In a distant future, humanity faces a completely new world, where the remnants of a devastating disaster have transformed Earth into a post-apocalyptic stage. More than two centuries have passed since humanity escaped the catastrophe, emerging into a world teeming with resources and mysteries. However, this new beginning is far from peaceful.
Discovering that they are not alone on this planet was just the beginning of a series of challenges for humanity. Other extraterrestrial species, also seeking a new home, have arrived in the same way, each determined to assert their dominance over the planet.
What follows is a relentless struggle for supremacy, a war that has consumed humanity and the other species for two centuries. Civilizations have risen and fallen amid massive conflicts, leaving a landscape marked by destruction and chaos. Although peace has not been achieved, each species has found its place in this ruthless world, where survival is the only law that matters.
In this turbulent world, Victor, a young man whose destiny was altered when he was separated from his parents in a tragic accident and sold into slavery, finds himself trapped in a struggle for his freedom and his destiny. As he tries to escape his captivity, a chance encounter will lead him down a path that will change the course of his life forever.
寫檢討作者 DreamTech