved sons...

His body change and he grew a pair of white wings... Making him even more perfect in the eyes of the Emperor sons...

A eruption trembled in the depth of the palace.

They realized that Alexander have trouble...

The Primarch rushed forward to assist the High Lord...

Almost all them followed except Trazyn as he tossed a Noctis Labyrinth on the Corpse of the Corrupted Primarch and slowly followed them...

Alexander was struggling against a Concept of the Galaxy...

He have perks that could kill demons but never a Concept or a God... But he have to try...

Slaanesh mocked him as they attacked him on all sides... Making wounds as they swiftly pass by. He killed one and he noticed several Eldar Souls was being freed... His duty must endure....

"Foolish mortal, you have only killed a mere finger of my being." The god smiled mockingly.

"That means I have several more fingers to crush to prove a point." Alexander mocking the god

Displeased Slaanesh attacked him once more...

"Even when the corpse god have blessed you, you are no match for me!"

"Sure you are right, But I am Waiting for someone's else to do the job."

Slaanesh eyes raised as it heard the War Chants of the Aeldari and it snarled as from the top, a Fiery Figure crashed down and Impaled several copies of Slaanesh...

Eldar War God Khaine have arrive and he have return for a rematch.

"I have broke you once, I can do it again!" Slaanesh copies swarmed onto him...

Khaine in his glory raised the floor with his sword and deemed the Might of the Eldar pantheon... Every swing there was a certain kill... Every stab was a copy of Slaanesh killed, freeing the souls that compose the creature... And now they materialize and begun assisting the War God...

Ancient Aeldari rites was spoken as they unleashed the warp against Slaanesh...

Slaanesh slowly grew weakened until it was human sized... It mewed pitifully as Khaine and Alexander at the same time killed the Creation of their undoing....

There was silence between the two as Khaine gave a simple nod as he disappeared, the Hunt have ended and now one of his wishes was accomplished.

Alexander retrieved the remains of Slaanesh head,

And turned to the Souls of the Eldar that waited for his orders..

"You may go now, Inform to your loved ones, informed to your race, that Slaanesh is dead! And you have seen that your God and me have sought to free you, and this is a Soul debt that you will never be forgotten."

The souls of the Eldar was dispersed and his deed was remember...

As Alexander walked towards the painting that held Fulgrim soul, the palace is slowly collapsing as the Being that powered the realm is killed it was being devoured by the Deep warp... Almost all the demons tried to flee was sucked...

Alexander was weakened from the fight.

As soon as he reached the painting he hoped it was Fulgrim but he was stabbed by the demon in the painting directly into his heart.

"You fool! Fulgrim already gave into his sins and I am the one placed instead!"

The demon laughed as the painting was swept and dragged into the Deep warp..

Alexander slid down on a broken wall..

On his start in his journey to free the Primarch... His life almost ended.

[Use the Emperor shard in place as your heart.]

"Do it partner...until we reached Olympia and we get a spare one instead..."

[Will do...]

Alexander body heave as the empty void of where his heart was was replaced by a golden crystal that temporarily kept him alive...

Fulgrim managed to reached Alexander first and grabbed him as they escape from the Realm of Slaanesh...

They managed to avoid from being dragged into the inner depths of the Warp...

Alexander was placed in the ICU, but before he entered he looked at Clone of Fulgrim...

"You at last have my Brother eyes..." He smiled as he gave one last miracle before they moved on the next journey....

The Traitor Noise Marines felt that their body was being cleansed... Their speaker vox popped out from their mouth and returned them to the time before their fall... They found themselves staring at their mirror of the faces that they almost lost so long ago...

"Do you forgive us?" One of the Former Noise Marines spoke to the winged Fulgrim...

"I do... And now we must redeemed our tarnished name, and it is a long journey ahead of us..."

As Alexander ship disappear from the distance...

A figure stood on the remains of Slaanesh realm..

It was a mechanical creature that silently watched the ship disappear into the distance...

"Hmm seem like one of my contract is dead... So it just three out of four huh?" Vashtorr smiled, despite the fact that Perturabo and his iron legion was no longer under his care... He have plenty of displaced demons that willingly followed him...

In the Materium the effects of Slaanesh was shown.

Many of the cults that dedicated to Slaanesh found that their statues of their god was broken, and the blessings that was promised was no longer given to them. Many suffered advance withdrawal symptoms and many more died. Imperium Nobilite that secretly worship Slaanesh became severe withdrawal and they became more paranoid to get a new high, and for once the Inquisition have found their job much easier...

The Harlequin realized that they don't need to feed on their brethren Spirit stone as their souls accompanied with Alexander and his terms are more beneficial for both of them... Cegorach was laughing that the Webway heard his cackles...

"Alexander seemed like you done it after all!" The laughing god moved with such flair as he celebrated the demon that killed his family...

And the Honks were nonstop as he was glad... Finally glad in his madness that there was a single Galaxy in the Warhammer verse that his sister was saved without strings....

The news of the Eldars souls returning, Eldrad was glad that he placed his bet on the Mortal...and now they could be revived without worry...

The news reached Yvraine and she smiled as she hastened her journey to Comoragh and gather those that is still sane from the wrath of the man that venture and killed The god that feared by all...

But she knew Slaanesh would come back and return someday and Ynnead would be fully awakened and ready for it's return... She and Eldrad didn't inform Roboute of Alexander journey ... As he have a more pressing issues in the Realspace...

Mortarion have appeared and now invaded into Ultramar.

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