/ Anime & Comics / Life As Hikigaya Hachiman
4.35 (128 peringkat)
In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together."
Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth.
"English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors."
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Tulis ulasanWell this is it for me guys. 90+ chapters with no supernatural elements. I really wanted to like this, but it took like 20 or so chapters for the author to forget this version of hachiman had a system. It took 75 chapters for me to almost give up. And this is me officially throwing in the towel. Thanks, its well written (mostly) but not my kind of novel Writing quality: 5 Stability of updates: 5 Story development: 3* Character design: 2** World background: 2*** *the story went in a boring direction. If you are going to merge in system elements at least have the decency to world hop or merge supernatural type stories. The only saving grace is hachiman publishing whats basically a better version of a story that shall remain unnamed. ** although hachiman is fleshed out as a character, most others are not. *** author forgot about the system. Author adds saeko busujima but she barely acts like her. Some soma(food wars) elements. Including the gods tongue and academy. After 2 chapters this is barely mentioned at all.
So this is my review till chapter 70: 1st of all I didn’t like that the MC is Hachiman I prefer original character from the author of the fanfic. 2nd the system it is not bad, but the MC does not use it very well he didn’t try to get new skills like business, computer, medical or survival if that was the case, I would’ve liked the author to limit the amount of skills that he can get or allocate the amount of point to his prefer category. 3rd the internal monologue is a lot and the MC mainly talk with girls he does not have male friend except one I think. 4th the conversations feel a little stiff and sometime forced. Finally the baiting it is OK to do it once, but personally, I don’t like it example “you think he will kiss her now and then someone will bust him or he refuse an invitation from his Senpai to take a shower together” you have to keep in mind that the MC is a 15 or 16-year-old so he is raging hormones. Ps: it is a good read, but it leaves a lot to be desired.
Personally I was expecting something different and better sadly I was disappointed. Some people might like this FF but personally its not for me
In order to connect to the harem, the main character is very indecisive coward and cannot make his point properly. He keeps saying he's a gentleman, but he keeps the girls at bay. Finally, we were able to make some progress in the 120th chapter. But until that chapter, i broke away from the fanfic. Time skips.. I don't like time skips. We missed the character interactions because of this time skip. The parents are non-existent. I mean, don't you ever worry about your kids? Why don't you call them on the phone? Your kid's in a tournament. Why don't you call and congratulate him? There's a lot more I could list, but I don't want to tire myself out any more. The only positive thing I'll say is his relationship with his little sister Komachi, for her sake I raise the rating and give 3*. WQ:3 SoU:5 SD:2 CD:2 WB:3
Disjointed Thoughts, not coherent Tl/Dr: It's pretty good, if you overlook some things I would like to say I couldn't care less if this was monogamous or multi as long as long as it's a good read. It's the latter this time I read over 200 chapters. It started out great. New dude becomes Hachiman, and he gets an improvement system. Which isn't bad, but a lot of authors aren't great with a possible op character in a slice of life world. With some always putting it in your face how great mc is, glazing dude to the max. Which the author isn't really bad with. Anyway let's get to it. He explains away how good he gets in certain activities, as having just had an epiphany, or I just got better right now(like right at that exact moment). Kendo/sports is understandable sometimes you enter the flow state and things click. But cooking, that actually takes time, even if you're exceptionally talented. I guess you can explain it away by anime logic. I can understand the sentiment of being the best at everything if you can. It just seems to feed the ego at that point. Like Satoru Gojo said he could be great at everything, but it would get boring after a while. He decides what some people who get isekai'd do, to accumulate waifus. Mc comes off as creepy when arranging a meeting with Yui, dense majority of the time. He likes to wave things off as he claims he is a "gentleman ". The slow burn romance was actually okay at first. Then he puts off the first girls and starts catching them like pokemon. Bending over backwards for original mc love interest Yukino. Not to mention the regression of character growth for a lot of characters like Yui, Yumiko, and Hina. Just to fall back to original plot to get Yukino instead of being proactive. Then just kissing girls without concern or situational application(shizuka), and them just falling in love. Like one reviewer said do the heroines justice if you're going to put them in that type of relationship instead of someone that will just agree and go along with no opinion or push back actually treat them like the person they are The dialogue is super formal considering they are teenagers, I figured it would have been more casual If you read the review this far you are a trooper
Membuka SPOILERwell if you like a generic dance harem protag that is a reincarnated person from our world... I liked it at the beginning when he decided to get a harem and not be as dance as the original MC and treat the girls better than the original. But Instead, you slowly turn him into a dance beta protag that doesn't have the nads to make moves on girls. Instead, he lets them walk all over him.
