/ History / the rise of romania

the rise of romania Original

the rise of romania

History 94 Chapters 209.5K Views

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In 1889, a boy was born in Peres Palace in Romania. Blessed with knowledge of the distant future, join him on his journey, lifting Romania from the balkans to the top of the world and never looking back.

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  1. Repo_Games
    Repo_Games Contributed 27
  2. Steven_Mitchell_0668
    Steven_Mitchell_0668 Contributed 24
  3. Nobume_Imai_5090
    Nobume_Imai_5090 Contributed 15

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Good, it's just the Chinese names ruined it

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the novel is great so far the one that irk me is Chinese naming instead of romanian. author i have a question is the naming of future military vehicles like truck, tank , airplane, jet and warships still Chinese or ROMANIAN

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I love this genre of novels. Very hard to come by on this app. Its giving off strong tyranny of steel vibes.

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Latest Release:
Chapter 94: Budget 1 months ago

Volume 1

  1. 1
    The Hohenzollern family 4 months ago
  2. 2
    First Steps 4 months ago
  3. 3
    Housework 4 months ago
  4. 4
    Ploiesti 4 months ago
  5. 5
    Reorganising the army pt.1 4 months ago
  6. 6
    Reorganising the army pt.2 4 months ago
  7. 7
    Internal disputes 4 months ago
  8. 8
    Weeding out the roots 4 months ago
  9. 9
    Problem 4 months ago
  10. 10
    Postponing the problem 4 months ago
  11. 11
    Air force 4 months ago
  12. 12
    Exercise 4 months ago
  13. 13
    Car factory 4 months ago
  14. 14
    Ford 4 months ago
  15. 15
    A new future 4 months ago
  16. 16
    Diesel engine 4 months ago
  17. 17
    Truck 4 months ago
  18. 18
    Steel plant 4 months ago
  19. 19
    Navy 3 months ago
  20. 20
    Financial crisis 3 months ago
  21. 21
    Financial turmoil 3 months ago
  22. 22
    Financial war 3 months ago
  23. 23
    A new life 3 months ago
  24. 24
    Model T 3 months ago
  25. 25
    Sales 3 months ago
  26. 26
    Revolution 3 months ago
  27. 27
    Chaotic landscape 3 months ago
  28. 28
    Negotiation 3 months ago
  29. 29
    New president 3 months ago
  30. 30
    Aircraft 3 months ago
  31. 31
    Rudolf Diesel 3 months ago
  32. 32
    Fritz Haber 3 months ago
  33. 33
    Electricity 3 months ago
  34. 34
    Ammunition 3 months ago
  35. 35
    Logistics 3 months ago
  36. 36
    Support for Germany 3 months ago
  37. 37
    Russia concedes 3 months ago
  38. 38
    Preparations 3 months ago
  39. 39
    Plan 3 months ago
  40. 40
    Willis Rubber Company 3 months ago
  41. 41
    Rubber sales 3 months ago
  42. 42
    Military aircraft 3 months ago
  43. 43
    Crackdown 3 months ago
  44. 44
    New steel leader 3 months ago
  45. 45
    12th division 3 months ago
  46. 46
    Agricultural factory 3 months ago
  47. 47
    Tight pockets 3 months ago
  48. 48
    Strengthening the navy 3 months ago
  49. 49
    One more chance 2 months ago
  50. 50
    Love is blooming 2 months ago
  51. 51
    Tractor 2 months ago
  52. 52
    Date night 2 months ago
  53. 53
    New guns and prime minister 2 months ago
  54. 54
    Job as prime minister 2 months ago
  55. 55
    Motivation 2 months ago
  56. 56
    More funding 2 months ago
  57. 57
    Politics 2 months ago
  58. 58
    Marriage 2 months ago
  59. 59
    Aircraft 2 months ago
  60. 60
    Progress 2 months ago
  61. 61
    Ammonia 2 months ago
  62. 62
    Delegation 2 months ago
  63. 63
    Treaty 2 months ago
  64. 64
    Balkan war 2 months ago
  65. 65
    Weak ottomans 2 months ago
  66. 66
    Invasion 2 months ago
  67. 67
    Crushed 2 months ago
  68. 68
    End of hostilities 2 months ago
  69. 69
    Negotiation 2 months ago
  70. 70
    Unable to find an agreement 2 months ago
  71. 71
    Tensions rising 2 months ago
  72. 72
    Prepare to attack 2 months ago
  73. 73
    New alliance 2 months ago
  74. 74
    Preparations 2 months ago
  75. 75
    Surprise attack 2 months ago
  76. 76
    Romania declares war 2 months ago
  77. 77
    Adaptation 2 months ago
  78. 78
    Brutal fighting 2 months ago
  79. 79
    Street fighting 2 months ago
  80. 80
    Airpower 1 months ago
  81. 81
    Demolised 1 months ago
  82. 82
    Night raid failure 1 months ago
  83. 83
    Surrender 1 months ago
  84. 84
    Negotiate terms of surrender 1 months ago
  85. 85
    Awards 1 months ago
  86. 86
    Treating soldiers well 1 months ago
  87. 87
    Armoured vehicle 1 months ago
  88. 88
    Relocating bulgarians 1 months ago
  89. 89
    Stealing gold 1 months ago
  90. 90
    5 ton 1 months ago
  91. 91
    Edels inspection 1 months ago
  92. 92
    Expansion 1 months ago
  93. 93
    Pregnant 1 months ago
  94. 94
    Budget 1 months ago