
coming of age short stories

  • coming of age short stories

    Coming Of Age

    by Tiffy4U
    4.74 (39 ratings)

    coming of age? Will she still see Nathan as just a guy next door who annoys her or will she just realise that feelings for him are starting to surface? Find out in this sweet tooth novel!!❤❤ WARNING:

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  • coming of age short stories

    Demon Machine Beast

    by novelzoner
    (Not enough ratings)

    coming to change the human life, a new age starts. Said age is full of searching for truth by the name of dark justice. But this will bring this world into a new age of chaos that will make human life

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  • coming of age short stories

    Indian Nation

    by LittleHorseFace
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    stories each night. It was first just Aylen and Oota. Soon other kids joined then their parents. Pretty soon I have the whole clan sitting around me and the bonfire listening to me telling stories of

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  • coming of age short stories

    A fool's dream

    by gaminologue_lebeau
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    short hair, and light green eyes, in which you could see a bit of violet, if you looked deeper into it. He was British, but had come to France to study in order to visit the country that he loved sinc

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  • coming of age short stories

    The time I was reborn a God of War

    by Galanar
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    short, one tall. " So, how were your 6 months in hell? Still ready to take on any challenge I throw you? The taller man asked, a grin upon his face. " If that was your best, there ain't nothing you

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  • coming of age short stories

    Ciarra the Cold

    by Nyx_Wylder
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    coming of age ceremony I wake up with memories of my past life. I look at the world with new eyes, and it feels like I'm starting over. I remember every moment of both lives. My new world has magic, l

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  • coming of age short stories

    The road to success from a familiar past

    by felmend
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    stories. It has been a really bad year. I went from believing I had a lot of time to introduce all kinds of stories to the world, to realize that I wasn't the only reincarnated person in the world

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  • coming of age short stories

    Dragon Lost

    by Edward_Cole
    (Not enough ratings)

    coming. They had only met twice, Leo meeting him at age 3 and 7, both time's in awe of what his Uncle would tell him. Stories from the deep. That's what his uncle called them. So meeting his uncle wou

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  • coming of age short stories

    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha

    by Aelryinth
    4.79 (47 ratings)

    age, those dark robes meant she had a backer, and testing them would be a bad idea. She was very confident and at ease, clear in her beauty and power, but few could see that behind her golden eyes

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  • coming of age short stories

    The Famous Millionaire

    by 박승연
    3.95 (104 ratings)

    age. Worse, AT Entertainment didn't give her an opportunity to appear on TV. Even after her contract expired, broadcasting companies rejected her because of the pressure of AT Entertainment, which w

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