/ Anime & Comics / The Uchiha's in MHA 11111 (Has been moved)

The Uchiha's in MHA 11111 (Has been moved) Orisinil

The Uchiha's in MHA 11111 (Has been moved)

Anime & Comics 3 Bab 825.6K Dilihat
Penulis: DaoistShinobi

4.19 (29 peringkat)

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WARNING:  This fanfic has been moved to a different book please search up, "The Uchiha's in MHA" To continue to read!!!!

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It’s obvious this author got ideas from the other Madara fanfic but this one just seems very cringe. First off, he is not like Madara at all, he only has his powers. At least in the other one you get those Madara vibes but here its just bad. He says “Because I’m Madara Uchiha” after every time someone asks him something and more. Like blah blah blah how can you do that? “Because I’m Madara Uchiha” Why are you holding a knife in class? “Because I’m Madara Uchiha” I know chapters are low but I don’t have hopes for this.

Lihat 7 balasan

Not Madara just some cringe ass mother****er, overall the story is decent at best. Not your fault kinda hard to fully grasp a character that wasn't created by you soooo just keep up the good work and you will slowly learn how to properly mimic a character.

Lihat 1 balasan

Let’s get to some pointers. Cons 1: Started off a little bland and cringe 2: Only focused on MC and Enji at the beginning. 3: Didn’t really describe the world well at the beginning. Pros 1: In the more recent chapters the character has grown tremendously and we actually get to see a bit of personality and ambition. 2: More recent chapters have had much better description and character growth. 3: Dosn’t absolutely crap on Izuku for no reason, while Izuku remains the same emotional wreck, he is still his intelligent analytical self. 4: MC seems to actually end his own person not Madara himself. 5: Very enjoyable fight scenes. Definitely some of my favorite in any fanfic! They are descriptive and fun! 6: Definitely my favorite fanfic

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Probably this fic's first actual review but whatever. Let's just do bullet points and knock this out. • OC and his lack of a personality • Background Characters aren't Characters • Not really adding anything to the world to make it unique • Lack of descriptive writing • Waste of potential - This rendition of the character doesn't exactly excite me to any degree and I've seen just about every one of his potential fights played out in other crappy fan-fics. His ego seems a tad bit more leveled than Bakou-b*tch's but thats only because he has a hype man that follows him around in every chapter doing the boasting for him. - Since Enjiro is the only 'person' besides the OC that you'll often see it's kinda sad that you got his character completely wrong, first off he dyes his hair red (naturally black), I don't remember him having any prior combat experiance before U.A and if he did it would be boxing. While he does respect strength and "manliness" it wouldn't be to fanatic levels of lunacy shown. Brief mentions; Aisawa wouldn't let the OC be a popus little sh*t and would knock him down a peg as early as entering the classroom, season 1 Bakou-b*tch would've leaped over people in danger to punch the OC in their first 'interaction' - Not really anything inherently different to set this MHA universe apart from the rest except another Madara Uchiha that still manages to fail miserably at being as cool as OG Madara even with all his powers. - Only the OC and Kirishima have actually gotten any physical descriptions (Note: I stopped reading at the 3rd to last chapter so it's possible someone or something was 'lucky' enough to have their eyes, hair or structure defined) - I've read a few Madara fan-fics and this one doesn't even make the top 50 list, the guy is just boring, he mentioned wasting his natrually born gift in his first life then manages to do it again in his second. And really there isn't an excuse for that type of fuckery other than letting readers know that yes he's stronger than All Might but other than raw fighting potential the guy isn't really cut out to be a hero. He doesn't have the charisma, drive nor values to be a proper hero so why is he at U.A? It's just a damn shame because if you could write someone compelling with those same abilities that actually trained to master them instead of a douchè bag with an 'that was easy button' being a hero just because he 'can' my review would be completely different. Just bring back Mineta atleast that perverted midget had goals (though holes they may be, actual goals all the same.)

Lihat 2 balasan

I've loved this, but you give up. why. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyy

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i actually haven't read past chapter 3 and i will not be going past chapter 3 . first of all their is no character development cause there's nothing to develop since i only read up until chapter 3 . second problem i have with the story is that the mc's social life was pretty much non existent , since we didn't see him talk to anyone aside from his brother. so im gonna assume he sat quietly in class , and went home afterwards without communicating with anyone. problem nr 3 the author skipped his whole life and rushed to the entrance exam arc. and he even skipped the entrance exam 😂😂. what i enjoyed about the story is the fact that we got to see the mc interact with at least one person instead of traning in a cave for 14 years 🤷‍♂️. any way keep up the good work author , and remember "it's not about getting through each and arc its about the journey" PEACE ✌🏽

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This is not madara so don't waste your time on the story. Some beta b*tch that wanted to sound cool on a web site. It's truly disgusting the lies losers pull to get attention. Sorry, the story had no world building during first 11 chapters, there's no character building in anyway, it's just "i got madara's powers in a trash anime world I'm a bad ass" , but it's just the loser author being a back up beta and just follows the story... not worth the read

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LV 12 Badge

Don't know what to say except that I love this also it has Kenobi and Madara in the same ff so how could it not be amazing. ______________________________________

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LV 13 Badge

it is not like that other bull**** madara novel this one is actually decent sdfghjklgfdsaxcvbnm,rewqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwertyui

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A great book kind of short And I hope there is a sequal that continues it it ended abruptly but I think tHe author will do a continuationthe book had good character deVelopment to

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Thanks for the chapter. Also there will always be haters cuz they know nothing but hate there own lives be alive. Personally i like your version because its original like you sad WITH Madara powers. Plz dont drop it, take a brake, relax your body an mind and come back to us thank you.

Lihat 0 balasan

I simply love, super fun story, good development: and before some say "Ohhhh he's just going to copy the other story", believe me he isn't and it's already very different. Just give it a chance overall 8/10 in my opinion. Much love and good luck.

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LV 3 Badge

uchiha madara only if he is from the fucking house, the other story is 100x better, this madara looks like a ****ty naruto, very friendly character of everyone without need, needs help to overcome these villainous garbage

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Like It much better than other fanfics hope

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Not gonna lie, I thought this was one of the other fanfiction but I like the similar but different path this story took. Keep up the good writing and story. Look forward to more chapters in the future.

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Great fanfic, the mc is nicely incorporated into madara's powers and the writing is much better than most of the stuf i've seen on the site. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!

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Good luck ......................................................................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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LV 4 Badge

Double release

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I really love this because Madera uchiha would crush anyone in this world but it is not his full power so he is still able to have good fight

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For the double release♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪(~‾▿‾)~. 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜♪ \(^ω^\ )└( ^ω^)」(「`・ω・)♪(┌・。・)┌.

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Penulis DaoistShinobi