/ Anime & Comics / An Immortal's Tales Of Demons And Gods

An Immortal's Tales Of Demons And Gods 原創

An Immortal's Tales Of Demons And Gods

Anime & Comics 273 章節 10.9M 流覽
作者: ElionAVL

4.31 (279 評分)

簡介 目錄


Very cliche novel, with no clear goal and garbage op mc, please don't read I wrote it when I was 14

No One 17 and Under Admitted



Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票




  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



I expected to at least enjoy this fanfic, but I really can't. The beginning of the story is somewhat okay, MC lived on earth, died, reincarnated in a cultivation world, died, reincarnated in a Naruto world, he became strongest there and died. After his death he must have thought "Wow, I died and managed to fuse spirit and soul energy, I should just detonate my spread out energy, just what could go wrong?" Then he is reincarnated in TDG world as a member of Shen family, a son of OC (brother of the current patriarch). And surprise, his soul is damaged, he manages to get elixirs from his father to repair it faster. He knows that his father was poisoned by his uncle, he started to heal him, but what could go wrong when his father must go on a dangerous expedition? He could have given him some pills to help him a bit, it may not have mattered at all, but he just didn't bother to do it, because "What could go wrong?". His father dies, like some random thug, his sole role was to give him elixirs, but it didn't really matter. MC can repair his soul in one year, what does the author decide to do, heal him forcefully because why not? As a side effect, he can't cultivate in next 4 years. The author said that MC is cold and calculating, and because of that he can't have a harem, yet he doesn't mind his arranged marriage. The MC was cultivating for billions of years, but he supposedly isn't a "cultivation maniac", if he isn't one then who is? He doesn't have ane purpose, a goal, everything he does feels like he just came up with, I cultivated this technique in 2 of my lives, it's really great, but I don't feel like doing it this life. He decides to cultivate untested technique, because why not? And all of this logic discrepancies wouldn't matter as much if our MC who lived for billions of years didn't behave like a retarded kid who can do something intelligent when the author feels like it.


Hello, the author here,I'm giving myself a biased 5 stars, obviously. This novel will receive at least 7 chapters weekly, up to 14 chapters weekly at maximum. The MC is a very op person, who has lived through three other lives, one in the Naruto World, one in an Immortal World, and the first one in the same world as us. Hopefully you like it, it's a bit slow paced, and the pairing is Xiao Ning'er x MC (Shen Tian).


I just found this, and I have to say; it’s great!! I already liked your Naruto fanfic, but it lacked the cultivation aspect that i’m craving recently, so this fiction will be a great snack. Thanks for the meal ;P


Decent idea, bad execution. The way the story flows feels unnatural and even the "sudden death" of his father feels bland and not enough to stimulate the reader's emotions as we haven't grown attached to the character. I recommend to have shown his plans one by one as part of the story instead of dumping it all in one go, readers want to read story, not info dumps.


Writing Quality 3/5 - writing is not perfect but the message is there and you can understand the story flow enough to enjoy the story.. Stability of Updates 4/5 - pretty good update rate...its 16 now but when i found it a few days back it only had like 9 so pretty fast Story Development 3/5 - pretty good premise and direction, rated only a 3 are there are some points where other readers point out that feels a bit.. well not forced but strange Character Design 3/5 - its a fanfic where author needs to portray characters of a different author in the right way so 3 is a good number World Background 4/5 - it is essentially the TDG world with various elements from other fictions i can take inconsistency with the plot or character behavior.... one thing i cant take is inconsistency in mechanic and forcing something to happen but when you look at it... it doesnt really work...changed my review, it still the same just changed some of the unreasonable things i wrote lol....


