Leaving the chapel, I was telling Edward a story about Oliver when my ears picked up on a strange sound.
Coming to a halt, I turned to Edward.
"Did you hear that?" I asked in a whisper.
The sound I heard sounded like a stone cracking, or possibly being stepped on.
"Hear wha~" Edward began when I heard the sound again.
"Adam." Edward said, turning his head upwards to the top of the stone walls that surrounded the castle.
Following his gaze, I saw vampires beginning to blur to a stop along the wall of the castle.
"That's not good." I said in a curious tone.
"They found out what happened to the Brando coven," Edward said, turning his head to look at the numerous vampires linking the walls. "They didn't know we knew about them. But as soon as they figured out what happened to the Brando coven they decided to do a full out attack before we could. Hopefully catching us off guard. But that clearly didn't work." Edward whispered to me.
"No kidding!" I said in a normal tone.
Stepping forward, I stood in front of Edward as I spoke.
"which one of you is the leader!" I shouted.
It wasn't necessary for me to do that, but I was hoping it would be loud enough to get Jane and Julius's attention.
None of them moved.
"Oh don't be shy now! Show yourself, coward!" I shouted again.
"Coward you say!" A male voice said from my side in a pompous tone.
Turning my head, I saw a young man with long golden blond shoulder length hair, crouched on the wall, a little smirk on his face.
"Those are very big words to be coming from a human!" he chuckled.
"Are you the leader?" I shouted.
He smiled at me.
"perhaps." He said with a small smile.
"No you're not." I said, turning my head to look at the other vampire.
"Excuse me!" the prick said in an affronted voice.
"You heard me! You're too good looking to be the leader," I said, continuing my scan of the other vampires as I spoke, "Even for vampires, you're good looking. Which means, you're just the front for whoever is really pulling the strings." I said, hoping Edward was reading the minds of the vampires, because I couldn't tell who it was.
"It's that one." Edward said, pointing to a rat faced Vampire.
The man was average height with a bit of a gut and dirty looking curly brown hair.
"Ah! So you're the leader?" I asked, turning to look at the man, I saw he was now sneering at us.
"Bingo." I said, firing a finger gun at the vampire.
This made him raise a brow, But before he had time to realize what was happening, I was standing next to him, prying his head off his shoulders with a simple twist of my hands.
As soon as the other vampires realized I had disappeared from where I had been standing, they attacked.
But thankfully my shouting must have gotten Julius and Jane's attention, because as soon as the attacking vampires moved, Julius and Jane appeared as blurring figures into the courtyard.
Julius came to a stop right in front of Edward's frozen form, lifting his hands as well as ten vampires from the walls with his mind.
Jane also stopped next to Edward, quickly firing her pain ability on multiple vampires in quick succession, causing them to drop to their knees with just the split seconds of her pain ability.
All the while I moved through the mass of vampires surrounding me, pulling off heads and limbs with my bare hands, occasionally using my aura to manifest small blades along the outside of my hands to chop through vampires.
Side stepping a swipe from a vampire behind me, I came face to face with the good looking vampire dude.
"Hey! It's good to see you!" I said loudly with a laugh before I crushed his shocked face between my palms, before returning to the fight with ease as his nearly headless corpse fell to the cobbled stone.
I lost myself in the fight, but remembered not to use any shock waves.
If I did, there was a good chance I might cause harm to the walls, castle, or the buildings surrounding the castle.
The last thing I wanted was to deal with Julius winning about the damages.
Turning, I went to swing at one of the last remaining vampires, but he was yanked into the air before I could get to him, to be smashed together with another vampire Julius was holding in the air with the force or two trucks colliding.
The sound that came from them hitting, it might as well have been two trucks.
Ignoring that impressive feat, I hurriedly dispatched the last of the still standing vampires.
Kicking the body of a dead vampire to the side, I looked over the side of the stone wall to see Julius and Jane turned and talking to Edward.
