/ Anime & Comics / Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group

Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group 原創

Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group

Anime & Comics 2,206 章節 86.0M 流覽
作者: akikan40

4.59 (2,502 評分)

簡介 目錄


10 chapters / week

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


He had been reincarnated, he thought that he didn't cheat until suddenly he noticed someone invite him on a group chat.

[Do you wish to join Dimensional Chat Group?]

MC: "Accept!"


Cover not mine, it's from anime Yosuga no Sora


Grammar sometimes sucks but bear with it.


If you want to tell me there is a grammar mistake.



Maybe I'll be full of energy to write your favorite fanfic.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票




  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



AUTHOR. I HAVE ONE QUESTION???? OR REQUEST CAN YOU UPDATE MORE!!!! PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss PlSssssssSssssSss


The writer has a lot of issues and, honestly, doesn't feel ready to write stories in English yet. There are a -lot- of grammar issues, and massive perspective problems in every single chapter. As for the story itself.. the self-insert is a fairly successful novel writer (yeaaahhhh.. no) who acts pretty unnaturally given his reincarnated situation; the reincarnated part of his character seems mostly glossed over and forgotten. He doesn't use it for anything, and the relationship with his sister is exactly the same as in canon, even though there is an older, completely different person in the body of this character. In fact, all of the characters feel extremely unnatural as a whole. People who should have no concept of technology or anime or anything just pick up on it without explanation and act like it's the most normal thing in the world. Characters' thought processes are unbelievable at best. Very clearly written in one sitting, putting thoughts into words and then isn't properly edited, and it makes it feel incoherent and is difficult to read. It's often written like the writer assumes we know what he's thinking and why he's thinking it, and jumps two or three steps in the buildup and explanation, only to land on something that feels completely out of place as a result. An example would be the different characters sending information over the phone. How? It's never explained. First off, how are these technologically stupid people just sending "magic" and "swordsplay" over a phone? How is he receiving it? It's never even explored or explained a little bit, but just taken completely for granted and passed over. It's absolutely ridiculous. Then there's the ghosts. He brings them cakes, but when the girl tries to hug them, she passes through them? Are they solid or not? The logic of the story's world is completely screwed. Not to mention that the kids weren't actually used for anything at all other than getting every character to say "G-g-g-ghost!" like they're Scooby Doo and forcing an interaction with that one girl. Even the set up emotional reunion was completely ruined by them just disappearing the second they saw her, and nothing further was explored about it. Not to mention how the character learns "swordplay" by.. getting a manual about it(? somehow it changes to paper from his phone?) and then swinging his sword the same way 1000 times, like that is supposed to teach him anything. When you know nothing about the sword, you have a thousand things to learn before you even start swinging that thing around. Your posture, movement, grip, etc. etc. You don't just go and start swinging a sword and become a swordsman, and even then, swinging just one way isn't going to make you any better at anything; it's so silly. The protagonist starts talking about opening up a restaurant out of absolutely nowhere. Like, it wasn't built up in any way, and the writer clearly just wanted to do it for whatever reason, even if it made no sense in-universe. It was justified because the character "knew a guy with a restaurant" and that he would get recipes sent over. Like that solves more than one or two out of a thousand problems with opening up a restaurant, and prepares him for that chaos in any way whatsoever These are a few examples, but already this soon in the story there are even more I could pull from, and I'm positive it will continue throughout the whole thing. Basically, it feels like whoever writes this doesn't live in the real world. Their logic is completely off in so many ways. It really feels like the writer has gotten too deeply integrated in the universe of anime himself and has forgotten how actual people think, act and speak, and it really shows in the writing. Overall, it just comes off as disconnected and childish. I don't know why this story is rated 4.6. Either the negative reviews are deleted or you guys just have insanely low standards. 2.4 was already generous for me. For the writer: Work harder on your basics. Spend some time figuring out your English grammar and read some well-written, published stories to try and get a better feel for how to actually present a decent story. Your ideas aren't terrible, but your execution is very lacking; especially for someone clearly wanting to make money off of this. It takes a lot of hard work to get good at something, and writing is no different. Good luck.


I was really disappointed with this novel.normally when I see there's a new novel of akikan that I can read I get exited because I love all his works I like this one to but sadly the mc no the personality of the mc a really just to scummy that i couldn't read anymore.He leads girls on to just say I only want to be friends and that I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Then he breaks up with his past girlfriend(WHICH HE WAS CHEATINH ON WITH NONE OTHER THEN THE SLUT WICH WHO WILL SLEEP WITH ANY GUY AKANE MINAGAWA.)because he wanted to focus on his little sister that he's in love with but denies it.Then when he confeses to a girl he supposedly loves he makes out and starts going at it with his sister,basically cheating again.He said he dident want any secrets but hellow hes slept with 3 women while his girlfriend knows nothing about it.thats not even the worst part.the worst part is he sleeps with a girl while hes on a trip with his supposed lover/real sister. So not only does he cheat on his girlfriend he cheats on his sister and actually has the fucking face to say its fucking hormoes that clouded his judgement and he couldn't hold himself back when he has women who love him offering themselves yet he's basically implying there not good enoght for him.If this will be a harem in the future it will definetly be the worst romance akikan has made. It just cant compare to how to become a mangaca or jurastic hero.


Annoying type beta male lead! Fvk this I won't torture myself in this anymore.. Reading this really annoyed me. If your a girl you can bully this mc even kill him he won't fight back. The fairy tail arc will make you drop this


The story started well, but over time it got boring and repetitive. It seems that the author is afraid to make the MC too strong and that is why he is giving bad powers and pretending he doesn't have a store to buy powers. The mc has a dungeon that when entering the time stops in his world but is complaining about lack of time to train. Honestly, mc practically stopped growing in the Magi world. He gained a greater variety of powers, but apart from some op equipment he didn't grow much in strength. the author is too focused on making mc the richest man in the world instead of focusing on the chat group. Besides, it is kind of strange that MC monopolize all missions and nobody complains. Worst of all, despite the fact that the MC increases in the harem in all the worlds he goes to and always says how he cares about his girlfriends, the MC basically leaves and forgets the relationship after returning to his world. So far he hasn't seen any of the girls he left behind again (except 2 who are members of the chat group). In short: The story went from focusing on the chat group to focusing on mc becoming a tycoon and developing the harem in his original world while extolling every day how big his dick is and the resistance in the bed is incredible in addition to how much he loves girlfriends (despite abandoning most of them) The chat group became something secondary that only serves to act like an asshole by deceiving innocent women to never return. sorry for any mistake, i wrote using google translator


How many chapters until its dropped?


I only like his adventures to another world, but I don’t like the mc horny nature , and i still don’t like brother and sister lover even in original anime yosuga no sora


First 100 or so chps r good but then story loses the main plot point which is the group chat and turns in generic harem trash amime. Author doesn't bother taking feedback and continues to pump out poor quality story


Let see how long until its dropped


the author never reads the comments or responses back that the story becomes ****ty because the author will always focus on the mc to become a ****ty playboy harem main character and not on the group chat .which make the story just about mc getting bitchs easily for every 5 chapters.


Let me do an honest review with strengths and weaknesses in this story. Writing quality (4/5): grammatical errors appear here and there and words are repeated in the same sentence sometimes but in general it is good Stability of updates (4/5): I can't say much but it seems to be good according to the history and update date, but some readers sometimes comment that the author has a history of dropped stories so 4/5 is enough note Story Development (2/5): the story starts with yosuga no sora the MC has memories of his previous life and becomes a writer copying a story of it, then he receives the mysterious group chat app and other people from other world are invited like tsunade (naruto), yojima (fairy tail), kuroneko (oreimo) and gintoki (gintama) the MC never suspects anything of the semi-omnipotent app that can transport people to another world and sell powers in the store, the worst thing here is that the MC believes in "destiny", he believes that it is impossible not to follow the destiny of the original anime he is part of (he is the MC of yosuga no sora) so he doesn't even try to go against the incestuous romance with his sister, he simply follows the flow, he lies to himself saying he doesn’t want to get into a relationship but flirts with every girl he sees, he’s very hypocritical and in chapter 157 (where I dropped it) you see it clearly, you just need to read 156 and then 157. character design (1.5 / 5): the author simply inserted female characters while thinking with the penis, more and more female characters appear and the MC flirts with all of them, even has sex with some of them without commitment, the female characters don't have much personality and fall in love with the MC without reason, simply because he is "charming", Sora (his little sister) for example is sticky and the only thing he talks to the MC is asking if he will leave her and where and with whom he was , it's just ridiculous, besides there being so many new girls included all the time that you even forget some of them, the MC's personality is also bad, similar to the typical villain of xianxia + harem protagonist who is taken by the flow, whenever he sees something incredible he covets, feels envious or says he doesn't feel envy because in the future he will be as strong or rich as that person, says he is not arrogant but believes that he can get a perfect score in a test while focusing on 3 others isas instead of the test itself, he believes that he is on the same level as a national athlete practicing swordsman being that he only trained 2 months while they do it for a lifetime. but what broke the limit was in chapter 157, in chapter 156 he decides to enter into a relationship with one of the characters, but in chapter 157, when not even 24 hours have passed he takes the initiative to enter into a relationship with his sister !? Okay, I understand that the title already says that, although not always a siscon enters into a relationship with the sister, but it was more or less predictable than in the case of him, but he ignores the feelings of Kato (the girl who confessed him in 156) and to relate to the sister in 157 as if it were nothing, and that just tells me that he is an incorrigible hypocritical scum. world backgroung (3.5 / 5): the main world of MC is a union of several worlds with several characters from various anime / manga, which is interesting, but the author exaggerated and even put characters with abnormals there, also has little information about the characters which makes them simply names, and forgettable also due to the size of the harem in conclusion it is a story that has good fights although they are few, interesting powers but I think it needed to be explored more mainly the magic of light and the chakra, but very bad in the romance, harem, randomness, and characters in general mainly with regard to personality, including the MC.

LV 13 Badge

It went downhill pretty quickly. Author focuses on harem too much without caring to add a bit more drama or time in their relationship. It was interesting but later somehow it lost its all charm. Its not fleshed out, needs more character development and author seriously needs to stop adding members to harem without thinking.


Your novel is actually quite good to read but your treatment of the female characters that you come up with is irrelevant and very disrespectful by leaving them after you take their V Cards. It's like you squeeze sugarcane juice then dump the pulp. Yes this is just a story for fun but you take the female character from another original novel so at least respect that by making them able to be with the MC to his world because otherwise it's the same you don't respect the creator of the character [original author]. For example give a mission MC with a Reward that he can mark his women and can take them to MC's world I was very annoyed at you author, when the MC continued to mess with other female characters but then forgot about it.

LV 12 Badge

Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki Why is he not yuuki


Stop stealing plot from CN fanfic. ancient shinobi who crossed through time and decided that Kato has potential as a ninja and names Kato her heir.


I was really disappointed with this novel.normally when I see there's a new novel of akikan that I can read I get exited because I love all his works I like this one to but sadly the mc no the personality of the mc a really just to scummy that i couldn't read anymore.He leads girls on to just say I only want to be friends and that I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Then he breaks up with his past girlfriend(WHICH HE WAS CHEATINH ON WITH NONE OTHER THEN THE SLUT WICH WHO WILL SLEEP WITH ANY GUY AKANE MINAGAWA.)because he wanted to focus on his little sister that he's in love with but denies it.Then when he confeses to a girl he supposedly loves he makes out and starts going at it with his sister,basically cheating again.He said he dident want any secrets but hellow hes slept with 3 women while his girlfriend knows nothing about it.thats not even the worst part.the worst part is he sleeps with a girl while hes on a trip with his supposed lover/real sister. So not only does he cheat on his girlfriend he cheats on his sister and actually has the fucking face to say its fucking hormoes that clouded his judgement and he couldn't hold himself back when he has women who love him offering themselves yet he's basically implying there not good enoght for him.If this will be a harem in the future it will definetly be the worst romance akikan has made. It just cant compare to how to become a mangaca or jurastic hero.


It was quite interesting at first but after 250 chapters it was disgusting. It is like he is planning to open a breeding company rather than doing something more adventures or sowing something more about his system or whatever chat group it is. He is becoming a spineless horny bastard and the author is too much to introduce so much girl around him and it feels disgusting rather than a mere pervert sis-con or whatever novel it was


Scum mc And author have NTR fetish Sometimes the story is really good Sometimes the story is trash This story is like roller coaster . . . . .


I love all your novel they are all amazing and you update them regularly so 5 star for you and my undying love for your novel and please give us more chapter for this novel!


I cannot find funny about haru Di*k jokes so many times, majority of us, the readers was a male except for those homos/gay. Please refrain from using that Di*k jokes, if you had such a Big Di*k Fetish why not visit in Thailand.