My review up to the 4th chapter! for me the story is very good, there are no mistakes in writing, and it is constantly being updated, but I don't know if the author will keep this pace, but as long as it is updated daily or weekly for me it's great!
Good premise. the level of English definitely hurts the story but you are warned of that. the only problem I see is that the original MC is definitely better than this mc. in every single way. hes kinda creepy too. his system is extra boring as well.
It's just one of many fanfics of wish-fulfillment that also heavily cater to select fans of the Author. The Mc is a wreck canvas that is full of chaotic elements that change at every whim of the Author. In short, the MC doesn't have his own personality, at one point he is humble, then next he embody the supposed past owner of his body, just full of incongruity. I don't even want to start to when he recreated the scene of the beginning of Season 1 of the anime which doesn't make sense as he's a changed man from then. Sorry Author but this is just isn't for me. I wrote my honest review, and maybe it's just me.
Well how to say it, this fic is nothing special, but it's okay, although for me the progress is a bit boring, the author is focusing a lot on 2 things that is Kendo and Yui, there is almost nothing apart from that.
A great fanfic. I didn't think the hachiman fanfic would be this great. Every character is well done with great interactions between them and his relationship develops steadily with the girl unlike in some novels where the mc is just caching pokemon. Try great novel I just hope that you increase the number of updates. THANK YOU
Without a doubt, one of the best fanfics at the moment, it reminded me of Akikan's work, but at the same time different, don't let it fall, this fanfic can become one of the best at the moment.
We definitely needed a hikigaya hachiman self insert. The cheat is also good. Neither op nor boring. I am writing the review at 11 chapter. Hoping to the author not dropping it.
Many problems in this story. Biggest one is the MC. He isn’t really a “character” by that I mean that his personality depends on what the author needs for the plot. The only constant personality trait I’ve seen of the MC is that he’s a creep towards women, and being a complete coward that can’t tell love interests that he is already in a relationship with other girls, he’d rather sleep with them and lead them on first. Author also doesn’t know what makes a protagonist charming. So he has the MC deliver the worst lines imaginable to flirt with the love interests and yet the author paints those lines as if they were the most poetic words ever uttered. There are many more issues with the MC but it’d take too long to list every example. Second biggest issue with the story is inconsistency. From changing a characters age many times Like Shizuka suddenly being aged up multiple times despite being younger in earlier chapters. To bigger more ridiculous inconsistencies. Honestly, it’s crazy how bad it can get. I’ll give a made up example but there are very similar instances just like this throughout the story. If the author says the MC woke up, put his clothes on, then headed to school; in the next paragraph the author will say that the MC had to return to his house once he left because he had forgotten to put his clothes on. It took 1 paragraph for the author to forget what they just wrote. Sometimes the inconsistency happens in the same literal paragraph, so in the span of a sentence the author will write that the complete opposite had happened than what he had literally just written. No proofreading I guess. Third issue, wanting to keep the canon even if it has to be shamelessly forced. Author explains it as them not wanting to slow down the release rate so when they are feeling down they just copy whatever events happen in the original story and forces the plot no matter how much doing so will create massive inconsistencies. The author will act as if certain things in the past never happened if it means being able to force canon. The time skips are handled incredibly poorly. It’s a turn your brain off fanfic, if the inconsistencies could be fixed, and the author could learn what makes a good protagonist then the author would be able to write a fun to read story. I’ve read up to chapter 192 so maybe it happens later but I don’t know if I’ll continue it.
Penulis Leonzky
When Author put "English is not my first language" in the synopsis.