/ TV / Miracle!

Miracle! Original


TV 43 Chapters 64.3K Views
Author: pokecraft98

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The sixth book for my Doctor Who fan fiction with elements of RWBY, Madoka Magica, Symphogear, and SAO in there.

It will have me, the Doctor, obviously, the companion, whoever it might be. It will also have characters from RWBY, Madoka Magica, Symphogear, and SAO in there, all of us interacting with each other.

The Doctor dies, getting the Relic over to Atlas, and the magical girls are still around. I know that things will get tougher as time goes on as we're reaching the 2010s in my story.

It's gonna be hard, especially for the traveling, the hijinks, running, and traveling. With some new relationships made along the way with secrets revealed.

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Author pokecraft98