
catholic holy bible

  • catholic holy bible

    The Holy Meme Bible

    by Gyrr
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    The holy meme Bible created by the Almighty Shrek himself. Basically, I'm translating the bible to meme language. Enjoy!

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  • catholic holy bible


    by mac_zen23
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    holy people. And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb." And he added, "These are true words that come from God." ALRIGHT GUYS I WI

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  • catholic holy bible

    Thinking Like Murderers

    by PettyOfficer
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    Jean wore his Sunday's best early in the morning. He looked in the mirror. A clean-shaven, porcelain-like face stared with its piercing brown eyes and its somewhat thin eyebrows raised. Jean checke

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  • catholic holy bible

    The God of The Wind

    by Sapphire_Ace
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    catholic church, she spent many hours in her room praying, and studying the bible. She didn't see what happened in her own home. Except, at some point, she was visited by her daughter, Jules. Who told

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  • catholic holy bible

    The Holy Bible of El-Ven

    by BiggusDiggus
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    Hey, i just want to say thank you for reading my book. your readership will really help me in writing this book which is my first. The function of this Author's Note is to give help to reader about

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  • catholic holy bible

    Queens of Domination [Highschool DxD Fanfic]

    by ImaginarySora
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    holy sword earlier. Coming along with me is Raina who also has a serious expression. We were worried that a strong exorcist came here and wanted to deal with our devil friends. As we were about

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  • catholic holy bible


    by JJVP
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    I woke up to the sound of somebody humming. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I found myself staring at a a white ceiling with no air vents. Where was I? Suddenly everything that happened before I bla

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  • catholic holy bible

    Lord of the Mysteries

    by Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
    4.83 (4243 ratings)

    holy chimes from Heaven. However, above the gray fog, The Fool Klein was somewhat astonished and confused. The sudden chiming of the bells wasn't within his plans. He then turned his gaze to The Fo

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  • catholic holy bible


    by HinduismNow
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    holy water on him and says, 'Bom a Jew, raised a Jew, now a Catholic! The Catholics are ecstatic! No more delicious but maddening smells every Friday evening!' But the next Friday evening, the smell

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  • catholic holy bible

    Pet King

    by Jie Po
    4.53 (425 ratings)

    As to how to deal with the statue, the elfins disagreed. While Zhang Zian was gone, they were arguing about it, which woke Richard up. Famous said, "I roughly understand the situation. My opinion is,

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