The Three Heavenly Cultivations: Body, Mind & Soul Original

The Three Heavenly Cultivations: Body, Mind & Soul

Eastern Fantasy 47 Chapters 309.2K Views

4.63 (15 ratings)

Latest Release:
Chapter 47: The First Match 5 years ago

Volume 1 : Introduction

  1. 1
    4 Seasons Academy 5 years ago
  2. 2
    The Wierd Boy, Xia Jiang 5 years ago
  3. 3
    The ‘Testing & Practice Arena’ 5 years ago
  4. 4
    Jun Yao & Hai Wang 5 years ago
  5. 5
    Cheng Dai 5 years ago
  6. 6
    Soul Cultivation 5 years ago
  7. 7
    Bao Tan 5 years ago
  8. 8
    The Mysterious Mind Cultivation 5 years ago
  9. 9
    Strong Or Weak 5 years ago
  10. 10
    Mind Cultivation Demonstration 5 years ago
  11. 11
    The Mysterious Ranks 5 years ago
  12. 12
    Home 5 years ago
  13. 13
    Da Xue 5 years ago
  14. 14
    The Art For Da Xue 5 years ago
  15. 15
    The Grandma & The Patriarch 5 years ago
  16. 16
    Grandpa 5 years ago
  17. 17
    The Heavenly Meal 5 years ago
  18. 18
    Finding A Job 5 years ago
  19. 19
    Cultivation Levels 5 years ago
  20. 20
    The Argument Between Students 5 years ago
  21. 21
    Start Cultivating 5 years ago
  22. 22
    Half Level Cultivator 5 years ago
  23. 23
    Mysterious New Ability 5 years ago
  24. 24
    The Principal Of The 4 Seasons Academy 5 years ago
  25. 25
    The New Ability Explained 5 years ago
  26. 26
    The Unbreachable Barrier 5 years ago
  27. 27
    Impact 5 years ago
  28. 28
    Unexpected Move By The Family 5 years ago
  29. 29
    Mysterious Presence 5 years ago
  30. 30
    Half Season Lecture 5 years ago
  31. 31
    Secret Revealed 5 years ago
  32. 32
    Becoming A Cultivator 5 years ago
  33. 33
    Nuo Peng's Backstory 5 years ago
  34. 34
    1st Level Cultivator 5 years ago
  35. 35
    Solutions For Returning 5 years ago
  36. 36
    The Grand Elder 5 years ago
  37. 37
    Naming The Ability 5 years ago
  38. 38
    Reunion 5 years ago
  39. 39
    1st Battle 5 years ago
  40. 40
    Rewards 5 years ago
  41. 41
    Second Battle 5 years ago
  42. 42
    Unexpected Crisis 5 years ago
  43. 43
    Solution Found Out 5 years ago
  44. 44
    Body, Mind & Soul 5 years ago