Silent_noob - Profile


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2022-12-25 Joined Global

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what does nuances mean?

Alaric, still grappling with the nuances of his altered reality, absorbed his father's words. "I've read about the Academy in a book," he admitted. "It seems to play a pivotal role in the lives of the noble Awakened. What should I expect?"

Son Of The Grand Duke

Son Of The Grand Duke

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley


A bit confusing

However, just that split second of changing his focus proved to be fatal. His vision suddenly went black and he was momentarily cut off from his senses. As suddenly as his vision was gone was as suddenly as it had returned but the scenery had changed. He could see the sky rapidly moving away from him and agonizing pain erupted from his left side. Above him, the debris of a broken tree was falling towards him but never reached him. He couldn't hear the battlefield anymore… or anything for that matter.

The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley


Feel like I'm paranoid but where is Oliver ,It was already weird how he asked for mc's info and weird how that girl said there is a problem in the group

Once they got around the fifth vehicle which had housed the team that was currently covering them, they turned to face the battlefield. The squad adopted a regular interpersonal formation that optimized the efficiency with which a group both defended and attacked. The vanguard took charge from the front, by its flanks where pairings between a member of the rear guard and a member of the scout group. and behind them, two members of the rear guard stood steadfast and ready to advance.

The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley


Did you mean seats?

The particular vehicle that made up the majority of the convoy was an assault-oriented one and they also had one reconnaissance-based vehicle for scouting. After the roll call, they entered the vehicle and the interior was much better than Casimir had expected for such a rugged vehicle. The interior styling was like most military vehicles with seeds along the edges and space within the middle of the vehicle. Casimir took a seat closer to the door and next to him sat Oscar. Casimir was grateful that the higher-ups had decided on them leaving much early in the morning. It allowed him to enjoy his peace while in the company of his groggy acquaintance. You would think that after two months of enduring such a schedule, they would get used to waking up much early, alas they were still human after all.

The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley


Think there is an error here

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The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley



'Damn not even going to give me a supervillain speech.'

The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley



Awakening usually occurred in a controlled environment with officers present to slay any abominations that awaken in the case a child fails to awaken. Usually the rich would not worry considering they had access to the [realitywalker], a device or rather an artifact that an official received upon advancing from realm[III] to realm[IV] and attaining the title of centinal. The artefact would allow families to send a helper to nihil when the awakener would enter into nihil. Although the artefact only worked for awakeners and not awakened trying to progress, it was invaluable to many high-ranking families to ensure their youth were not destroyed and their houses remained in power. The owner of the legendary ranked artefact was one of the founding fathers of the nation of Cestane and used it to establish an economic stronghold in his capital, Mospria.

The Masked Oath

The Masked Oath

Fantasy · Croppedtrolley

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