
coming of age novels

  • coming of age novels

    Coming Of Age

    by Tiffy4U
    4.74 (39 ratings)

    coming of age? Will she still see Nathan as just a guy next door who annoys her or will she just realise that feelings for him are starting to surface? Find out in this sweet tooth novel!!❤❤ WARNING:

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  • coming of age novels

    Pokemon:The Legend

    by GhostyZ
    4.41 (39 ratings)

    age as Gary's sisters. Gary punches a hole in the wall and storms straight into his room and slams the door. He hated seeing Zane with the cheerleaders who cheered him on ever since he was a littl

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  • coming of age novels

    Revenge in another world

    by DestinyDragon
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    age after being kicked out of the orphanage he taught himself how to read and write.He got a job at a restaurant. He then discovered novels, anime, and manga which give him the drive to work hard. H

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  • coming of age novels

    The Ancestor

    by xlfighter
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    coming for said loli's life. He then proceeded to protect said loli, who, mind you , he only met a day ago with his life. Against assassins with guns. Fucking guns!!!! The thing that really drov

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  • coming of age novels


    by AceCard10
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    age of 3 years old but he keeps avoiding the lord's request of him taking an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test which we are guessing if he ever took one will easily surpass above 300 IQ (Einstein = 160-

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  • coming of age novels

    Infinite Adventure

    by FGFenrir
    4.45 (16 ratings)

    coming from the soul. "Where am I now? I was just chillin' at home wondering what anime to watch next a second ago." "Indeed, you were. However, I thought it would be more amusing to have you live

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  • coming of age novels

    Soaring the multiverse with an op system

    by DreamBox_Math
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    novels and comics. So much so that he basically lost all reason to study. He did not care about his future. The only thing he did care for was his little sister. At the age of 5, Takami's parents were

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  • coming of age novels

    Song Tian's Farm and His Daily Life

    by OrzDemonic
    4.29 (21 ratings)

    coming to attack our galaxy," he said. Song Tian furrowed his brows, "Just because of this? What's the crystal do?" he couldn't help but ask. Song Lian answered, "The Founder of Martial Hall, my

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  • coming of age novels


    by Kalki_Avatar
    4.85 (11 ratings)

    novels of earth cultivate through something called 'Qi' in the enviornment. Can I do that?" "They first try to sense 'Qi' and then absorb it into their body, I guess." "I should try to do it. It

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  • coming of age novels

    I Decided To Become A Wandering God; A Record of Adventurous Newly Minted God

    by SiegmundPenwolf
    (Not enough ratings)

    age is deceiving. That's a curse, a perk, gift, the thing I have – eternal youth and immortality which in my own words, being a god literally. That's right, a god. I came to this world 1000 years a

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