"Is everyone still in one piece?" I asked in a normal voice.
Turning to look at me, Julius gave me a thumbs up, before turning back to talk to Edward.
Figuring I would get a start on dealing with the bodys of the vampires, I started to throw them over the side of the wall and into the courtyard.
Making sure not to miss any limbs, I leaned over the wall again.
"Would you by chance have a gas can?" I asked Julius, who was now in the process of lifting the bodys of the vampires into a pile with his telekinesis.
"It's petrol, and yes we do." Julius said.
"Gas, petrol, it's the same damn thing." I said, dropping over the side of the wall.
"Yes, but I say it Correctly," Julius said with a snicker. "It's a liquid, not a gas." He added, lifting more body's to add to his mounting pile of corpses.
Leaving him to get all of the body's into a pile, I walked over to Jane and Edward who were still talking.
Reaching them, Jane turned to look at me.
"It would seem that was all of the covens," She said, gesturing at Edward, "He says he managed to get that from some of the vampire's minds before you and Julius killed them."
I smiled at that.
"Don't you love it when the problem comes to you.' I said with a chuckle.
She smirked, "sure. But normally a problem isn't close to a hundred vampires wanting to tear you to bits." She said, leaving to help Julius set fire to the large pile of vampires.
Looking at Edward, I raised a brow.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, tuning myself to watch as Julius poured 'Gas' on the pile of vampires.
"Im…good." He said, not sounding like he felt what he said.
"Are you sure about that?" I asked.
He looked towards the pile of body's.
"No." He said simply.
"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.
He didn't say anything, and instead watched as Jane lit a match and tossed it onto the pile, causing a large plume of fire to shoot up and engulf the bodys.
"I held…reserves when it came to you being 'The' Adam," he said, turning to glance at me, "but…during this fight…I couldn't even follow your motions. You moved so fast and ripped vampires apart like they were made out of tissue paper."
I turned to look at him with a raised brow.
"Where are you going with this?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders, the flicker of the large fire dancing over his face.
"I honestly don't know," he said with a shake of his head. "Maybe now I just had something confirmed that I didn't want to be true." He said.
Before we could continue, we all turned our heads in the direction of a banging sound coming from the front gate.
"Uh oh!" I said, alarmed.
"It's the police. They got noise complaints about loud sounds of screaming and bangs that sounded like gunshots and explosions." Edward said, his eyes growing wide.
Turning to look at Julius and Jane I shouted.
"Not It!" Before blurring into the building, leaving Julius to deal with the problem.
We ended up staying for another month in England as I made sure we had ended all of the covens involved in this little coup d'état against Julius and Jane.
After going to each of the involved covens' place of residence, I found letters sent between the covens, detailing their hair-brain plan, which wasn't very smart.
Their plan was to give Julius and Jane the boot, preferably dead.
After they 'successfully' did that, they were going to send an emissary to the Volturi, telling them that England was now a state of free vampires who could do as they wished.
Like I said…not very smart.
Other than that, Julius and Jane took Edward across England to show him the country, while I dealt with everything else, my payment for running away when the entire police force showed up outside the Castle.
It wasn't too bad though, it's not like I haven't seen every crack and crevice this country had to offer...
Edward and I took a ship back to America around the end of 1934, on a luxurious cruise liner, celebrating the New Year while on board.
Docking back in New York, we were picked up by Carlisle.
"It's good to see you, Carlisle." I said, giving him a quick hug.
"yes…it's only been, what, a few months." He chuckled, giving my back a hard pat.
"That doesn't mean I haven't missed you." I chuckled, picking my suitcase back up.
"It's good to see you, Carlisle." Edward said as he and Carlisle hugged.
"Anything important happen while we were gone?" I asked, putting my suitcase in the trunk.
"Uhh…kind of." Carlisle said, fiddling with the keys in his hands, not looking at me.
