
art interpretation

  • art interpretation

    Porn of Words (Collection of Poetry)

    by nheddy
    (Not enough ratings)

    interpretation of the author.

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  • art interpretation

    Nice Guy Syndrome

    by Naysay_Archipelago
    (Not enough ratings)

    art focusing on the beauty of nature, culture, and humanity. Here let me show you." Raymond snatched his phone from Amber's hands. Over the years Raymond had collected a small amount of pictures of

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  • art interpretation


    by VKSS1602
    4.66 (53 ratings)

    The Void told Arjun that he used some complicated means to establish a communication with it's Void Qi. But even with his own method, he could barely communicate with the Void Qi. Arjun didn't know wh

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  • art interpretation

    Library of Heaven's Path (Tagalog)

    by Heng Sao Tian Ya
    4.06 (301 ratings)

    interpretation of Sage Luo's lecture. It did not contain a cultivation technique but a new interpretation toward cultivation. To make an analogy, it would be like learning a studying method. As long

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  • art interpretation

    Vampire: the Masquerade - Nirvana

    by Fiona_Singer
    4.61 (14 ratings)

    art nothing. The Sixth Tradition: Destruction Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the B

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  • art interpretation

    Ball of Nothing

    by Destiny_Aitsuji
    4.76 (56 ratings)

    art was a strange modified form of the old martial art called Tai Ji, fashioned after Hua Tuo's qi gong foundation. Ruth was amazed by how quick they were able to decipher the martial arts manual wit

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  • art interpretation

    The Nine Cauldrons

    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.03 (562 ratings)

    interpretation of their Dao in every word they write. "Senior Li Taibai…" Teng Qingshan said with a smile, "These words were written in a casual mood. Yet, these words still conveyed the "understandi

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  • art interpretation

    The Last Page

    by RFierce
    (Not enough ratings)

    art. Art, you ask? How can I justify my atrocities as art? It is very simple. You see, I realized something about my people—both Scrybes and non-wryters alike. All people, despite their intentions or

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  • art interpretation

    War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens (Tagalog)

    by Feng Qin Yang
    4.5 (305 ratings)

    Matapos niyang maiwasan ang atake ni Zi Shang at naalis sa mataas na tapakan, noong una ay nais ni Duan Ling Tian ang gamitin ang kanyang buong lakas upang atakehin ang hangin at gamitin ang paglaban

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  • art interpretation

    I just want to be average

    by hash_dumped
    (Not enough ratings)

    interpretation. In pictorial, the construct of the rune is what is seen visually. So, every dawn is unique. And understanding is limited only by the extent of imagination. So, every pictorial rune mus

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