56.39% Marvel: Incursio / Chapter 74: The Tyrant 1

章節 74: The Tyrant 1

Seeing the stairs swarming with creatures, Illyana summoned a blue rift in front of her and jumped through it, reappearing at the top of the stairs. She kicked off the ground, raising her soul sword and sliced straight through the five creatures blocking the steps.

The edges of her blade were super sharp and had an incredibly high temperature. It cut through the creatures and even the surrounding walls without encountering the slightest resistance.

The group hurried up the stairs, while hearing more noise coming from a room up ahead. Liam turned back and blasted the roof above the staircase. The rubble crashed down, blocking the creatures from following them.

"Nice," Sam said, nodding approvingly. Liam gave him a quick nod in return.

They ran through the corridor without encountering more creatures and approached the source of the noise. Turning a corner, they entered a room Liam immediately recognized. Inside were a dazed Dani and Rahne, the latter looking after the former with concern.

"What the hell is going on?" Roberto asked.

"Dr. Reyes tried to kill Dani," Rahne sniffled. "That test wasn't a test for her powers. She... she tried to kill her."

While Rahne spoke, Liam subtly gestured to Illyana, pointing towards a book tucked in the corner of Dr. Reyes' room. It contained all their files and he knew it.

"These creatures and nightmares all seem connected to us," Sam muttered, remembering the creatures that were after Illyana, Roberto and the nightmares he had.

Illyana opened the book and began flipping through its pages, distracting the others. "Test subject 03," she read aloud. "Her hatred for humans makes her a candidate for the program. Inclusion: a killer."

The others crowded around the book, reading in shock, while Liam stood back, silently observing. 'I doubt she has the power to summon whatever that silhouette was,' he thought. 'But if I can get Illyana to create a gate to Limbo, I'll have what I need.'

the feeling is getting stronger outside but i still dont have waht i need (limbo)

"She's prepping us to be killers," Sam said as he read through his own file. "And we can't leave because her barriers block us."

"Then let's kill her," Dani suggested. The others nodded in agreement.

'Teenagers... so dramatic,' Liam thought, rolling his eyes.

The group made their way downstairs via a different set of steps, relying on Rahne's sense of smell to track Dr. Reyes. With Dani regaining some control over her consciousness, the creatures on the bottom floor had vanished.

They entered the medical room, where Liam had spent the last two months recovering. Inside, they found a bloodied Dr. Reyes sitting on the floor, clutching her wounds and applying pressure to a large cut.

"I did all this to save you," she screamed, breathing heavy. "My superiors would have saved you."

"You kept us like slaves," Illyana snapped.

"No! I did this for you!" Dr. Reyes insisted, summoning small, glowing barriers around each of them. "I can let you all go—back to how it was. Except Dani. Her powers are too dangerous. I'm sure you've figured out what they are by now."

The others struggled against the barriers, trying to break free. Liam, however, remained calm, studying the energy enclosing him. 'Interesting,' he mused. 'This almost looks like a magic spell.'

"Her powers bring out your worst fear or your deepest secret," Dr. Reyes continued, her voice filled with a twisted conviction. "Even your most painful trauma's—until it kills you." She thinned the barrier around Dani, who fell unconscious as her powers began to spiral out of control.

Deciding he had seen enough, Liam summoned Incursio. As the armor enveloped him, a strange, familiar feeling came over him but he couldn't quite say where it was coming from. He summoned Neontote and slashed through the barrier, shattering it in one go. Without hesitation, he broke the others' barriers as well.

The group stared at him in shock. Liam was suddenly completely covered in a grey armor and held a red spear afterall. Unbeknownst to Liam, small amounts of white energy from Incursio were slowly flowing to the outside of the building.

"сексуальный," Illyana muttered under her breath, momentarily distracted by the sight.

"Damn," Roberto added, still gaping.

Dr. Reyes looked shocked and was about to say something, but before she could, a large demonic bear with glowing red eyes burst through the wall, roaring in anger. It lunged at her, biting down and tearing off her upper torso and head in one swift motion. Blood sprayed across the room as her legs fell down to the floor.

'That bear wasn't the familiar feeling,' Liam thought, puzzled.

"Another demon?" Illyana asked, her voice low as she stared at the bear and the leftover bodyparts from Dr Reyes.

The bear let out another loud roar, forcing everyone to cover their ears. Illyana quickly summoned her armor and Soul Sword, preparing to fight.

