'Alright, Olga you win... I will pamper and adore you because you are just too damned adorable to bully anymore." I said teasingly and even as she squawked in denial I just shamelessly took her hand into my own with my far stronger fingers gently encircling into her own as I kept her beside me as we walked back towards Ritsuka and Mash who gawked at us holding hands like perverts.
Anime & Comics · Azazyel
While I waited I tore the three item tickets and had the wheel spin for all three items and I got a Deepsea tooth , silverware set and a full restore. I was left speechless by the draws since one of them was a Clamperl exclusive hold item to allow it to evolve into a Huntail. The second was a set of silverware of all things and the last was a full restore. Honestly speaking the silverware were what excited me the most. While I didn't mind eating like a savage I missed being able to cut off a piece of food and blowing on it to cool it down quickly.-
Video Games · loskro
Game is game. And I am also down horrendous.
"You aren't going to... You know throw me away if I don't have it anymore, are you?" He asked softly and I shuddered as something so cute and adorable shouldn't have been such a damn convincing trap!
Anime & Comics · Azazyel
He was to not speak his master's name.
"When I left you," Sun Wukong replied, "I followed the waves and the currents, and drifted across the Eastern Ocean to the Southern Jambu Continent. Here I taught myself to take human form and to wear these clothes and boots. I swaggered around for eight or nine years, but I never found the Way, so I sailed across the Western Ocean to the Western Continent of Cattle−gift. After long enquiries I was lucky enough to meet a venerable Immortal, who taught me the True Result, which makes me as immortal as heaven, and the great Dharma Gate to eternal youth." The monkeys all congratulated him and exclaimed that his like could not be found in a billion years.
I wouldn't know man I'm not a doctor, and I'm basing this off of what I see in anime.
Achievements - None
Fantasy · And_The_Earth
It's Shin Godzilla bro.
Having a little control over my body, I began to move along the city, trying to bypass it and reach the water. Helicopters were already circling above me and shining their searchlights. Fortunately, they did not shoot at me. The very fact that they weren't shooting gave me quite a bit of information. If this world was filled with monsters like me, they would have already started showering me with bullets, but they delayed. It could only mean that they were seeing something like this for the first time, and since I wasn't going straight into town, they decided not to provoke. If they had opened fire first, I might have stormed the city in anger, and surely many generals and politicians would have resigned from their posts.
Movies · MyQuietPlace
WW2 ended in two days after this behemoth of a man showed up.
"BIBLE! GET READY!" M/Sgt. Collier says to his gunner nicknamed Bible due to his heavy conviction in Christianity and always carrying a bible around.
TV · Anomander_Adaar
Unknown. Sorry bro.
'Oh crap, I'm feeling her thighs. They're firm. I guess she's been training. Wait no! Control yourself, Eijiro!' He tried to resist, but, like any man, he failed. Mina's face went redder as she felt something rising, and it was the hero.
Anime & Comics · LesserCodex
The skull? It's a child skull with the adult teeth not so hidden by the outside shell.
Kuroiro can enter and control dark or black things but his old schools placed him on watch given his deceitful attitude when paired with such a quirk. Finally, Kamakiri is aggressive, similar to Bakugo but not to the same extreme, and can make large, sharp, and durable blades grow from his body."
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
Bro could see the future
She didn't intend to keep these weapons and powerful artifacts though and used a spell that Nick wanted VERY badly because of how useful it would be. She simply called it dismantle which was a fitting name considering that it turned fully complete creations back into their base components without any loss at all. With this spell Nick could finally upgrade his wand to be able to match him with all the ways to improve it's original design that he had discovered until now. Daedric runes , organic smithing , starlight empowerment and soul fueling.-
Harry potter: The ringmaker
Book&Literature · loskro