Webnovel Author: Disturbing_Reality - Fanfic Collection



male LV 3

Even if it's just one person, If my works can entertain them, it's enough for me

2024-02-02 Joined Global

Badges 12

Moments 200

Replied to Vallandres

yes he will grow to think of the characters as people and not works of fiction and eventually sacrifice himself for them

Replied to aMz

there are several more which Inoichi later explained off screen

"Is there more?" Tsunade asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Inoichi shook his head slowly. "There are countless smaller crimes and transgressions, but these are the major ones. Danzo's actions have left deep scars on this village and its people." Tsunade took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "We need to make this information public. The village deserves to know the truth about Danzo and the extent of his treachery."

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

Replied to Deippy_Deippy

by the way could you tell me a few of those names? I'm curious

"Kenshin. Kenshin Uzumaki. Since his sister bears the name of the Uchiha I want our son to bear the Uzumaki name."the woman replied.

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

Replied to aMz

her mangekyo ability made that thing deactivate involuntarily

Kenshin knocked Danzo out before turning his attention to Akane. "You used your mangekyo sharingan several times I assume?" He asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

Replied to aMz

he knows that they know it's a lie but this implies that he doesn't want to share how he came to know this

"I met Itachi during one of my missions. My Jonin teammate went rogue and I, alongside a chunin from my team, attempted to take him out. The chunin was killed. And just when I was about to lose, Itachi happened to show up. He killed the traitor but, Itachi didn't kill me. He saved me. And later, he told me this. And he told me the truth behind the Uchiha massacre. And all those allegations I made earlier? That was from Itachi as well. And they all turned out to be true."

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

Replied to

this is a lie and everyone there knows it but they're not saying anything about it because they feel like he is allowed to have secrets as long as they don't harm their village

"I met Itachi during one of my missions. My Jonin teammate went rogue and I, alongside a chunin from my team, attempted to take him out. The chunin was killed. And just when I was about to lose, Itachi happened to show up. He killed the traitor but, Itachi didn't kill me. He saved me. And later, he told me this. And he told me the truth behind the Uchiha massacre. And all those allegations I made earlier? That was from Itachi as well. And they all turned out to be true."

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

Replied to aMz

this is meant to imply that she wishes he was still alive in which case she would still be able to be with him even if for a short time it's more painful to not have someone than for that someone to be far away because if they're alive, you can still meet them sooner or later

Meanwhile, in a small apartment near the former Uchiha clan compound, Akane Uchiha was cleaning the two identical katanas that her father once made for her and her younger brother. "I wish you were still here, little bro. It's too..... too lonely, too quiet." She thought as she put them back in the box and a few silent tears fell onto the closed wooden lid.

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality



After a few minutes, Kushina's mind finally rebooted. She reached out her small hand, took Natsuo's, and whispered, "Okay, it's a promise. We'll be friends for life."

Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Anime & Comics 路 ANelite

Replied to Lucius_SS

well it's gonna change in the coming chapters he currently doesn't feel anything towards any of the characters except for his mother

Replied to Deippy_Deippy

馃榿 read the rest of the book my friend

"It seems that I've been reincarnated. And judging by their conversation, there's a good chance I've been reincarnated into the Naruto universe."Tom thought as he began crying."apparently this woman, Kana Uzumaki is my mother in this life. I'm fucking hungry! it's embarrassing to be breastfed considering the fact that I was 19 in my past life but it can't be helped. I have no other choice. But wait.... If I've been reincarnated, then what about Mary? She died with me. Did she reincarnate too? Can we start over?" He thought as Kana began to feed him."Man! This is heavenly! Being breastfed by such a beautiful lady. And she's really young!"he thought as he drank with a content smile."I'm sleepy. I'll process everything after I sleep for a while. If this is the Naruto universe, I might be able to become famous because of my knowledge of this world."Tom thought as he dozed off.

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Reborn in the Naruto world as an Uzumaki

Anime & Comics 路 Disturbing_Reality

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