But before the bear could attack, it suddenly froze. It turned its head and roared again as two enormous claws grabbed it by the neck. Slowly, it was dragged back through the hole in the wall before being lifted into the air.

The group stared in stunned silence. The large hole in the wall revealed a massive blue creature with glowing red eyes. Its body was covered in fur, and bone-like structures came from its neck.

'Well... I did not expect that,' Liam thought as he stared at the Tyrant. 'Ermm... what do I do now?'

The Tyrant stood on its hind legs, towering over them all, revealing how tall it really was. 'Goddamn, that thing is easily as tall as a 20-story building.' Liam thought. He walked closer to the hole in the wall while observing the Tyrant.

A massive scar ran over the middle of its body, revealing red skin stitched back together. 'He's not supposed to have that. And from what I can remember, it's supposed to be even bigger than this.' Liam thought, remembering the dream he was in.

The Tyrant dangled the bear over its mouth, ignoring its struggles and roaring, the Tyrant opened its mouth and let go off it. It chewed a few times before locking its eyes onto Liam. The familiar feeling between the two of them attracted its full attention.

Illyana broke the silence. "What is that?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

"This one's mine," Liam said. "You take the others and leave."

Seeing Illyana hesitate, Liam repeated. ''The others are too weak to fight this, you are the only one who can take them away.''

Illyana nodded. Seeing the others paralyzed with fear, she opened a portal and got the others to go through it.

'This is likely my only chance to ever see and study a Tyrant, I have to take this opportunity.' He thought. 'I also need to buy time somehow, Illyana can't open portals too far away. There's also a town nearby which I can't let it go to.' 

"Now we're all alone," Liam shouted, stepping forward.

The Tyrant roared again, shaking the ground. The building behind Liam crumbled into rubble by the soundwaves as he leaped down to the grassy field below. A massive greatsword stuck out of the ground near him.

'My reincarnation with Incursio is my greatest secret,' Liam thought. 'That checks out, in a way. But why is there a sword here?'

next chapter

章節 75: The Tyrant 2

The Tyrant, however, did not want to give Liam any more time to think. Dropping down onto all fours, it roared once more. The roar released so much wind pressure that Liam had to steady himself on the ground to avoid being blown away.

After roaring, it charged at Liam, swiping one of its claws toward him. Liam charged at the same time. He jumped up and dodged the claw, spinning around as he changed his spear to Dragon Mode. Pouring in energy, he unleashed a 2000-degree Celsius flame beam at the Tyrant.

The Tyrant's fur burned slightly while its claw tore through the ground as if cutting butter. 

'As expected, it isn't the real Tyrant,' Liam thought. 'There's no way Dani had enough energy for that, after all. It isn't nearly as tall, fast, or strong as the one I saw in the dream. Despite that, its claws are still super sharp.' His eyes went to the destroyed earth behind him.

The next moment, his expression soured as he felt and saw the Tyrant absorb energy from the surrounding area. The patches of fur that had been burned stopped taking damage and regenerated completely.

"It replicated its ability to adapt and it can also heal like the other beasts?" Liam doubted it was possible, but somehow, the Tyrant had done it. 'What a monster.'

Another claw came his way. Activating his Eldritch Sights, Liam jumped up and landed on the claw, running up the massive arm while dragging Neontote in its normal form through its skin. The spear left a large cut wherever it sliced.

The Tyrant suddenly changed its stance, putting its hind legs right beneath its body and raising its upper body instantly.

 With a violent motion, it threw Liam meters into the air. Spinning uncontrollably, Liam managed to regain some control mid-air. He glanced downward and saw the Tyrant's mouth open wide, energy flowing from the surroundings into a growing fireball.

"Really? Fire again?" Liam muttered, rolling his eyes. Shifting Neontote back to Dragon Mode, he propelled himself downwards. The beast unleashed its fire breath just as Liam flew past its mouth, narrowly avoiding the insanely hot breath.

On his way down, Liam noticed a claw and saw an opportunity. Changing Neontote to its normal form, he held it above him. As he passed by the claw, he sliced downwards with all his momentum. Neontote's sharp blade managed to severed one of the five claws on the Tyrant's hand.

The Tyrant roared in pain and instantly began absorbing more energy from the surroundings, completely healing itself and reattaching the severed claw.

