
catholic grace

  • catholic grace


    by Micahkun
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    Grace Ashwood adalah seorang pegawai kantoran. Bagi sebagian orang, Grace sama seperti kebanyakan wanita lain. Namun tidak bagi salah satu rekan kerja Grace. Baginya, Grace merupakan wanita paling sem

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  • catholic grace

    Who's fault was it?

    by Average_Girl
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    She sits there, looking out the window wondering how life came to be this... this messed up. How did she become this messed up? Was it her fault? You decide... ~ 5 years prior ~ This is a true sto

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  • catholic grace

    Thinking Like Murderers

    by PettyOfficer
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    grace instead of revealing his brutal nature. He was sated recently when cutting down those innocent people. Still, he had to address the bigger issue at some point. Aggravated racial undertones by th

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  • catholic grace


    by DavidTHoldsworth
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    I had to save her. I had no idea where they had taken Jenny, so I went to the only person I knew might be able to help. I went to Brother Peter. He was on his knees before the altar when I came in.

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  • catholic grace

    Lola: Lady Of Sorrow

    by QueenDes
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    I was six years old still in a Catholic Orphanage, and had been rejected by seven different families. I never knew why and what was wrong with me, but I'd just accepted it as fate. I watched my orph

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  • catholic grace

    The Queen of Kings

    by Midnight_Syren
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    catholic but she never got the chance. When they returned home Sara was so tired, she did her nightly routine and fell into bed. And then it happened. Darkness faded to day but the sun seemed to be bl

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  • catholic grace


    by mac_zen23
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    grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift. Ephesians 4: And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saint

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  • catholic grace

    Illimitable Fantasy Works

    by ReiF
    4.45 (33 ratings)

    grace as she looked to two people in front of her, especially Rafi who was a Master of Red. In another part of her, she could guess that that man was an important person for Miyu, so she promised as s

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  • catholic grace

    (Hiatus) Random thoughts by Dragonace

    by Dragonace
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    Sorry I have not updated in a while and just let me tell you why... I HAVE A CRAZY 87-YEAR-OLD NUN TEACHING ME! ...I mean... 87? What the heck!? Retire already! Anyway... (acts all innocent, like t

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  • catholic grace

    Chaos Dragon Slayer

    by AsuraMonarch
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    grace...' " Apoclia-san, And... I'm sorry I don't believe I have gotten your name." My thoughts got cut when Hisui continued speaking. I just now realized that Dad didn't give his name. I was about to

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