"Perhaps it's time to retire," Franz thought to himself.
History · New Sea Moon
Dang, time fly really fast huh
With the Emperor still able to inspect the troops on horseback at over sixty years of age, what more needed to be said?
History · New Sea Moon
At least not so severe since French which (allegedly) give financial and weaponry aid to the Bolshevik isn’t possible anymore.
If things proceeded as they had in the original timeline, the Tsarist Government under Nicholas II would mismanage the economy internally and waver strategically on the international field, ultimately leading to their own downfall.
History · New Sea Moon
Can’t really know why Qing or whatever Chinese Dynasty mentioned is being censored here, isn’t the Author Chinese themselves?
In a sense, the ambitions of the Japanese Government are the result of the xxx Empire's indulgence. Had they changed rulers, by 1874, Japan would have been crippled, without a chance for what followed...
History · New Sea Moon
Why is Qing censored here?
Korea is not a concern, but we cannot disregard the reactions of xxx. Even though they have declined, to us, they remain an enormous entity.
History · New Sea Moon
"Money, money, money," had become the curse of the governments across the European Continent. "Twelve billion" was not "twelve pieces," because the previous wars had emptied the national treasuries, and even the Vienna Government could not gather such a sum in a short time.
History · New Sea Moon
Why is it that the sh*ttiest fanfic got finished while gem like this one got abandoned :(
Congrats on 1K chapters.
Chapter 14, A Chaotic World
History · New Sea Moon
(Also known as Maximilian)
History · New Sea Moon
Hell yeah
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!
Movies · iRedX43