In a world where magic and mystery intertwine, young Riven Kaelthar faces an unimaginable fate. Burdened by a family legacy steeped in darkness, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with trials and truths that challenge his very identity.
寫檢討I thought this would be another bad story, but i actually really like this one. The story it self was on a whole another level of writing, so i recommend it to everyone
I saw some new novels where authors have zero experience. This one is perfect compared to the others, which have millions of views. I recommend
作者 rsiii
I never really liked fantasy stories. I was always more of a romantic person, but my friend showed me this novel yesterday so I made an account to read it. I can say that so far, I like the story. I don't understand how Maurs and Riven became friends so quickly but I like it