"Oh really?" I said, glancing at Edward, who looked just as confused, "And what, 'kind of' happened?" I asked.
"Well, we might…have a new member of the coven." Carlisle said, dropping a bomb on my head.
"What!" I said loudly, unable to control my tone.
'Fuck-Fuck-Fuuuck!!' I thought, mentally freaking out.
I had planned on saving her somehow when we returned from England, not thinking she would have been changed so soon.
Controlling my reaction, I changed my face to one of happiness, while still freaking out on the inside.
"That's great news, Carlisle…I'm sooo happy for you." I said, taking a step closer to give him a pat on the shoulder while I smiled wide.
"Thanks, Adam." Carlisle said, winsing as I patted his shoulder.
"What's their name?" I asked.
"Her name is Rosalie." Carlisle said, a small smile showing on his face.
'Why me Lord.' I cried in my head.
"Rosalie?" Edward murmured under his breath.
Getting into Carlisle's Ford, I closed my door, my thoughts wondering as Carlisle started the car.
The whole drive back to the apartments, Carlisle continued to talk about Rosalie, as if he was trying to convince us to accept her.
Interrupting him, I had to ask.
"How long ago did you change her?"
He turned to look at me.
"Uh…about a week ago. So on New years Night. I found her in an alley. She had been…well…she should be the one to tell you. But it wasn't good, Adam."
I nodded my head, remembering something I had written in my personal hidden journal.
"And what has she been doing recently?"
"Nothing," Carlisle said, turning onto our road. "At the moment she's been in our home while she gets herself under control." Carlisle said.
I nodded.
"So she hasn't left to go anywhere?" I asked.
He shook his head, giving me a concerned look.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because now she's a vampire and most likely wanting revenge." I said, returning his gaze.
His brows creased together.
"She said she didn't know who attacked her." Carlisle said, glancing between me and the road.
"Of course she did," I said, opening my door as Carlisle pulled in front of our apartment building.
Quickly grabbing our suitcases, we made our way to the top floor.
It became instantly apparent that something was off as soon as we walked through the door and saw Esme pacing in front of the hallway to the living room.
"Oh thank goodness you're back " she said to Carlisle, giving me and Edward a rushed smile, before she began to speak again. "Rosalie is gone. She left through her bedroom window." she said, beginning to pace again.
"How long ago did you notice she was gone?" Carlisle asked.
Esme shrugged, "Maybe ten minutes after you left. So about an hour ago." Esme said, turning to look at us with worried eyes.
"It will be almost impossible to find her." Esme said, shaking her head side to side.
Carlisle nodded while letting out a sigh.
"The best we can hope for now is that she returns on her own." He said, a sad look in his eyes.
"Maybe for all of you. But I think I might be able to track her down." I said, digging in my pocket for a small black notebook.
"Really!" Esme asked excitedly.
I nodded my head, flipping through the black notebook, finding the extension for the New York Bank.
Finding it, I walked to the phone, making a personal call to the bank head.
After giving the password, I was sent straight to the bank head, where I got the address of one of their workers.
Writing the address of their apartment on a small piece of paper, I folded it and put it in my pocket.
Hanging up the phone, I turned to see everyone looking at me.
"Who's this Mr. King?" Carlisle asked.
"Someone I suspect as her target."
"What!" Carlisle and Esme asked in unison, confused as to how I could already have a suspect in mind, while Edward stood there with a bored looking expression.
"It's a long story. I'll explain when I get back." I said, starting for the door.
"I'll come with you." Carlisle said, starting after me.
Coming to an abrupt halt, I turned to face him.
"It will be best if you wait here." I said, giving him a shewing motion with my hands.
"But~" Carlisle started before I cut him off.
"Carlisle. Let me do my magic." I said, giving him a stern look as I kept my voice level.
He stared at me for a moment, before nodding his head in agreement.
"Very well." He said, taking a step backwards.
"Thank you." I said, turning and heading for the door again.