
art fundamentals book

  • art fundamentals book

    The Artist's Art

    by Yannaaaa
    (Not enough ratings)

    book suddenly lets out all her works right before her eyes, making her be inside her own sketch book. She met Naozumi, the name of the single male art she ever did. After encountering Naozumi inside

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  • art fundamentals book

    The Wheel of Samsara

    by Liron
    4.48 (22 ratings)

    book she just finished reading and added it to a huge pile by her side. "Good morning." She greeted him. Amon greeted her back with a weary voice. "Give me your ring." She asked him. Amon prompt

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  • art fundamentals book

    Tales of Demons, Gods, and Libraries

    by LargeFarva
    4.54 (43 ratings)

    book. Gently taking hold of the book, I call for its flaws. [Soul Force Control...Flaws 19...] With a smile like the Cheshire Cat, I think to myself, it's not a perfect technique, but it's perf

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  • art fundamentals book

    The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

    by Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
    4.01 (133 ratings)

    fundamentals to practice 'The Unbreakable Jin Gang', 'Golden Bell Shield', and other Shaolin kungfu in the future." "Ok, thank you, big brother Zhang and Ms. Jiang. I will follow your suggestions," M

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  • art fundamentals book

    Deleted Novel DN001

    by rxn036
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    I had dinner and was waiting for Maid Teresa. Nothing to do I pondered upon all the projects that been completed and that are still going on. Thinking for a while, I decided to add some directives to

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  • art fundamentals book

    Quest for Knowledge System

    by God_1
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    art form> Worth: 25 Knowledge Points Rank: Fire Description: Made by a rather eccentric ship designer. Teaches the fundamentals of shipbuilding, with a little bit of extra "sauce." <"Spaceship">

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  • art fundamentals book

    Almighty Teacher Travelling Through The Multiverse

    by Kunetsu
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    art, but by using these special basic fist art that encompasses all of the basic, fundamentals and essence of the fist, you can create and tread on your own path of fist] [Cultivating the body is h

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  • art fundamentals book

    The Rise of Annixon Bright

    by WhosDatDude
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    book that covers all that but I am not going to allow you to read it." "Why not?" "It would take weeks." He flipped out his monocle, "Not with this bad boy." "A monocle? What is that going to do?"

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  • art fundamentals book

    The Nine Cauldrons

    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.03 (562 ratings)

    book was indeed a book that recorded the training method of the Thief God Sect. In the back of the book, it only talked about the training methods of the “Monkey Fist” from the fundamentals to the Gr

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  • art fundamentals book

    Controlling Destiny

    by KingPufflePuff
    4.66 (Not enough ratings)

    book called 'Fundamentals of Magic' caught his eye. It was a fairly thick book and skimming through it quickly, Ultrix found that it had a basic understanding of all types of magic circles with a g

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