Chapter 2205: Next Quest 2 years ago

卷 0 : Auxiliary Volume

  1. Information 4 years ago

卷 1

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    Dimensional Chat Group 5 years ago
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    From Another World 5 years ago
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    Known 5 years ago
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    Throwing Tantrums 5 years ago
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    Gambling Addict 5 years ago
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    Daily Points 5 years ago
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    Request 5 years ago
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    Maid Cafe 5 years ago
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    Magic 5 years ago
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    Light Magic 5 years ago
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    How to make money? 5 years ago
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    Going Out 5 years ago
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    Not a Date 5 years ago
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    Singer on The Street 5 years ago
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    Sword Training 5 years ago
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    Haunted House 5 years ago
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    Streaming 5 years ago
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    Chance 5 years ago
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    Take Responbility 5 years ago
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    House 5 years ago
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    Tell you the truth 5 years ago
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    Meeting Her 5 years ago
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    Teacher 5 years ago
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    One Request 5 years ago
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    Naruto World 5 years ago
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    Photo Commemoration 5 years ago
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    Start of The Match 5 years ago
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    Restoration 5 years ago
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    The Attack Start! 5 years ago
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    New Feature and Reward 5 years ago
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    Sticky Fingers 5 years ago
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    New Quest 5 years ago
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    Jail 5 years ago
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    Impel Down 5 years ago
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    Straw Hat Luffy 5 years ago
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    Escape 5 years ago
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    Level 5.5 5 years ago
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    Emporio Ivankov 5 years ago
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    Prison Break 1 5 years ago
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    Prison Break 3 5 years ago
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    Prison Break 4 5 years ago
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    Prison Break 5 5 years ago
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    On the way to the Marine Headquater 5 years ago
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    Whitebeard Pirates 5 years ago
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    Showing a power 5 years ago
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    Betrayal 5 years ago
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    Wall 5 years ago
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    Conqueror Haki 5 years ago
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    In front of Death 5 years ago
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    Blackbeard Pirates 5 years ago
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    Red Hair Pirates 5 years ago
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    The War is Over 5 years ago
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    Hospital 5 years ago
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    Unexpected Reward 5 years ago
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    Sister Complex!!! 5 years ago
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    Living With Dying 5 years ago
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    Friend of Ex-Girlfriend 5 years ago
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    Yukihira Restaurant 5 years ago
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    Date is more important than a match 5 years ago
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    Pervert 5 years ago
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    Forbidden 5 years ago
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    Bounty 5 years ago
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    I Want to Eat Your Pancreas 5 years ago
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    Commotion in Shopping District 5 years ago
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    Kato The Ninja 5 years ago
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    Are you interested in my body? 5 years ago
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    Interview Training 5 years ago
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    Similarity Between Main Character of Romantic Comedy Light Novel 5 years ago
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    Radio Interview 5 years ago
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    Cafe Open! 1 5 years ago
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    Cafe Open! 2 5 years ago
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    The Birth of Saint 5 years ago
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    Every Day Until There Is a Quest 5 years ago
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    Next Mission! 5 years ago
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    Gourmet Town 5 years ago
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    Pompadour Hairtstyle 5 years ago
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    Setsuno? This Grandma? 5 years ago
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    Century Soup? 5 years ago
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    Real Kitchen 5 years ago
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    I'm not chef.... 5 years ago
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    Bar Heavy Lodge 5 years ago
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    Monsters!!! 5 years ago
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    The Glacier Moray 5 years ago
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    Arrived!!! 5 years ago
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    Tundra Dragon 5 years ago
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    Power Of Zipper 5 years ago
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    Three People 5 years ago
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    Appetite Demon 5 years ago
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    Wall Penguin 5 years ago
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    Difference 5 years ago
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    Gourmet Corp 5 years ago
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    The Soup Is Gone! 5 years ago
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    You're flexible? I'm a rubber 5 years ago
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    Defense? I will smash it right away! 5 years ago
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    Let me chase him! 5 years ago
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    TORIKO!!!!! 5 years ago
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    He Freed It! 5 years ago
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    Two Monsters 5 years ago
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    Three Drops 5 years ago
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    Strange Condition 5 years ago
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    Real Century Soup 5 years ago
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    Life, The Country of Healing 5 years ago
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    Who should we invite? 5 years ago
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    Gourmet Casino Onward 5 years ago
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    Gourmet Casino 2 5 years ago
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    Gourmet Casino 3 5 years ago
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    Succeed!!! 5 years ago
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    Souvenirs 5 years ago
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    Watching 'Yosuga No Sora' 1 5 years ago
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    Watching 'Yosuga No Sora' 2 5 years ago
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    Watching 'Yosuga No Sora' 3 5 years ago
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    Watching 'Yosuga No Sora' 4 5 years ago
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    Tootsuki Group 5 years ago
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    Side Effect of Saitama's Power 5 years ago
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    Practicing Observation Haki on Kato 5 years ago
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    I have given you a reminder 5 years ago
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    Kato, I ....... 5 years ago
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    C7 5 years ago
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    Who will you choose? 5 years ago
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    Test 5 years ago
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    Let me try it 5 years ago
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    French Bread 5 years ago
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    Truce 5 years ago
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    Quest, Kuroneko 5 years ago
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    Let's become Barry and Bill in this world 5 years ago
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    Family History 5 years ago
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    Please, take care of my granddaughter 5 years ago
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    I can't lie.... 5 years ago
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    Join a caravan 5 years ago
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    Tried to get close... 5 years ago
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    Teach me 'Borg' 5 years ago
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    Magnostadt 5 years ago
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    Magnostadt Academy 5 years ago
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    I want to do something.... 5 years ago
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    First Day in the Academy 5 years ago
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    Magic Type 5 years ago
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    Learning Magic 5 years ago
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    5th Level Authorization District 5 years ago
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    The Secret of Magnostadt 5 years ago
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    Iktiyar 5 years ago
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    Your Future 5 years ago
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    Onward Kou Empire 5 years ago
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    8th Member 5 years ago
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    Warm Panties 5 years ago
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    Date 1 5 years ago
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    Date 2 5 years ago
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    Drunk Woman 5 years ago
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    Night Talk 5 years ago
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    Team up with me! 5 years ago
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    Morning in the cafe 5 years ago
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    Eroge 5 years ago
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    Macau 6 5 years ago
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    Come back 5 years ago
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    Fate/Stay Night 5 years ago
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    Apps 5 years ago
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    Project 5 years ago
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    Class 3-E? 5 years ago
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    Searching 5 years ago
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    Feast 5 years ago
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    Joining Up! 5 years ago
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    I will sue you! 5 years ago
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    Don't eat with speed of 20 mach 5 years ago
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    New Students and Teacher 5 years ago
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    Weakness 5 years ago
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    Question 5 years ago
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    Boring Day 5 years ago
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    God of Death 1 5 years ago
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    God of Death 2 5 years ago
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    God of Death 3 5 years ago
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    Career Consultation 5 years ago
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    Befriend 5 years ago
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    School Festival 1 5 years ago
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    School Festival 2 5 years ago
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    No Way!! 5 years ago
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    Second Semester Last Exam 5 years ago
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    Try assasinate him? 5 years ago
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    Confrontation Between Teacher 5 years ago
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    Another Weakness? 5 years ago
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    I'LL KILL YOU BASTARD!!! 5 years ago
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    Two Factions 5 years ago
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    Onward To The Space! 5 years ago
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    Ground Control to Major Tom 5 years ago
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    Before the Graduation 5 years ago
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    Valentine 5 years ago
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    Spear of Heaven 4 years ago
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    Shield of Earth 4 years ago
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    Assasination Time 1 4 years ago
