
prison dallas

  • prison dallas

    Everdark Manor

    by K_bm
    (Not enough ratings)

    Olivia Potter has stumbled upon a mysterious mansion with her fiancé, Matthew Trayder. Who lives in that manor? A two thousand year old restless soul, Dallas Everdark, who's been waiting for revenge.

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  • prison dallas

    Curse the Mainframe!

    by Rxel
    4.76 (95 ratings)

    Elias uncapped a bottle and held it under Dallas' nose, who stirred quietly, leaving his unconscious state. Dallas' eyelids twitched, and they fluttered, revealing his eyes. The bigshot's eyes darted

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  • prison dallas

    FEAR AND PASSIONBy Emelia Borteley Borquaye

    by Emelia23
    (Not enough ratings)

    dallas said n shook hands with Henry. Have you be standing here for long,the moment he said that,he felt sharp eye on him Hmm ,Yea madam fearless was standing in my way Damm you two,this is my ho

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  • prison dallas

    Treasure Hunt Tycoon

    by Full-Metal Bullet
    4.36 (336 ratings)

    Gold was a soft metal, the purer the softer. Therefore, it often appeared on TV that people would bite into gold to gauge its purity. Generally, the naturally occurring metal was an alloy of gold an

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  • prison dallas

    7 roses

    by Tokyo_Dagger
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    It said, "You will be skipping your first class." I then go to Mr. Blacks class. Inside were Harley and Dallas. I sat down and waited.The doors locked. I sigh and said, "This again." Harley goes

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  • prison dallas

    The First Hunter

    by D-Dart
    4.03 (78 ratings)

    Chapter 55. Black Dragon Down, Part II Translator: Khan Editor: RED 4. Jennifer Mitchell… The description of her did not need to be that long. She had blond hair, green eyes and was a b

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  • prison dallas

    The Dwindling Light

    by Anthony_Hammer
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    Where am I. I was in my bed was it all a dream whats going on. I looked around my room and there was nothing I looked down at my hands and on my right hand there was a burnt in coin with a tail on it.

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  • prison dallas


    by BIAAN
    4.48 (64 ratings)

    Setelah petugas itu pergi, Angela tak segera berbaring. Demikian juga si Bungsu. Angela duduk dikursi, mengisap rokok dan dia tampak gelisah. Si Bungsu melihat hal itu. "Nampaknya kota ini tengah dip

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  • prison dallas

    Grand Army Of The Dead

    by Chance_No
    (Not enough ratings)

    April 1st, 2014. 11:25 AM. Fort Dallas. TX. Hospital When I awoke it was a new world, I sat up and tried to get out of the bed and stand, with the first step I took I instantly I fell to the groun

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  • prison dallas


    by NyanKittyAshlii
    (Not enough ratings)

    "rin.. Erin… ERIN!" The young raven haired teenager snapped out of her unconscious world, looking up to find a similar face to hers. His face was obviously showing signs of irritability. Oh, what did

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