Don't expect this novel to be like every other fanfic, where the MC actually knows about the world he got sent to, while also being overpowered. But for me I like those types of fanfics where the MC actually knows the world he got reincarnated into, and he takes advantage of future events that are going to happen. Of course a Little OPness never hurt nobody. Many people might say that the one thing this novel has going for it is that it has no harem. Which for me I don't mind either way, as long as it's a good story. But for me this novel has a lot of problems from the very beginning. In the first chapter he's described as someone who has been reincarnated multiple times. One of those worlds being the Naruto World, which he knew about before hand. He has also lived Millions if not billions of years. During all that time he has accumulated millions of years of knowledge and experience. The author gave him this OP background, where the MC was actually at the top of the food chain in his previous worlds. But then comes the next chapters and he dumb's down the MC and nerfs his abilities. He nerfs him so hes not so OP early on, but doing that disregards how stuff works like chakra. He also dumb's him down when hes supposed to be the smartest person in all the universe. Whats the point of giving him a background like that just to nerf him. Why not just give him a not so overpowered background or do the old cliche "he lost his memories" then over time unlock them to make him stronger. You would think being in a different world of cultivation. He would want to get stronger, because he does not know what may happen. I mean he knows nothing about this world so he knows nothing about future events, and him having lived in other worlds of cultivation were the strong pray on the weak. You would think he would be in a hurry to get stronger so that nothing unexpected happens that's out of his control, but he doesn't. He has the mind set of "Will see what happens". He doesn't act how you would think some one that has accumulated so much experiences in his many years of life would act. At times the MC is smart and at times he's dumb, he's inconsistent. He has certain skills where you wonder why he isn't taking advantage of them like the Clone Jutsu of Naruto's. There's just too much stuff that doesn't add up and i would be writing forever. So I just can't keep reading it anymore. Score wise I'm giving the writing quality a 4-star. It wasn't too good to start, but it got better over time. Stability updates I'm giving it a 3-star. I went and looked at his recent updates to see how frequent hes updating. It doesn't look too stable but it's good enough Story development for me is a 2-star. MC was dumb down so it Sort of ruined it from there for me, and the pace is too slow. It feels like it's at least three times slower than the original novel. Character design 1-star. What's the point in giving him an OP background just to dumb him down and nerf him. World development 2-star. What is there to say about this. Its basically the same world as the original. From what I have read he hasn't done much to change it yet. You may like it but, i just don't so this is my review.


So like can the mc even use his knowledge from his past life to help himself improve in this world? I mean each world has different concept, laws, energy to manipulate, ways to become strong , etc. No before that, will he even retain his memory after reincarnating

LV 5 Badge

Wow i really Hope that there is more chapter comming from this one than the original You're doing great in a lot of different book but all of them are great Keep up the good work :-) Thanks a lot

LV 4 Badge

Perfect. I love it. The only thing this novel needs is more chapters. Please don't drop this one OR rush the story either, like you did the other one.


Nice story ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Don't drop ☺☺☺☺☺☺😑😑😑😑😆😆😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


welp...................................................................140 characters this is not a member of the 5% if you dont know what this mean.... you havent read enough fanfic or just brushup on tvtropes


Best fanfic of Tales of the demon and gods, using his past life from naruto to use chakra and the important is no unreasonable power up from system, like getting sharingan. Harem please,I know some people don't like harem but when you read non-harem novel with great heroine development you will realise harem is the only choice hahahaha Keep up the good work Thanks


Alright i really like your story like REALLY like your story, but your pace is bit slow in my opinion, so if you can move it bit faster then this is perfect because i want to see the reaction of mc who just reincarnated But good story, keep the good work


Billion year mc somehow falls for an underage girl with no personality other than being a tsundere that constantly blushes at every word of mc and has a medical problem with her sweat glands that make her sweat every other paragraph, which makes her clothes stick to her body. Also the pacing sucks.


For me, I can call this fanfic decent to be read. It can fill my times when there's nothing else to read. Though I don't know if it can be considered to be good, at last it's not bad. Maybe there are slight flaw here and there, but it's not unbearable. For writing quality, I can't give any comment. Since my english is not that good. But for me, since I can understand the story, I think it's good or decent at least. For updates stability, honestly I'm gratified this work has more than 100 chapters. Hopefully, the author will not drop this work midway. For story development. I think it's not bad. But, actually I think the author can be more in depth to write about some event. Since some event that can be interesting if written more slight in depth just being waste in haste in my oppinion. For example, the part about Shen Hong death. When I finish read that part I was like, "ahhh... So he is dead now". It's feel like there's suppose to be more interresting scene that can be presented. Afterall, Shen Hong can be called the first village boss/ cannon fodder. There's no need to be a difficulty in defeating him since the premis here is OP MC. But there can be slight more interesting plot or event in it. For character design. The MC, Shen Tian was a (how much his age again?) Billion aged immortal, with high wishdom, intellegent, knowledge, etc. But the taste he has is not like that. He is just teenager with cold feeling is what I feel from his very actions, reasonings, and justifications. Something just feel not quite right. Though I myself cannot pinpoint what it is (sorry for irresponsible remark). For world background. Yeah, this part I'm also unable to give any comment. Since I also doesn't have idea if it's good. Since it was a fanfic that took TDG world background as the frame. Overall for me, compared to worst fanfic, this work is not the worst. Neither this was very bad fanfic. Some moment reading the story can pique my interest. But there are also some moment where i feel it's too haste in event development that result in failling to present interesting plot. Note: I'm not professional in giving review. But this is what I think about this story right now. Hope this can contribute to this story since I'm quite supporting it.