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    Assasination Time 2 4 years ago
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    Graduation 4 years ago
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    Ritsu Network 4 years ago
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    Evil Spirit 4 years ago
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    Holiday? Then come to my cafe 4 years ago
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    Believe in yourself 4 years ago
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    What is this? 4 years ago
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    It's so horrible that I can die from it 4 years ago
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    Manju 4 years ago
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    Onmyouji 4 years ago
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    Simple Game 4 years ago
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    Flappy Bird 4 years ago
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    Starting Point! 4 years ago
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    Haunted Building 4 years ago
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    Stay Away 4 years ago
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    Disturbing Scene 4 years ago
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    Disfigured Demon 4 years ago
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    I have the building 4 years ago
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    Childhood Friend 4 years ago
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    What is the color of your blood? 4 years ago
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    Are you a dog? 4 years ago
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    Where is the demon? 4 years ago
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    You've noticed me? 4 years ago
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    Ripple Vs Breath Style 4 years ago
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    Do you want a lollipop? 4 years ago
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    Brothel 4 years ago
  248. 248
    Why don't you invite us? 4 years ago
  249. 249
    Annoying Girl 4 years ago
  250. 250
    Infinite Train 1 4 years ago
  251. 251
    Infinite Train 2 4 years ago
  252. 252
    Infinite Train 3 4 years ago
  253. 253
    The Birth of Octopus Samurai 4 years ago
  254. 254
    Sleeping Soundly 4 years ago
  255. 255
    Morning Coffee 4 years ago
  256. 256
    Modified Body 4 years ago
  257. 257
    What did you say, bastard?! 4 years ago
  258. 258
    First Confrontation 4 years ago
  259. 259
    Cooperation 4 years ago
  260. 260
    Ripple Training 4 years ago
  261. 261
    Natagumo Mountain 4 years ago
  262. 262
    Big Misunderstanding 4 years ago
  263. 263
    Spider Family 4 years ago
  264. 264
    Brother 4 years ago
  265. 265
    What's happening? 4 years ago
  266. 266
    Zipper Vs Thread 4 years ago
  267. 267
    Soul and Information 4 years ago
  268. 268
    Sister 4 years ago
  269. 269
    Pick Up Line! 4 years ago
  270. 270
    Give me his location 4 years ago
  271. 271
    Similarity 4 years ago
  272. 272
    Where are you? 4 years ago
  273. 273
    Search her! 4 years ago
  274. 274
    Sorry 4 years ago
  275. 275
    Being Caught! 4 years ago
  276. 276
    Happy Ending 4 years ago
  277. 277
    My little sister is cuter! 4 years ago
  278. 278
    Solve the root of problem 4 years ago
  279. 279
    I Have Gotten Light Magic 4 years ago
  280. 280
    Side Effect of Magic 4 years ago
  281. 281
    Tame game? 4 years ago
  282. 282
    Let me hear the song 4 years ago
  283. 283
    Tell me! 4 years ago
  284. 284
    How to tame a dragon! 4 years ago
  285. 285
    Go as soon as possible! 4 years ago
  286. 286
    Group Chat Version 2.0 4 years ago
  287. 287
    Guide 4 years ago
  288. 288
    Trouble 4 years ago
  289. 289
    More Trouble 4 years ago
  290. 290
    Why? 4 years ago
  291. 291
    Lucky Pervert 4 years ago
  292. 292
    Showing Cooking Skill 4 years ago
  293. 293
    Follow me 4 years ago
  294. 294
    Be my slave 4 years ago
  295. 295
    Day as a butler 4 years ago
  296. 296
    It's unbearable 4 years ago
  297. 297
    Elimination 4 years ago
  298. 298
    You're misunderstanding about something 4 years ago
  299. 299
    Vistarion 4 years ago
  300. 300
    Wizard King 4 years ago
  301. 301
    Ways to Solve His Problem 4 years ago
  302. 302
    Troublesome Woman 4 years ago
  303. 303
    Here, manga.... 4 years ago
  304. 304
    Tour Around The Town 4 years ago
  305. 305
    Dimensional Love's Trouble 4 years ago
  306. 306
    Harem Protagonist's Fate 4 years ago
  307. 307
    Let's help him together 4 years ago
  308. 308
    Rendevouz Escape 1 4 years ago
  309. 309
    Rendevouz Escape 2 4 years ago
  310. 310
    Orchestra 1 4 years ago
  311. 311
    Orchestra 2 4 years ago
  312. 312
    How to beat Kaguya 4 years ago
  313. 313
    What about me? 4 years ago
  314. 314
    Gamble 4 years ago
  315. 315
    Old Maid 4 years ago
  316. 316
    First Photo 4 years ago
  317. 317
    Step Siblings 4 years ago
  318. 318
    Masterpiece 4 years ago
  319. 319
    Is Madara virgin or not? 4 years ago
  320. 320
    As if there is something that easy 4 years ago
  321. 321
    Guild 4 years ago
  322. 322
    The Moon is Beautiful 4 years ago
  323. 323
    Rules 4 years ago
  324. 324
    Onward to Crocus 4 years ago
  325. 325
    Crocus 4 years ago
  326. 326
    Five People Team 4 years ago
  327. 327
    Frosch thing so too.... 4 years ago
  328. 328
    Gamble Again? 4 years ago
  329. 329
    Bet 1 4 years ago
  330. 330
    Bet 2 4 years ago
  331. 331
    Harem Protagonist's Aura 4 years ago
  332. 332
    Temporary Solution 4 years ago
  333. 333
    Start of Grand Magic Games! 4 years ago
  334. 334
    Preliminary Event 4 years ago
  335. 335
    Shoving Down 1 4 years ago
  336. 336
    Shoving Down 2 4 years ago
  337. 337
    Tracksuit 4 years ago
  338. 338
    Grand Magic Games X790 4 years ago
  339. 339
    The Crown 1 4 years ago
  340. 340
    The Crown 2 4 years ago
  341. 341
    The Crown 3 4 years ago
  342. 342
    Haru Vs Kagura 1 4 years ago
  343. 343
    Haru Vs Kagura 2 4 years ago
  344. 344
    The Result of The First Day 4 years ago
  345. 345
    Second Days of Grand Magic Games 4 years ago
  346. 346
    The Treasure Hunt 1 4 years ago
  347. 347
    The Treasure Hunt 2 4 years ago
  348. 348
    Battle of the Second Days 4 years ago
  349. 349
    Kuroneko Vs Rogue 1 4 years ago
  350. 350
    Kuroneko Vs Rogue 2 4 years ago
  351. 351
    Consoling 4 years ago
  352. 352
    Men! 4 years ago
  353. 353
    Dominance! 4 years ago
  354. 354
    We Have to Win 4 years ago
  355. 355
    Teppei Vs Jura 4 years ago
  356. 356
    Teach me Gravity Magic 1 4 years ago
  357. 357
    Teach me Gravity Magic 2 4 years ago
  358. 358
    Push Down Again? 1 4 years ago
  359. 359
    Push Down Again? 2 4 years ago
  360. 360
    Push Down Again? 3 4 years ago
  361. 361
    Kouha Vs Jet 4 years ago
  362. 362
    Shopping 1 4 years ago
  363. 363
    Shopping 2 4 years ago
  364. 364
    Medicated Oil 4 years ago
  365. 365
    Where can I buy that? 4 years ago
  366. 366
    Final of Grand Magic Games 1 4 years ago
  367. 367
    Final of Grand Magic Games 2 4 years ago
  368. 368
    Final of Grand Magic Games 3 4 years ago
  369. 369
    Final of Grand Magic Games 4 4 years ago
  370. 370
    Final of Grand Magic Games 5 4 years ago
  371. 371
    Final of Grand Magic Games 6 4 years ago
  372. 372
    Final of Grand Magic Games 7 4 years ago
  373. 373
    Final of Grand Magic Games 8 4 years ago
  374. 374
    Final of Grand Magic Games 9 4 years ago
  375. 375
    Champion 4 years ago
  376. 376
    Internal Conflict 4 years ago
  377. 377
    Dragon Slayer Magic 4 years ago
  378. 378
    Change the plot! 4 years ago
  379. 379
    Vast World 4 years ago
  380. 380
    It has been a while 4 years ago
  381. 381
    Good School 4 years ago
  382. 382
    Transfer Student 4 years ago
  383. 383
    Ugly 4 years ago
  384. 384
    First Gamble 1 4 years ago
  385. 385
    First Gamble 2 4 years ago
  386. 386
    Next Plan 4 years ago
  387. 387
    Cloud Computing 4 years ago
  388. 388
    Work Toward Dream 4 years ago
  389. 389
    Detailed Information 4 years ago
  390. 390
    Poker 1 4 years ago
  391. 391
    Poker 2 4 years ago
  392. 392
    Are you free? 4 years ago
  393. 393
    Laid Off 4 years ago
  394. 394
    The First Step 4 years ago
  395. 395
    Wasn't sure what to say 4 years ago
  396. 396
    There isn't much difference between restaurant and newspaper 4 years ago
  397. 397
    Special Poker 1 4 years ago
  398. 398
    Special Poker 2 4 years ago
  399. 399
    Special Poker 3 4 years ago
  400. 400
    Curious 4 years ago
  401. 401
    Good Sisters 4 years ago
  402. 402
    Newspaper Company 4 years ago
  403. 403
    Plan and Speech 4 years ago
  404. 404
    You haven't changed 4 years ago
  405. 405
    Lost himself... 4 years ago
  406. 406
    Being Famous 4 years ago
  407. 407
    Harmonious 4 years ago
  408. 408
    Bitcoin 4 years ago
  409. 409
    My Aunt 4 years ago
  410. 410
    School 4 years ago
  411. 411
    To create more money 4 years ago
  412. 412
    Creating an event 4 years ago
  413. 413
    Just another day 4 years ago
  414. 414
    Coupling Party 4 years ago
  415. 415
    Disorted 4 years ago
  416. 416
    Unreasonable Creature 4 years ago
  417. 417
    Longinus 4 years ago
  418. 418
    Why are you working that hard? 4 years ago
  419. 419
    Tomorrow Appointment 4 years ago
  420. 420
    Idea 4 years ago
  421. 421
    Girlfriend and Fiancee 1 4 years ago
  422. 422
    Girlfriend and Fiancee 2 4 years ago
  423. 423
    Girlfriend and Fiancee 3 4 years ago
  424. 424
    Video Hostings Website 4 years ago
  425. 425
    I am working 4 years ago
  426. 426
    Runa squinted her eyes 4 years ago
  427. 427
    Two Years 4 years ago
  428. 428
    If only.... 4 years ago
  429. 429
    Invesment's Way 4 years ago
  430. 430
    I am not gonna give up 4 years ago
  431. 431
    Ecology 1 4 years ago
  432. 432
    Ecology 2 4 years ago
  433. 433
    Wrong with education 4 years ago
  434. 434
    Come? 4 years ago
  435. 435
    Isn't it? 4 years ago
  436. 436
    Bankrupt Game Company 4 years ago
  437. 437
    Believe me 4 years ago
  438. 438
    Madness 4 years ago
  439. 439
    Loan and Free 4 years ago
  440. 440
    Let's watch football 4 years ago
  441. 441
    Is this fate? 4 years ago
  442. 442
    Does he know? 4 years ago
  443. 443
    What should I say? 4 years ago
  444. 444
    Rich Overnight 4 years ago
  445. 445
    Is there something good happening? 4 years ago
  446. 446
    Coupling Party 1 4 years ago
  447. 447
    Coupling Party 2 4 years ago
  448. 448
    Coupling Party 3 4 years ago
  449. 449
    End of the Event 4 years ago
  450. 450
    Gain! 4 years ago
  451. 451
    Meaningful Morning 4 years ago
  452. 452
    Who is going? 4 years ago
  453. 453
    Lack of Manner 4 years ago
  454. 454
    Watching Movie 1 4 years ago
  455. 455
    Watching Movie 2 4 years ago
  456. 456
    Tuzki 4 years ago
  457. 457
    Give the Camera Back 4 years ago
  458. 458
    1 Millimeter 4 years ago
  459. 459
    Tsundere or Tsunade 4 years ago
  460. 460
    Four-Beast 4 years ago
  461. 461
    Need to Get Stronger 4 years ago
  462. 462
    Transformation 1 4 years ago
  463. 463
    Transformation 2 4 years ago
  464. 464
    Transformation 3 4 years ago
  465. 465
    Cooking Process 4 years ago
  466. 466
    Combine Our Appetite 1 4 years ago
  467. 467
    Combine Our Appetite 2 4 years ago
  468. 468
    Where is Teppei? 4 years ago
  469. 469
    Went Out Together 4 years ago
  470. 470
    I might go bankrupt 4 years ago
  471. 471
    Huge Trap 4 years ago
  472. 472
    Did you see a cat robot? 4 years ago
  473. 473
    Simple Morning 4 years ago
  474. 474
    See you next month 4 years ago
  475. 475
    Support of my mother 4 years ago
  476. 476
    Can I help you with something? 4 years ago
  477. 477
    Strange Idea 4 years ago
  478. 478
    Evolve! 4 years ago
  479. 479
    Picking Her Up 4 years ago
  480. 480
    Next Target 4 years ago
  481. 481
    How to Conquer Japan 1 4 years ago
  482. 482
    How to Conquer Japan 2 4 years ago
  483. 483
    How to Conquer Japan 3 4 years ago
  484. 484
    First is Railways 4 years ago
  485. 485
    Game Company Acquired 4 years ago
  486. 486
    Game of Power 1 4 years ago
  487. 487
    Game of Power 2 4 years ago
  488. 488
    Game of Power 3 4 years ago
  489. 489
    Blackjack 4 years ago
  490. 490
    Chaos 4 years ago
  491. 491
    My Knight 1 4 years ago
  492. 492
    My Knight 2 4 years ago
  493. 493
    Something more interesting 4 years ago
  494. 494
    To The Quest Straight Away 4 years ago
  495. 495
    Fuck, kill him! 4 years ago
  496. 496
    Capital, I'm coming 4 years ago
  497. 497
    Central 1 4 years ago
  498. 498
    Capital 2 4 years ago
  499. 499
    Esdeath's Husband 4 years ago
  500. 500
    Imperial Police 4 years ago
  501. 501
    Every Eyes on Him 4 years ago
  502. 502
    No Regret 4 years ago
  503. 503
    Emergency! 4 years ago
  504. 504
    Night Raid 4 years ago
  505. 505
    Grab it! 4 years ago
  506. 506
    Calm down 4 years ago
  507. 507
    Watch me! Watch me! 4 years ago
  508. 508
    Sleeping Early 4 years ago
  509. 509
    Bad Guy? 4 years ago
  510. 510
    Severed Head 4 years ago
  511. 511
    You have helped me? 4 years ago
  512. 512
    Close to Usurp the Empire 4 years ago
  513. 513
    Captain Haru, come out from your house! 4 years ago
  514. 514
    The Truth 4 years ago
  515. 515
    She is back..... 4 years ago
  516. 516
    I want a love 4 years ago
  517. 517
    Deeper Misunderstanding 4 years ago
  518. 518
    Three Beasts 1 4 years ago
  519. 519
    Three Beasts 2 4 years ago
  520. 520
    Special Squad 4 years ago
  521. 521
    This is not sausage 4 years ago
  522. 522
    First Meeting 1 4 years ago
  523. 523
    First Meeting 2 4 years ago
  524. 524
    First Meeting 3 4 years ago
  525. 525
    Fighting Tournament 4 years ago
  526. 526
    Strange Feeling 4 years ago
  527. 527
    New Members 1 4 years ago
  528. 528
    New Members 2 4 years ago
  529. 529
    Disaster 4 years ago
  530. 530
    Group of Beast 4 years ago
  531. 531
    Stylish 4 years ago
  532. 532
    Why don't we go back first, husband? 4 years ago
  533. 533
    Second Fight 4 years ago
  534. 534
    Give my father a face 4 years ago
  535. 535
    Better to die 4 years ago
  536. 536
    Naked Goddess 4 years ago
  537. 537
    Rogue 4 years ago
  538. 538
    Marry me if you want your clothes back 4 years ago
  539. 539
    Who am I going to choose? 4 years ago
  540. 540
    Vile 4 years ago
  541. 541
    Her Perfect Husband 4 years ago
  542. 542
    Sitting on The Throne 4 years ago
  543. 543
    Ascend to The Throne 1 4 years ago
  544. 544
    Ascend to The Throne 2 4 years ago
  545. 545
    Ascend to The Throne 3 4 years ago
  546. 546
    Ascend to the Throne 4 4 years ago
  547. 547
    Ascend to The Throne 5 4 years ago
  548. 548
    Crowned as Emperor! 4 years ago
  549. 549
    War Preparation 4 years ago
  550. 550
    I'm more beautiful than them! 4 years ago
  551. 551
    Response of Each Forces 4 years ago
  552. 552
    War 1 4 years ago
  553. 553
    War 2 4 years ago
  554. 554
    War 3 4 years ago
  555. 555
    War 4 4 years ago
  556. 556
    War 5 4 years ago
  557. 557
    War 6 4 years ago
  558. 558
    War 7 4 years ago
  559. 559
    Tyrant 1 4 years ago
  560. 560
    Tyrant 2 4 years ago
  561. 561
    Tyrant 3 4 years ago
  562. 562
    Tyrant 4 4 years ago
  563. 563
    Tyrant 5 4 years ago
  564. 564
