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Chapter 12: Chapter 11: No, You Are The Best!

Chapter 11 No, You Are The Best!

Natsuo held the key in his hand and looked at his future new home. It was old and an apartment building, but only this room belonged to him.

He didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to be so efficient, arranging everything for him just last night.

There seemed to be no other residents in this apartment, suggesting that Hiruzen had arranged it especially for him. After all, the villagers of Konoha hated him very much.

At the same time, Natsuo wanted to laugh. Hiruzen had said last night that the matter of ninjutsu wasn't urgent, yet now he had a ninja remind him to visit the Hokage Building after his injury healed. Was this not urgent? It was clear that the Hokage was very anxious.

Natsuo opened the door and went inside. The layout was good, and everything seemed complete. He sat on the sofa, finding it quite comfortable.

Looking at the clock on the wall, he saw it was already 9 o'clock in the morning. Natsuo didn't plan to go to the Hokage Building today; he intended to wait a few days. Since he was told to go after his injuries had healed, there was no reason to rush if there was nothing pressing.

Natsuo's mind was full of what Uzumaki Kushina had said to him last night. He was eager to meet her again.

However, after not having taken a shower for a few days, he had a strong smell of sweat. He decided to return to his shabby little house, pack his things, and take a shower. This included his standard sword, which had performed impressively last time despite some wear.

After packing all his belongings and moving them to his new home, Natsuo took a shower and then set off for the Ninja School.

It was lunchtime when Natsuo arrived at the Ninja School. As he entered the classroom, he saw Uzumaki Kushina clenching her fists and beating someone.

When she saw Natsuo, her expression turned to surprise.

"Natsuo! You're out of the hospital?!"

Hearing her shout, everyone looked at Natsuo. No one had known he was hospitalized; they thought he had just disappeared for several days. However, no one showed concern, only a sense of schadenfreude.

Uzumaki Kushina let go of the person she was holding down and ran over to Natsuo. "When did you wake up?"

Natsuo smiled gently, "After you visited me last night and left."

Kushina's eyes widened, and her face turned red. She stuttered, "You... you weren't conscious? How did you know I visited you at the Ninja Hospital yesterday?"

Natsuo glanced around. He didn't want him and Kushina to be stared at like animals in a zoo.

He reached out and grabbed her hand. "This isn't the place to talk. Let's go outside."

Kushina's face turned even redder, like blood dripping, and she felt dizzy. She let Natsuo lead her out of the classroom like a machine.

Natsuo brought Kushina to the grove behind the Ninja School. After letting go of her hand, he noticed that her face was too red, her eyes dull, making her look dazed.

Natsuo waved his hand in front of her. "Kushina, Kushina, wake up!"

She came back to her senses, saw Natsuo, and stepped back in fright. "You, you, you…"

She couldn't form a complete sentence now.

Natsuo explained with a smile, "I was indeed in a coma last night, but my consciousness was very clear, and I could hear everything."

Kushina lowered her head slightly, her voice so low that Natsuo had to listen carefully. "Is that so..."

She was conflicted. She had resolved to be friends with Natsuo, but now she couldn't find the words.

Nervously, sweat broke out on her forehead, and wisps of steam rose from her head.

Seeing her cute expression, Natsuo exhaled and said seriously, "Kushina, I'm ready to wake up too!"

Kushina raised her head, confusion in her eyes. She didn't understand what he meant by "wake up."

Natsuo's eyes were firm. "I also want to be your friend, your lifelong friend! So... Kushina, will you be friends with me?"

He stretched out his hand, waiting for her reply.

Kushina's brain was completely shut down now, her ears ringing.

She didn't move, but Natsuo wasn't in a hurry. He kept his hand extended, silently waiting for her response.

After a few minutes, Kushina's mind finally rebooted. She reached out her small hand, took Natsuo's, and whispered, "Okay, it's a promise. We'll be friends for life."

Natsuo smiled brightly, and so did Kushina.

They were both overjoyed at finally making their first friend.

Natsuo vowed to himself to always protect that smile.

Once Kushina relaxed, she began talking about her recent experiences. She described how she had turned the troublemakers into "rotten tomatoes."

She also mentioned her new nickname at the Ninja School: Blood Red Pepper.

Natsuo chuckled.

Kushina pouted unhappily, "Natsuo, do you think I suit that nickname too?"

Natsuo shook his head, still smiling. "Of course not. I just think you're amazing, Kushina. You can handle them all by yourself."

Proudly, Kushina put her hands on her hips. "Of course! I've never lost a fight!"

Then she looked down in disappointment.

"What's wrong, Kushina?" Natsuo asked, confused.

Kushina fiddled with a lock of her hair, pursing her lips. "Natsuo, do you think my hair is ugly?"

Natsuo placed his hands on her shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said seriously, "Kushina, your hair is beautiful, and its length is cute. It will only get more beautiful. Don't let others' words make you doubt yourself. You're amazing, no, you're the best!"

Her cheeks, which had just recovered their color, turned red again. She punched Natsuo's chest, then turned away shyly, holding her cheeks. "How can I be as good as you say?"

Natsuo winced and rubbed his chest. Kushina was strong; he almost lost his breath from that punch.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of the afternoon class.

This time, it was Kushina who grabbed Natsuo's hand, turning to him with a playful smile.

"Let's go to class!"


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early release of up to 15 chapters.

Patreon link:-

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