
writing a kids book

  • writing a kids book

    bored writing

    by alex_0627
    (Not enough ratings)

    so this book is really about going through hight school as a trand man, they didnt have a lgbt male lead option so.

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  • writing a kids book

    In a kids mind

    by Brooklyn_Alizaberh
    (Not enough ratings)

    writing about these using my own experience. Hope you enjoy! (First page will explain it better)

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  • writing a kids book

    The Magician's Library of the 2 Forces

    by Dragon_Princ3
    (Not enough ratings)

    book. The limit of what I've been able to manipulate gravity is my own body. With the telepathy, I can only hear the surface thoughts of the people in a 5 foot radius of himself. My strength is about

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  • writing a kids book

    The author's dream

    by Killerbee
    (Not enough ratings)

    book club." "Do those kind of clubs even exist?" "Silent!!" With Shiki sensei shout, the students again fell into a silence. Shiki sensei again sighed heavily and said. "I am not finished

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  • writing a kids book


    by Gayathri_Nair_N
    (Not enough ratings)

    kids on line, she has also wrote a book which she keeps as a treasure the book was about how ti keep her children behaved, she keept the book in her cupboardbecaus, one day me and Lena snuck into her

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  • writing a kids book

    Skin books

    by chimdiuto_ohanele
    (Not enough ratings)

    kids to our table Liam" Nixon asked.Nixon is Nicole's cousin and Liam's best friend we've all been bestfriends since kindergarten now we're in our senior year of high school not just seniors but also

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  • writing a kids book

    The Great Storyteller

    by 임한백
    4.71 (310 ratings)

    writing on Korean manuscript paper." Mr. Moon distributed the sheets of paper to each member. Juho saw the red squared on the paper in front of him and thought, 'It's been a while.' "You all kno

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  • writing a kids book

    Heaven's Hammer

    by Will_Caruso
    4.86 (14 ratings)

    book is for adults that's why they are rated M for Mature but what I'm writing is closer to restricted, so if you let your kids read this Book they are going to grow up real fast, YOU ARE WARNED! Expe

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  • writing a kids book


    by MYSTC4TH
    (Not enough ratings)

    kids playing with the little puppy as it yapped and barked playfully and the children gleefully laughed, and she got off the bed inside the tent she's sleeping in and went out to see them. She brus

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  • writing a kids book

    Unexpected encounter:They were meant to be together

    by Sofia05
    4.69 (1292 ratings)

    book for the kids(especially Yumi and Zixin) but I gave it a second thought and decided to continue writing this novel. What I mean is, I will be writing about the kids in the same novel as a continua

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