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7.48% Start from the golden desert / Chapter 11: Gnoll attack

Chapter 11: Gnoll attack

Village Hall

Level: Intermediate Unlocked Buildings: Fence, Dwelling, Arrow Tower Next Level: Advanced Village Upgrade Requirements: 1,000 units of wood, 1,000 gold coins

"The requirements aren't too high," Haotian mused, preparing to continue upgrading the Village Hall. The main quest was to upgrade the Village Hall to a Town Hall, with the reward being a randomly assigned lord talent, rather than ordinary resources like gold.

For Haotian, the importance of lord talents couldn't be overstated. Even a common talent could significantly enhance his territory's overall strength, not to mention the highly coveted super divine talents. According to the Lord System, lord talents were categorized into six levels: Common, Advanced, Rare, Epic, Divine, and the ultimate Super Divine. These talents provided permanent buffs to the lord's capabilities.

At that moment, Haotian noticed two new side quests had refreshed in the Lord System: Side Quest II and Limited-Time Hunting Quest.

Side Quest II Task Info: Arrow towers are essential defensive structures. A weak territory without arrow towers is vulnerable to enemy attacks. Task Content: Build at least five arrow towers Task Rewards: 250 gold coins, 3,000 silver tail fry

Limited-Time Hunting Quest Task Info: As a lord, you have the duty to clear out dangers near your territory to ensure the safety of your people. Task Content: Hunt wild monsters Task Time: Starts at midnight, lasts two days Task Rewards: 1 gold coin for each monster killed; double for humanoid creatures, with no limit on quantity.

Reviewing the details of the Limited-Time Hunting Quest, Haotian realized his steward and royal knights would have a tough two days ahead. Effort always paid off in the end.

He then checked the requirements for building arrow towers.

Arrow Tower Type: Basic defensive structure Construction Requirements: 50 units of wood, 20 units of stone

"More stone!" Haotian sighed. Although he had a squad of royal knights mining stone, that was meant for the construction of the Special Building: Lucky Altar. He was reluctant to divert resources to the arrow towers unless absolutely necessary.

Haotian rubbed his head, frustrated by the scarcity of resources in the desert. "Let's wait for the royal knights to return to the oasis. If the harvest is sufficient, we'll build both the altar and the towers. Otherwise, prioritize the altar."


Location: Salt Lake

The royal knights, working in coordinated teams, had purified and dried over 600 kilograms of coarse salt. As they were about to transport the salt back to the Golden Oasis, a large group of figures appeared, charging towards the salt lake with lightning speed.

The attackers were swift, closing the distance within moments and breaching the salt lake perimeter. It became clear they were all mounted on desert coyotes, distinct from the gray wolves defeated the previous night. These coyotes had pale yellow fur with black spots, resembling hyenas, and were smaller in size.

Riding the desert coyotes were humanoid creatures that looked like dog-headed men, brandishing various weapons and emitting loud, aggressive howls.

"It's the vile gnolls! Form up for defense!" the royal knights commanded, quickly forming a defensive line. Simultaneously, a volley of arrows rained down on them, but the knights' small round shields deflected the projectiles.

"Greedy humans! This salt lake belongs to the Black Wind Tribe! Intruders must die! Attack!" The gnoll cavalry, numbering nearly a hundred, included many archers. They circled the knights, periodically firing arrows. However, their efforts were futile against the well-armored royal knights. Even arrows that managed to hit their targets couldn't penetrate the magical armor.

In contrast, a single charge from the knights easily decapitated groups of gnolls, killing a dozen or more each time. After several engagements, the gnolls had lost a third of their number without inflicting any casualties on the knights.

"Curse them! These must be knights of the Stanlow Kingdom! Fall back, and regroup!" A stronger-looking gnoll shouted the order, and the remaining gnolls scattered, disappearing over the dunes as quickly as they had come.

The royal knights promptly cleaned up the battlefield, taking anything useful and capturing several still-breathing gnolls for interrogation back at the Golden Oasis.

Village Hall Entrance

Haotian stood at the entrance, inspecting the bound, dog-like humanoids. It was his first time seeing such creatures, despite having heard tales of orcs, elves, and dragons during his time with the Tulip family.