This is my personal opinion. Honestly this story contains most of the things I disliked in the original tales of gods and demons and the naruto stuff does not help. I feel that the characters advance to quickly especially the main character who basically radiates invincibility. It does update quickly and the chapters have good length

LV 13 Badge

Really good, I look forward to the continuation! He falls into my library without hesitation the other story of tdg bored me! 140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...140...


Both characters, our OG mc & OC mc, are total trash. But trash-trash cancel each other out so....good novel!! 5 STARS!!! Yay!!!! So............




It is by far one of the worse fan fiction of this type. The MC, supposedly, HUNDREDS of MILLIONS years old, lacks common sense and basic survival instinct. The most annoying part of this novel? It's not an improvement, it's not even a different story from the original. It follows the same steps and arcs with a different MC, he even fights the same evil family (which he is a member off), that the original MC fights at first. To finish, the MC is the weakest part of this novel and due to it not being original its not worth the time reading further which is why the low score on story (being the same as original), character design and world background are a copy.

Chapter 272: I'll rewrite this story. 3 years ago

卷 1

  1. 1
    Rebirth 5 years ago
  2. 2
    Growing Up 5 years ago
  3. 3
    The Journey Of a Legend Begins 5 years ago
  4. 4
    Banquet 5 years ago
  5. 5
    The Change In The Soul. 5 years ago
  6. 6
    The Passage Of Time 5 years ago
  7. 7
    The Alchemy Association 5 years ago
  8. 8
    The City Lord Faction 5 years ago
  9. 9
    The Project For the Holy Orchid Institute 5 years ago
  10. 10
    Misfortune...Or Fortune? 5 years ago
  11. 11
    Planning 5 years ago
  12. 12
    The First Fight, Martial Arts put to use. 5 years ago
  13. 13
    Fear 5 years ago
  14. 14
    The Changes 5 years ago
  15. 15
    Your Answer is? 5 years ago
  16. 16
    Use Of Perfection. 5 years ago
  17. 17
    A Win Nonetheless 5 years ago
  18. 18
    Rage Of a Man 5 years ago
  19. 19
    The Event 5 years ago
  20. 20
    Shen Tian's Fiance. 5 years ago
  21. 21
    The Pickpocket With a Rare Talent. 5 years ago
  22. 22
    Feng Hao's New Cultivation Technique. 5 years ago
  23. 23
    Holy Orchid Institute 5 years ago
  24. 24
    The Bet Of Three People. 5 years ago
  25. 25
    Money is not an Issue 5 years ago
  26. 26
    Training Ground 5 years ago
  27. 27
    Xiao Ning'er Disease 5 years ago
  28. 28
    Dark Ruins 5 years ago
  29. 29
    A Week Later. 5 years ago
  30. 30
    Sacred Family 5 years ago
  31. 31
    Purple Haze Grass 5 years ago
  32. 32
    Ancient City Ruins 5 years ago
  33. 33
    Shen Tian's Soul Form 5 years ago
  34. 34
    Leaving Glory City, Starting An Adventure! 5 years ago
  35. 35
    Ancient Ruins 5 years ago
  36. 36
    The Ruins 5 years ago
  37. 37
    Exploring The Tomb 5 years ago
  38. 38
    A Day With... 5 years ago
  39. 39
    Military Ground's Treasury 5 years ago
  40. 40
    End Of The Year Examination 5 years ago
  41. 41
    An Unexpected Ending. 5 years ago
  42. 42
    Sacred Family Compound 5 years ago
  43. 43
    I want you Dead! 5 years ago
  44. 44
    The Fall. 5 years ago
  45. 45
    A Demon Spirit To Someone 5 years ago
  46. 46
    The Divine Family's Tournament 5 years ago
  47. 47
    The Tournament Begins! 5 years ago
  48. 48
    The Battle For the Finals! 5 years ago
  49. 49
    The Winner.. 5 years ago
  50. 50
    The Thunder God's Meteorite Sword. 5 years ago
  51. 51
    Seeking Benefits Among Danger 5 years ago
  52. 52
    Subdued. 5 years ago
  53. 53
    Susanoo 5 years ago
  54. 54
    Scout Division 5 years ago

