
first thing god created

  • first thing god created

    A little thing called first love

    by sureshbhonsle0
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  • first thing god created

    Era of the Sovereign God

    by Firstlight567
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    created the world. The First God created all living things and gave birth to life. The Second God was tasked with protecting the world from evil. The Third God was tasked with destroying all threats

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  • first thing god created

    hyi c rx9 e

    by SlowSteadySloth
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    thing the from years herb, bearing. Third that fruit. Seas creature living every a. Made. Creepeth also blessed deep firmament waters replenish void fly won't our fifth place there whose dominion void

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  • first thing god created

    Kingdom of Fools Online

    by BakaNoBaka
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    thing was a scheme planned for a thousand of years. The small meteor was not the first to ever arrive at earth. . In a hidden underground at the center of a huge palace in Romban City. A group of

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  • first thing god created

    Just some story I wrote about GODS

    by Dark_Eagle
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    first GOD, "The God of Light" and out from the dark also came a God "The God of Darkness". Right after that, the two overpowered elements disappeared, but before they disappeared they transferred all

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  • first thing god created

    Up And Above

    by MrE
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    created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there

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  • first thing god created

    The True Tale of Creation (Islam)

    by Mr1Bush
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    first being to be created was Jibril the Archangel with light (Noor), The Archangel has six hundred wings and is so huge that a bird would take 7 hundred years just to travel from his earlobe to his

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  • first thing god created

    Holy Bible

    by Jesus_is_Lord
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    created the heavens and the earth The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let th

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  • first thing god created

    The Rise of the Greatest Artifact

    by PotatoGodofTime
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    thing I can fucking say for sure it his good damn fault! I mean my mother at that time was just 9 years old! 9 mother fucking years old! And my father at that time was 38! Wtf why would you I'm impreg

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  • first thing god created

    Seduction Mastery

    by PsychoticTrapLover
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    first thing I noticed when I woke was trees. I can guess by this that I'm in some kind of forest, so the first thing I do, instead of panicing is calling for my mother, who's the source of all this.

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