    Dragon Feast 1 4 years ago
  565. 565
    Dragon Feast 2 4 years ago
  566. 566
    Dragon Feast 3 4 years ago
  567. 567
    Dragon Feast 4 4 years ago
  568. 568
    Settle the thing between two of them 4 years ago
  569. 569
    Esdeath 1 4 years ago
  570. 570
    Esdeath 2 4 years ago
  571. 571
    Announcement 4 years ago
  572. 572
    Marriage 4 years ago
  573. 573
    I'm going to invite you 4 years ago
  574. 574
    Invitation and Reward 4 years ago
  575. 575
    Tell us your story 4 years ago
  576. 576
    Sleep here, I'll wake you up later 4 years ago
  577. 577
    How to make the world in peace? 4 years ago
  578. 578
    Helper 4 years ago
  579. 579
    Educating him 4 years ago
  580. 580
    Mocking Bird 4 years ago
  581. 581
    Game Project 4 years ago
  582. 582
    Grandfather? 4 years ago
  583. 583
    Worry 4 years ago
  584. 584
    It has been a while 4 years ago
  585. 585
    Family 4 years ago
  586. 586
    Let's go! 4 years ago
  587. 587
    The Development of Video Hosting Website 4 years ago
  588. 588
    Weekly Manga Magazine 4 years ago
  589. 589
    Utaha's Novel 4 years ago
  590. 590
    Who is virgin here? 4 years ago
  591. 591
    Avenger 4 years ago
  592. 592
    Before the attack 4 years ago
  593. 593
    End of the Witch 1 4 years ago
  594. 594
    End of the Witch 2 4 years ago
  595. 595
    End of the Witch 3 4 years ago
  596. 596
    Tsunade who is cute..... 4 years ago
  597. 597
    Building Business Empire 4 years ago
  598. 598
    Pleasant Talk 4 years ago
  599. 599
    Which Shrine? 4 years ago
  600. 600
    Kanda Shrine 4 years ago
  601. 601
    Traditional Culture Club 1 4 years ago
  602. 602
    Traditional Culture Club 2 4 years ago
  603. 603
    Life or Death 4 years ago
  604. 604
    Judge? 4 years ago
  605. 605
    The Change in The School 4 years ago
  606. 606
    The Tower 4 years ago
  607. 607
    Participant of Cooking Festival? 4 years ago
  608. 608
    Silent Confrontation 4 years ago
  609. 609
    How Shameless! 4 years ago
  610. 610
    Cooking Festival 4 years ago
  611. 611
    Cooking Triathlon! 4 years ago
  612. 612
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 1 4 years ago
  613. 613
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 2 4 years ago
  614. 614
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 3 4 years ago
  615. 615
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 4 4 years ago
  616. 616
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 5 4 years ago
  617. 617
    Gourmet Corp. Invansion 6 4 years ago
  618. 618
    Go back soon 4 years ago
  619. 619
    Uh, what the heck? 4 years ago
  620. 620
    Unicorn Gundam Banshee 4 years ago
  621. 621
    I have made up my mind 4 years ago
  622. 622
    Quick Business 4 years ago
  623. 623
    It won't fit 4 years ago
  624. 624
    Unreasonable 4 years ago
  625. 625
    Separated? 4 years ago
  626. 626
    Weird... 4 years ago
  627. 627
    Erina is angry..... 4 years ago
  628. 628
    Tsundere again? 4 years ago
  629. 629
    Small Revenge 4 years ago
  630. 630
    I've not raised any Flag! 4 years ago
  631. 631
    Flowing Water 4 years ago
  632. 632
    FLAG.... 4 years ago
  633. 633
    This is unfair!!! 4 years ago
  634. 634
    Compensate 4 years ago
  635. 635
    Let me take care your daughter 4 years ago
  636. 636
    It is hard to talk with Tsundere 4 years ago
  637. 637
    What did they do? 1 4 years ago
  638. 638
    What did you do? 2 4 years ago
  639. 639
    Rouge en rogue 4 years ago
  640. 640
    Stupid Conversation 4 years ago
  641. 641
    Shrine Maiden 4 years ago
  642. 642
    Energy 4 years ago
  643. 643
    Big Gain 4 years ago
  644. 644
    Gift 4 years ago
  645. 645
    No Information 4 years ago
  646. 646
    Aptitude Test 1 4 years ago
  647. 647
    Aptitude Test 2 4 years ago
  648. 648
    Boys Love? 4 years ago
  649. 649
    Attention! 4 years ago
  650. 650
    Cliche Development 4 years ago
  651. 651
    Hundred 1 4 years ago
  652. 652
    Hundred 2 4 years ago
  653. 653
    I'll cook you a dinner 4 years ago
  654. 654
    Explode 4 years ago
  655. 655
    Duel 1 4 years ago
  656. 656
    Duel 2 4 years ago
  657. 657
    Can't stop your lust? 4 years ago
  658. 658
    Your brother has gone astray 4 years ago
  659. 659
    First Battle 1 4 years ago
  660. 660
    First Battle 2 4 years ago
  661. 661
    First Battle 3 4 years ago
  662. 662
    Helping the hero 4 years ago
  663. 663
    Bodyguard 4 years ago
  664. 664
    Diva 4 years ago
  665. 665
    It's not fair.... 4 years ago
  666. 666
    Savages 4 years ago
  667. 667
    Three Kids 4 years ago
  668. 668
    Kirishima Sakura 4 years ago
  669. 669
    Beach 4 years ago
  670. 670
    LiZA 4 years ago
  671. 671
    Strategy Meeting 4 years ago
  672. 672
    Lake 4 years ago
  673. 673
    One-Strike-Kill Technique 4 years ago
  674. 674
    Let me see this bad boy 4 years ago
  675. 675
    Garden Festa 1 4 years ago
  676. 676
    Garden Festa 2 4 years ago
  677. 677
    Panicked! 4 years ago
  678. 678
    I miss you 4 years ago
  679. 679
    Haughty girl, New Member, and Megumi's parents 4 years ago
  680. 680
    Confession 4 years ago
  681. 681
    Their past 1 4 years ago
  682. 682
    Their Past 2 4 years ago
  683. 683
    Finally.... 4 years ago
  684. 684
    Christmas Party 4 years ago
  685. 685
    King's Game 4 years ago
  686. 686
    Deep Resentment 4 years ago
  687. 687
    Winter Comiket 1 4 years ago
  688. 688
    Winter Comiket 2 4 years ago
  689. 689
    Winter Comiket 3 4 years ago
  690. 690
    Good news and bad news 4 years ago
  691. 691
    Fortune-Telling 4 years ago
  692. 692
    Annual Meeting 4 years ago
  693. 693
    Grandfather 4 years ago
  694. 694
    Party 4 years ago
  695. 695
    Quest so suddenly..... 4 years ago
  696. 696
    Viking Shounen Weekly Manga 4 years ago
  697. 697
    Test for Erina 4 years ago
  698. 698
    Kiviak 1 4 years ago
  699. 699
    Kiviak 2 4 years ago
  700. 700
    Devil and Angel 4 years ago
  701. 701
    Outer Area 4 years ago
  702. 702
    Cursed Children 4 years ago
  703. 703
    Unexplored Territory 4 years ago
  704. 704
    Gastrea 4 years ago
  705. 705
    Ladder of Heaven 4 years ago
  706. 706
    Disappearence of Ladder of Heaven 4 years ago
  707. 707
    Osaka Area 4 years ago
  708. 708
    Collar bomb 4 years ago
  709. 709
    My mother's gene is stronger 4 years ago
  710. 710
    Esdeath uses Gundam 4 years ago
  711. 711
    Gundam Vs Gastrea 4 years ago
  712. 712
    Social Media 4 years ago
  713. 713
    Governor's Speech 4 years ago
  714. 714
    Under the Banner of Unification 4 years ago
  715. 715
    First Target 4 years ago
  716. 716
    Hakata Area 4 years ago
  717. 717
    Cute is justice! 4 years ago
  718. 718
    Operation H 1 4 years ago
  719. 719
    Operation H 2 4 years ago
  720. 720
    Esdeath's Secret Weapon 4 years ago
  721. 721
    First step of Unification! 4 years ago
  722. 722
    Summer Time! 4 years ago
  723. 723
    Saitenshi who is helpless..... 4 years ago
  724. 724
    Sapporo Area 4 years ago
  725. 725
    I'm your fan 4 years ago
  726. 726
    Intruder 4 years ago
  727. 727
    This world is full of idiot 4 years ago
  728. 728
    Argument on WIRED 4 years ago
  729. 729
    Tired.... 4 years ago
  730. 730
    Connect the Entire Country 4 years ago
  731. 731
    Assasin 4 years ago
  732. 732
    Funny Clown 4 years ago
  733. 733
    Threatened 4 years ago
  734. 734
    Crisis on Tokyo Area 4 years ago
  735. 735
    Aldebaran 4 years ago
  736. 736
    Governor Vs Zodiac Gastrea 4 years ago
  737. 737
    Married men are the most charming 4 years ago
  738. 738
    Fuku Fuku no Mi and Kiss 4 years ago
  739. 739
    Doubt.... 4 years ago
  740. 740
    One of Big Three record labels 4 years ago
  741. 741
    Future of Media Factory 1 4 years ago
  742. 742
    Future of Media Factory 2 4 years ago
  743. 743
    Solve the knot 4 years ago
  744. 744
    Can I use your name? 4 years ago
  745. 745
    Do you dare to bet on me? 4 years ago
  746. 746
    Addicted Girl 4 years ago
  747. 747
    Fenrir of Tokyo 4 years ago
  748. 748
    How shameless 4 years ago
  749. 749
    Mogul 1 4 years ago
  750. 750
    Mogul 2 4 years ago
  751. 751
    I can't get married 4 years ago
  752. 752
    Cooking Competition Between Two of Them 1 4 years ago
  753. 753
    Cooking Competition Between Two of Them 2 4 years ago
  754. 754
    Erina is cute 4 years ago
  755. 755
    The Art of Arcade 4 years ago
  756. 756
    I hate you 4 years ago
  757. 757
    Shinobu's Dilemma 4 years ago
  758. 758
    Movie Industry 4 years ago
  759. 759
    Test Result 4 years ago
  760. 760
    6 February 4 years ago
  761. 761
    Life Plan 4 years ago
  762. 762
    Yandere? Little Enjoyment.... 4 years ago
  763. 763
    You're going to make movie? 4 years ago
  764. 764
    Rare Case 4 years ago
  765. 765
    There's nothing weird 4 years ago
  766. 766
    True Hero, Supreme King, and Four ignored transfer students 4 years ago
  767. 767
    Test in Babel 1 4 years ago
  768. 768
    Test in Babel 2 4 years ago
  769. 769
    Test in Babel 3 4 years ago
  770. 770
    It'll be fun, right? 4 years ago
  771. 771
    Don't provoke him 4 years ago
  772. 772
    First Day at School 4 years ago
  773. 773
    I need to confiscate it! 4 years ago
  774. 774
    Sleipnir 1 4 years ago
  775. 775
    Sleipnir 2 4 years ago
  776. 776
    Class 1 4 years ago
  777. 777
    Class 2 4 years ago
  778. 778
    Harem Protagonist Vs Protagonist of this World 4 years ago
  779. 779
    Mad.... 4 years ago
  780. 780
    Beach 1 4 years ago
  781. 781
    Beach 2 4 years ago
  782. 782
    Beach 3 4 years ago
  783. 783
    The Birth of Harem King 4 years ago
  784. 784
    Ranking Tournament 1 4 years ago
  785. 785
    Ranking Tournament 2 4 years ago
  786. 786
    Ranking Tournament 3 4 years ago
  787. 787
    Ranking Tournament 4 4 years ago
  788. 788
    Phill Barnert 4 years ago
  789. 789
    Zahark 4 years ago
  790. 790
    Reward Time 4 years ago
  791. 791
    New Game 4 years ago
  792. 792
    Photo 4 years ago
  793. 793
    Partnership Project 4 years ago
  794. 794
    You're irreplaceable to me 4 years ago
  795. 795
    Hottest Man in the Country 4 years ago
  796. 796
    Development of Movie Company 1 4 years ago
  797. 797
    Development of Movie Company 2 4 years ago
  798. 798
    Do Something Highschool Student do.... 4 years ago
  799. 799
    13 February 4 years ago
  800. 800
    Valentine's Day 1 4 years ago
  801. 801
    Valentine's Day 2 4 years ago
  802. 802
    Valentine's Day 3 4 years ago
  803. 803
    Valentine's Day 4 4 years ago
  804. 804
    Start of the Trip! 4 years ago
  805. 805
    Fish and Chips 4 years ago
  806. 806
    Spending Time Together! 4 years ago
  807. 807
    Jellied Eel 4 years ago
  808. 808
    Football Challange 4 years ago
  809. 809
    What is he doing? 4 years ago
  810. 810
    Coming Back and Quest? 4 years ago
  811. 811
    High School is more interesting 4 years ago
  812. 812
    As long as it isn't too much 4 years ago
  813. 813
    Harem Protagonist again? 4 years ago
  814. 814
    IS 4 years ago
  815. 815
    Entrance Exam 4 years ago
  816. 816
    Personal IS and IS Core 4 years ago
  817. 817
    Development of IS 1 4 years ago
  818. 818
    Development of IS 2 4 years ago
  819. 819
    Shinonono Tabane 4 years ago
  820. 820
    Pilot Test 4 years ago
  821. 821
    First Day at School 4 years ago
  822. 822
    Mama Maya 4 years ago
  823. 823
    Dense Protagonist 4 years ago
  824. 824
    Clash Between Harem Protagonists 4 years ago
  825. 825
    Class Representative 4 years ago
  826. 826
    Personal Training 1 4 years ago
  827. 827
    Personal Training 2 4 years ago
  828. 828
    Duel 1 4 years ago
  829. 829
    Duel 2 4 years ago
  830. 830
    Dinner 4 years ago
  831. 831
    Wonderful Day 4 years ago
  832. 832
    Transfer Student 4 years ago
  833. 833
    Pretender 4 years ago
  834. 834
    Inter-Class Tournament 1 4 years ago
  835. 835
    Inter-Class Tournament 2 4 years ago
  836. 836
    Intruder 4 years ago
  837. 837
    Outing 4 years ago
  838. 838
    Transfer Student 2 4 years ago
  839. 839
    How is your progress? 4 years ago
  840. 840
    Transfer Student 3 4 years ago
  841. 841
    Real Identity 1 4 years ago
  842. 842
    Real Identity 2 4 years ago
  843. 843
    See you on the tournament 4 years ago
  844. 844
    Inter-Class Tournament again 4 years ago
  845. 845
    Laura Bodewig 4 years ago
  846. 846
    Transfer Student 4 4 years ago
  847. 847
    Study Session 4 years ago
  848. 848
    Happy Birthday 4 years ago
  849. 849
    Tabane's Gift 1 4 years ago
  850. 850
    Tabane's Gift 2 4 years ago
  851. 851
    Invited 4 years ago
  852. 852
    Silver Gospel 4 years ago
  853. 853
    Going back? 4 years ago
  854. 854
    Bastard! 3 years ago
  855. 855
    Telling you 3 years ago
  856. 856
    New Member 3 years ago
  857. 857
    To Become Stronger 3 years ago
  858. 858
    Surprise Confession 1 3 years ago
  859. 859
    Surprise Confession 2 3 years ago
  860. 860
    Surprise Confession 3 3 years ago
  861. 861
    Being woman 3 years ago
  862. 862
    I'm afraid.... 3 years ago
  863. 863
    I can't endure 3 years ago
  864. 864
    Talk with girlfriends 3 years ago
  865. 865
    Joichiro's Request 3 years ago
  866. 866
    So big that I want you to see it 3 years ago
  867. 867
    Misunderstanding 3 years ago
  868. 868
    Two Bestfriends 3 years ago
  869. 869
    Graduation Day's 1 3 years ago
  870. 870
    I won't let you go 3 years ago
  871. 871
    Graduation's Day 2 3 years ago
  872. 872
    Graduation's Day 3 3 years ago
  873. 873
    What do you think? 3 years ago
  874. 874
    The Protagonist Temperament 3 years ago
  875. 875
    Mischievous 3 years ago
  876. 876
    Punishment 3 years ago
  877. 877
    New Page 3 years ago
  878. 878
    The Girls' New Page 3 years ago
  879. 879
    New Page's Hyakkaou Side 3 years ago
  880. 880
    New Quest 3 years ago
  881. 881
    Teleported 3 years ago
  882. 882
    Shouta Haru 3 years ago
  883. 883
    Three Teams 3 years ago
  884. 884
    Onward to Crocus 2 3 years ago
  885. 885
    Tour around the city 3 years ago
  886. 886
    Sky Maze 1 3 years ago
  887. 887
    Sky Maze 2 3 years ago
  888. 888
    Entrance 1 3 years ago
  889. 889
    Entrance 2 3 years ago
  890. 890
    Hidden 1 3 years ago
  891. 891
    Hidden 2 3 years ago
  892. 892
    Korosensei - men with lonely back 3 years ago
  893. 893
    Lucy Vs Esdeath 3 years ago
  894. 894
    Awoken and Match 3 years ago
  895. 895
    End of the First Day 3 years ago
  896. 896
    Chariot 1 3 years ago
  897. 897
    Chariot 2 3 years ago
  898. 898
    Kuroneko Vs Toby 3 years ago
  899. 899
    Haru Vs Erza 1 3 years ago
  900. 900
    Haru Vs Erza 2 3 years ago
  901. 901
    End of the Second Day 3 years ago
  902. 902
    How to cheer up Yukino? 1 3 years ago
  903. 903
    How to cheer up Yukino? 2 3 years ago
  904. 904
    Raven Tail 3 years ago
  905. 905
    Two flowers on his arms 3 years ago
  906. 906
    Pandemonium 3 years ago
  907. 907
    MPF 3 years ago
  908. 908
    Battle on the Third Day 3 years ago
  909. 909
    Pondering 3 years ago
  910. 910
    Naval Battle 1 3 years ago
  911. 911
    Naval Battle 2 3 years ago
  912. 912
    Two Handsome Men 3 years ago
  913. 913
    End of the Fourth Day 3 years ago
  914. 914
    Lucky Man 3 years ago
  915. 915
    The Final Day 1 3 years ago
  916. 916
    The Final Day 2 3 years ago
  917. 917
    The Final Day 3 3 years ago
  918. 918
    The Final Day 4 3 years ago
  919. 919
    The Final Day 5 3 years ago
  920. 920
    The Final Day 6 3 years ago
  921. 921
    The Final Day 7 3 years ago
  922. 922
    The Final Day 8 3 years ago
  923. 923
    The Final Day 9 3 years ago
  924. 924
    The Final Day 10 3 years ago