"Humans, you're doomed!" One gnoll snarled. "You invaded our Black Wind Tribe's salt lake and occupied the Golden Oasis under the peace treaty. Our tribe will tear you to pieces!"

"Peace treaty?" Haotian pondered. This might explain why no intelligent race had claimed the oasis.

"Tell me, where is your tribe's location? How many gnolls are battle-ready?"

"Never! I'd rather die than betray my tribe!" The gnoll's fierce gaze was unwavering. Haotian signaled a royal knight, who promptly beheaded the defiant gnoll with a single stroke.

The remaining three gnolls trembled in fear. Haotian turned to the next one. "Your turn. Speak."

After three seconds of silence, another head rolled. Then a third.

"Just you left. Want to reconsider?" Haotian asked the last gnoll, who, terrified, quickly spilled all the information Haotian needed.

用专业的英文小说的方式,改写以下内容.[村庄大厅] [等级:中级] [解锁建筑:栅栏,民居,箭塔] [下一级:高级村庄] [升级需求:一千单位木材,一千枚金币] ... "要求倒是不高." 昊天准备接下来继续提升[村庄大厅]的等级. 主线任务是将[村庄大厅]升级为[小镇大厅],奖励不再是金币等普通物资,而是随机一种领主天赋. 对身为领主的昊天来说. 领主天赋的重要性不言而喻. 不说再来一个超神级领主天赋,哪怕只是普通的领主天赋,也可以在一定程度上提升他的领地整体实力. 昊天已经从[领主系统]那里获悉,领主天赋共分为六个等级. 普通,高级,稀有,史诗,神级. 以及最牛逼的超神级. 领主天赋属于是加强版BUFF,而且是永久性的. 再多昊天都不嫌弃. 这个时候,昊天发现[领主系统]又刷新了两个支线任务,分别是[支线任务二]和[限时狩猎任务]. [支线任务二] [任务信息检索:箭塔是领地必须要具备的防御性建筑,一个没有被箭塔守护的弱小领地极易被敌人攻陷.] [任务内容:建造至少五座箭塔] [任务奖励:两百五十枚金币,银尾鱼苗三千条] ... [限时狩猎任务] [任务信息检索:作为一位领主,你有义务清理领地附近的危机,为你的领民提供一份安全出入的保障.] [任务内容:狩猎野外怪物] [任务时间:今夜十二点开启,时限两天] [任务奖励:每击杀一只魔兽奖励一枚金币,击杀人形怪物金币奖励翻倍,无数量限制.] ... 看着[限时狩猎任务]的信息. 昊天知道,这两天他需要苦一苦老管家和那些皇家骑士们了. 毕竟,努力才有回报! 随即他又查看[箭塔]的建造需求. [箭塔] [类型:领地基础防御建筑] [建造需求:五十单位木材,二十单位石料] ... "又是石料!" 昊天虽然麾下有一队皇家骑士正在开采石料,但那是他为建造[特殊建筑·幸运祭坛]而准备的.如无必要,他不想耗费在箭塔上面. 昊天揉了揉头. 总归还是沙漠的资源太少. 否则,他又怎么会这般为难. "等那队皇家骑士回返绿洲再说吧." "如果开采量还行的话,那就祭坛和箭塔一起建造." "反之,便先将幸运祭坛建造出来!" ... 时间来到下午. 地点:盐湖. 在数十个皇家骑士的分工合作之下,大约有六百多公斤的粗盐被提纯,并晒制了出来. 正当他们准备将粗盐运回黄金绿洲的时候. 一大群身影突然出现,又以迅雷之势朝着盐湖杀来. 袭击者的速度极快. 短时间内就跨越数里,杀进了盐湖范围. 终于看清,这些身影居然个个都骑乘着一只沙漠郊狼. 沙漠郊狼跟昨晚被干掉的灰狼族不一样. 毛发主体为淡黄色,身上布满大大小小的黑色斑点. 看起来像是鬣狗. 在体型上面,它们也比灰狼要小一号. 此刻,骑乘在沙漠郊狼背上的是一个个好似狗头人的人形生物. 他们挥舞着各式各样的武器,嘴里发出嗷嗷嗷的叫唤声. "是邪恶的豺狼人!" "结阵防御!" 