
working 14 hours a day

  • working 14 hours a day

    48 Hours a Day

    by Little Bleary Zhao
    4.56 (335 ratings)

    day at midnight time froze and he found himself in a world so quiet and still it was deafening. That night, he discovered that he had 24 hours more than everybody else and thus, marked the beginning o

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  • working 14 hours a day

    Royal Roader on My Own

    by ZhaoYangFeng
    (Not enough ratings)

    hours in one day. On the other hand, I barely worked 6 or 7 hours. It only makes sense that your share is greater. Instead, I have a different request that I would like you to consider. How about that

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  • working 14 hours a day

    Prosperity System

    by Noone_Special
    (Not enough ratings)

    day for 7 days.] [Sitting in front of a computer all day isn't healthy and getting exercise is good for you, therefore you should get at least 1 hour of exercise per day.] [Reward - $100, Skill: Run

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  • working 14 hours a day

    I'm the King Of Technology

    by lumydee
    4.15 (445 ratings)

    14... who didn't know how to write, and were placed back at elementary school. So instead of charging them the price of a Junior high student (11-15), they would get charged as elementary students in

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  • working 14 hours a day

    Thoughts on writing stories

    by Gourmet_DAO
    (Not enough ratings)

    working day, you can write from 600 to 1100 words of raw materials. When some events in the real world, sometimes a creative mood for 5-14 days can break out, then barely 250-300 words can be written

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  • working 14 hours a day

    India Fights Corona

    by LX_Sohan
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    working in essential services, in the times of coronavirus, by standing in their doorways and clapping and ringing their bells as for the past two months, millions are working day and night in hospita

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  • working 14 hours a day

    《Anime Survival》

    by Otaku_king
    4.7 (89 ratings)

    working on the construction of the coliseum. He placed the block of stone on top of another before he sighed with fatigue. "We only have 14 hours left in this world." Then he looked at the

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  • working 14 hours a day


    by OneFist
    4.83 (1610 ratings)

    14 hours a day (60% of their lives, however studies lean towards 70%) The heaviest domestic cat on record weighed in at 21.3 kg. That is over 5x the average of 4kg. In one episode it is mentioned t

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  • working 14 hours a day

    Great Doctor Ling Ran

    by Village of Ambitious Birds
    4.38 (1163 ratings)

    14 billion people in China, and 1% of them suffered from hepatolithiasis. This meant that hundreds of millions of people suffered from hepatolithiasis in the country. Even though they were at differen

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  • working 14 hours a day

    Partners In Death

    by DemonLordie
    (Not enough ratings)

    day is it today?" I asked Nao trying to change the confusing topic. "21st of November" Nao stated while staring with a blanked look. 21st? that means more than one year passed from the accident,

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