
creative writing planning template

  • creative writing planning template

    Creative Writing: A Creative and Abnormal Teacher

    by BlueGirl16
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    writing stories., They were her escape from reality. She always wished that a man would come and save her like they always do in the stories. Well, she got her wish. Emica entered a small writing scho

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  • creative writing planning template


    by CrossArk
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    “Hello, I the Goddess of Night. I need your help-“ “Shut the fuck up bitch! Do you know how rude it is to summon people without warning?” “I- I had no choice ok?” “That isn’t a good reason!” “J-Ju

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  • creative writing planning template

    ENDLESS MYTH : Surpassing the Gods.

    by REDLAW
    3.33 (30 ratings)

    planning on stopping writing ENDLESS MYTH. I just need to take a little distance from it. I'm facing a writer block for my original. I could have simply acted without informing you guys, but many of y

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  • creative writing planning template

    Defend the Queen

    by Dapper_San
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    planning to add them at the first place since I'm not yet sure about the system and plots and everything I wanted to integrate into this story. So to be honest, I didn't expected this sudden reco

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  • creative writing planning template

    Rising of the divine stone cultivation tablet

    by logames05
    4.5 (Not enough ratings)

    planning, a proper story, a possible end, and a lot of other things, but the reason why I'm taking a break is different to any of this. I write stories for my personal enjoyment, and just to let my im

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  • creative writing planning template


    by Daoist_Paradox
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    template, which has been used and refined over the years, with the hero who wields the sword being the Protagonist. The sword wielding hero will eventually seduce the elf and the innocent healer, and

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  • creative writing planning template

    How Far Will This Go

    by NON9
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    writing in. He couldn't understand why it was so hard to come up with just one good idea, maybe he just wasn't cut out for this industry. The thought was a bit humbling as he heaved out a big sigh.

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  • creative writing planning template

    DROPPED:Juvenile Entertainer

    by Flat_Moon
    4.43 (51 ratings)

    creative with the trouble they experience. Our novel will most likely be along the lines of a thriller but we can fit in some romance if you want. What do guys think, wanna try it?" Said, Theo T

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  • creative writing planning template


    by runemcgrey
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    creative. Getting on the web gives us more ways to share and get connected to other people with the same kind of thinking from across the ocean. Some of the people we meet along the way give us rea

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  • creative writing planning template

    The Primus Magus

    by SJoarder
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    creative ways of using the coding language, to differentiate your software from those of the AIs.   Creativity was the only field in which AIs had not been able to surpass humans… yet.   He reme

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