  925. 925
    Eclipse Gate 3 years ago
  926. 926
    Dragon Dance 1 3 years ago
  927. 927
    Dragon Dance 2 3 years ago
  928. 928
    Dragon Dance 3 3 years ago
  929. 929
    After The Battle 3 years ago
  930. 930
    Banquet 3 years ago
  931. 931
    Prize 1 3 years ago
  932. 932
    Prize 2 3 years ago
  933. 933
    Entrance Ceremonies 1 3 years ago
  934. 934
    Entrance Ceremonies 2 3 years ago
  935. 935
    Kuroneko doesn't have a friend 3 years ago
  936. 936
    Living as Priest 3 years ago
  937. 937
    Shrine of Debauchery 3 years ago
  938. 938
    Kanagawa 3 years ago
  939. 939
    Offline Meeting 1 3 years ago
  940. 940
    Offline Meeting 2 3 years ago
  941. 941
    Offiline Meeting 3 3 years ago
  942. 942
    Erina's Gift 1 3 years ago
  943. 943
    Erina's Gift 2 3 years ago
  944. 944
    Stronger? 3 years ago
  945. 945
    School Idol 3 years ago
  946. 946
    Love Radar 3 years ago
  947. 947
    Fun Time at Hyakkou 3 years ago
  948. 948
    My Boss My Love 3 years ago
  949. 949
    Boys in puberty are sensitive 3 years ago
  950. 950
    Scene of Carnage 3 years ago
  951. 951
    First Peformance 3 years ago
  952. 952
    Producer 3 years ago
  953. 953
    Two Beautiful Girls of Shuchiin Academy? 3 years ago
  954. 954
    Quest? 3 years ago
  955. 955
    Four Scientist 3 years ago
  956. 956
    Mating's Video 3 years ago
  957. 957
    New House 3 years ago
  958. 958
    The Main Character 3 years ago
  959. 959
    Dual Avatar 1 3 years ago
  960. 960
    Duel Avatar 2 3 years ago
  961. 961
    Duel Avatar 3 3 years ago
  962. 962
    Duel Avatar 4 3 years ago
  963. 963
    Level up as soon as possible! 3 years ago
  964. 964
    Tag Match 1 3 years ago
  965. 965
    Tag Match 2 3 years ago
  966. 966
    Four Beasts 3 years ago
  967. 967
    Enemy's Turf 3 years ago
  968. 968
    New Ability 1 3 years ago
  969. 969
    New Ability 2 3 years ago
  970. 970
    Target and Learning in this world 3 years ago
  971. 971
    Different Kind of Main Character 3 years ago
  972. 972
    Unlimited Neutral Field 1 3 years ago
  973. 973
    Unlimited Neutral Field 2 3 years ago
  974. 974
    Unlimited Neutral Field 3 3 years ago
  975. 975
    Legion 1 3 years ago
  976. 976
    Legion 2 3 years ago
  977. 977
    Legion 3 3 years ago
  978. 978
    Pets 1 3 years ago
  979. 979
    Pets 2 3 years ago
  980. 980
    Declaration 3 years ago
  981. 981
    Baptism 3 years ago
  982. 982
    Tera-unlucky 3 years ago
  983. 983
    Purpose of Brain Burst 3 years ago
  984. 984
    Incarnate System 3 years ago
  985. 985
    Tokyo Tower 3 years ago
  986. 986
    Sky Raker 3 years ago
  987. 987
    Training Session 1 3 years ago
  988. 988
    Training Session 2 3 years ago
  989. 989
    Antagonist of the Story 1 3 years ago
  990. 990
    Antagonist of the Story 2 3 years ago
  991. 991
    "Pets" is Dangerous! 3 years ago
  992. 992
    Believe in him 3 years ago
  993. 993
    Kurasaki Fuuko 3 years ago
  994. 994
    Accident 1 3 years ago
  995. 995
    Accident 2 3 years ago
  996. 996
    Hospital 3 years ago
  997. 997
    Territory Battle 1 3 years ago
  998. 998
    Territory Battle 2 3 years ago
  999. 999
    Territory Battle 3 3 years ago
  1000. 1000
    Territory Battle 4 3 years ago
  1001. 1001
    Punishment 3 years ago
  1002. 1002
    Misunderstanding 3 years ago
  1003. 1003
    Match 1 3 years ago
  1004. 1004
    Match 2 3 years ago
  1005. 1005
    Report 3 years ago
  1006. 1006
    Next Plan 1 3 years ago
  1007. 1007
    Next Plan 2 3 years ago
  1008. 1008
    Nega Nebulus 1 3 years ago
  1009. 1009
    Nega Nebulus 2 3 years ago
  1010. 1010
    Nega Nebulus 3 3 years ago
  1011. 1011
    Nega Nebulus 4 3 years ago
  1012. 1012
    Nega Nebulus 5 3 years ago
  1013. 1013
    Nega Nebulus 6 3 years ago
  1014. 1014
    Identity 3 years ago
  1015. 1015
    Level Up 1 3 years ago
  1016. 1016
    Level Up 2 3 years ago
  1017. 1017
    Meeting of The Six Kings of The Pure Color 3 years ago
  1018. 1018
    Next Target: Imperial Palace! 3 years ago
  1019. 1019
    The Plan Starts! 3 years ago
  1020. 1020
    Imperial Palace 1 3 years ago
  1021. 1021
    Imperial Palace 2 3 years ago
  1022. 1022
    Imperial Palace 3 3 years ago
  1023. 1023
    Imperial Palace 4 3 years ago
  1024. 1024
    Imperial Palace 5 3 years ago
  1025. 1025
    Imperial Palace 6 3 years ago
  1026. 1026
    Imperial Palace 7 3 years ago
  1027. 1027
    Onii-chan? 3 years ago
  1028. 1028
    Black King Vs Red King 3 years ago
  1029. 1029
    I'm Ocean Stingray 3 years ago
  1030. 1030
    Disaster 3 years ago
  1031. 1031
    Before Return 3 years ago
  1032. 1032
    Trap? 3 years ago
  1033. 1033
    Excessive Request 3 years ago
  1034. 1034
    Give you a face? 3 years ago
  1035. 1035
    Keep it 3 years ago
  1036. 1036
    Reward Before Return 1 3 years ago
  1037. 1037
    Reward Before Return 2 3 years ago
  1038. 1038
    Shopping 1 3 years ago
  1039. 1039
    Shopping 2 3 years ago
  1040. 1040
    Shopping 3 3 years ago
  1041. 1041
    School Days 3 years ago
  1042. 1042
    Love's Problem 1 3 years ago
  1043. 1043
    Love's Problem 2 3 years ago
  1044. 1044
    Shrine of Debauchery 2 3 years ago
  1045. 1045
    Tabletop Gaming Club Ready to Conquer the World! 1 3 years ago
  1046. 1046
    Tabletop Gaming Club Ready to Conquer the World! 2 3 years ago
  1047. 1047
    Come Join Us! 3 years ago
  1048. 1048
    Solicitation 3 years ago
  1049. 1049
    Smart, Corpse, and Stalker 3 years ago
  1050. 1050
    I'm Your Producer 1 3 years ago
  1051. 1051
    I'm Your Producer 2 3 years ago
  1052. 1052
    I'm Your Producer 3 3 years ago
  1053. 1053
    I'm Your Producer 4 3 years ago
  1054. 1054
    I'm Your Producer 5 3 years ago
  1055. 1055
    Tumult at Fleurs De Lapin 3 years ago
  1056. 1056
    Underground Concert 1 3 years ago
  1057. 1057
    Underground Concert 2 3 years ago
  1058. 1058
    Band and Traning Camp 3 years ago
  1059. 1059
    Regular of My Eatery 3 years ago
  1060. 1060
    Free Time 3 years ago
  1061. 1061
    Meeting By Chance 3 years ago
  1062. 1062
    Intruder 1 3 years ago
  1063. 1063
    Intruder 2 3 years ago
  1064. 1064
    Curiosity 1 3 years ago
  1065. 1065
    Curiosity 2 3 years ago
  1066. 1066
    Business Talk? 3 years ago
  1067. 1067
    Underground Shokugeki 1 3 years ago
  1068. 1068
    Underground Shokugeki 2 3 years ago
  1069. 1069
    Beauty Tips 3 years ago
  1070. 1070
    Disaster 1 3 years ago
  1071. 1071
    Disaster 2 3 years ago
  1072. 1072
    Bear? 3 years ago
  1073. 1073
    Meeting of Harem 3 years ago
  1074. 1074
    What are you doing in hospital? 3 years ago
  1075. 1075
    New Quest? 3 years ago
  1076. 1076
    More Girls? 3 years ago
  1077. 1077
    You're not seducing her, right? 3 years ago
  1078. 1078
    Let's Buy Hospital! 3 years ago
  1079. 1079
    There's One Thing That We Need To Do In This World 3 years ago
  1080. 1080
    What's Your Hero Name? 3 years ago
  1081. 1081
    Hero Business 3 years ago
  1082. 1082
    Debut 3 years ago
  1083. 1083
    One Month 3 years ago
  1084. 1084
    Job Interview 1 3 years ago
  1085. 1085
    Job Interview 2 3 years ago
  1086. 1086
    Being a Hero is Pretty Good 3 years ago
  1087. 1087
    Trio Thives 1 3 years ago
  1088. 1088
    Trio Thives 2 3 years ago
  1089. 1089
    New Teacher 1 3 years ago
  1090. 1090
    New Teacher 2 3 years ago
  1091. 1091
    Entrance Exam 1 3 years ago
  1092. 1092
    Entrance Exam 2 3 years ago
  1093. 1093
    Observation 1 3 years ago
  1094. 1094
    Observation 2 3 years ago
  1095. 1095
    Lesson 1 3 years ago
  1096. 1096
    Lesson 2 3 years ago
  1097. 1097
    Lesson 3 3 years ago
  1098. 1098
    Soon 3 years ago
  1099. 1099
    Perpetrator 3 years ago
  1100. 1100
    U.S.J. 3 years ago
  1101. 1101
    End? 3 years ago
  1102. 1102
    Chance? 3 years ago
  1103. 1103
    Something is about to happen! 3 years ago
  1104. 1104
    Secret Between Us 3 years ago
  1105. 1105
    Fooled? 3 years ago
  1106. 1106
    Sudden attack! 3 years ago
  1107. 1107
    Decimated 3 years ago
  1108. 1108
    Aftermath 3 years ago
  1109. 1109
    Return 3 years ago
  1110. 1110
    Internship? 3 years ago
  1111. 1111
    Internship 1 3 years ago
  1112. 1112
    Internship 2 3 years ago
  1113. 1113
    Fighting Style? 3 years ago
  1114. 1114
    Wild Villains 1 3 years ago
  1115. 1115
    Wild Villains 2 3 years ago
  1116. 1116
    Request 3 years ago
  1117. 1117
    First Term Final Exam 3 years ago
  1118. 1118
    Psychological Test 3 years ago
  1119. 1119
    Difficult Test 3 years ago
  1120. 1120
    Horse Race 3 years ago
  1121. 1121
    Special Trip 3 years ago
  1122. 1122
    About to End! 3 years ago
  1123. 1123
    Raid 1 3 years ago
  1124. 1124
    Raid 2 3 years ago
  1125. 1125
    Who is villain? 3 years ago
  1126. 1126
    Over? 3 years ago
  1127. 1127
    Retirement 3 years ago
  1128. 1128
    Return 1 3 years ago
  1129. 1129
    Return 2 3 years ago
  1130. 1130
    What is the the proof? 3 years ago
  1131. 1131
    Next Plan 1 3 years ago
  1132. 1132
    Next Plan 2 3 years ago
  1133. 1133
    Hospital Meeting 3 years ago
  1134. 1134
    Gamble again? 3 years ago
  1135. 1135
    Song 1 3 years ago
  1136. 1136
    Song 2 3 years ago
  1137. 1137
    Days 3 years ago
  1138. 1138
    Fun Chat 3 years ago
  1139. 1139
    Chat with All Might 3 years ago
  1140. 1140
    Wondering.... 3 years ago
  1141. 1141
    Sora's Date 3 years ago
  1142. 1142
    Harem's Life? 3 years ago
  1143. 1143
    Good Day? 3 years ago
  1144. 1144
    Photo Session? 3 years ago
  1145. 1145
    BBQ Party 3 years ago
  1146. 1146
    Fallen 3 years ago
  1147. 1147
    Bad Guy 3 years ago
  1148. 1148
    Kiviak? 3 years ago
  1149. 1149
    So bad that I want to try it again 3 years ago
  1150. 1150
    Two Sisters 3 years ago
  1151. 1151
    Korosensei's Dilemma 3 years ago
  1152. 1152
    Going to the quest! 3 years ago
  1153. 1153
    Comrades 3 years ago
  1154. 1154
    Group of Maids 3 years ago
  1155. 1155
    Without Haru on the Quest 3 years ago
  1156. 1156
    End of Tartaros 1 3 years ago
  1157. 1157
    End of Tartaros 2 3 years ago
  1158. 1158
    End Of Tartaros 3 3 years ago
  1159. 1159
    End of Tartaros 4 3 years ago
  1160. 1160
    Victory Celebration 3 years ago
  1161. 1161
    Reward 1 3 years ago
  1162. 1162
    Reward 2 3 years ago
  1163. 1163
    Haru's Talent 3 years ago
  1164. 1164
    Nozomi's Story 1 3 years ago
  1165. 1165
    Nozomi's Story 2 3 years ago
  1166. 1166
    Principle 3 years ago
  1167. 1167
    Overnight Trip with Sakura 1 3 years ago
  1168. 1168
    Overnight Trip with Sakura 2 3 years ago
  1169. 1169
    Truth or Dare 3 years ago
  1170. 1170
    Harem Members? 3 years ago
  1171. 1171
    Stage Preparation 3 years ago
  1172. 1172
    Half-asleep 3 years ago
  1173. 1173
    Amend the Relationship Between Two 3 years ago
  1174. 1174
    Courageous Girl 3 years ago
  1175. 1175
    Thief? 3 years ago
  1176. 1176
    Mother-In-Law's help 3 years ago
  1177. 1177
    Struggle! 3 years ago
  1178. 1178
    Watching Stars 3 years ago
  1179. 1179
    Childhood Friend 3 years ago
  1180. 1180
    Let's get married! 3 years ago
  1181. 1181
    Talk at Night and Morning 3 years ago
  1182. 1182
    Realistic Girl 3 years ago
  1183. 1183
    Two Bentos 3 years ago
  1184. 1184
    First Concert 3 years ago
  1185. 1185
    Celebration Before Going to Another World 3 years ago
  1186. 1186
    Helping Korosensei 3 years ago
  1187. 1187
    Porunga 3 years ago
  1188. 1188
    Meeting again 3 years ago
  1189. 1189
    Home 1 3 years ago
  1190. 1190
    Home 2 3 years ago
  1191. 1191
    Loli, I miss you 3 years ago
  1192. 1192
    Loli is the best! 3 years ago
  1193. 1193
    Pervert? 3 years ago
  1194. 1194
    Welcome to my world 3 years ago
  1195. 1195
    My girlfriend can't be this cute! 3 years ago
  1196. 1196
    Mother-In-Law, Cute, and Childhood time 3 years ago
  1197. 1197
    MV 3 years ago
  1198. 1198
    Ex-Girlfriend 3 years ago
  1199. 1199
    Harem Protagonist Cliche 3 years ago
  1200. 1200
    Demon King 3 years ago
  1201. 1201
    Saitama Date 1 3 years ago
  1202. 1202
    Saitama Date 2 3 years ago
  1203. 1203
    Saitama Date 3 3 years ago
  1204. 1204
    Saitama Date 4 3 years ago
  1205. 1205
    Saitama Date 5 3 years ago
  1206. 1206
    Meeting parents, band, and misunderstanding 3 years ago
  1207. 1207
    Quest and Propose 3 years ago
  1208. 1208
    No Confession 3 years ago
  1209. 1209
    Phenomenon 3 years ago
  1210. 1210
    Eight Seconds 3 years ago
  1211. 1211
    I'm not casual person 3 years ago
  1212. 1212
    High School Life 3 years ago
  1213. 1213
    Real Harem Protagonist 3 years ago
  1214. 1214
    How to defeat peverted guy? 3 years ago
  1215. 1215
    First Encounter 3 years ago
  1216. 1216
    Hope of Humanity 3 years ago
  1217. 1217
    Daimidaler! 3 years ago
  1218. 1218
    Calm before storm 3 years ago
  1219. 1219
    Dream of Men 3 years ago
  1220. 1220
    Complicated Relationship 3 years ago
  1221. 1221
    Test 3 years ago
  1222. 1222
    Uncomfortable 3 years ago
  1223. 1223
    Enlightenment 3 years ago
  1224. 1224
    Damnable Penguins 3 years ago
  1225. 1225
    Successful Plan 3 years ago
  1226. 1226
    Sonan Kyouko 3 years ago
  1227. 1227
    Rikantz Seaberry 3 years ago
  1228. 1228
    I can't give up 3 years ago
  1229. 1229
    Study Session Plan and Fake Daimidaler 3 years ago
  1230. 1230
    Crazy Enemy and Finishing Move! 3 years ago
  1231. 1231
    Where is my salary? 3 years ago
  1232. 1232
    Disastrous 3 years ago
  1233. 1233
    Transformation 3 years ago
  1234. 1234
    How could you?! 3 years ago
  1235. 1235
    Crisis 3 years ago
  1236. 1236
    Unlimited Possibility! 3 years ago
  1237. 1237
    Penguin Boom! 3 years ago
  1238. 1238
    Sonan Kyouko and Purpose of Penguin Empire 3 years ago
  1239. 1239
    Happy Times? 3 years ago
  1240. 1240
    Duel with the Penguins 3 years ago
  1241. 1241
    Serious Discussion 3 years ago
  1242. 1242
    Cold Truth! 3 years ago
  1243. 1243
    Kiriko Can't Hold It Anymore 3 years ago
  1244. 1244
    Duel Invitation 3 years ago
  1245. 1245
    The Talk Between Everyone 3 years ago
  1246. 1246
    New Daimidaler 3 years ago
  1247. 1247
    The Strongest Human 3 years ago
  1248. 1248
    Cute Woman 3 years ago
  1249. 1249
    Within the Organization 3 years ago
  1250. 1250
    Penguin's Secret Plan 3 years ago
  1251. 1251
    Ritz's Secret 3 years ago
  1252. 1252
    Evolt! 3 years ago
  1253. 1253
    Coming to play 3 years ago
  1254. 1254
    Deep Talk 3 years ago
  1255. 1255
    Penguin Empire's Purpose 3 years ago
  1256. 1256
    Technology and Girl's Talk 3 years ago
  1257. 1257
    Best Friend! 3 years ago
  1258. 1258
    Rebellion 1 3 years ago
  1259. 1259
    Rebellion 2 3 years ago
  1260. 1260
    Rebellion 3 3 years ago
  1261. 1261
    How to tell them? 3 years ago
  1262. 1262
    I will give you a chance 3 years ago
  1263. 1263
    Return 3 years ago
  1264. 1264
    Be The Best Idol! 3 years ago
  1265. 1265
    Reminiscence 3 years ago
  1266. 1266
    Feeling? 3 years ago
  1267. 1267
    Deception 3 years ago
  1268. 1268
    For You 3 years ago
  1269. 1269
    Anonymous 3 years ago
  1270. 1270
    The Path of Harem Protagonist 1 3 years ago
  1271. 1271
    The Path of Harem Protagonist 2 3 years ago
  1272. 1272
    Night Talk 3 years ago
  1273. 1273
    Bored? 3 years ago
  1274. 1274
    Great Way to Spend Your Morning 3 years ago
  1275. 1275
    Skyscraper and Massage 3 years ago
  1276. 1276
    Kasugano Consortium! 1 3 years ago
  1277. 1277
    Kasugano Consortium! 2 3 years ago
  1278. 1278
    Reality 3 years ago
  1279. 1279
    Discussion about HI-ERO particles and Pride of Harem Protagonist 3 years ago
  1280. 1280
    Detail 3 years ago
  1281. 1281
    Morning Coffee 3 years ago
  1282. 1282
