SoBored - Profile



LV 15
2020-06-01 Joined Global

Badges 17

Moments 8271


what you said 300,000 coins

"It's called Bloody Mary, and each glass is worth three thousand gold coins," Haotian replied.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


did you skip a chapter

The teleportation scroll was Sophia's trump card. With its power, she could instantly evade her pursuers. Even if those Venom Bee Knights chased her with all their might, she would likely have already met up with the Golden Gryphon Knights sent by her lord to escort her. Perhaps they could even trap and eliminate her pursuers in one fell swoop.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


he's getting cocky

"We'll handle whatever comes our way," Haotian responded with a smile. "We can't summon these Ancient Treants and then keep them hidden instead of using them in battle, can we? That would defeat their purpose. Units are meant for the battlefield where they can grow quickly. If even one hundred Eternal Treant Guardians reach saint levels, I'd dare to challenge the nature elves. If we can't win, we can always relocate. With the unit buildings we have, we can develop elsewhere and come back stronger."

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


what stingrays please double check your work

However, a new threat had arisen. The emergence of stingrays had awakened the undead slumbering in the depths. Drawn by blood and souls, an endless horde of undead creatures had begun invading Shalyn, leaving behind a trail of withered trees and countless corpses of beasts and animals slaughtered by the undead army. As the battles raged on, the undead ranks swelled, bolstered by more awakened undead and freshly killed beasts and animals transformed into new undead.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


they don't have wolves it was coyotes

Haotian then turned to the gnoll Akul, "Release all the desert wolves from the livestock grounds. Have them patrol the sands around the territory. Report back immediately if they spot any undead."

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


stupid person

"As you wish," the figure shrugged. To him, desert ratmen and rats were the same. Only the ratmen of the beast tribes deserved to be considered intelligent and civilized.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


that was a Waste should have had some become territory citizens

Hundreds of Royal Griffon Knights scoured the sandy forest within a ten-kilometer radius, capturing nearly every escaping Lizardman. Only after multiple thorough searches, finding no trace of remaining Lizardmen, did the knights regroup at the now-conquered central riverbed.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


it still says fence though

"Two new buildings unlocked. The fences have upgraded to enclosures. Although not immediately useful since there are fewer monsters in the desert compared to the Forest of Life, it might be worth considering once we unlock or find blueprints for walls. The market is new as well."

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


is it moose, deer or elk please choose one

The most remarkable change was the expansion of Sapphire Lake. Previously only two to three hundred meters at its widest, it now stretched over a kilometer, its area multiplying several times over. This meant an abundance of water resources, enough to sustain Hao Tian's burgeoning population of over two thousand desert dwellers, along with more than a thousand desert coyotes and moose, without any concerns about water scarcity.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


what is a yuan fruit tree

"By Brewster's grace! This orchard is full of magic yuan fruit trees! Such luxury!" they exclaimed, awestruck.

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


what type of fish is it

Side Quest IITask Info: Arrow towers are essential defensive structures. A weak territory without arrow towers is vulnerable to enemy attacks.Task Content: Build at least five arrow towersTask Rewards: 250 gold coins, 3,000 silver tail fry

Start from the golden desert

Start from the golden desert

Fantasy · NightwindLoong


he really needs to smarten up what did he think would happen he already made the world glitch once when his level got to high

Kaisen felt like he was in a sci-fi nightmare. The system was reacting to him, the anomaly, the glitch in the game that was throwing everything off balance. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend the implications of these messages.

The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

Fantasy · The_Thunder_Lord

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