皇家骑士们迅速结阵. 几乎同一时间,有大量的箭矢朝着皇家骑士们射了过来,却全部被骑士们手中的小圆盾抵挡住了. "贪婪的人类!" "这片盐湖是我们黑风部落的领地!" "入侵者死!杀!!" 豺狼人骑兵的数量足有近百个. 在他们当中,有不少都是骑射手. 他们迅速围成了一个大圆,将数十个皇家骑士包围在中心,时不时的就朝着皇家骑士们射出几箭. 然而,这样的攻击却未能奏效. 面对沙民,他们占据绝对的优势. 但他们现在面对的是全副武装的皇家骑士. 那一根根笔直射来的箭矢,就算侥幸突破了小圆盾的拦截并且射在皇家骑士的身上,也难以射穿皇家骑士身上的魔力铠甲. 反倒是皇家骑士们的一次蓄力冲锋,就可以轻松斩获一群豺狼人的狗头. 多则十几个. 少则也有五六个. 几轮交手下来,皇家骑士们一个未损,豺狼人倒是损失了三分之一. "可恶!" "这一定是斯坦洛王国的军团骑士!" "我们撤,回去摇人!" 一个体型稍显强壮的豺狼人怒吼着发号施令. 其他豺狼人闻言,顿时是作鸟兽散. 来得快,去的也快. 眨眼之间他们就消失在了远方的沙丘背后. 皇家骑士们则是迅速打扫 战场,能带走的全部带走,包括几个还没有死透的豺狼人也一起打包带回了黄金绿洲. ... "这就是豺狼人?" 村庄大厅的门口,昊天看着眼前几个被捆绑的结结实实,外表似狗非狗,似人非人的半人形怪物. 他来到这个世界也有段时间了. 但类似的奇特生物也还是第一次见到. 在郁金香家族的时候,他也听闻过半兽人,自然精灵,乃至是巨龙的传闻,然而却从未亲眼所见. 不得不说. 眼前豺狼人的外表,非常符合他对奇幻生物的想象. "人类,你死定了!" 其中一个豺狼人冲着昊天怒吼道:"你不仅入侵了我黑风部落的盐湖,还占据了和平契约中的黄金绿洲..." "等我黑风部落的大军到来,必定将你撕成碎片!" "和平契约么?" 昊天推测,这或许就是为什么没有智慧种族占据黄金绿洲的原因之一. "告诉我,你们部落的具体位置在哪里,部落里面又有多少具备一战之力的豺狼人." "休想!我就算是死也不会出卖部落!" 这个豺狼人表现的相当硬气. 凶狠的眼神也是始终盯着昊天,像是要将他瞪眼杀一样. 昊天也不多问,朝身旁的一位皇家骑士微微点头. 那皇家骑士随即抽出别在腰间的骑士大剑,一剑斩落了这个豺狼人的脑袋. 剩下还有三个豺狼人,见到这一幕顿时吓得浑身一抖. "你来告诉我!" 昊天看向其中一个. 静默三秒之后,又是一颗脑袋被斩下. 接着是第三颗... "就剩下你了,要不要考虑考虑?" "我说,我说,不要杀我..." 最后一个豺狼人已然是被吓破了胆. 迅速将昊天想要知道的信息一五一十的全部讲述了出来.此内容可能违反了我们的使用政策.ChatGPTVillage Hall

Level: Intermediate Unlocked Buildings: Fence, Dwelling, Arrow Tower Next Level: Advanced Village Upgrade Requirements: 1,000 units of wood, 1,000 gold coins

"The requirements aren't too high," Haotian noted, preparing to upgrade the Village Hall. The main quest was to elevate the Village Hall to a Town Hall, with the reward being a random lord talent, a far more valuable prize than mere gold or other common resources.

For Haotian, as a lord, the significance of lord talents couldn't be overstated. Even a common talent could enhance his territory's overall strength, and the prospect of gaining a super divine talent was tantalizing. From the Lord System, Haotian had learned that lord talents were classified into six levels: Common, Advanced, Rare, Epic, Divine, and the ultimate Super Divine. These talents provided permanent buffs, making them incredibly desirable.