    He's scumbag 3 years ago
  1283. 1283
    Your First Time is Mine 3 years ago
  1284. 1284
    Open Your Heart 1 3 years ago
  1285. 1285
    Open Your Heart 2 3 years ago
  1286. 1286
    Open Your Heart 3 3 years ago
  1287. 1287
    Harem 3 years ago
  1288. 1288
    The Hardship of Entertainer 3 years ago
  1289. 1289
    Investment Bank and Shiina's Secret 3 years ago
  1290. 1290
    Cute and Pro 3 years ago
  1291. 1291
    After The Rain 3 years ago
  1292. 1292
    Family 3 years ago
  1293. 1293
    The Importance of Learning about Love 3 years ago
  1294. 1294
    Each of their own 3 years ago
  1295. 1295
    Go or Stay 3 years ago
  1296. 1296
    Kyudo 1 3 years ago
  1297. 1297
    Kyudo 2 3 years ago
  1298. 1298
    Kyudo 3 3 years ago
  1299. 1299
    Quest and Food 3 years ago
  1300. 1300
    Who is going? 3 years ago
  1301. 1301
    Can I bring him here? 3 years ago
  1302. 1302
    Yorknew City 3 years ago
  1303. 1303
    The Beginning 3 years ago
  1304. 1304
    Hunter Exam 1 3 years ago
  1305. 1305
    Hunter Exam 2 3 years ago
  1306. 1306
    Hunter Exam 3 3 years ago
  1307. 1307
    Hunter Exam 4 3 years ago
  1308. 1308
    Hunter Exam 5 3 years ago
  1309. 1309
    Hunter Exam 6 3 years ago
  1310. 1310
    Haru Vs Netero 1 3 years ago
  1311. 1311
    Haru Vs Netero 2 3 years ago
  1312. 1312
    Nen Training 1 3 years ago
  1313. 1313
    Nen Training 2 3 years ago
  1314. 1314
    Take Me 3 years ago
  1315. 1315
    Ability Test 3 years ago
  1316. 1316
    Heavens Arena 1 3 years ago
  1317. 1317
    Heavens Arena 2 3 years ago
  1318. 1318
    Heavens Arena 3 3 years ago
  1319. 1319
    200th Floors 3 years ago
  1320. 1320
    Direct 3 years ago
  1321. 1321
    Floor Masters 3 years ago
  1322. 1322
    Hisoka 3 years ago
  1323. 1323
    Concert on Heavens Arena 3 years ago
  1324. 1324
    Reward 3 years ago
  1325. 1325
    Feeling like your daughter being stolen 3 years ago
  1326. 1326
    Unwillingness 3 years ago
  1327. 1327
    Hateful Guy!! 3 years ago
  1328. 1328
    Food Industry 3 years ago
  1329. 1329
    Realize 3 years ago
  1330. 1330
    Rival 3 years ago
  1331. 1331
    Past is going to haunt you 1 3 years ago
  1332. 1332
    Past is going to haunt you 2 3 years ago
  1333. 1333
    We Won't Lose 3 years ago
  1334. 1334
    I am not lying 3 years ago
  1335. 1335
    Bad Story 3 years ago
  1336. 1336
    Why Sending You Back Is So Difficult 3 years ago
  1337. 1337
    We Can't Learn 1 3 years ago
  1338. 1338
    We Can't Learn 2 3 years ago
  1339. 1339
    Most Attractive 3 years ago
  1340. 1340
    Sleep Together 1 3 years ago
  1341. 1341
    Sleep Together 2 3 years ago
  1342. 1342
    High Class Party 1 3 years ago
  1343. 1343
    High Class Party 2 3 years ago
  1344. 1344
    High Class Party 3 3 years ago
  1345. 1345
    He's Charming 3 years ago
  1346. 1346
    Complicated 3 years ago
  1347. 1347
    Next Step 3 years ago
  1348. 1348
    Nentendo 1 3 years ago
  1349. 1349
    Nentendo 2 3 years ago
  1350. 1350
    Growing 3 years ago
  1351. 1351
    Study Session 1 3 years ago
  1352. 1352
    Study Session 2 3 years ago
  1353. 1353
    Quest 3 years ago
  1354. 1354
    Preparation 3 years ago
  1355. 1355
    Staying Tonight 1 3 years ago
  1356. 1356
    Staying Tonight 2 3 years ago
  1357. 1357
    Talk Before Sleep 3 years ago
  1358. 1358
    Arrive 3 years ago
  1359. 1359
    Soon 3 years ago
  1360. 1360
    Invitation Meeting 3 years ago
  1361. 1361
    Your Admirer 3 years ago
  1362. 1362
    Best Actor 3 years ago
  1363. 1363
    Servant 1 3 years ago
  1364. 1364
    Servant 2 3 years ago
  1365. 1365
    Servant 3 3 years ago
  1366. 1366
    Dream 3 years ago
  1367. 1367
    Mom Wants to Help you 3 years ago
  1368. 1368
    Good Impression? 3 years ago
  1369. 1369
    His Presence 3 years ago
  1370. 1370
    How about this? 3 years ago
  1371. 1371
    It isn't impossible 3 years ago
  1372. 1372
    Boy or Girl? 3 years ago
  1373. 1373
    Is this the right choice? 3 years ago
  1374. 1374
    Raid 3 years ago
  1375. 1375
    Why is she not worried? 3 years ago
  1376. 1376
    Furious 3 years ago
  1377. 1377
    Arrow 3 years ago
  1378. 1378
    Sly Man 3 years ago
  1379. 1379
    Playing Around 3 years ago
  1380. 1380
    Discussion 3 years ago
  1381. 1381
    Sudden Attack 3 years ago
  1382. 1382
    Change 1 3 years ago
  1383. 1383
    Change 2 3 years ago
  1384. 1384
    That guy and surprise 3 years ago
  1385. 1385
    Explanation 3 years ago
  1386. 1386
    Can I punch you? 3 years ago
  1387. 1387
    Return to Black Faction 3 years ago
  1388. 1388
    Helping Master of Assassin 3 years ago
  1389. 1389
    Experiment 3 years ago
  1390. 1390
    Heart to Heart 3 years ago
  1391. 1391
    Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia 1 3 years ago
  1392. 1392
    Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia 2 3 years ago
  1393. 1393
    Series of Murders 3 years ago
  1394. 1394
    The answer is only one! 3 years ago
  1395. 1395
    Sis-Con 3 years ago
  1396. 1396
    Bullying 3 years ago
  1397. 1397
    Beginning 3 years ago
  1398. 1398
    Assassin of Black and Berserker of Red 3 years ago
  1399. 1399
    Jack the Ripper 1 3 years ago
  1400. 1400
    Jack the Ripper 2 3 years ago
  1401. 1401
    Mother and Daughter 3 years ago
  1402. 1402
    Atalanta 3 years ago
  1403. 1403
    The Berserker of Red 1 3 years ago
  1404. 1404
    The Berserker of Red 2 3 years ago
  1405. 1405
    Serious Situation? 3 years ago
  1406. 1406
    Great News 3 years ago
  1407. 1407
    Elope 1 3 years ago
  1408. 1408
    Elope 2 3 years ago
  1409. 1409
    Elope 3 3 years ago
  1410. 1410
    Unfavorable situation, but it has nothing to do with me 3 years ago
  1411. 1411
    Don't be too happy 3 years ago
  1412. 1412
    The Greatest Sage 3 years ago
  1413. 1413
    Handsome Master 3 years ago
  1414. 1414
    Fetish 3 years ago
  1415. 1415
    Uninvited Guest 1 3 years ago
  1416. 1416
    Uninvited Guest 2 3 years ago
  1417. 1417
    Shirou Tokisada Amakusa 3 years ago
  1418. 1418
    Start 3 years ago
  1419. 1419
    Surprise 3 years ago
  1420. 1420
    Start of Chaos 3 years ago
  1421. 1421
    Battle Between Heroes 3 years ago
  1422. 1422
    Showing True Power 1 3 years ago
  1423. 1423
    Showing True Power 2 3 years ago
  1424. 1424
    Semiramis 3 years ago
  1425. 1425
    Similar to him 1 3 years ago
  1426. 1426
    Similar to him 2 3 years ago
  1427. 1427
    Very Bad Talk 3 years ago
  1428. 1428
    Karna Vs Raikou 1 3 years ago
  1429. 1429
    Karna Vs Raikou 2 3 years ago
  1430. 1430
    Adam 1 3 years ago
  1431. 1431
    Adam 2 3 years ago
  1432. 1432
    It isn't good to be greedy 3 years ago
  1433. 1433
    End of Vlad III and Saber of Red 3 years ago
  1434. 1434
    Tease and Punishment 3 years ago
  1435. 1435
    Breath of Servant 3 years ago
  1436. 1436
    Not my problem 3 years ago
  1437. 1437
    Contract with the Devil 3 years ago
  1438. 1438
    Oni 3 years ago
  1439. 1439
    Shinobu and Jeanne 3 years ago
  1440. 1440
    Suddenly... 3 years ago
  1441. 1441
    You're too good for me 3 years ago
  1442. 1442
    Innocent Date 3 years ago
  1443. 1443
    My Wish 3 years ago
  1444. 1444
    Is it love? 3 years ago
  1445. 1445
    He's Nothing 3 years ago
  1446. 1446
    Saint is very cute 3 years ago
  1447. 1447
    Fast Decision 3 years ago
  1448. 1448
    You don't need to worry 3 years ago
  1449. 1449
    The moon is beautiful 3 years ago
  1450. 1450
    Good, right? 3 years ago
  1451. 1451
    Preparation of the Final Holy Grail War 3 years ago
  1452. 1452
    Only one slave 3 years ago
  1453. 1453
    I Refuse! 3 years ago
  1454. 1454
    Each of Confrontation 3 years ago
  1455. 1455
    Intense Fight 3 years ago
  1456. 1456
    Two Noble Phantasms 3 years ago
  1457. 1457
    It's not over! 3 years ago
  1458. 1458
    By My Command Spell I Order You... 3 years ago
  1459. 1459
    Victory and Defeat 3 years ago
  1460. 1460
    Unexpected Meeting? 3 years ago
  1461. 1461
    Work Together? 3 years ago
  1462. 1462
    Mordred 3 years ago
  1463. 1463
    Even if I die, I don't want to! 3 years ago
  1464. 1464
    How Unpleasant 3 years ago
  1465. 1465
    Impossible's Wish 3 years ago
  1466. 1466
    How can it be.... 3 years ago
  1467. 1467
    I am here 3 years ago
  1468. 1468
    Remember what I have said before? 3 years ago
  1469. 1469
    I have received punishment, but I don't want to give up 3 years ago
  1470. 1470
    William Shakespeare 3 years ago
  1471. 1471
    Real Purpose of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada 3 years ago
  1472. 1472
    Who the hell do you think I am?! 3 years ago
  1473. 1473
    Wait for me 3 years ago
  1474. 1474
    Black Faction Gather! 3 years ago
  1475. 1475
    Enter the Holy Grail 3 years ago
  1476. 1476
    Provocation? That's my talent! 3 years ago
  1477. 1477
    Let's wait... 3 years ago
  1478. 1478
    Lucky Man? 3 years ago
  1479. 1479
    The Greater Holy Grail 3 years ago
  1480. 1480
    End? 3 years ago
  1481. 1481
    Give her a chance 1 3 years ago
  1482. 1482
    Give her a chance 2 3 years ago
  1483. 1483
    Walk into the stairs of adulthood 3 years ago
  1484. 1484
    What's your wish? 3 years ago
  1485. 1485
    What to do? 3 years ago
  1486. 1486
    Holiday 1 3 years ago
  1487. 1487
    Holiday 2 3 years ago
  1488. 1488
    Holiday 3 3 years ago
  1489. 1489
    Holiday 4 3 years ago
  1490. 1490
    How to make your girl fell for you 3 years ago
  1491. 1491
    Reward 1 3 years ago
  1492. 1492
    Reward 2 3 years ago
  1493. 1493
    How cute... 3 years ago
  1494. 1494
    Welcome to another world 3 years ago
  1495. 1495
    Is it wrong decision? 3 years ago
  1496. 1496
    What to say? 3 years ago
  1497. 1497
    The Truth 3 years ago
  1498. 1498
    Next Plan 1 3 years ago
  1499. 1499
    Next Plan 2 3 years ago
  1500. 1500
    Frustation 3 years ago
  1501. 1501
    Daily Life 3 years ago
  1502. 1502
    I will help you 3 years ago
  1503. 1503
    Is it alright? 3 years ago
  1504. 1504
    Tornado like woman 3 years ago
  1505. 1505
    Let's play game 3 years ago
  1506. 1506
    Sleeping Quality 3 years ago
  1507. 1507
    Like Those Plots, Alright? 3 years ago
  1508. 1508
    She's Unlucky 3 years ago
  1509. 1509
    It's too early to give up 3 years ago
  1510. 1510
    Group Chat's Dark Secret 3 years ago
  1511. 1511
    Let's come up the solution together 3 years ago
  1512. 1512
    I'll do something about it 3 years ago
  1513. 1513
    Miracle of Nine Girls 3 years ago
  1514. 1514
    Keep Increasing! 3 years ago
  1515. 1515
    Nozomi's Plan 3 years ago
  1516. 1516
    Good News 3 years ago
  1517. 1517
    I don't like this business 3 years ago
  1518. 1518
    Persuasion 3 years ago
  1519. 1519
    Debut 3 years ago
  1520. 1520
    Happy Party 3 years ago
  1521. 1521
    Haru and Esdeath 1 3 years ago
  1522. 1522
    Haru and Esdeath 2 3 years ago
  1523. 1523
    Declaration 3 years ago
  1524. 1524
    Rare School Chapter 3 years ago
  1525. 1525
    Shocking Development! 3 years ago
  1526. 1526
    Everyone's Feeling 1 3 years ago
  1527. 1527
    Everyone's Feeling 2 3 years ago
  1528. 1528
    It's my fault, alright? 3 years ago
  1529. 1529
    If you want me to forgive you then you need to do my request! 3 years ago
  1530. 1530
    Don't do something stupid, alright? 3 years ago
  1531. 1531
    If you become his, then we'll become a sister! 3 years ago
  1532. 1532
    Where to go? 3 years ago
  1533. 1533
    Shimizu Trip 1 3 years ago
  1534. 1534
    Shimizu Trip 2 3 years ago
  1535. 1535
    The Meaning of Kimono 3 years ago
  1536. 1536
    Being with you is fun 3 years ago
  1537. 1537
    You're my woman 3 years ago
  1538. 1538
    I'll give you my most precious thing 3 years ago
  1539. 1539
    Next Quest 3 years ago
  1540. 1540
    What do I need to bring? 3 years ago
  1541. 1541
    Preparation before the quest 3 years ago
  1542. 1542
    My harem protagonist aura is working in this world 3 years ago
  1543. 1543
    It is a bad luck or good luck? 3 years ago
  1544. 1544
    Cliche Plot 3 years ago
  1545. 1545
    Isn't it normal that I want to become S Rank Savior? 3 years ago
  1546. 1546
    Will you be my... 3 years ago
  1547. 1547
    Akane Academy 3 years ago
  1548. 1548
    Loli, again? 3 years ago
  1549. 1549
    Where's the protagonist? 3 years ago
  1550. 1550
    What is a low profile? 3 years ago
  1551. 1551
    Two Heroines 3 years ago
  1552. 1552
    The Relationship Between Protagonist and Heroines 3 years ago
  1553. 1553
    Introductions 3 years ago
  1554. 1554
    Why I...? 3 years ago
  1555. 1555
    I am lonely... 3 years ago
  1556. 1556
    As expected, the first event is a conflict between the heroine and minor villain 3 years ago
  1557. 1557
    Dogeza! 3 years ago
  1558. 1558
    I am so moved that I am being chased out from the cafe 3 years ago
  1559. 1559
    The Fault of Protagonist 3 years ago
  1560. 1560
    Young man who suddenly invites 3 years ago
  1561. 1561
    The Striker 1 3 years ago
  1562. 1562
    The Striker 2 3 years ago
  1563. 1563
    The next plot should be a spar, right? 3 years ago
  1564. 1564
    House Visit 3 years ago
  1565. 1565
    How about we stay here? 3 years ago
  1566. 1566
    If this continues, I... 3 years ago
  1567. 1567
    Respect to Each Other 3 years ago
  1568. 1568
    There's a price if you want to hurt the person that I care about 3 years ago
  1569. 1569
    Are you S Rank Savior? 3 years ago
  1570. 1570
    It is very troublesome to become S Rank Savior 3 years ago
  1571. 1571
    Can you lend me your boyfriend? 3 years ago
  1572. 1572
    The heroines are too wasteful to be given to the protagonist 3 years ago
  1573. 1573
    Senpai, you provoke the wrong person 3 years ago
  1574. 1574
    Shady people are better than most protagonists 3 years ago
  1575. 1575
    Give me your little sister 3 years ago
  1576. 1576
    I don't care about your past lover, but now, you're mine 3 years ago
  1577. 1577
    What a great night 3 years ago
  1578. 1578
    You have aroused my anger 3 years ago
  1579. 1579
    Sir Edward Lampard 1 3 years ago
  1580. 1580
    Sir Edward Lampard 2 3 years ago
  1581. 1581
    Yesterday is an enemy, but today is a friend, right? 3 years ago
  1582. 1582
    I know that I am selfish, but I don't regret it 3 years ago
  1583. 1583
    Confirms her true feeling 3 years ago
  1584. 1584
    Have I stolen the protagonist aura from the protagonist? 3 years ago
  1585. 1585
    Summer Camp 3 years ago
  1586. 1586
    Besides working as a harem protagonist, I am also a good trainer 3 years ago
  1587. 1587
    Can we talk tonight? 3 years ago
  1588. 1588
    Satsuki might be a simple girl, but she's very lovely 3 years ago
  1589. 1589
    What is the perfect song for this occasion? 3 years ago
  1590. 1590
    Fortress Class Metaphysical 3 years ago
  1591. 1591
    This is a man! 3 years ago
  1592. 1592
    Fortress Class Metaphysical? Two punches are enough! 3 years ago
  1593. 1593
    Devising Plan 3 years ago
  1594. 1594
    Love Letter or Trap? 3 years ago
  1595. 1595
    Thank you, I appreciate your confession 3 years ago
  1596. 1596
    The Transfer Student isn't normal? 3 years ago
  1597. 1597
    Sadist Guy 3 years ago
  1598. 1598
    Elena is strangely cute 3 years ago
  1599. 1599
    Date is like this 3 years ago
  1600. 1600
    Not a week, but only a day 3 years ago
  1601. 1601
    Wait for me there 3 years ago
  1602. 1602
    What to do? Let's give a financial loss to the Russian branch 3 years ago
  1603. 1603
    In Russia with her 3 years ago
  1604. 1604
    Warm up before the real battle 3 years ago
  1605. 1605
    Instant Fight 3 years ago
  1606. 1606
    This isn't our first time, right? 3 years ago
  1607. 1607
    Help my friend and you can... 3 years ago
  1608. 1608
