male LV 4
2020-04-04 Bergabung Andorra
Lencana 6

Moments 530
17 days ago


17 days ago


17 days ago
Replied to Grim_Ignotus_LWG

In the conversation you are referring to Snape and dumbledor stated that for Voldemort to die, Harry must also be killed (this is because both of them have a part of the other inside them, harry has a part of voldemort inside him because the original killing curse was reflected from lily onto voldemort and broke a fragment of his soul that latched onto harry giving him parseltongue and the connection to voldemort. Voldemort has a part of Harry inside him because he used harry’s blood to resurrect which made both nigh unkillable as long the other stayed alive ) This is completely proved by this statement in the books "'He said the protection my — my mother left in me — he’d have it too. And he was right — he could touch me without hurting himself, he touched my face.' For a fleeting instant, Harry thought he saw a gleam of something like triumph in Dumbledore's eyes. But next second, Harry was sure he had imagined it, for when Dumbledore had returned to his seat behind the desk, he looked as old and weary as Harry had ever seen him.” - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire This establishes the importance of harry’s sacrifice as well as something else evidenced by the “gleam of triumph” this gives dumbledor the fact that harry is teatherd to Voldemort making Voldemort something similar to a horcrux for harry so when he hit him with the second killing he didn’t die but that whole sacrificing him self shenanigan was important in killing Voldemort not because he actually needed to die but because the belief that he would sacrifice himself is the most important because after the “sacrifice” even tho he didn’t actually die he still made significant efects (weakening Voldemort to the point he couldn’t silence his followers using his magic or even harm any innocent people at hogwarts Dumbledore understood this. He knew that if Harry believed he was sacrificing himself to protect those he loved, the wizarding world would be protected from Voldemort. And he also knows because of the statement from the goblet of fire that Harry would survive any attempts at being killed by voldemort TLDR: dumbledor knew Harry wasn’t going to die

The only problem is the "conspiracy theory" mentioned in the fan fiction Ivan had read before, such as Harry being a pawn of Dumbledore and having been manipulated his entire life.

Hogwarts' White Lord

Hogwarts' White Lord

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

19 days ago
Replied to Grim_Ignotus_LWG

Source: trust me bro

The only problem is the "conspiracy theory" mentioned in the fan fiction Ivan had read before, such as Harry being a pawn of Dumbledore and having been manipulated his entire life.

Hogwarts' White Lord

Hogwarts' White Lord

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

22 days ago

Fatherless champion for a fatherless cat for a fatherless character


Yuumi was the name Ivan gave to the ragdoll cat, inspired by a game he played in his previous life, Magic Cat Yuumi.

Hogwarts' White Lord

Hogwarts' White Lord

Book&Literature · HornyFBI

24 days ago


24 days ago

Good stuff especially because all the chapters that were previously not very good are now edited to perfection pretty much In fact I don’t remember reading any major(or minor) mistakes in the story after the edits and a thing that i liked is the consistency that this story had because I really hate when a story gets the ages of the characters or places wrong and this one didn’t have this problem at all so the attention to detail is much appreciated One of the better got stories I’ve read in a while Keep going author

26 days ago
Replied to Haku_Ouroboros

Is the author copying someone or is he being copied?

Though he was hungry, Alex refused to drink the gruel contaminated with the yellow liquid. Instead, he started to explore his newly acquired abilities.

MTS: Marvel and Beyond

MTS: Marvel and Beyond

Anime & Comics · Baph0met

29 days ago

Good job Good job Good job Good job Good job Good job Good job Good job Good job