
fantasy novel reviews

  • fantasy novel reviews

    Bookworm's Reviews

    by Ana_Maria_Badica
    (Not enough ratings)

    This is a collection of reviews about the books I've read so far :)

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    12 Hours After

    by 프롬헬 (FromHell)
    4.24 (147 ratings)

    novel is easy. I always feel this. Personally, I started to feel weak around the 150th chapter. It has not been easy to write since then. I thought it would be better to take six books from the beginn

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    Battlefield Restart- An Identity Beyond Self!

    by FlowingWaves
    (Not enough ratings)

    fantasy world, fantasy world meets zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse meets hero's journey, hero's journey meets evil protagonist, evil protagonist meets power of friendship, power of friendship mee

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    Mischievous Time Stopper

    by SomeRandomDaoist
    (Not enough ratings)

    novel that you should read if you're looking for something fun. I only wrote this so I could get more used to writing and get some feedback/reviews while I'm at it. This means that it could just

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

    by Wicked1
    4.22 (60 ratings)

    fantasy novels and i wanted to write one myself. I began to write just this month and the first novel i wrote was a complete failure , i had to force my friends to read it an like it . I got only 6

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    The Rise of a Noble

    by VlassisBehrakis
    4.66 (Not enough ratings)

    novel nor am I going premium. Now what I wanted to talk about is what is the future of this book? Anyhow after I finish writing aka reach about 120k words. I will go into a deep rewrite which wil

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    The Pathway

    by Primate
    4.89 (128 ratings)

    novel of the eastern fantasy genre. It's a web serial work that portrays the primordial entities, ancient gods, immortal beings, cultivation, mystical arts and martial arts. Is it a work of reality o

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    Double Daytime

    by Megalomaniacal
    (Not enough ratings)

    novel had gained his particular obsession and devotion. The novel was one of the current top novels, a modern fantasy world novel with various heroes with different tropes. It was the current block

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    The Alchemists

    by Missrealitybites
    4.93 (247 ratings)

    novel. I've been writing since I was 12, like decades ago (yeah... I'm old) and never got anything published since I was a perfectionist and my works needed research and I didn't have the means to do

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  • fantasy novel reviews

    The Statsguy's Mag

    by thestatsguy
    4.94 (104 ratings)

    novel is that the MC's character is realistic, isn't stiff. She expresses a variety of human emotions and thinking. Normally, she is lovable, free-spirited, and loves to tease and take advantages of o

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