    War 3 years ago
  1609. 1609
    This is how it should be, right? 3 years ago
  1610. 1610
    I have a feeling that the MC is going to cause a trouble 3 years ago
  1611. 1611
    Cultural Exchange 3 years ago
  1612. 1612
    Main Character is a magnet of trouble 3 years ago
  1613. 1613
    Ancient Dragon 1 3 years ago
  1614. 1614
    Ancient Dragon 2 3 years ago
  1615. 1615
    Sudden talk and a lie 3 years ago
  1616. 1616
    This time, it is a real... 3 years ago
  1617. 1617
    Reward 1 3 years ago
  1618. 1618
    Reward 2 3 years ago
  1619. 1619
    The hot spring chapter is something that must to write 3 years ago
  1620. 1620
    I want you to increase the size of my bust 3 years ago
  1621. 1621
    Move On 3 years ago
  1622. 1622
    Please do that somewhere else 3 years ago
  1623. 1623
    Oh my, how cute... 3 years ago
  1624. 1624
    Game Testing or Public Execution? 3 years ago
  1625. 1625
    High Difficulty 3 years ago
  1626. 1626
    Enoshima, let's go! 3 years ago
  1627. 1627
    Greedy Owner 3 years ago
  1628. 1628
    Enjoying Every Moment Together 3 years ago
  1629. 1629
    Firework! 3 years ago
  1630. 1630
    Rin is a cat lover 3 years ago
  1631. 1631
    I just want you to sleep early... 3 years ago
  1632. 1632
    Don't play with a beast 3 years ago
  1633. 1633
    I like you, what about you? 3 years ago
  1634. 1634
    Flirting on the bed 3 years ago
  1635. 1635
    Don't you have something to announce to us 3 years ago
  1636. 1636
    He's a bastard, alright? 3 years ago
  1637. 1637
    Let's stop to pretend and be the real harem protagonist! 3 years ago
  1638. 1638
    Punishment for Sakura 3 years ago
  1639. 1639
    As a good son-in-law... 3 years ago
  1640. 1640
    It is the show time! 3 years ago
  1641. 1641
    Whether it is three hours, five hours, ten hours, or even a day, I will stay here 3 years ago
  1642. 1642
    Progress? 3 years ago
  1643. 1643
    Today is the school festival, but where is he? 3 years ago
  1644. 1644
    There's no drama where the heroine woke up 10 years later 3 years ago
  1645. 1645
    Do you like him so much? 3 years ago
  1646. 1646
    Sorry, I can't stop my feeling 3 years ago
  1647. 1647
    Are you worthy? 3 years ago
  1648. 1648
    Miboumi's trick 3 years ago
  1649. 1649
    One chapter is enough to win this gamble 3 years ago
  1650. 1650
    The winner and the loser 3 years ago
  1651. 1651
    What to do after this? Of course, it is to do a peformance, right? 3 years ago
  1652. 1652
    With all of that, everything ends peacefully 3 years ago
  1653. 1653
    What if we're caught by paparazzi?! 3 years ago
  1654. 1654
    You're all the idols of the 346 Pro now 3 years ago
  1655. 1655
    What about the future? 3 years ago
  1656. 1656
    Next Quest 1 3 years ago
  1657. 1657
    Next Quest 2 3 years ago
  1658. 1658
    If you're worried about the future, then don't be, I'll be here with you 3 years ago
  1659. 1659
    I'm sure an environmentalists will be happy with this place 3 years ago
  1660. 1660
    Four Strongest Kingdoms 3 years ago
  1661. 1661
    What are you going to do now? 3 years ago
  1662. 1662
    First Step in Els 3 years ago
  1663. 1663
    What have you done in a month? 3 years ago
  1664. 1664
    The most popular son-in-law candidates 3 years ago
  1665. 1665
    Even in this world, there's also a tsundere 3 years ago
  1666. 1666
    If I don't this, will you make a move on me? 3 years ago
  1667. 1667
    Cliche meeting so I decide to add some spices 3 years ago
  1668. 1668
    Three Girls? 3 years ago
  1669. 1669
    Entrance Examination 1 3 years ago
  1670. 1670
    Entrance Examination 2 3 years ago
  1671. 1671
    I might rank 1, but I can't be too high-profile, right? 3 years ago
  1672. 1672
    I'm not from this kingdom after all 3 years ago
  1673. 1673
    Beautiful girl is a source of trouble 3 years ago
  1674. 1674
    Isn't it too fast? 3 years ago
  1675. 1675
    It's great that you have a mistress now 3 years ago
  1676. 1676
    You're 10,000 years too early to fight me! 3 years ago
  1677. 1677
    Group Study? Why not? 3 years ago
  1678. 1678
    Kurt? Who is he? 3 years ago
  1679. 1679
    Shin who is too naive 3 years ago
  1680. 1680
    The Aftermath 1 3 years ago
  1681. 1681
    The Aftermath 2 3 years ago
  1682. 1682
    The Aftermath 3 3 years ago
  1683. 1683
    Beauty Product? Can you give it to me too? 3 years ago
  1684. 1684
    Sometimes youth is troublesome 3 years ago
  1685. 1685
    Meeting with the Wise Man and the Guru 3 years ago
  1686. 1686
    You're still beautiful 3 years ago
  1687. 1687
    Brazen Kid 1 3 years ago
  1688. 1688
    Brazen Kid 2 3 years ago
  1689. 1689
    Be careful, he's dangerous 3 years ago
  1690. 1690
    Who is the villain? 3 years ago
  1691. 1691
    When there is a protagonist, there is always trouble 3 years ago
  1692. 1692
    Cliche fight between the protagonist and the villain 3 years ago
  1693. 1693
    Information is very important 3 years ago
  1694. 1694
    Stupid guy might be the setting of this protagonist 3 years ago
  1695. 1695
    It isn't impossible for a carnivore and a herbivore to be together, as long as the carnivore is smart enough 3 years ago
  1696. 1696
    Shin is always caused a trouble 3 years ago
  1697. 1697
    The quiet one has always been the lewdest 3 years ago
  1698. 1698
    Pretending? It's my secret skill 3 years ago
  1699. 1699
    Maintaining the Balance 3 years ago
  1700. 1700
    Joint training? 3 years ago
  1701. 1701
    August: I won't let him meet my mother and little sister no matter what 3 years ago
  1702. 1702
    We should work together, alright? 3 years ago
  1703. 1703
    Shin? Well, I have given up about him 3 years ago
  1704. 1704
    The Training Camp Might Be Quite Troublesome 3 years ago
  1705. 1705
    I don't want to wait anymore 3 years ago
  1706. 1706
    Have I won the duel? 3 years ago
  1707. 1707
    As expected, he's dangerous 3 years ago
  1708. 1708
    The result of the duel? Isn't it obvious? 3 years ago
  1709. 1709
    Even with this ordinary face, I'm still a harem protagonist 3 years ago
  1710. 1710
    He isn't in a hurry 3 years ago
  1711. 1711
    It's time to go back soon 3 years ago
  1712. 1712
    The Swedes Kingdom 1 3 years ago
  1713. 1713
    The Swedes Kingdom 2 3 years ago
  1714. 1714
    The Swedes Kingdom 3 3 years ago
  1715. 1715
    The Swedes Kingdom 4 3 years ago
  1716. 1716
    It's time to return 3 years ago
  1717. 1717
    Coming Home! 3 years ago
  1718. 1718
    Meeting Between Harem 3 years ago
  1719. 1719
    Treasure Hunt 3 years ago
  1720. 1720
    Don't underestimate the harem protagonist! 3 years ago
  1721. 1721
    Chiba Trip 1 3 years ago
  1722. 1722
    Chiba Trip 2 3 years ago
  1723. 1723
    Chiba Trip 3 3 years ago
  1724. 1724
    Chiba Trip 4 3 years ago
  1725. 1725
    Chiba Trip 5 3 years ago
  1726. 1726
    Chiba Trip 6 3 years ago
  1727. 1727
    Chiba Trip 7 3 years ago
  1728. 1728
    Chiba Trip 8 3 years ago
  1729. 1729
    Chiba Trip 9 3 years ago
  1730. 1730
    Chiba Trip 10 3 years ago
  1731. 1731
    Place to return... 3 years ago
  1732. 1732
    Let's go out and play! 1 3 years ago
  1733. 1733
    Let's go out and play! 2 3 years ago
  1734. 1734
    Let's go out and play! 3 3 years ago
  1735. 1735
    Next Quest 1 3 years ago
  1736. 1736
    Next Quest 2 3 years ago
  1737. 1737
    We need to remain chaste before marriage, right? 3 years ago
  1738. 1738
    The magic in this world is very troublesome... 3 years ago
  1739. 1739
    Why don't you ask me? 3 years ago
  1740. 1740
    Which clan should we invade? 3 years ago
  1741. 1741
    So fast?! 2 years ago
  1742. 1742
    Was it always this easy for you? 2 years ago
  1743. 1743
    Richest Clan 1 2 years ago
  1744. 1744
    Richest Clan 2 2 years ago
  1745. 1745
    The Fanfare 2 years ago
  1746. 1746
    I just love to cause a trouble 2 years ago
  1747. 1747
    Be mine, alright? 2 years ago
  1748. 1748
    I forgot to ask him! 2 years ago
  1749. 1749
    This time, he moves fast 2 years ago
  1750. 1750
    Both influence and teleportation are amazing 2 years ago
  1751. 1751
    Last Concert 2 years ago
  1752. 1752
    If I can ask one wish, that is... 2 years ago
  1753. 1753
    Entrance Exam 1 2 years ago
  1754. 1754
    Entrance Exam 2 2 years ago
  1755. 1755
    Entrance Exam 3 2 years ago
  1756. 1756
    Can you give me a reward? 2 years ago
  1757. 1757
    Why do you have such a thing on your bag? 2 years ago
  1758. 1758
    Maya: Miyuki, I have a request for you 2 years ago
  1759. 1759
    Chaos at the entrance ceremony 1 2 years ago
  1760. 1760
    Chaos at the entrance ceremony 2 2 years ago
  1761. 1761
    Miyuki: I won't let you be successful 2 years ago
  1762. 1762
    Lunch or a battle? 2 years ago
  1763. 1763
    Can you just go home quietly? 2 years ago
  1764. 1764
    Going Home Together 2 years ago
  1765. 1765
    I just want to talk 2 years ago
  1766. 1766
    Unexpected Bento 2 years ago
  1767. 1767
    How to erase discrimination? 1 2 years ago
  1768. 1768
    How to erase discrimination? 2 2 years ago
  1769. 1769
    Isn't it a bit too fast? 2 years ago
  1770. 1770
    I object! 2 years ago
  1771. 1771
    Duel 1 2 years ago
  1772. 1772
    Duel 2 2 years ago
  1773. 1773
    It is a fair bet, right? 2 years ago
  1774. 1774
    A friend might be impossible, but a brother-in-law might be possible 2 years ago
  1775. 1775
    I have stolen the plot of the protagonist 2 years ago
  1776. 1776
    With a beautiful girl around, you should be happy, alright? 2 years ago
  1777. 1777
    There must be an accident, or else, the story won't be interesting 2 years ago
  1778. 1778
    Erika: I'm a beautiful girl, isn't it normal for you to fall for me? 2 years ago
  1779. 1779
    The problem hasn't even started, but they have already been solved? 2 years ago
  1780. 1780
    What do you like the most about your girlfriend? 2 years ago
  1781. 1781
    His glasses are a disguise 2 years ago
  1782. 1782
    Everything goes according to his words 2 years ago
  1783. 1783
    I told you this because I trust you so don't betray my trust, alright? 2 years ago
  1784. 1784
    I feel sorry for them 2 years ago
  1785. 1785
    Two Strongest 2 years ago
  1786. 1786
    I won't let you do it easily 2 years ago
  1787. 1787
    Environmentalist 2 years ago
  1788. 1788
    I'm selfish, so I don't have such a lofty dream like that 2 years ago
  1789. 1789
    Suzune: I have invited a wolf to my house 1 2 years ago
  1790. 1790
    Suzune: I have invited a wolf to my house 2 2 years ago
  1791. 1791
    Do I need to pay you? 2 years ago
  1792. 1792
    Birthday Party 1 2 years ago
  1793. 1793
    Birthday Party 2 2 years ago
  1794. 1794
    Mid July 2 years ago
  1795. 1795
    Their relationship is pretty complex 2 years ago
  1796. 1796
    The Nine Schools Competition 2 years ago
  1797. 1797
    If he said that there might be a problem, then there would be a problem 2 years ago
  1798. 1798
    Since when? 2 years ago
  1799. 1799
    Haru: Board Battle? I need to wear a suit tight again? 2 years ago
  1800. 1800
    Flying Magic and a Meeting 2 years ago
  1801. 1801
    Your eyes are special 1 2 years ago
  1802. 1802
    Your eyes are special 2 2 years ago
  1803. 1803
    Surprise? 2 years ago
  1804. 1804
    Start of the Nine Schools Competition 2 years ago
  1805. 1805
    Traffic Accident 2 years ago
  1806. 1806
    Let's go to my room later 2 years ago
  1807. 1807
    Some that we need to watch out for 2 years ago
  1808. 1808
    There won't be mercy this time 2 years ago
  1809. 1809
    Erika's CAD 2 years ago
  1810. 1810
    Isn't that the reason why you have introduced him to me? 2 years ago
  1811. 1811
    First Day of the Competition 2 years ago
  1812. 1812
    Overwhelming performance, but because of that, something might happen, right? 2 years ago
  1813. 1813
    Haru's Tricks 2 years ago
  1814. 1814
    Spending Time Together 2 years ago
  1815. 1815
    Merciless Girl 2 years ago
  1816. 1816
    Don't let them know, alright? 2 years ago
  1817. 1817
    His prediction is right 2 years ago
  1818. 1818
    After I have found their location, then... 2 years ago
  1819. 1819
    Is there something that he can't do? 2 years ago
  1820. 1820
    There's a task that I want you to do, is that okay? 2 years ago
  1821. 1821
    Massacre 2 years ago
  1822. 1822
    Night Talk 1 2 years ago
  1823. 1823
    Night Talk 2 2 years ago
  1824. 1824
    Overwhelming Victory 2 years ago
  1825. 1825
    The Exchange between First and Third High School 2 years ago
  1826. 1826
    Even a genius has a teenager-like problem 2 years ago
  1827. 1827
    Work Together? 2 years ago
  1828. 1828
    The 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion 2 years ago
  1829. 1829
    This is a great chance, right? 2 years ago
  1830. 1830
    Before the match 2 years ago
  1831. 1831
    Shizuku Vs Miyuki 2 years ago
  1832. 1832
    Let's screw them later 2 years ago
  1833. 1833
    I'll handle this, you don't need to bother 2 years ago
  1834. 1834
    I don't mind being your friend, but you want to become my grandpa? 2 years ago
  1835. 1835
    Listen to me, alright? 2 years ago
  1836. 1836
    Tatsuya: I want to be in his place 2 years ago
  1837. 1837
    Domination of the First High School 2 years ago
  1838. 1838
    The final has been decided 2 years ago
  1839. 1839
    With all of of that, we're about to reach the ending of this arc 2 years ago
  1840. 1840
    The Monolith Code 1 2 years ago
  1841. 1841
    The Monolith Code 2 2 years ago
  1842. 1842
    Our victory is inevitable so let's do something else 2 years ago
  1843. 1843
    Morning Coffee 2 years ago
  1844. 1844
    The End of the Nine Schools Competition 2 years ago
  1845. 1845
    Ceremony or Concert? 2 years ago
  1846. 1846
    Last Concert 2 years ago
  1847. 1847
    Dance Party 1 2 years ago
  1848. 1848
    Dance Party 2 2 years ago
  1849. 1849
    Dance Party 3 2 years ago
  1850. 1850
    Do you want to visit my house? 2 years ago
  1851. 1851
    Reward 2 years ago
  1852. 1852
    Mirror Neuron 2 years ago
  1853. 1853
    Summer Break? The First Destination is Fuji Rock Festival 2 years ago
  1854. 1854
    What are we going to do tonight? 2 years ago
  1855. 1855
    The way to spend time together 2 years ago
  1856. 1856
    You can't sleep? 2 years ago
  1857. 1857
    Are you ready? 2 years ago
  1858. 1858
    Missing? 2 years ago
  1859. 1859
    Just one kiss 2 years ago
  1860. 1860
    Crow 2 years ago
  1861. 1861
    Combination 2 years ago
  1862. 1862
    Dating isn't complicated 2 years ago
  1863. 1863
    Kotori's First Time 1 2 years ago
  1864. 1864
    Kotori's First Time 2 2 years ago
  1865. 1865
    Summer Comiket 1 2 years ago
  1866. 1866
    Summer Comiket 2 2 years ago
  1867. 1867
    Summer Comiket 3 2 years ago
  1868. 1868
    Summer Comiket 4 2 years ago
  1869. 1869
    School Days 2 years ago
  1870. 1870
    The Effect of School Days 2 years ago
  1871. 1871
    Don't touch my butts! 2 years ago
  1872. 1872
    Yacht 1 2 years ago
  1873. 1873
    Yacht 2 2 years ago
  1874. 1874
    I won't let you go 2 years ago
  1875. 1875
    Quest 2 years ago
  1876. 1876
    Preparation 2 years ago
  1877. 1877
    Death Flag? 2 years ago
  1878. 1878
    Haru: I meet a widow in the middle of the night 2 years ago
  1879. 1879
    Spirited Away? 2 years ago
  1880. 1880
    Itadakimasu! 2 years ago
  1881. 1881
    Itogami Island 2 years ago
  1882. 1882
    Vampire 2 years ago
  1883. 1883
    Primogenitor 2 years ago
  1884. 1884
    Nagisa: I have a stepfather? 2 years ago
  1885. 1885
    I'm not your stepfather 2 years ago
  1886. 1886
    Mimori: Can you help my daughter? 2 years ago
  1887. 1887
    Mimori: My son is the Fourth Primogenitor 2 years ago
  1888. 1888
    Down Payment 2 years ago