At this moment, Haotian noticed two new side quests had refreshed in the Lord System: Side Quest II and Limited-Time Hunting Quest.

Side Quest II Task Info: Arrow towers are essential defensive structures. A weak territory without arrow towers is vulnerable to enemy attacks. Task Content: Build at least five arrow towers Task Rewards: 250 gold coins, 3,000 silver tail fry

Limited-Time Hunting Quest Task Info: As a lord, you have the duty to clear out dangers near your territory to ensure the safety of your people. Task Content: Hunt wild monsters Task Time: Starts at midnight, lasts two days Task Rewards: 1 gold coin for each monster killed; double for humanoid creatures, with no limit on quantity.

Reviewing the Limited-Time Hunting Quest details, Haotian knew his steward and royal knights were in for a grueling two days. Hard work, however, always paid off in the end.

He then checked the requirements for building arrow towers.

Arrow Tower Type: Basic defensive structure Construction Requirements: 50 units of wood, 20 units of stone

"More stone!" Haotian sighed. Although a squad of royal knights was already mining stone, those resources were earmarked for the Special Building: Lucky Altar. He was reluctant to divert resources to the arrow towers unless absolutely necessary.

Haotian rubbed his temples, frustrated by the scarcity of resources in the desert. "Let's wait until the royal knights return to the oasis. If the harvest is sufficient, we'll build both the altar and the towers. Otherwise, prioritize the altar."


Location: Salt Lake

The royal knights, working in coordinated teams, had purified and dried over 600 kilograms of coarse salt. As they were about to transport the salt back to the Golden Oasis, a large group of figures appeared, charging towards the salt lake with alarming speed.

The attackers closed the distance within moments, breaching the salt lake perimeter. It became clear they were mounted on desert coyotes, distinct from the gray wolves defeated the previous night. These coyotes had pale yellow fur with black spots, resembling hyenas, and were smaller in size.

Riding the desert coyotes were humanoid creatures that looked like dog-headed men, brandishing various weapons and emitting loud, aggressive howls.

"It's the vile gnolls! Form up for defense!" the royal knights commanded, quickly forming a defensive line. Simultaneously, a volley of arrows rained down on them, but the knights' small round shields deflected the projectiles.

"Greedy humans! This salt lake belongs to the Black Wind Tribe! Intruders must die! Attack!" The gnoll cavalry, numbering nearly a hundred, included many archers. They circled the knights, periodically firing arrows. However, their efforts were futile against the well-armored royal knights. Even arrows that managed to hit their targets couldn't penetrate the magical armor.

In contrast, a single charge from the knights easily decapitated groups of gnolls, killing a dozen or more each time. After several engagements, the gnolls had lost a third of their number without inflicting any casualties on the knights.

"Curse them! These must be knights of the Stanlow Kingdom! Fall back, and regroup!" A stronger-looking gnoll shouted the order, and the remaining gnolls scattered, disappearing over the dunes as quickly as they had come.

The royal knights promptly cleaned up the battlefield, taking anything useful and capturing several still-breathing gnolls for interrogation back at the Golden Oasis.

Village Hall Entrance

Haotian stood at the entrance, inspecting the bound, dog-like humanoids. It was his first time seeing such creatures, despite having heard tales of orcs, elves, and dragons during his time with the Tulip family.

"Humans, you're doomed!" One gnoll snarled. "You invaded our Black Wind Tribe's salt lake and occupied the Golden Oasis under the peace treaty. Our tribe will tear you to pieces!"

"Peace treaty?" Haotian pondered. This might explain why no intelligent race had claimed the oasis.

"Tell me, where is your tribe's location? How many gnolls are battle-ready?"

"Never! I'd rather die than betray my tribe!" The gnoll's fierce gaze was unwavering. Haotian signaled a royal knight, who promptly beheaded the defiant gnoll with a single stroke.

The remaining three gnolls trembled in fear. Haotian turned to the next one. "Your turn. Speak."

After three seconds of silence, another head rolled. Then a third.

"Just you left. Want to reconsider?" Haotian asked the last gnoll, who, terrified, quickly spilled all the information Haotian needed.

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