卷 2 : Fate Of The Underworld

  1. 55
    A New Chapter in Life 5 years ago
  2. 56
    Journey To The... 5 years ago
  3. 57
    The Ruins. 5 years ago
  4. 58
    The Path 5 years ago
  5. 59
    The City. 5 years ago
  6. 60
    The Beginning 5 years ago
  7. 61
    The Black Lion Family. 5 years ago
  8. 62
    Underestimating Shen Tian leads to massive damage! 5 years ago
  9. 63
    The White Tiger Family 5 years ago
  10. 64
    A shame. 5 years ago
  11. 65
    Unfortunate 5 years ago
  12. 66
    Moments of Peace 5 years ago
  13. 67
    A Harsh Storm Incoming. 5 years ago
  14. 68
    Chilling. 5 years ago
  15. 69
    The Invitation 5 years ago
  16. 70
    A fool. 5 years ago
  17. 71
    Earning a Fortune 5 years ago
  18. 72
    Journey to the Dungeons~ 5 years ago
  19. 73
    Another Battle! 5 years ago
  20. 74
    In the Dungeon 5 years ago
  21. 75
    Elder Sheng 5 years ago
  22. 76
    Healing And Fighting A Man. 5 years ago
  23. 77
    An Amazing Battle. 5 years ago
  24. 78
    The End Of The Battle! 5 years ago
  25. 79
    Continuing The Dungeon. 5 years ago
  26. 80
    The Final Boss 5 years ago
  27. 81
    The Final Boss Wins? 5 years ago
  28. 82
    The End of the Fight 5 years ago
  29. 83
    Jing Ye's Anger 5 years ago
  30. 84
    Last Resort! 5 years ago
  31. 85
    Two Things to be happy for. 5 years ago
  32. 86
    Demon Sanctuary 5 years ago
  33. 87
    City Lord's Birthday. 5 years ago
  34. 88
    Losing Face 5 years ago
  35. 89
    Gaining Face 5 years ago
  36. 90
    Surprising Ending 5 years ago
  37. 91
    City Lord's Appearance 5 years ago
  38. 92
    Alchemy Guild 5 years ago
  39. 93
    Snow Lotus...? 5 years ago
  40. 94
    A Decoy. 5 years ago
  41. 95
    His Move. 5 years ago
  42. 96
    Underestimating. 5 years ago
  43. 97
    Being as Shameless as possible. 5 years ago
  44. 98
    Scheming 5 years ago
  45. 99
    Mysterious Energy...Experimenting Maybe 5 years ago
  46. 100
    Demon Sanctuary declares war! 5 years ago
  47. 101
    What Happened...? 5 years ago
  48. 102
    The War begins! 5 years ago
  49. 103
    The Battle with The Devil Monarch! 5 years ago
  50. 104
    War Continues! 5 years ago
  51. 105
    City Lord's Fall 5 years ago
  52. 106
    Intense Talks. 5 years ago
  53. 107
    Was it worth it? 5 years ago
  54. 108
    A surprise after another surprise 5 years ago
  55. 109
    Another Twist! 5 years ago
  56. 110
    Bored. 5 years ago
  57. 111
    This is happening too many times... 5 years ago
  58. 112
    Another Twist, anybody getting tired of those? 5 years ago
  59. 113
    Continuing... 5 years ago
  60. 114
    Bored already mate. 5 years ago
  61. 115
    Supreme Quality Dump! 5 years ago
  62. 116
    Send Nudes. 5 years ago
  63. 117
    Send More Power!! 5 years ago
  64. 118
    A proper Ending...? 5 years ago

卷 3 : Returning to the Tiny World.