  1889. 1889
    Do you want to become a human? 2 years ago
  1890. 1890
    Snatch 2 years ago
  1891. 1891
    I don't have a hobby of drinking blood 2 years ago
  1892. 1892
    Let's start the bonding time 2 years ago
  1893. 1893
    Useless Pet 2 years ago
  1894. 1894
    Legal Loli 2 years ago
  1895. 1895
    Avrora's Origin 2 years ago
  1896. 1896
    Let's buy a company 2 years ago
  1897. 1897
    Kojou: Enjoying my peaceful life 2 years ago
  1898. 1898
    The new fourth primogenitor 2 years ago
  1899. 1899
    Witch of the Void 1 2 years ago
  1900. 1900
    Witch of the Void 2 2 years ago
  1901. 1901
    The harem protagonist is always very busy 2 years ago
  1902. 1902
    Can we meet again? 2 years ago
  1903. 1903
    Dinner? 2 years ago
  1904. 1904
    Transfer Student 2 years ago
  1905. 1905
    Do you remember me? 2 years ago
  1906. 1906
    Lunch? 2 years ago
  1907. 1907
    Why don't we try? 2 years ago
  1908. 1908
    What are you planning? 2 years ago
  1909. 1909
    Unintended Date 2 years ago
  1910. 1910
    Rin: my boyfriend is amazing 2 years ago
  1911. 1911
    Haru: I'm waiting for trouble 2 years ago
  1912. 1912
    Little stalker 2 years ago
  1913. 1913
    Cute and Stupid Observer 2 years ago
  1914. 1914
    Himeragi: If I lose, I'll be your lover! 2 years ago
  1915. 1915
    Himeragi: I'm both your observer and Sword Shaman, but now, I'm your maid... 2 years ago
  1916. 1916
    Himeragi is too uptight 2 years ago
  1917. 1917
    Treasure me dearly 2 years ago
  1918. 1918
    Himeragi is the protagonist? 2 years ago
  1919. 1919
    Out in the middle of the night 2 years ago
  1920. 1920
    Uncle and Loli 2 years ago
  1921. 1921
    Natsuki: I will live in your house too 2 years ago
  1922. 1922
    I might not be able to help her before, but now, it is different 2 years ago
  1923. 1923
    Natsuki-chan is cute! 2 years ago
  1924. 1924
    Who are you? 2 years ago
  1925. 1925
    Beautiful Middle School Student 2 years ago
  1926. 1926
    Water Pipe 2 years ago
  1927. 1927
    Sports Festival 2 years ago
  1928. 1928
    Invitation 2 years ago
  1929. 1929
    A suit and a dress 2 years ago
  1930. 1930
    Don't bring your guitar case, alright? 2 years ago
  1931. 1931
    You two don't have an affair, right? 2 years ago
  1932. 1932
    Are you provoking me? 2 years ago
  1933. 1933
    I'm the fourth primogenitor's husband 2 years ago
  1934. 1934
    If you're not a beautiful girl, then die 2 years ago
  1935. 1935
    Problem is coming again? 2 years ago
  1936. 1936
    The usual plot 2 years ago
  1937. 1937
    You should go home, alright? 2 years ago
  1938. 1938
    Asagi: Is he going to confess to me? 2 years ago
  1939. 1939
    Sudden important matter 2 years ago
  1940. 1940
    Let me tell you 2 years ago
  1941. 1941
    The power of the plot was too much! 2 years ago
  1942. 1942
    The changed on the girl 2 years ago
  1943. 1943
    Nalakuvera 1 2 years ago
  1944. 1944
    Nalakuvera 2 2 years ago
  1945. 1945
    Nalakuvera 3 2 years ago
  1946. 1946
    Nalakuvera 4 2 years ago
  1947. 1947
    Can you become shota? 2 years ago
  1948. 1948
    Something Important 2 years ago
  1949. 1949
    Interesting Experiment 2 years ago
  1950. 1950
    She is like Sora 2 years ago
  1951. 1951
    The Saint in the Middle School 2 years ago
  1952. 1952
    Little Sister 2 years ago
  1953. 1953
    Ordinary Girl 2 years ago
  1954. 1954
    You're my family from now on 2 years ago
  1955. 1955
    Faux Angel and Shy? 2 years ago
  1956. 1956
    How easy 2 years ago
  1957. 1957
    Princess or Comedian 2 years ago
  1958. 1958
    Dangerous! 2 years ago
  1959. 1959
    If you're going to fight, why do you need to talk so much? 2 years ago
  1960. 1960
    There's still a lot of time, right? 2 years ago
  1961. 1961
    Princess is very mischievous 2 years ago
  1962. 1962
    If he knows what they're thinking... 2 years ago
  1963. 1963
    Anti-climactic battle 2 years ago
  1964. 1964
    They just can't escape... 2 years ago
  1965. 1965
    Down payment 2 years ago
  1966. 1966
    Can I sleep here? 2 years ago
  1967. 1967
    You should eat your food without leaving anything behind 2 years ago
  1968. 1968
    You have raised the Flag! 2 years ago
  1969. 1969
    It's too late 2 years ago
  1970. 1970
    Are you willing? 2 years ago
  1971. 1971
    Closer than you think 2 years ago
  1972. 1972
    Itogami Island is very peaceful 2 years ago
  1973. 1973
    Can you believe me? 2 years ago
  1974. 1974
    Haru's only virtue 2 years ago
  1975. 1975
    Sending a sheep in front of the wolf 2 years ago
  1976. 1976
    Every girl is a succubus 2 years ago
  1977. 1977
    Replace 2 years ago
  1978. 1978
    Sorry, what did you say? 2 years ago
  1979. 1979
    Is it a dream? 2 years ago
  1980. 1980
    Not bad... 2 years ago
  1981. 1981
    Let's not waste our time 2 years ago
  1982. 1982
    Haru: Let me handle this 2 years ago
  1983. 1983
    I see... I guess I'm just... 2 years ago
  1984. 1984
    Self-destruct 2 years ago
  1985. 1985
    Time to get serious... 2 years ago
  1986. 1986
    Become my dog, or... 2 years ago
  1987. 1987
    Aya Tokoyogi 2 years ago
  1988. 1988
    Aya: How do I repay him? 2 years ago
  1989. 1989
    Let me show you 2 years ago
  1990. 1990
    Where's she? 2 years ago
  1991. 1991
    Aya: We'll be a sister, right? 2 years ago
  1992. 1992
    Do you believe me? 2 years ago
  1993. 1993
    Short Meeting 2 years ago
  1994. 1994
    La Folia 2 years ago
  1995. 1995
    Yuuma: Can you keep your pants up? 2 years ago
  1996. 1996
    The quiet one has always been the wildest 2 years ago
  1997. 1997
    Kou Amakusa is just a small fry 2 years ago
  1998. 1998
    Let's not waste a time 2 years ago
  1999. 1999
    Haru needs to be prepared 2 years ago
  2000. 2000
    Study Tour 2 years ago
  2001. 2001
    Himeragi: My teacher is a thieving cat? 2 years ago
  2002. 2002
    Mask 2 years ago
  2003. 2003
    Finally 2 years ago
  2004. 2004
    Himeragi Yukina 2 years ago
  2005. 2005
    Papa? 2 years ago
  2006. 2006
    I'm your daughter 2 years ago
  2007. 2007
    Haru: I hope that my children won't be like me 2 years ago
  2008. 2008
    Who the heck is this girl? 2 years ago
  2009. 2009
    Hidden Conspiracy 2 years ago
  2010. 2010
    The plan hasn't started, but it has failed, so what to do? 2 years ago
  2011. 2011
    Two Cats 2 years ago
  2012. 2012
    Yume Eguchi 2 years ago
  2013. 2013
    Easy Fight 2 years ago
  2014. 2014
    Avrora? 2 years ago
  2015. 2015
    Who will you invite? 2 years ago
  2016. 2016
    Why did you come? 2 years ago
  2017. 2017
    Koyomi: I'm a virgin 2 years ago
  2018. 2018
    If only I'm his woman... 2 years ago
  2019. 2019
    It is the teacher's duty 2 years ago
  2020. 2020
    The plan hasn't started, but it has failed 2 years ago
  2021. 2021
    One thing after another 2 years ago
  2022. 2022
    What's your decision? 2 years ago
  2023. 2023
    As smooth as a wet floor 2 years ago
  2024. 2024
    Just how much lolis are going to appear in this world? 2 years ago
  2025. 2025
    What should we do now? 2 years ago
  2026. 2026
    There might be a lot of problems, but let's just create an Empire 2 years ago
  2027. 2027
    New Member of the Group Chat 2 years ago
  2028. 2028
    Can you hack the Group Chat? 2 years ago
  2029. 2029
    Reward 2 years ago
  2030. 2030
    Can Alice win against the protagonist? 2 years ago
  2031. 2031
    Autumn Election 2 years ago
  2032. 2032
    Who do you think is going to win? 2 years ago
  2033. 2033
    Secret Training, Sports Festival, and a Smile 2 years ago
  2034. 2034
    If I win, can I make a request? 2 years ago
  2035. 2035
    Mother and daughter are similar to each other 2 years ago
  2036. 2036
    Winning against the protagonist and all the supporting characters 2 years ago
  2037. 2037
    It tastes like kiviak 2 years ago
  2038. 2038
    Sports Festival 1 2 years ago
  2039. 2039
    Sports Festival 2 2 years ago
  2040. 2040
    Sports Festival 3 2 years ago
  2041. 2041
    After the party, we'll... Cough! Cough! 2 years ago
  2042. 2042
    Muse has nine of them, so... 2 years ago
  2043. 2043
    Deer in Nara are perverted 2 years ago
  2044. 2044
    The restaurant business is hard 2 years ago
  2045. 2045
    Tokyo Bay Date 2 years ago
  2046. 2046
    Rin is cute 2 years ago
  2047. 2047
    My only cat 2 years ago
  2048. 2048
    Next Quest 1 2 years ago
  2049. 2049
    Next Quest 2 2 years ago
  2050. 2050
    Becoming a Hentai Protagonist 2 years ago
  2051. 2051
    The end of the cocky protagonist 2 years ago
  2052. 2052
    Kuro Usagi 2 years ago
  2053. 2053
    Gift Game 1 2 years ago
  2054. 2054
    Gift Game 2 2 years ago
  2055. 2055
    Cliche plot as usual 2 years ago
  2056. 2056
    I want a dragon maid 2 years ago
  2057. 2057
    Genome Tree 2 years ago
  2058. 2058
    Bolder 2 years ago
  2059. 2059
    Izayoi: There's an event, but it has nothing to do with me 2 years ago
  2060. 2060
    Shiroyasha 2 years ago
  2061. 2061
    Demon Lord is nothing special 2 years ago
  2062. 2062
    Gifts 2 years ago
  2063. 2063
    Water Tree Sapling 2 years ago
  2064. 2064
    Should I join or not? 1 2 years ago
  2065. 2065
    Should I join or not? 2 2 years ago
  2066. 2066
    Should I join or not? 3 2 years ago
  2067. 2067
    Haru: My first order is... 2 years ago
  2068. 2068
    My leader can't be this cute, right? 2 years ago
  2069. 2069
    Loophole of the Gift Games 2 years ago
  2070. 2070
    Gift Games 1 2 years ago
  2071. 2071
    Gift Games 2 2 years ago
  2072. 2072
    Even in another world, there is no fairness 2 years ago
  2073. 2073
    Development of Gift 1 2 years ago
  2074. 2074
    Development of Gift 2 2 years ago
  2075. 2075
    Development of Gift 3 2 years ago
  2076. 2076
    Uninvited Guests 2 years ago
  2077. 2077
    Community Perseus 2 years ago
  2078. 2078
    Let's barter 2 years ago
  2079. 2079
    Shall we go? 2 years ago
  2080. 2080
    Gift Games 2 years ago
  2081. 2081
    How soft is our bed? 2 years ago
  2082. 2082
    There's a lot of ways to help me 2 years ago
  2083. 2083
    Maid and Teacher 2 years ago
  2084. 2084
    The party was quite fun 2 years ago
  2085. 2085
    What's the moral story? 2 years ago
  2086. 2086
    The past of the "no-name" community 1 2 years ago
  2087. 2087
    The past of the "no-name" community 2 2 years ago
  2088. 2088
    Letter of trouble 2 years ago
  2089. 2089
    Teleportation and something fishy 2 years ago
  2090. 2090
    Request 1 2 years ago
  2091. 2091
    Request 2 2 years ago
  2092. 2092
    Demon Lord 2 years ago
  2093. 2093
    Chance 2 years ago
  2094. 2094
    Intermezzo 2 years ago
  2095. 2095
    As long as you're handsome enough, you won't have trouble 2 years ago
  2096. 2096
    Two at the same time 2 years ago
  2097. 2097
    Asuka: Let's ask his help 2 years ago
  2098. 2098
    Discussion 1 2 years ago
  2099. 2099
    Discussion 2 2 years ago
  2100. 2100
    Let me tell you something 2 years ago
  2101. 2101
    It has gotten interesting 2 years ago
  2102. 2102
    Demon Lord 1 2 years ago
  2103. 2103
    Demon Lord 2 2 years ago
  2104. 2104
    Demon Lord 3 2 years ago
  2105. 2105
    Reward 1 2 years ago
  2106. 2106
    Reward 2 2 years ago
  2107. 2107
    Become stronger from now on 2 years ago
  2108. 2108
    Return 2 years ago
  2109. 2109
    In a better place 2 years ago
  2110. 2110
    The Moon Banquet Festival 1 2 years ago
  2111. 2111
    The Moon Banquet Festival 2 2 years ago
  2112. 2112
    Simple Discussion 2 years ago
  2113. 2113
    Haru: I don't know what to say 2 years ago
  2114. 2114
    Moon Banquet Festival again 2 years ago
  2115. 2115
    This is the only help that I can give 2 years ago
  2116. 2116
    Go explode! 2 years ago
  2117. 2117
    Forgiving 2 years ago
  2118. 2118
    Quest 2 years ago
  2119. 2119
    We're back 2 years ago
  2120. 2120
    It has been a while 2 years ago
  2121. 2121
    There are a lot of things that we need to do 2 years ago
  2122. 2122
    All men are scumbags 2 years ago
  2123. 2123
    Make up? 2 years ago
  2124. 2124
    Zeref is a lolicon 2 years ago
  2125. 2125
    His charm is too dangerous 2 years ago
  2126. 2126
    Unlike the original 2 years ago
  2127. 2127
    Easy Surgery 2 years ago
  2128. 2128
    Preparation to end the quest 2 years ago
  2129. 2129
    Swift Battle 1 2 years ago
  2130. 2130
    Swift Battle 2 2 years ago
  2131. 2131
    Swift Battle 3 2 years ago
  2132. 2132
    Swift Battle 4 2 years ago
  2133. 2133
    Universe One 2 years ago
  2134. 2134
    Please stop the war! 1 2 years ago
  2135. 2135
    Please stop the war! 2 2 years ago
  2136. 2136
    Dragon Woman 1 2 years ago
  2137. 2137
    Dragon Woman 2 2 years ago
  2138. 2138
    Zeref is a good enemy 2 years ago
  2139. 2139
    Decimated 1 2 years ago
  2140. 2140
    Decimated 2 2 years ago
  2141. 2141
    Almost Done 1 2 years ago
  2142. 2142
    Almost Done 2 2 years ago
  2143. 2143
    Done 2 years ago
  2144. 2144
    Haru is famous? 2 years ago
  2145. 2145
    Just like that? 2 years ago
  2146. 2146
    Building a school? 2 years ago
  2147. 2147
    Please believe in Haru 2 years ago
  2148. 2148
    Everyone is honest 2 years ago
  2149. 2149
    Is my bed soft? 2 years ago
  2150. 2150
    There's only one reason! 2 years ago
  2151. 2151
    Woman's instinct 2 years ago
  2152. 2152
    Who is the lucky guy? 2 years ago
  2153. 2153
    Don't you have something to say to me? 2 years ago
  2154. 2154
    Polar Shortcut 2 years ago
  2155. 2155
    Gender Equality 2 years ago
  2156. 2156
    Quest 2 years ago
  2157. 2157
    Gintoki's fetish 2 years ago
  2158. 2158
    Set off! 2 years ago
  2159. 2159
    Strong Desire 2 years ago
  2160. 2160
    It's so scary 2 years ago
  2161. 2161
    Gourmet World 2 years ago
  2162. 2162
    Entering the battlefield! 2 years ago
  2163. 2163
    I'm the protagonist 1 2 years ago
  2164. 2164
    I'm the protagonist 2 2 years ago
  2165. 2165
    Charge Forward 2 years ago
  2166. 2166
    Let's eat! 2 years ago
  2167. 2167
    Peaceful is nice 2 years ago
  2168. 2168
    Muse's Love Song 2 years ago
  2169. 2169
    Date, date, and date 2 years ago
  2170. 2170
    House Date 2 years ago
  2171. 2171
    Farm in Love 2 years ago
  2172. 2172
    I want to do something more 2 years ago
  2173. 2173
    Kotori's family 2 years ago
  2174. 2174
    Three at the same time 2 years ago
  2175. 2175
    Let's visit the ward office 2 years ago
  2176. 2176
    Normal Day 2 years ago
  2177. 2177
    No doubt! 2 years ago
  2178. 2178
    Snow Halation 1 2 years ago
  2179. 2179
    Snow Halation 2 2 years ago
  2180. 2180
    Snow Halation 3 2 years ago
  2181. 2181
    Quest 2 years ago
  2182. 2182
    Magic to return the world to the Rukh 2 years ago
  2183. 2183
    What do you want to do? 2 years ago
  2184. 2184
    It can't be helped 2 years ago
  2185. 2185
    Destroy! 1 2 years ago
  2186. 2186
    Destroy! 2 2 years ago
  2187. 2187
    Destroy! 3 2 years ago
  2188. 2188
    Destroy! 4 2 years ago
  2189. 2189
    End? 2 years ago
  2190. 2190
    Naruto World 2 years ago
  2191. 2191
    Ansatsu Kyoshitsu World 2 years ago
  2192. 2192
    Kimetsu no Yaiba World 2 years ago
  2193. 2193
    Hagure Yuusha World 2 years ago
  2194. 2194
    Black Bullet World 2 years ago
  2195. 2195
    Akame Ga Kill World 2 years ago
  2196. 2196
    Daimidaler World 2 years ago
  2197. 2197
    Accel World 2 years ago
  2198. 2198
    Fate/Apocrypha World 2 years ago
  2199. 2199
    Seiken Tsukai no World Break World 2 years ago
  2200. 2200
    Kenja no Mago World 2 years ago
  2201. 2201
    Hundred World 2 years ago
  2202. 2202
    Mahouka World 2 years ago
  2203. 2203
    Strike the Blood World 2 years ago
  2204. 2204
    Kuroneko's World 2 years ago
  2205. 2205
    Next Quest 2 years ago

作者 akikan40