/ Magical Realism / Stupid gaming man

Stupid gaming man Original

Stupid gaming man

Magical Realism 12 Chapters 36.8K Views
Author: SoraAnime

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This is a million-dollar story with countless movie and video game adaptions; marvel at my masterpiece mortal

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So, fu*k it. Its ya boi back again to review this at 2 am in the morning during quarantine since I'm a disappointment to both my family and friends. Anyway, let's start! This novel, embraces the way we look at ourselves and others, and yeets it out the window. It allows us to not look at the eyes as the windows to the soul, but as the pits of empty darkness that they actually are. If there ever was, a time in my life. When I didn't regret something for once, it was reading this novel. I know what you are thinking, "isn't this just another ****post novel?" No, stfu. Learn to read and actually spend your time watching the way that social and economical interactions work by reading a big brain novel so big brain, that it makes it feel like your brain was actually a small brain before this. Most of you probably wont even take your time to read this novel, much less this review. But that's ok. We all make mistakes in our lives and that's ok. Wow, that sounded really passive aggressive. Either way, during a time of toilet paper stock price increasing and being thankful to the people keeping the internet up, we need to band together. To advance, not as an individual. But as a society. Not one small step for man, but a leap or mankind. Instead of teaching one fish to get cought on a fish line and fall for the bait everytime, spread propaganda underwater about how sexy and useful it is for the fish government for the fish to get cought on the lines. To not feed one, but to feed everyone. This is the base concept of this novel, a concept so deep and yet shallow in study's, that there has yet to be anyone to find out exactly what the concept is. Maybe this convinced you, maybe it did not. Either way, I hope to see every last human in the comments joining me in evolving as a race. You thought that was the end? YOU WERE WRONG! I have lots more time to go so, lets continue. Now, you may be wondering, how would we spread this to every single human and sugar glider alive right now? Easy. We bring back communism. If every one is equally financially stable, at some point they will be able to afford a Nokia 1800 and we can all finally experience how not a carp turns into a dragon, but how a group of clearly superior monkeys teach the lesser monkeys to be like them so they all become better as a whole. You might also wonder how long it took me to type this, and I would say about 30 minutes quite to my surprise. Mostly since it feels like it was shorter. See, even writing a review about it is fun and it lets you wast some of your time you lazy fu*k. Now read this novel. I SAID, READ THIS NOVEL! Random sh*t to get to 2661

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I already reviewed this once before, but I just needed people to know of the technological masterpiece of a novel this is. Anyone who has anything from depression to homicidal rage should join me in the endeavor of reading this novel. I can safely say that by reading this novel my life has experienced a massive change have been happier lately. This novel is something that I frequently re-read and every time I do, it only gets better. Anyone who may disagree, I invite you to read this amazing work of art that truly pushes the limits of what can be made by a mortal man, if it is written by one that is... I have a feeling that this man might actually be the one and only God that exists and I went past the 666 character limit that i wanted to stop at so f*ck me in the a*s. Anyway tho, please read this nobel to expand what you know about the world, for example, fortnite cheese. Do you know what it is? Well neither did i until I read this novel! So come on down boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, misters and sisters, you are all welcome to THE GREATEST NOVEL THAT HAS AND WILL EVER EXIST!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???!!?!?? GRAB DESTINY BY THE BALLS AND EMBRACE THE SWEET SUCCULENT THING THAT IS DESTINY!!!!!!! In other words, read this novel right f*cking now you procrastinating pieces of sh*t since if you don't do it now you probably never will. NOW! HELP! ME! GET! THIS! NOVEL! INTO! FIRST! PLACE! And now some random stuff to get to 1500.

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What can I possibly say about this novel.... Even if I thought of the most descriptive and innovative words, they would not do it justice. This novel is a piece of art that represents how we see the world and the way in which we deal with the consequences of our actions. If I had not read this novel, my suicidal thoughts would have already made me jump out f the window of my dorm. Thus, I say that this novel not only creates new life in the form of words, but also supports and stabilizes the lives which already exist. 11/10 would recomend. Best read I've ever had in my entire life. Ps. If you dont read it u gay. P.s.s. my trap card allows me to ignore "No U"

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after finishing this very long and intense story I have finally concluded that this was an absolute masterpiece of a book, I rate it 5000 vbucks.

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Yes. From the use of impressive vocabulary to creative adjectives this is a true masterpiece. I can’t help but visualize all of the words. It’s truly so creative and inspirational. Every new sentence is pure bliss if i do say so myself. This has inspired me to start writing in hopes that i could create something as majestic and amazing as this. So i would like to take the time to say. Yes, thank you.

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Author SoraAnime