  1. 119
    Leaving the Underground Region 5 years ago
  2. 120
    Liu Dan's Service. 5 years ago
  3. 121
    Nie Li and Shen Tian talk. 5 years ago
  4. 122
    Spiritual Gods 5 years ago
  5. 123
    Primal Chaos 5 years ago
  6. 124
    Nether Realm 5 years ago
  7. 125
    Nether Realm - [2] 5 years ago
  8. 126
    Returning To Glory City 5 years ago
  9. 127
    Q/A - ANSWERING 5 years ago
  10. 128
    Glory City, Shen Tian has returned! 5 years ago
  11. 129
    Freeing someone 5 years ago
  12. 130
    Glory City 5 years ago
  13. 131
    Ye Han's Death 5 years ago
  14. 132
    Shen Tian's bored 5 years ago
  15. 133
    A bit more excitement I guess. 5 years ago
  16. 134
    Entering The Black Infernal Tower 5 years ago
  17. 135
    Anatta Mental State 5 years ago
  18. 136
    Continuing The Black Infernal Tower 5 years ago
  19. 137
    Some Training to get warm. 5 years ago
  20. 138
    The Black Infernal Tower's climbing continues. 5 years ago
  21. 139
    Nether Master 5 years ago
  22. 140
    New Master...? 5 years ago
  23. 141
    Purgatory Lands 5 years ago
  24. 142
    Spy. 5 years ago
  25. 143
    Purgatory Lands... Coming soon 5 years ago
  26. 144
    Abandoned Castle 5 years ago
  27. 145
    War Deity Temple 5 years ago
  28. 146
    The Human Territory 5 years ago
  29. 147
    Purgatory Mountain Range 5 years ago
  30. 148
    Soaring Dragon 5 years ago
  31. 149
    Purgatory Shrine 5 years ago
  32. 150
    Q/A - Answering [2] 5 years ago
  33. 151
    Abyssal Twelve Winged Lion 5 years ago
  34. 152
    Fighting It 5 years ago
  35. 153
    Creator Of the Shrine 5 years ago
  36. 154
    A battle. 5 years ago
  37. 155
    A dying star 5 years ago
  38. 156
    How To Be OP . 5 years ago
  39. 157
    A Dragooooooooon. 5 years ago
  40. 158
    Any Ideas what to title my chapters? 5 years ago
  41. 159
    Treasury 5 years ago
  42. 160
    Final Chapter Of The Week....Sad News in AN 5 years ago
  43. 161
    I GOT YOU ALL HAHAHAHA! 5 years ago
  44. 162
    ~~~~ 5 years ago
  45. 163
    Zhu Xian's Demise 5 years ago
  46. 164
    God? 5 years ago
  47. 165
    Last Chapter Before MASSIVE Update 5 years ago
  48. 166
    The Day Has Come... 5 years ago
  49. 167
    Confusing Feelings 5 years ago
  50. 168
    Another Chapter I guess 5 years ago
  51. 169
    Good Boy. 5 years ago
  52. 170
    Kaiser 5 years ago
  53. 171
    Goodbye Zhu Ruo XD 5 years ago
  54. 172
    1 Power Stone = 1 Thanks Good She Died for Zhu Ruo 5 years ago
  55. 173
    My Main Character is Actually a Jerk. 5 years ago
  56. 174
    I hate you all, drying my stacked chapters/ Kinda Rushed But Who Cares? Not Me. 5 years ago
  57. 175
    Why u gotta make me do dis Nie Li? I hate u 5 years ago