"That's not going to work, huh," Liam thought grimly as he hit the ground, cracking it on impact.

He used Eldritch Sights to observe the energy flow around the creature and discovered something disturbing. "It's disconnected itself from Dani," he realized. "That means even if the caster is killed, it won't disappear until it is somehow killed."

While observing further, he noticed something else. "It's absorbing energy passively, but where is all that energy going?"

The Tyrant began gathering energy on a larger scale. This time, ice shards erupted from the ground around Liam.

Liam tried to escape by running in different directions, but the Tyrant kept blocking his path, eventually trapping him in a cage of ice spikes. 'It definitely didn't have that ability in the dream,' Liam thought as he noticed a spike shooting up from beneath him.

Summoning an eldritch construct shield with his left hand, he blocked the spike's point. Using the momentum, he propelled himself atop the spike, launching himself into the air and out of the icy prison.

Grabbing Neontote by the end of its shaft, as he saw another claw approaching. He wanted to change the spear to Dragon Mode but didn't have time. The claw slashed across his chest, breaking away a section of his armor. Blood spilled as Liam was hurled back.

"Is it getting faster, or is that just an illusion?" Liam wondered, gritting his teeth.

'While its speed wasn't particularly fast because of its size, its claws are still incredibly fucking sharp.' Liam thought, as he used Neontote's Dragon Mode to softly burn the wound on his chest, stopping the bleeding. 

"I have no way to counter its healing either," he thought, his mind racing for solutions.

As ice spikes erupted around him again, Liam thought of a far-fetched idea that might just work. He kept running across the battlefield, dodging ice spikes and evading the Tyrant's claw swipes. 

Summoning a whip construct, he bound it to the end of Neontote and turned to face the incoming arm. Using the momentum of his sudden turn, he hurled Neontote with all his strength and leapt up himself. The spear pierced deep into the Tyrant's upper arm, straightening the whips line.

Pulling on the whip, Liam swung himself onto the Tyrant's shoulder. He charged forward, but ice spikes started appearing there too. Reaching one of its glowing red eyes, he leapt back as a claw slammed into the shoulder in front of him. 

The claw moved sideways to shake him off like an annoying pest. Liam jumped over it, landing on the Tyrant's face. Summoning a needle-like construct, he focused on making it as sharp as possible and drove it into the side of the Tyrant's head.

Using the needle as foothold, Liam leapt up higher. Raising Neontote, he plunged it as deep as possible into the Tyrant's eye.

Clinging to the weapon, he transformed it into Dragon Mode and poured in a massive amount of energy, including a small amount of white energy from his body.

 Inside the eye, a flame appeared—starting light blue, shifting to deep purple, then light purple, and finally a pale white. The 4000-degree Celsius flame erupted, melting the entire eye in seconds. The fire spread deeper into the creature's head. But the Tyrant's massive claws were closing in fast from both sides.

Liam had no choice but to let go and fall. The Tyrant's claws collided, the impact accelerating Liam's descent. As he fell, the Tyrant sucked in more energy from the surroundings to heal its eye and simultaneously prepared another flame breath.

Its mouth opened, and another fire blast followed Liam downwards. Just before impact, a blue portal appeared beneath him. The flame struck the ground, but Liam had already vanished, reappearing from another portal some distance away.

As he hit the ground, he noticed someone beside him. "Why are you back?" Liam asked, recognizing Illyana, who stood with her Soulsword in hand and Lockheed flying beside her.

"I can't let you fight this alone; you'll die," she replied. "The others are safe and a few miles away."

The Tyrant roared crazily, realizing its eye wasn't healing. 'It worked,' Liam thought. The white energy from Incursio had disrupted its regeneration. 'That white energy must have adapted the other energy to counter the constant healing.'

But something terrifying was happening. The Tyrant was absorbing energy at an insane rate it hadn't done before, its body growing taller rapidly.

'It's absorbing all the energy from its surroundings to grow stronger. A monster capable of never-ending evolution has been created, if not stopped now, it will be hard to imagine what it could possibly do.' Liam thought, before feeling a sense of danger.

"Move back!" Liam shouted to Illyana as the energy suction reached them. Even Incursio roared in his mind as he felt his own energy being drained.

"What the fuck?" Liam cursed, feeling Incursio's energy being pulled away as if called back by its original owner.

"What's happening, Liam?" Illyana yelled.

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