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Chapter 4: Duke

Alaric observed the bustling activities in the spacious dining hall as the rest of the family members began to leave. Eldmund, the eldest son, departed for his sword training, a customary practice that aimed to hone his skills in combat and tactics. The head butler also accompanied him for a brief session on financial matters, providing insights into the intricate world of taxes and wealth management.

Elena, Alaric's elder sister, assumed her responsibilities as the overseer of the Duchy's internal affairs. Having graduated from the Academy with honours, she delved into the complexities of governance, ensuring the smooth functioning of administrative matters within the territory.

The youngest, a girl with an innocence untarnished by the machinations of noble politics, embarked on etiquette training with the head maid. Alaric couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, a stark contrast to the calculated demeanour expected of noble heirs.

As the others left, acknowledging the weight of their responsibilities, Alaric turned away from his family and faced the Duke and Duchess. The Duke's gaze held love and paternal pride. Alaric respected his father, a just man and a good father, while the Duchess maintained a more reserved demeanor. She wasn't overtly hostile, but there was a noticeable distance. Alaric wondered if this distance was purely political or if the previous Alaric had failed to forge a closer bond, considering she was once a daughter of a Duke in a neighbouring territory— a political marriage meant to strengthen ties. Of course that union had become one of love as the duke and duchess grew older.

Lost in these contemplations, Alaric began to wonder if he was already betrothed to someone. However, before he could delve into his memories, his father's voice interrupted his thoughts. The Duke reminded him of the significance of the day's event and provided a brief overview of what Alaric should expect. Today marked the establishment of his link to the universe's consciousness, a pivotal moment that would grant him access to his status window.

"Today is an important day for, regardless of what happens you are an Astreaus remember that. I look forward to what you may become, and so does your mother" the Duke began, his eyes reflecting a blend of pride and anticipation. "The ceremony will establish your link to the universe's consciousness, granting you access to your abilities and an evolution of sorts will be in order don't worry too much about it."

As the Duke spoke, Alaric absorbed the gravity of the moment. The link to the universe's consciousness was a rite of passage for every creature in the realm. It symbolized a connection to the cosmic forces that governed the world, unveiling an individual's inherent abilities and potential.

The Duke continued, "Your connection will reveal your soul core rank, affinities, and attributes. Some information will remain undisplayed until you achieve it. It's a crucial tool that will aid you in understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Embrace the knowledge it imparts, for it shall guide you on your path."

Alaric nodded, appreciating his father's wisdom. The connection was a manifestation of mystical forces. The anticipation of unveiling his soul-core rank and exploring his affinities filled Alaric with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He remembered the Alaric within the book didn't have a soul core that possessed nearly enough cosmic energy and he only had a single affinity which he hardly understood.

The Duke, sensing his son's emotions, placed a reassuring hand on Alaric's shoulder. "Alaric, you are destined for greatness. Embrace the journey that lies ahead, and may the universe's wisdom guide your steps."

With those words, Alaric felt a surge of determination coursing through him. Strangely he felt like a child again, a familiar feeling however it was one he couldn't remember where from. The path to self-discovery awaited, and the ceremony would unveil the first glimpses of his true potential.

As the Duke and Alaric prepared to depart for the ceremony, the air in the dining hall carried an aura of significance. The duchess gracefully excused herself, leaving Alaric and the Duke alone in the grandeur of their ancestral home. The air shifted as the Duke turned his attention to his son.

"You stand at the threshold of a momentous day, Alaric," the Duke began, his eyes reflecting both paternal warmth and the weight of the Astreaus legacy. "No matter what unfolds during your awakening, remember this: your status as an Astreaus remains unwavering. You are bound to this noble lineage, and nothing and no one can alter that truth."

Alaric met his father's gaze, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Father. I will carry the Astreaus name with pride and honour."

As the conversation flowed, the Duke shifted the topic to the upcoming chapter in Alaric's life—the Astreavia Royal Academy. "In a year's time, you'll embark on a journey at the Academy," the Duke remarked. "It's a place where the nobility and common folk alike refine their skills, forge alliances, and navigate the complexities of our society. A crucial chapter awaits you, my son."

Alaric, still grappling with the nuances of his altered reality, absorbed his father's words. "I've read about the Academy in a book," he admitted. "It seems to play a pivotal role in the lives of the noble Awakened. What should I expect?"

A warm chuckle escaped the Duke's lips. "Expect challenges, my son. The Academy is a crucible that tempers the souls of the noble youth. You'll encounter friends, rivals, and lessons that extend beyond the realms of academia. Embrace the experiences that come your way, for they will shape the leader you are destined to become."

The Duke then delved into the broader aspects of awakening—a phenomenon that touched all creatures in the realm, each experiencing it uniquely. He elucidated that awakening occurred when one's link with the universe's consciousness was formed, granting the ability to manipulate cosmic energy.

"The soul core rank," the Duke explained, "is a measure of your core's capacity to generate and store cosmic energy. There are seven standard ranks assigned by the Awakened Association, each indicative of your potential strength. Those with unmeasurable capacity receive the special grade, a recognition of extraordinary cosmic energy regeneration."

Alaric absorbed this knowledge. He knew it already but the duke didn't need to know that. The Duke continued, enlightening him about elemental affinities—eight in total—and the concept of heritages. These were weapons or creatures bound to one's soul, summoned and unsummoned at will, offering aid in various scenarios.

"Titles," the Duke elaborated, "are bestowed by the universe's consciousness. They function as true names and multipliers of strength. As for attributes, they are the self-explanatory characteristics unique to each individual."

The Duke guided Alaric through the intricacies of the awakened society's overall ranking—a reflection of the potential strength one could reach, an ongoing journey that required time and guidance, hence the existence of Academies. Of course, Alaric knew this but he also knew that it would not be in his best interests to interrupt the duke and remind him that he's been tutored on awakening from birth. He would of course be disturbing something special for the duke. 

A rare father-son moment.

Croppedtrolley Croppedtrolley


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