卷 4 : Draconic Ruins Realm

  1. 176
    YOU THINK it's OVER?! 5 years ago
  2. 177
    Death OF the Old Demon Lord 5 years ago
  3. 178
    Another One. 5 years ago
  4. 179
    Lionel Messi is the GOAT 5 years ago
  5. 180
    Boiiis, MESSI IS DA GOAT REMEMBER?! 5 years ago
  6. 181
    I'm fucking tired. 5 years ago
  7. 182
    Reviving Mother.. 5 years ago
  8. 183
    I'm Sick again guys T-T 5 years ago
  9. 184
    I'm too lazy to put proper titles it seems... :V 5 years ago
  10. 185
    Talking To Nie Li 5 years ago
  11. 186
    Subscribe to Pewdiepie 5 years ago
  12. 187
    Did you already subscribe to Pewds? 5 years ago
  13. 188
    Who wants Ligma Balls? 5 years ago
  14. 189
    Your father probably got cuckolded 5 years ago
  15. 190
    A shocking moment. 5 years ago
  16. 191
    I shall Fart the Heavens 5 years ago
  17. 192
    Q/A - Ask Your Questions here [3] - ROAD to 200 CHAPTERS 5 years ago
  18. 193
    A Glorious Moment. 5 years ago
  19. 194
    Titles will return to normal soon... - 5 years ago
  20. 195
    Q/A - [3] - Answering 5 years ago
  21. 196
    River Of Everlasting Blood 5 years ago
  22. 197
    Divine Myriad Spirit River 5 years ago
  23. 198
    Holy Devil Island 5 years ago
  24. 199
    Holy Devils 5 years ago
  25. 200
    (Info Dump Chapter) - 5 years ago
  26. 201
    Last Update before next chapter... Probably 5 years ago
  27. 202
    I'm not dead... Actual Chapter 5 years ago
  28. 203
    Exam 5 years ago
  29. 204
    The Furry 5 years ago
  30. 205
    End Of The Exam 5 years ago
  31. 206
    The Start... 5 years ago
  32. 207
    Mission Hall 5 years ago
  33. 208
    Enforcer 5 years ago
  34. 209
    Injustice? 5 years ago
  35. 210
    Kamui 5 years ago
  36. 211
    Law Enforcement Department 5 years ago
  37. 212
    Old Zhang's demise 5 years ago
  38. 213
    Old Zhang... Stop please for fuck's sake! 5 years ago
  39. 214
    That escalated quickly... Lol 5 years ago
  40. 215
    Old Man Yu and the Boatman 5 years ago
  41. 216
    Royal Nine Horned Tiger 5 years ago
  42. 217
    Filler I guess 5 years ago
  43. 218
    It's getting spicier I guess 5 years ago
  44. 219
    Problems Arise 5 years ago
  45. 220
    Only Chapter For the Day... 5 years ago
  46. 221
    Ooof 5 years ago
  47. 222
    Not going to spare anyone 5 years ago
  48. 223
    Doppelganger 5 years ago
  49. 224
    Amber. 5 years ago
  50. 225
    Fearsome Foe. 5 years ago
  51. 226
    Rude Young Lad 5 years ago
  52. 227
    -UPDATED GLOSSARY- 5 years ago
  53. 228
    ...Laughing at Shen Tian? 5 years ago
  54. 229
    Sovereign Shou 5 years ago
  55. 230
    Ecstasy of Sovereign Shou and Disappointment 5 years ago
  56. 231
    Entering the Portal 5 years ago
  57. 232
    Ending Date. 5 years ago
  58. 233
    Boredom 5 years ago
  59. 234
    Gobsmacked 5 years ago
  60. 235
    How dare you! 5 years ago
  61. 236
    Battle Continues 5 years ago
  62. 237
    Playing Football or something... 5 years ago
  63. 238
    Can we just end this? 5 years ago
  64. 239
    Rushed but no one cares right? 5 years ago
  65. 240
    The first time I've skipped so much shit in one chapter lmao 5 years ago
  66. 241
    Apologies! 5 years ago
  67. 242
    Talking 5 years ago
  68. 243
    Not Complaining,Actual Chapter. 5 years ago
  69. 244
    The Auction ends in a Bang 5 years ago
  70. 245
    Truly a shame. 5 years ago
  71. 246
    Boring 5 years ago
  72. 247
    Confronting Shen Tian. 5 years ago
  73. 248
    Small Announcement ( Not rlly important...) 5 years ago
  74. 249
    Here it is --> 5 years ago
  75. 250
    I don't have much to write about... 5 years ago
  76. 251
    Bad News and Good News 5 years ago
  77. 252
    Dying..? 5 years ago
  78. 253
    This aged well 5 years ago
  79. 254
    The End is near... 5 years ago
  80. 255
    Mad Snail is retarded. 5 years ago
  81. 256
    Thoughts Before Finishing the story. 5 years ago
  82. 257
    Why are you so dumb? 5 years ago
  83. 258
    Intimidation... 5 years ago
  84. 259
    Boredom is not fun. 5 years ago
  85. 260
    The Calm before the storm (Announcement) 5 years ago
  86. 261
    Worst Ending Ever. :| 5 years ago
  87. 262
    Afterword 5 years ago
  88. 263
    Side Story - Marriage 5 years ago
  89. 264
    - They massacred WN 5 years ago
  90. 265
    - What you guys want me to do next - 5 years ago
  91. 266
    Update to the update to the update - Fanfic plans 4 years ago
  92. 267
    Side story for ITDG 4 years ago
  93. 268
    - Fanfic out in 1-2 weeks (3 max) 4 years ago
  94. 269
    - Almost done with reading BTTH once... MY thoughts on it- 4 years ago
  95. 270
    Some News~ 4 years ago
  96. 271
  97. 272
    I'll rewrite this story. 3 years ago

作者 ElionAVL